Fantastic article!

I no longer believe the mRNA-spike protein model. My research brings me to believe we have been directly poisoned with electromagnetic nano-bots, via graphene and other heavy metals.

Hook up with 5G as a directed energy weapon would explain the need for graphene and heavy metals in the jabs.

Once 'graphene-ated' a human becomes a 'wetware' antenna, one that can emit biometric data as well as receive deadly non ionizing radiation. Read this:


The most frightening thing is that these jabs appear to be self-spreading even to the non-jabbed. From your recent post where you describe your own experience as well as that of an Israeli researcher:


Welcome to 5G Zombie Apocalypse? ..

Marc Mullie MD


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Very interesting and hopeful article!

Although..we were made in the image of God perfectly, blessed with gifts and talents all on a spiritual journey to perfection, that is in body, mind and soul, for the glory of God our creator.. when He said, faith the size of a mustard seed could move mountains this tells me...maybe It’s not so much what the outside world can do to us but what we are capable of doing within ourselves that really matters?...but nevertheless faith and trust are just some of the gifts from the Holy Spirit in which we are given that need to be honed and sharpened so the fruits therein will manifest Gods mercy...I don’t mean to diminish a scientific approach for healing, for many good fruits have come from good people blessed by God ...but often times as history tends to repeat itself...mankind or at least those in control allow pride to set in and its a slippery slope from there...My prayer is through this horror that is unveiling before our eyes many will awaken to what is really important..as my mother so aptly has said...” was have you invested in your spiritual 401k”

Thank Dr. Ana for your quest of healing🙏 God’s Speed!

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Thanks & God bless you for all your good work. Fighting for humanity!

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That's a bit over my head..but get the general idea. Entanglement the question is this an ever going spike factory the vaxx people have become?

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I need to know more about these HEALING frequencies. Are there certain microwave frequencies that can heal? Dr. Mehran Keshe claims he has some way of time reversing illness, and reportedly cured CV patients in Iran. He also claims this energy can stop the plague of time on human beings so that they live longer. You can feel the healing energy of the sun. CAN WE CREATE THIS SAME ENERGY AND HEAL PEOPLE, or is it more complex than that?

This is all so new and different and assumes a whole new quantum magnetic field universe. I'm still back with Dr. Campbell trying to get rid of spike proteins and rubbery white clots.

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Do any of these cellphone emf stickers actually work or are they just gimmicks? Is there any way to minimise the damage from home WiFi box?

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Dear Anna, a fabulous overview of a very detailed topic; but spot on. The true agenda is not so much the physical destruction of humans as the destruction of our ability to be the image bearers and light- carriers of God. You are one of the few seeing and speaking the whole picture, Blessings

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"Whence magnetism in vaxed persons? — WIMPs and biological nuclear reaction in the human body"


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Your work blows my mind every time!

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