But still, every single day I’m constantly running into very intelligent people who insist this is all sci-fi nonsense. Over the past week I had to outright ban a Substack writer who was attacking me, calling me satanic for even suggesting or talking about this evolving science, particularly what’s been developed in secret and is currently being used against us.

As always, like the TedTalk vid, there’s always a pussyfooting “gatekeeper” or “operative” using Health Care or Security as a method for getting people to accept a science that would in fact help people if developed in full sunlight, but in reality is mostly being used to spy, control and outright destroy humanity.

I love science, but most people do NOT understand just how far some of this science has evolved by very evil monsters behind closed doors, and once it’s out there right in plain sight attacking us, most still refuse to understand the truths, and it’s destroying humanity; permanently changing our DNA and killing the human soul.

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I think I will go talk to the plants in the garden and get some reality, I mean real reality!

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Nasal Test Swabs: If you have test swabs still in their wrapper, put them in the freezer and never open them, unless it’s documented with a lawyer present to professionally test them. If you have the ability to test them, understand first that these swabs were created to preform multiple functions having noting to do with testing for pathogens: 1) delivery system to install nanotechnology directly into you brain; 2) install foreign DNA; 3) collect YOUR DNA to be used by the DoD to eventually control you and others in your family.

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Gee, just what we wanted to be when we grew up - not well-rounded, humane people but mindlessly manipulated tools to be run and used by machines for the purposes of appallingly ignorant, suicidally-murderous delusional psychopaths who apparently just might think that they can achieve some oxymoronic 'unliving immortality' as a recording playing on a machine somewhere in a dystopian version of Cloud Coo-Coo Land.

Hard to believe anyone's desperately attempting to present this literal brain-drain and unhitching from reality as a good thing...

What happens if/when the toxic tech bits cause all of the organic bits on us mindless slaves to die, odourously decay and start falling off? Is this where the CDC 'Zombie Apocalypse joke' arose? Rather than via some prion effect?

The people behind all this are sooooo stupidly, destructively insane...

Without Life (and the conditions with which interconnected/interdependent complex Life evolved as part of a vastly complex system and which make life, health and survival possible) nothing lives - how hard can it be to understand that basic fact, rather than destroying everything that the perps themselves fail to understand that they also need, to survive?

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If your team needs any help with research or anything like that, I’m looking to get involved and I’ve been following y’all’s work very closely. This is the end game goal of the evil cabal and I think many are missing this whole picture and getting lost in the weeds of the many other problems associated with the bioweapon (many to choose from).

Please reach out if you’re in need of any help to move this forward.

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DNA technology is never born, it was there as part of Nature for billions of years. Humans are also part of Nature but they are unable to create o single biological cell. The only thing they can do is to destruct DNA technology for gaining power due to the lack of education to act in harmony with Nature. They are so arrogant and go against Nature with catastrophic consequences.

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I’ll be back later, thank you for this stack. Lots to absorb.

I did a sleep study years ago and had no idea it would ,or could, ever be used against my humanity. & my friends have similar regrets.

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There were a couple of Science Fiction movies of late that were about interlocking minds and so forth. The Illuminati have to warn us through movies what they are going to do before they do it. What about the BORG on STAR TREK. They were all connected to a Queen.

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We are undoubtedly unified in our exposure to sticky, venomous particles, coursing through the miasma....

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"The monkey broke its back".

How would a monkey ever break its back ? Oh right.

Code for "we broke the monkey's back".

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Robert Duncan mentions it takes a long time for your brain frequency to be mapped out before you start to hear the sounds beamed into your head. I’d like to know how long it takes, weeks, months? When asked questions about the tech, he states he needs to watch what he says. I wonder what he could tell us if he could speak freely about the tech.

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So my good friend came for coffee yesterday. He has taken the hotdogs because he was afraid.

He stated they want to kill 75% of the population.

I gently asked if he had the other hotdog victims where talking about this openly? He said "yes."

The lemmings are no longer running for the cliff.

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I'm certainly not hoping for the financial collapse that many now say is imminent, but if it brings about a massive defending of the US military, I say bring it on.

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Today I was scrolling on X and came across a photo. I looked at it for 10 seconds and became extremely dizzy to the point I felt I was going to pass out. I can’t explain it but it was horrifying for me. I glimpsed at it again while trying to close the screen out and I became lightheaded and dizzy again. Intense like I’ve never felt before. I experience other things with some of my personal tech that has been manipulated. My now ex also talks to his girlfriend without any visible device’s or vocals.

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Don’t expect Hollywood. Part of Hollywood’s whole position in psychological control is to present the truth. By now, we should all know the truth has to be presented and they present the truth to the population by many different means. When it comes to Hollywood, their position is to present the truth with exaggerated imagery. It’s a psychological game because imagery is far more powerful in the human psyche than the essence of truth. And they do that so that when the truth occurs, people don’t see it. Because you’re expecting all of this exaggerated imagery that they have given you.

People will expect to see the truth occur through their fleshly eyes instead of their spiritual eyes.

So, the CDC put out a link on how to survive a zombie apocalypse. That stuff is part of a psy-op. They want people to expect an exaggerated idea of what a zombie apocalypse looks like. People should not expect this exaggeration.

What you should expect is that at a certain point, when this system is activated, people will no longer be thinking for themselves. You will have people around you that are going to walk into these Smart Cities, fully support these agendas, desire more biotechnology within them - People are going to lose connection with any concept of spirituality. It’s simply because they will have technology on their brain that is controlling their thought processes. They will no longer be thinking for themselves.

Normal folks may stand back and look at them and not understand why they would want to go in such directions. But you guys will know.

People should also understand, nothing is all powerful but The Creator. These technological systems are not all powerful, the government is not all powerful, these elitists working through the WEF and for the UN are not all powerful. They need your consent, they need your compliance. They also need to work in darkness - Darkness cannot exist in light.

Which means we have to see the truth, but not fear it. It’s kind of like when you’re doing healing work inside of yourself and other people. We all have doors that demons can enter through - these doors are rooted in trauma. Deep trauma that can be very deep within our subconscious. When we do the internal work to close those doors, all we have to do is find the door. We have to find the root of that trauma and once we see it, that door closes.

But the same thing applies in the world when we’re dealing with darkness - We have to see it. We don’t have to fear it because if we see it, it cannot be successful.

If people really want to know this agenda taking place, if people can really comprehend the technology and how it’s being initiated and how it will interact within the human body, it cannot be successful because people will simply go the other way.

But at the same time we have to understand, this is a spiritual war that’s occurring right now in this world. Darkness is being cleaned up. This is God moving. This is sifting, for those studying the Bible out there - it’s the ‘sifting of the wheat and the tares’. The tares are gathered first. God is showing up to wipe this darkness out of this world.

It’s rooted in these elitist bloodlines, fallen ones, whatever you want to call them, that have been ruling this realm of existence for a very long time. They’re being cleaned up, they’re being crushed, and they know it. They’re going forth and they’re going to take all of the souls that they can with them. They’re being allowed to gather what belongs unto them.

If we are feeding the darkness, they get their power through us. There’s a lot of people out there, a lot of souls that have not woken up, they haven’t gotten the message - And they’re not going to. They will be the souls that are absorbed into all of this.

These folks will walk into, gravitate towards, these Smart Cities, eventually. This is going to take some time. They will be gathered, they will be controlled within this realm. The Metaverse will be opened up for them to exist in.

The Metaverse is “do as thy will”. Sounds great until you’re in a realm of people, of souls, where everybody is doing what they will with no reverence. Eventually, the door to that realm will be closed and those folks are going to be locked in an alternate matrix. That’s where they’re going to exist, consciously.

And this world will be ridded of the darkness, those who have been ruling over darkness, and those who have been feeding darkness.

So, for the folks that say, “Where is God?” This is all under God’s Will - It has to happen. This world is going back to its original Creation. It’s the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

But this sifting has to happen first. Biblically, the Metaverse is the Lake of Fire. Folks get imagery in their head when a statement is made like “Lake of Fire” - You should not do that.

Yes, it’s the Lake of Fire. This is where they will exist. Death and Hades are going with it.

A lot of you have religious ideology of what those words mean and how it applies to this world and the existence that we’re in.

It’s all being cleaned up. This is not something that should be feared. But people have to see it. Darkness cannot exist in light. You should not be afraid to look at this and say, “Not me, Satan.”

Go the other way. Many of you find yourself desiring harmony. Desiring harmony with nature. Desiring community instead of competition. Desiring a reconnection with life. Desiring care. Care for nature, care for your neighbors, care for The Creation - Which also includes you. Care for yourself. Many of you find yourself desiring less materially, but more spiritually. THAT IS GOD.

Many of you have gotten the message and you need to start following those feelings. Breaking free, breaking away.

Remember, all of this works through frequency. This whole realm is about frequency and if your heart is in-line with the Most High, your frequency will be so high that NONE of this technology is going to harm you.

So that’s what folks should really focus on - Going the other way. Getting your heart in-line with The Creator. And I can tell you guys - Jesus taught it. Just follow His direction. Let God be God and simply follow spiritually where you are being led.

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Sure this is being ATTEMPTED but it will not be allowed to gain a foothild as it is the antithesis of Cosmic Order Sacred Law....freewill for all beings.

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