Anyone who has a (brain), should never trust the Government......Period

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Where have all these 'experts' been? The American phood supply has been made a toxic waste dump for financial and industrial interests for over 50 years. Consumers don't need gaggles of 'experts' to inform their food habits. Consumers should learn how to read phood labels and actually think...

“Man joined the eternal abyss - When food became a commodity” - Paul Vonharnish - January 2, 2020

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Oct 14·edited Oct 15

I agree. Shouldn't we be taking the power OUT of the hands of those who haven't done anything yet? Aren't THEY (our government) a big part of the problem?

Anyone can say the "right" words and make it sound great, but in the end, the actions are what really matter.

And as Sasha Latypova points out in her Substack, this whole MAHA is a total "misdirect" AWAY from the real driver of disease...the vaccines (and other pharmaceuticals).

I agree that the food itself is poisonous, but are Senator Johnson and his ilk going to go up against Big Pharma and Big Agra who are paying them? AND geoengineering...what about that? How can you grow healthy food in an environment that is purposely being poisoned? Without addressing these issues, NOTHING is going to change. It is all smoke and mirrors. Anyway, here is Sasha's Substack:


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Oct 14·edited 17 hrs ago

I haven't listened to it yet, but do Ron Johnson and the rest really need 4 AND A HALF HOURS to discuss this topic?? I think that alone speaks volumes!!

It is no wonder nothing ever gets done. These people clearly are not interested in getting anything done. If they were, it would get done without all of this fanfare.

I mean, just look at how fast they put the DoD Directive 5240.01 in place granting the military permission to use lethal force against its own citizens if those citizens are deemed (in their opinion) a threat!! You are a Bad!, Bad! citizen if you don't agree with the government so now we have to kill you! And with this directive...now we are allowed to!!

I still say the whole reason for this whole MAHA movement is because they know that they have to say SOMETHING to address WHY everyone is getting sick and dying. Just like Sasha says...this whole charade takes the focus off of the REAL issue which no one will mention, and that is the "vaccine."

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Excellent comments Kim. I watched (with disgust) various members of Senator Johnson's little groupie community. There's always the self-congratulatory dialog and 'expert' credential presented in these meetings. The protagonists never miss an opportunity to present *more* controls over whatever the subject, rather than simply suggesting that the corporate financial systems that support them are the actual issue at hand. The agricultural and commodities mercantile are government authorized mafia, period.

I am subscribed to Sasha Latypova's page, and often comment there. She and Katherine Watt are spot on. Thanks for commenting.

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A Covid-19 Bio-weapon Cure?


[10/12/2024 5:21 AM]

Just took my first dose 1800 MG EDTA with 3000 Vitamin C with Rose Hips. Took with 3 - 12 oz of water. Both of these things work very fast in the body. The EDTA that is not destroyed in the stomach immediately binds with heavy metals and is eliminated from the body. I have not found any coated EDTA yet, have found suppository applications witch are coated for different reasons then to keep the stomach acid from degrading the usable dosage. The most effective means of dosage is intravenously.

[10/12/2024 5:24 AM]

I will take my vitamin E, charcoal and multivitamin a little later. The water works its way through my system with in a few hours. I am still in my over night fast mode.

[10/12/2024 5:30 AM]

What I am doing is a two month test of this dosage with the one bottle of EDTA I got from Piping Rock and one bottle of Nature's Way Vitamin C with Rose Hips. Will need get one more bottle of those to match up with the EDTA.

[10/12/2024 5:41 AM]

So why do this dosage and why EDTA? Good question. Looking at Bill Gate's patent on his Covid-19 self replicating injection; he lists EDTA as the counter agent. In that injection you have graphine and nano self replicating nanobots. Even if you have not had the injection of Covid-19 bio-weapon it can and does shed onto those close to you. Any way Bill Gate's to keep his karma free of bad ju-ju must tell us peasants why his bio-weapon meant to KILL and enslave us has this get out of jail free card.

[10/12/2024 5:51 AM]

Will it work? Hard to say; but this is a very nasty plan the world elite have come up with and a delivery system that is right into the trusting bodies of all the useless eaters that their group of super rich megalomaniacs has noticed. This is like a SciFi James Bond movie for taking over the world. Slavery is a profitable enterprise and has been for 10,000's of thousands of years. Add this current plan with their Fiat Money System where they will take everything you own and then put you into a 15 minute city under extreme surveillance and 5-6 G bombardment and you have a plan that is well on its way to fullrition.

[10/12/2024 5:56 AM]

I have been watching very closely these last 4-5 years. The only thing I saw happen was a influx of cell towers go up everywhere during that time and a massive move towards smart appliances. Now some of those smart things are starting to blow up indiscriminately in various so called WAR ZONES where it seems OK to mass kill humans with military war machines.

776836, [10/14/2024 7:47 AM]

After 3 days I can 100% say get some EDTA and vitamin C and use it.

776836, [10/14/2024 10:29 AM]

The outcome of three days of EDTA can be spewed by many factors and a longer run is necessary. Today I am noticing more energy, enough more that I am noticing it. My thinking is clearer. My chest pains seem to have gone away for the most part. I do not know if these are trends that will persist.

776836, [10/14/2024 10:34 AM]

I will be getting more and will share with family and neighbors. I might change the reason they want the EDTA since most everybody here is a Covid-19 believer and few seem to think that the spraying of chemicals in the sky is a real thing .


Such a government has no right to exist.

Stop Paying Income taxes.

Stop Supporting this Abusive, War Mongering, Corrupt Government

All War is Evil. No More War.


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Wait til you see this... just out - passed on by Jessica Rose. https://anandamide.substack.com/p/sv40-origin-of-replication-in-mammalian?publication_id=456768&post_id=150140847&isFreemail=true&r=ow5al&triedRedirect=true

I hope the EDTA can help stop it, but I'm not sure about it with this genetic manipulation and self-amplification.

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Well whatever I am at least doing something and so far it is helping. I have family members that want to believe in saviors and have picked Donald Trump and Elon Musk as those two white hats.

Thee is so much bull shit out there currently. I am a very old man and this is the end of my life. I am dealing with nano bots and poison and a food industry that is putting out toxic foods. Most other folks are looking for saviors and white hats and overly complicated solutions. Most will be disapointed. I may also be disapointed. I have chosen this path.

[10/15/2024 4:28 AM]

Bull Shit. Both are multi billionaires. Both are in the Public eye. These are not the good guys. These are the very worse of the worse. One fast tracked the Covid-19 poison. The other is propagating transportation the is 100%electric and explodes when you add water and wants to make human cyborgs. These are the very worse folks in existence.

[10/15/2024 4:29 AM]

Things can only get worse with these two.

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It is mind boggling that our ' Food' is so absolutely toxic! Especially in comparison to other countries! Change is needed like' yesterday'!!

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thx 🙃🙃🙃🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

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Thank you for sharing this presentation Dr. Ana❣🙏

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beware the pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many believe in fact its coming back much sooner than we think check out the james roguski substack for the details and be sure to read the comment sections

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