Saved by the gavel. This will need to happen an awful lot b4 freedom returns. Especially in backward places like Chinada, where tyranny is becoming normal. 🚚🚚🚜🇨🇦🇺🇸🌎🙏🏽❤️

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Time to get back to our constitution in every wayand to keep our country as our forefathers intended, FREE

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Apparently the Bill was so poorly written by Dr. Richard Pan that his high school now wants to revoke his graduation diploma.

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That is really good news.

I worked out what I have to say and do now to. :))

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Glory to GOD in the Highest! May the Angel of His Presence go b4 & behind

CHD, & may the Highest Court in heaven rule in favor of the plaintiffs here on earth. ⚖️

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Finally, good news. Not all judges are bought & brain dead. Yahhhh!

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Gavin NEWSCUM can go F himself!

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We need bravery to be contagious. Can DOD do “gain of function” research into this agenda?🫤

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Well well maybe there is some hope in the JUST-US system in CA. of all places but this means all other states can pursue the same , but beware they keep will trying. And if the WHO PLANDEMIC TREATY and G-20 AGREEMENT proceed , no STATE ,or COUNTRY will have the authority or sovereignty to rule in this way.

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Apply this logic to Fact Checkers and the public is free to express opinions freely once again!

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I may be wrong but I think a lot will soon change.

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Praise God!

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No mention of gross rights (Constitutionally guaranteed as protected in every State of the Union) violations... yet the perps are hoist by their own petard, in making all the fuss about common-cold-level 'variants' of a synthetic computer-coded bioweapon that lacked the kill rate hoped for, when proper treatment/prophylaxis according to each patient was 'allowed' and not repressed by those (knowingly or not) attempting to facilitate a global take-over by an unduly powerful death cult infiltrating governments and other places of power and influence around the world.

But they'll probably just make something up indicating that anything not mandatory must be illegal...

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Also see Peggy Hall's lawsuit

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I’m so glad that happened. I haven’t said anything to my doctors about shots and I won’t. Hopefully, our idiot legislators won’t rewrite this dumb law and try to pass it again.

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