Demons of the mRNA Vaxx - Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD
In 2023, the Lancet censored and removed a COVID-19 vaccine injury and autopsy paper within 24 hours after 100,000 downloads. The intrepid Dr William Makis, MD now tells us that this paper has just passed peer review and it will be published. It shows that 74% of sudden deaths now occurring are due to the COVID-19 bioweapon.
(Roll video of An Injection of Truth conference with their chart showing how they got a mortality increase among children 3,328% using data from Alberta Health):
"Who can explain or why can we explain the amount of unexplained deaths in Alberta children? And yesterday I had indicated that I made a mistake, that the number of unexplained deaths was not 350%, as we had stated. It's actually 3,328%. And so I apologize for the mistake, but it was a, we couldn't believe it when we did it. And I made a mistake with the decimal point. So it's actually 3,328%."
Francis Boyle, who wrote the law that Congress passed for biological weapons has released an affidavit confirming that the COVID vaccines are "biological weapons of mass destruction", that violate biological weapons laws, weapons and firearms laws.
So, what does this all mean? It means, it's time to get off our asses and to start suing the minions who continue to insist on injecting and mandating to us, according to Dr Ana Mihalcea, who joins Sean at the SGT Report with more absolutely horrifying details about this ongoing biological warfare attack on humanity.
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She suggests that, since Big Pharma is hard to sue, that we could work our way up by suing healthcare workers for Pre-meditated Murder when they inject us with this known bioweapon – and that we should similarly sue any Chemtrail pilots we may happen to find.
What's stopping us? Dr Mihalcea says that sadly, a big component to humanity's inability to stand up to this outrage is due to the media mind control and due to the brain-damaging effects of the vaxx, which was part of the calculus of the bioweapon and is the desired outcome of this Cognitive Warfare.
I'm reminded of an interview by Steve Bannon with Dr Yan Li-Meng, who defected to the US in April 2020 from her position as a virologist at the University of Hong Kong, alleging that SARS-CoV-2 was made by the Chinese military and that they had been especially looking for a virus that could cause brain damage, while noting that about one third of coronavirus patients have been reported to have brain problems.
This is what Dr Mihalcea says she's seeing in her clinical practice:
"I'm seeing it on the brain scan, and I'll show you that, in just a moment. So here again, "Long COVID" is associated with long and severe cognitive slowing. There was another study that showed that up to nine points of IQ are lost by people who are vaxxed!
"So, I just want to tell people: This is an attack on cognition, and this is part of why people aren't waking up fast enough or they're not understanding what we're showing them!"
Dr Mihalcea says functional brain EEG scans are showing her that the hippocampus is being attacked by the bioweapon. She says, "This is why I use electron donors, like methylene blue, like the EDTA, like vitamin C, humic and fulvic acid to regenerate the brain, and I've shown on my Substack how I can functionally age-reverse people's brain by 20, 30 years, but it's very specific, that people see this is for real, and I can pick this up with these functional brain scans."
She continues, "Well, how are they doing this? We've all seen these people who just can no longer process information. They've taken the shots that, you know, whatever evidence you give to them, they cannot rationally really understand it. And what, again has been shown is that the carbon nanotube electrodes and that they are forming superconductors that serve like an artificial axon, like they build a neural network, a parallel processing platform in the brain so that your signal processing doesn't go through your own neurons, but it goes through this artificial platform that is AI-controlled.
"So this is how you create cyborgs, zombies, et cetera, that just follow [instructions] because this technology is bi-directional. It transmits information, but it can also receive information. And I just want to remind people that again, this is a slide from Karen Kingston, that the global patent for the COVID-19 vaccines contained graphene oxide, which is critical.
"This is also what Dr Ian Akyildiz discussed, who from the IEEE says that the mRNA are nothing but bio-nano machines. And this is where the warfare, the Cognitive Warfare comes in. And I wrote about this website, from the US Naval Institute and that discusses really that Cognitive Warfare for the military is of huge interest and that the human dimension to really maneuver; that is their goal.
"So what did they say? They said that the 'battlefields across conflict continuum now reach beyond the physical and cyber domain, and an individual's cognition is now a target.' So you can have cognitive, psychology and information communication technology to enable actors to target individual situational comprehension will with precision. So you can give them information to basically lead them astray, but you can also affect, for example, political matters and views.
"And you can specifically, the explicit targeting of human cognition, how people perceive and interpret information to gain knowledge and understanding is very specific Cognitive Warfare. How do you do it? With these nano electronics. You can completely take over someone's brain.
"This isn't just the US Naval Institute. This is NATO cognitive warfare. (Shows slide about NATO Cognitive Warfare). What are they discussing? 'Cognitive Warfare includes activities conducted in synchronization with other instruments of power to affect attitudes and behaviors by influencing, protecting, or disrupting individual group or population level cognition to gain an advantage over an adversary.' By the way, We the People are the adversary.
"Designed to modify perceptions of reality and whole-of-society manipulation has become a new norm, with human cognition, shaping to be a critical realm of warfare. Cognitive warfare focuses on attacking and degrading rationality, which can lead to exploitation of vulnerabilities and systemic weakening."
The above paragraphs describe to a T what the military has been doing to us.
Dr Mihalcea refers to a divide among her colleagues; those in the "spike protein camp" and those, like her in the "technology camp". She says, "It seems like we are all saying opposite things, but actually, it is both.
"So what's been shown is that the spike protein gene sequence is coding for hydrogel to make amyloid [the plaque that causes Alzheimer's], if the pH is 4, it would make amyloid, which a lot of doctors are saying, you know, that long COVID and the vaxx are affiliated with amyloidosis. But what these researchers have found that at a pH of 7, this stuff produces hydrogel. So this is synthetic biology, that will produce a polymer plastic and it is inside of the sequence. And so we are not really opposite in what we're saying, but it's both."
She continues, "What is important for people to understand that this stuff self-assembles, but that these antidotes that I've discussed in the Moderna patent is the EDTA with the vitamin C. Any polymer requires metals to start self-assembling. And when you pull the metals out – and specifically the EDTA also inhibits the self-proliferation of the nanoparticles. So that's what I've been using, very successfully."
She concludes by saying, "All of the stuff that I'm saying seems horrible, but take heart and fight. We have power...it's time to fight for our lives. As Todd Callender says, 'Either we win and they die or we die and they win.'"
Running Time: 58 mins
A full transcript of this video appears beneath the video linked, above.