A countermeasure to cyborgs would be weaponized EMP devices, even directional EMF weapons.

Why do any of it at all?

It's all just for control. TPTB hate freedom.

It's really gross and unnecessary for humanity to go down this path of destruction.

Calling it Satanic Transhumanism is no understatement at all.

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I personally don't believe they'll get that far along with subverting God's ultimate creation. "As in the days of Noah..." Time is running short for satan and his minions.

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May 16, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023

This excellently presented article by the indefatigable, Dr. Ana, highlights truly epic Super Solidier scenarios, which many in the Secret Space Program Disclosure/truth movement have spoken about. The details here discussed leads to a goal that is blatantly obvious for those with critical thinking skills still intact -- total surveillance and control of human bodies for the benefit of a corporation and government synthesis. The suggestion that these DOD agenda policy makers are seeking to engage the Media and Entertainment community to market this goal into an ATTRACTIVE and MORALLY and ETHICALLY OK Goal -- is truely Evil in all it's appalling cold blooded, and immoral way. Yes, let's take our eyeballs off and have implants instead. All of this is graphically illustrated in the Predictive Programing which asks us to RESIST this -- in the stories of Star Trek Voyager and their encounters iwth the BORG -- Human/Cyborg society. Much of this is graphically brought alive for us to see. Although some of these technologies will not be so "obvious"....Thank you for posting this. We need to BE ON HIGH ALERT. DO NOT ALLOW the Military to continue this program. They have been doing this for over 50 years, and now they just want to make it "acceptable" and "open to all"...

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Do people know what a MAC address is,?( Media Access Control), go to the internet, get a MAC software sensor download for your phone, Nano Technology is in Foods, Dairy Products, Meats, and many items, on a hunch, a Man went to his local Cemetery, with the sensor software, and picked up MAC requests from Coffins...

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Here is a hypothesis: shoot it down, or try to falsify it. Nanoscale technology found in mRNA jabs assembles into a micro-scale chips and it has been shown under a microscope beyond a reasonable doubt. In vivo, nanoscale particles cross the blood-brain barrier, and once inside the brain tissue, assemble into a micro-scale chips. This is the only way to get that size chips inside the brain in a “non-invasive” fashion - to ship them across the BBB, and let them assemble inside the CNS into larger functional chips. We are always asking ourselves what’s the ultimate goal of this technological invasion, and this might be the answer. They are sneaking technology inside our brains by sending parts across the highly controlled semipermeable barrier that protects our brains from most large molecules. Ta-da!

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What we’re not addressing is why the need for this human conversion, more aptly, perversion. Yes, we can look to the Bible and the days of Noah would give us insight. So from this we’d simply surmise it’s an evil conversion of God’s creation. But, these possessed ones - they deserve not to be referred as human - have all the technology they need to completely eradicate us from this world. So why are we still important? They have the ability to also replace us with their robots, but again, that will come to keep us in control. Another viewpoint is they need to completely transform us from human form to some quasi-demon being. It’s as if they know that God will not intervene; perhaps that God has washed his hands of the human situation. Ever fund your own demise? Well, that’s what’s happening. If God hasn’t given up, then perhaps it’s Satans final insult to God; knowing of his demise, to pervert God’s creation to such a degree that even God wouldn’t recognize us or has no choice but to condemn his own children to a non-life fate. If you’ve lost one child, especially young, you’d know the feeling. That’s the feeling Satan intends to inflict unto God multiplied by all the perversions he’s going to do unto us. What we’re caught-up in is the most gruelling spiritual war ever in God’s existence. That’s the assumption. Just one point-of-view.

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Anyone who thinks this Earth will last until 2050 is not rooted in reality.

I give it no longer than 2030 before Jesus The Christ returns and this Earth is replaced.

" ..the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night;

in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise,

and the elements shall melt with fervent heat,

the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."

"..according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness."

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Thank you, Ana, for confirming what I've been conjecturing for over two years.

This article inspired my article for today:


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Everyone is waiting for a physical temple to be built and a man to come as the Antichrist. No. Our bodies are the temples that are being infiltrated by nanotechnology - the abomination that causes desolation. People will be controlled wirelessly through D-Wave quantum computers that are set up in huge warehouses in undisclosed locations. The Internet of Bodies will become one hive mind - Omnipresent.

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭19‬-‭20‬

“So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭15‬-‭16‬

“His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress and will abolish the daily sacrifice. Then they will set up the abomination that causes desolation.”

‭‭Daniel‬ ‭11‬:‭31‬

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Time to connect the dots. What can be used to enhance brain activity, can be used to degrade brain activity. It’s only a matter of time that we will find out that our own government has been experimenting on its own citizens to finesse neurological weapons. These people call themselves Targeted Individuals.

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Abomination of Desolation (desolating sacrilege) seems like an apt term for Cyborg "humans", aka human/machine fusion. See Mark 13:14,19-20 for a metaphorical description.

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Let the record show I have watched humanity transition from human to transhuman in the span of my lifetime which is a short 49 years.

I do not consent. My soul and my heart belong to Jesus Christ. For now and forever.

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Thank you for sharing will be linking this tomorrow@https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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I think they have already been experimenting with this on citizens without consent, barring some kind of neurological oddity that impacts my eyes or brain that would otherwise explain it I think I can demonstrate what is happening, especially with the right type of equipment that could measure it. Is there any kind of device that the average person could afford that would clearly show and measure different light wavelengths, or whatever it is?

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Dr. Carrie Madej has been warning us about what she saw under the microscope when she analyzed the mRNA transfections about two years ago - she was ahead of selected "leaders" of the MFM - and was rewarded by her private plane crashing, in an attempt to shut her up. Thank God she survived. Certain "leader" of the MFM is on video mocking her and stating that she was wrong, turns out he's been misguiding the fools who elevated him to hero status.

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10 years and Christ will come back

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