Why don't people see through Musk the musketeer?


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Have been curious about the same quandary for years, now. The evil agenda driving Musk is clear as well as the fact of Biodigital Convergence/Transhumanism the Agenda of all sides of the U.S. Govt including Trump. Do believe THAT the single most vital reason the Billionaire Bros Ai Hounds to support Trump...Representing the Trillionaire Ai Hounds of the Black Nobility endlessly dreaming of absolute power/control of the global population throughout all time. It is NOT necessary for Ai to infest all life; all humans on Earth for achieve superiority with Ai.

Some actually view your question which is also mine as 'BEING NEGATIVE' and advise 'BEING HOPEFUL' when in fact it's reality and there is both positivity and hopefulness within reality and the ability to define 'ENEMIES' to be those perpetrating evil onto humans. Those behind this heinous threat inherent to TYRANNY OF ALL EARTH are evil and thus can only create evil they now infest all of life on Earth with. It's not difficult to know it's vital to END THIS INFESTATION OF EVIL MUTILATING ALL ORGANIC DNA ON EARTH causing an 'EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT' of all life.

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I completely agree with everything you said. It is a great summary. However, I don't think we can change this. They've gone too far to turn back.

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Jan 29Edited

We may not be able to change it but we can mitigate it. And it all begins with us on an individual level. We cannot control what others do but we can personally resist it.

Why people even give people like Elon Musk the time of day, I will never know.

I think a good first step is to stop listening to anything they have to say. That is where the "hook" comes from, IMO. If we don't listen, then we are not subject to his (or any of the other nut jobs) psychological mind control. They would hate nothing more than if people would just ignore them so...TURN THEM OFF!!

They are liars. Why would we want to listen to liars? It defies reason.

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I would say, deceivers. They appear to be something other than

what they really are.

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Great observation. That is freaky, isn't it?

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Yes, but that is the way they operate. Kill, steal, destroy and deceive. PRAY for the light to take over the darkness, in mass numbers it makes a difference!.

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I agree. It's on a person by person level. I don't listen to the weirdness and "news" with Musk. His introduction of Trump at the rally was way over the top. I'm not deceived about Musk or Trump. And I'm not a dem either..

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Oh yes, we can. Go within, ask, and do. Do not despair! 💛

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Nothing is a foregone conclusion...PEOPLE MUST RISE EN MASS to pressure those behind the TYRANNY regressing the global society to SLAVERY once again.

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I don't think we will see the people rising up enmasse. They have become to brainwashed. It's people sharing with people, word of mouth that will help. Imo

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Good thought. I've always been leery of the Elon Musk appearance and carryings-on. Like, where did he come from, how/where was he educated, where did his seed money come from. Elon has some 'splainin' to do.

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He comes from his OLD MONEY Dad's Blood Diamond mines in SOUTH AFRICA!

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Elonnie will Xplain, no worry. A bit late to ask at this advanced stage of mass idiotising. Why did you not dig into the questions as they arose?

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Why don't they see thru Alex Jones, Kennedy and all those whom cabal's propaganda pushes down our throats? A year back I read half-brained articles bunching Jones with Trump and Musk.

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I heard that Jones multi-million court trial loss was part of the plan. It

kind of discourages any truther from telling the truth (Newtown) or they

might get sued...

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Its more like - 'look, they are being persecuted by the deep state for telling the truth' - Like Trumps 'legal show' and the 'assassination attempt' too.

All to swing those that 'follow' behind their 'heros'.

So all followers (blue show team too) fight amongst themselves, rather than those running the circus from behind the curtain.

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Yes, his LOGO on one of his businesses seems to have an upside down cross..

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Undobtedly a hyper agent of globalist agenda implementation and deception. touted a genius (stealing others' inventions) and philantropist like Gates of hell Bill was, Elon integrated "his" business into the cabal's concoctions against humanity based in fraud, enslavement and genocide, all towards transhumanism: global rescue from angry climate by electric shitty car, rockets to deploy "wi-fi" in space to track every soul, "freedom" on X no diff from other "social media", neuralink for the Internet of Bodies to connect to AI...

Mass idiotising around Musk went so far that an independent publisher strived to get a channel on his satellite!

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Understood. Yet from what I heard, Trump keeps his friends close

and his enemies, closer. He knew.

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There's alot of talk here satan this and satan that but nobody mention the antidote to all

things satanic. Institutional Religion has made sure no one understands the Bible by the

way it is presented. Job done. Go ahead and cherry pick the bible all you like. But you can't

have Jesus on your right hand and not have him on your left hand. It's all or nothing.

When Jesus said in Matthew 5:17-20 "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of the Law and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches the Law will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. "

I am not making this up. The Jesus you cherry pick said it all. What law is he talking about?

The Westminster system? The Magnacarta (sp)? Democracy? huh! he is talking about the first

5 books in the bible known as the Law also known as the Torah. Woooah, wait a minute that's only

for the would be Jews. Rubbish, it's a Cosmic blue -print for health, life and love and completely

abandoned by the Rabbis, Christians and everything in between.

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AI is the technocratic beast prophesied as it needs to destroy the earth, stealing land, electricity and water to power it: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-ai-will-destroy-the-earth

Trump may be playing the Antichrist role in brining forth this AI beast to fruition: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/meet-the-priest-who-invented-the

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Donnie just does what he's told, as before. Who didn't know is a useful ignorant and deserves the future that the cabal os concocting.

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I agree!

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Thank you! The other day I posted about Aquino being part of the evil mind control section of the military establishment and put that in my mind control post https://shonaduncan.substack.com/p/mind-control

You will also find evidence connecting NASA with Satanists. Or maybe it is that Satanists do get elevated in all society because I have found when working in health that management who bully sadistically get promoted. The other day you mentioned the words 'do or die' in the context of resistance and a few days before that I published a ss post called the resistance and subtitled do or die. Wow, we might be twins in another life! Thank you for all you do x

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I wish Dr. Ana would get rid of the spinning ball CGI intro. She must not know that globe earth is another psyop.

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You know there are only like 15,000 ways you can scientifically validate that the Earth is a sphere, don't you?

Starting with sit down, look up? See Sun, see stars, see Moon? See every one of those track on the Exact Same heliotropic path? See how you can predict the Exact Path of those Exact bodies tomorrow or next Week?

Im not sure how they got all these young people thinking they are clever with this scamspiracy but the earth is a sphere, ffs. Search for "how can I prove the earth is round". Then read and maybe buy a calculator... dont take My word for it, you can prove it for Yourself.

We have hundreds of years of empirical science which proves this, well before the internet, which told you it wasnt true.

And you can literally prove it by sticking a stick in the fuggin ground then watching it with your Eyes. Jesus, talk about a low bar for science.

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"how they got all these young people thinking they are clever" -- junk education fortified with junk info on "social media" pumped via dumbphonesi nto what used to be brain.

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Is Earth flat? Prove it!

You advocate for a PsyOp that I witnessed helped the Canadian Freedom Convoy movement blow apart.

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Beautiful work. Now, the plot is out. Onward to the human revolution to prevent the borg takeover and claim this planet for organic reality!

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So is Leo Zagami out of the Illuminati? How is he able to divulge this information?

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Dear Ana - thank you so much for your postings! I had no idea! I'm from Europe and my parents took to Davos when I was young. They never returned to Davos but took me and my siblings to Arosa instead. My parents escaped both hitler and stalin. They were part of the intellectiual resistence. Both of my parents were University professors, and they saw what was going on. My dad could not even publish a simple school book without the permission of the state. So my parents sent me to the most liberated school at the time, the Rudolph Steiner School. Because home schooling is not allowed in Germany, or any other country in Europe.

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I've been using the ChatGPT bot to do research into nanotechnology. It turns out it will give you lots of information and ideas as to possible ways to disable, disassemble, or remove nanotechnology from human blood.

One thing I have been testing to remove nanotech from blood is hydrogen ion water. It's easy, cheap, and readily available to make your own hydrogen water for nutrition. Hydrogen ion bottle devices can be found online anywhere you shop.

Through testing via live blood analysis, I found I got very positive results by saturating myself hydrogen ion water. It seemed to kill what I call the "backflippers": The jumping, printing, blinking things seems to die and lie on the glass slide floor.

Here was a question I just asked ChatGPT:

"If one were to saturate the blood with hydrogen ions via drinking hydrogen water, how might this effect the hydrogen bonding of self assembling nanostructures?"

Here's the answer:

ChatGPT said:

Saturating the blood with hydrogen ions (H⁺) via drinking hydrogen water could potentially have a significant impact on the hydrogen bonding interactions that govern the self-assembly of nanostructures, particularly those made of biological molecules or designed for medical applications. To understand how this might work, we need to consider the relationship between pH, hydrogen ions, and hydrogen bonding.

Hydrogen Ions and pH

Hydrogen water refers to water that has been infused with molecular hydrogen (H₂), which, when consumed, may release hydrogen ions (H⁺) in the body. The presence of excess hydrogen ions in the blood would lower the pH, making the blood more acidic. The pH of blood is tightly regulated (usually between 7.35 and 7.45), but consuming large amounts of hydrogen water could alter this balance temporarily.

Effects of Low pH (High H⁺) on Hydrogen Bonding

Alteration of Protonation States: Many molecules involved in self-assembly, particularly peptides, nucleic acids (like DNA), and proteins, have functional groups (such as carboxyl groups, amino groups, or hydroxyl groups) that can be protonated or deprotonated depending on the pH of the environment. At lower pH (higher hydrogen ion concentration), these groups might become protonated, which could alter the overall charge and hydrogen bonding potential of the molecules.

For example, amino acids in proteins or peptides might have their carboxyl groups (COOH) protonated into COOH⁺, which would reduce their ability to form hydrogen bonds with other molecules.

Similarly, nucleic acids like DNA, which rely on hydrogen bonds between complementary base pairs, might experience changes in their protonation states that could affect the strength and stability of the hydrogen bonds between the strands.

Disruption of Hydrogen Bonding: The hydrogen bonding that drives the self-assembly of nanostructures could be disrupted if the environment becomes too acidic. Hydrogen bonds are sensitive to changes in the proton concentration because the presence of H⁺ ions can alter the electron density of hydrogen-bond donor and acceptor atoms (e.g., nitrogen, oxygen). In an acidic environment, these interactions could be weakened or modified, leading to a change in the efficiency of the self-assembly process.

For example, if hydrogen bonding is central to the formation of a nanostructure like a peptide or DNA scaffold, excess H⁺ might weaken or disrupt these bonds, leading to a failure of the structure to form or causing it to disassemble.

Impact on Nanoparticles in Drug Delivery: For nanostructures designed for drug delivery that rely on hydrogen bonding for stability and self-assembly, changes in pH might affect their ability to function. If the pH drops significantly (i.e., blood becomes more acidic), this could lead to altered interactions between nanoparticles and the biological environment. For instance, the release of a drug could be triggered by pH-sensitive hydrogen bonding, and an imbalance could either reduce the effectiveness of drug release or cause premature release.

Effect on Biological Molecules: Many biological systems also rely on hydrogen bonding for their structure and function. Enzymes, proteins, and other biomolecules could have their active sites altered by a shift in pH, potentially affecting the overall biochemical processes in the body. In particular, the tertiary structure of proteins (how they fold) can be highly sensitive to changes in pH, and this could affect how self-assembled nanostructures interact with cells or tissues.

Potential Effects on Nanostructure Self-Assembly in Medicine

If you are specifically concerned about the effect of hydrogen ions on self-assembled nanostructures in a medical context (e.g., drug delivery systems or tissue engineering scaffolds), several outcomes are possible:

Stability Issues: Lower pH could destabilize nanostructures if hydrogen bonding is a critical stabilizing force in their assembly. This could lead to disassembly or alterations in the structure, potentially reducing their efficacy in targeted drug delivery or other medical uses.

Controlled Release Mechanisms: Many drug delivery systems are designed to release their payloads in response to environmental changes like pH. If the blood pH changes significantly, this might alter the release rate of the drug. In some systems, the lowering of pH could trigger an increased release of the drug (e.g., if a pH-sensitive nanocarrier disassembles or opens up at low pH), while in others, it might reduce the release efficiency if hydrogen bonds are disrupted.


In summary, if hydrogen ions (H⁺) are introduced into the bloodstream via drinking hydrogen water, the resulting decrease in pH could alter or disrupt the hydrogen bonding interactions that are crucial for the self-assembly of nanostructures. The protonation of functional groups, changes in molecular charge, and disruption of hydrogen bonds could lead to the destabilization of nanostructures or affect their ability to self-assemble properly. For medical applications relying on nanotechnology, this could have significant consequences, including reduced effectiveness of drug delivery systems, tissue scaffolds, or diagnostic devices designed to function at a precise molecular scale. Therefore, maintaining the proper pH balance is important for ensuring the stability and functionality of nanostructures in medical contexts.

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It looks like "geniuses" propped by ability to formulate intelligent-sounding Qs will spring out like mushrooms. What do you know about ChatGPT?

No "AI" can help you survive. If it's mal-intended, it will deceive you. If it was well intended, it couldn't draw on info from independent research since the latter is curtailed, persecuted, prosecuted and deleted.

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Leo is kicking, so isn't he a propagandist for the bankster cabal responsible for the NWO plan started in 18th century and coming to fruition before our eyes?

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It's totally ironic. WE hear about the Deagel doom depopulation program yet we find that many writers, businesses, etc still assume it will just be business as usual in the future and there are no worries whatsoever regarding transhumanism and other goodies. How can this be so, it is just abominable that so many people are unaware of what is happening to our world now and they don't seem to worry at all.

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Lemmings being driven off the cliff.

It is far easier to ignore a thing than confront it, especially a hard thing.

So most simply Don't and just do their best ostrich impression.

And I think they will ignore anything you try to tell them, show them, prove to them, until the very end.

Look at all the people whose kid or mom or family member Died of the jab the same day they got it... and they ask them are you still gonna get yours? Yes!

And its kind of that way with the Shedding too... that only happens to Them, not me, I didnt get the shot!

Unfortunately they had already planned for us before the first shot went into the first arm.

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Deagel's was a mystery "predicition" devoid of factual base, planted by a supposed intelligence agency. See my comment under respective article in The Expose. It could've been intended to distract lemmings from the real cause of "covid 19" -- the global bioweapon deployment.

"so many people are unaware of what is happening" -- soft mind control with dumb smartphone and manipulations on "social media".

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The answer lies in Mind Programming that has been rolled out to the populace. With full access to the people's subconscious you can do abominable things.

Especially for those is service to Moloch and Baal (even unwittingly). The Capitalist dogma which focus on PROFITS and GREED over HAPPINESS and JUSTICE is set up for it. Add some brainwashing and you have entities more powerful that countries making moves against humanity...

The personality of the world has been SPLIT. Those who deny what is happening are the majority. The original and Traumatized personality. Those who realize are in the HIGHER SELF that know and sees all. And those who are active and conscious in the foul, are the SHADOW SELF.

We are but ONE! But the trauma prevents those who are awakened from awakening their sleep.

The reality is too traumatic!

Integration of the SHADOW needs to occur in the general populace in order to understand.. This means they need to go to a dark place before they can realize what has happened.. This is what is happening! It's NATURES and the UNIVERSAL ENERGIES WAY.


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My comment is, since the deep state, globalists etcetera want things hidden.

The hate the light exposing their darkness. Why is Leo still able to be on earth?.

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Leo is useful to the cabal, distracts public attention from the banksters at the top of the power pyramide to their minions below. Illuminati are not even directly below the top level. Exclusively Jewish masonic Bnai Brith is above illuminati.

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Useful, how interesting. Thanks for the answer.

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I can email you my distinguished research paper about it. My blogs destroyed by the cabal, there is no other expedient way.

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Dr Ana has a rumble channel with most of her video interviews on it.


Many of the questions people often have are answered in those videos. And they are not paywall blocked like her old articles.

The Sandy Corlett episode is a good one for many new people, she has Taught LBA for 30 years and has hundreds of thousands of images, so she Also knows Exactly when this started showing up en masse in everyones blood. Which is early 2021, of course.


Or the Dr Pedro Chavez one, he talks about how you can find the bluetooth MAC addresses the vaxxed are emitting.


Or some of the ones about EDTA and Vitamin C.


Or how she shows nicotine does Not deactivate the nanotech, it just disassociates it and then it reassembles. Just like many others have Also shown.

However Many of the questions people repeatedly ask over and over and over again are in some of those videos.

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Anything artificial is contrary to everything real/genuine and is therefore a cause for potential harm. Consider the reliance on artificial fertilisers in agriculture denaturing the soil making it sterile, devoid of natural bacteria, insects, worms and humous. Artificial intelligence has a similar potential, I fear we have unleashed a power we may not be able to control except by switching off.

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Another GREAT LIE is the Earth is a GLOBE... It is NOT... https://youtu.be/aEAX2wm3vh0?si=jGb2N0zR2hZo5l-1

World Upside Down - Biblical EARTH Documentary


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