The last 3 years have presented us with many hard to believe situations. As if injecting people with

bioweapons wasn't hard enough to comprehend and believe, we are now confronted with the knowledge that drugs meant to keep us alive and healthy are tainted and killing us or seriously injuring us. The smart advice is to not accept any injectable "medicines" and to stay away from medical pills and liquids, unless you are dying, in which case it doesn't much matter. If you are not safe with medicine, likely you're not safe with what you are eating, drinking and breathing. The servants of the devil inflicting this catastrophe on mankind must be identified and eliminated. Thank you Dr. Mihalcea for putting yourself at risk for the benefit of us all.

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If u can’t prevent it then a cure must be present

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Existing "cures" would be ivermectin and natto, but they're not 100% effective. Other cures will likely be discovered or created. The problem with cures is that they would likely be administered after damage to one's body has done, which, obviously is less than desirable.

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It’s been difficult for me to keep up with all of the research coming out because of other complications in life, but I was wondering if you have any thoughts on whether epidurals for laboring mothers may be compromised, as well.

I can only assume they are, but worry for expectant mothers whom I know, and especially my daughter-in-law, who is due in a few months.

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Everything and anything has been compromised. Avoid all pharma/ medical/ dental related drugs and injections.

I recommend your daughter-in-law find a mid wife and have a home birth.

All of our food has been injected as well.

Buy local, organic produce and meat if possible. Otherwise stick to a mainly vegetarian diet.

Intermittent fasting as well.

Detox as best as you can....constantly.

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Do not avoid meat. Ruminants are one of the best ways to stay healthy. 🙏

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Besides MRNA, meat is also a proven carcinogen and makes the body acidic. A whole-food plant-based diet is the optimal nutrition for the human body. Plants provide everything the body requires as well as prophylactics such as antioxidants, there is simply no need to eat the dead flesh of sentient beings accept for satisfying a food addiction.

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Jul 27, 2023·edited Jul 27, 2023

Meat is not a proven carcinogen. When you say that it makes me realise you are spouting WHO info. Which, if you look into it, was never stated and they cherry picked the data. Why? because they want a populace that is weak and sick, easier to control. Eating healthy ruminant animals provides so many essential amino acids that plants can never provide. Plants can't run away. They produce defense chemicals to protect them from being eaten. They ruin you endothelial layer in your gut making it leaky.... I could go on! :D

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I'm a nutritionist and I know what I know from reading the studies and witnessing first hand. I hear triggered responses on a daily basis when I challenge peoples meat addictions. Organic plant-based whole-food is the gold standard.

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if we had heathy animals that are roaming free and the consumption would be limited - that'd be great

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Ohhh a nutritionist! Why didn't you say so. 🤷‍♀️

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And, of course, without a doubt, I thank you so very much for all of the hard work and research that you do, and for posting so often. I read them as much as I am able to, and appreciate you so much, Dr. Mihalcea!

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Bradley childbirth classes and a DOULA will ensure your daughter in law has a beautiful and supported birth. Epidurals start the intervention cascade that leads to complication for mother and/or baby. This intervention cascade leads directly to the undermining of the mother's trust in her and her baby's body and subsequent fall to big pharma and white coats who "know better" than mama's intuition and bond with that precious baby

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surely they are, all injectables analysed by la Quinta columna, show the same technology inside.

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Dr. Ana, as always thank you. I'm curious to know if Clifford thinks this technology has had upgrades or changed since he originally discovered it 20+ years ago?

Thank you.

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Kind of wondering what hydrogel, quantum dots and nano robots are- the difference between them and how they work together. And i think Anthony Patch said 3rd strand of DNA is synthetic biology with quantum dots. Some truth/christian sites keep saying the vaxxed took the motb and are basically damned fools. They say dna change and luciferase is only in vaxxed. Dont agree.

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Some realities can be brutal - clearly no one is meant to escape being tagged, controlled and/or otherwise harmed. That said, in the interests of further investigation, I wonder if ascribing self-assembling capabilities to the contaminants is not misleading given that early in his work, Dr David Nixon found that the creation of technological substances in the contents of the innoculation vials was dependant on the concentration of the contaminants, temperature and exposure to EMR? He reported that when placed in a faraday cage, the assembled structures degraded.

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Very good of you to highlight this. It bears repeating in loudest way that protection from e-onslaught is of the essence. I called this "5G flu" from March 2020, not then for strictly medical reasons. While warning about what I merely called "dubious vaccines", my focus was on what i consider covidiana to be secondary if integral to, ie hegemonic technomanic shift away from USD-based hegemony. It is not so daunting as commonly assumed to rid oneself of personal dependencies and ambient e-smog.

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Perhaps this explains why several years ago I felt compelled to build a faraday cage around my bed.

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Perhaps. On their own, EMF's can also cause the blood to clump but the mechanism may not necessarily be the same as how it has been observed to influence the processes that Dr. Anna is investigating. Check out Cory Hillis’s EMF remediation products at https://www.emfsol.com. They have been clinically shown to make a difference, including by means of thermal imaging and dark field microscopy. Whether they can also have a positive effect on the controlled assembly of the components carried into the blood by the DARPA hydrogel is unknown but the possibility seems real enough and needs to be investigated.

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Dr. Ana, have you shown us your own 🩸 blood? Would be pretty cool!

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Karen Kingston has just been attacked. Are you investing in your protection? You are one of the finest human beings alive besides Karen Kingston and Dominique Guillet !

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La-Quinta-Columna has released a video how to get rid most of the magnetic reduced GO in a dental anasthetic with a simple magnet:


The results speak for themself as you can see the before and after results.

I hope sb. is willing to validate or refute this technique.

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Not having your training I am not sure what I am seeing in these videos which look much like darkscope micrsoscopy - can you show a video of what the difference is with normal blood and what we should be seeing? thanks

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It would seem preferable to confront ones pharmacist/ doctor/ hospital with this info/technology rather than be injured and killed by IT/ THEM.

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In short we are fucked...we all have the shit in us...the question is is there a cure? Not a prevention but a cure? U must cure something before preventing it or less your fucked as we are all compromised

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Have you done any testing on Novolog? My son uses that insulin in his insulin pump. Thanks!

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the pHarmaCo contamination lunacy has gotten to the point I even bought willow tree cuttings so I've got access to the bark for painkillers after they're established. haven't trusted injections for over a decade, and now that's expanding to anything from the store.

yeesh. glad I'm not dependent on any harmaceuticals for survival.

thanks again for all your labor on everyone's behalf

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Yeesh. What about all the moderately powerful diabetics in the medical arena like CEOs - are they injecting this poison, or do they know what’s going on?

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I’ve been on an insulin pump for a few years now. This is seriously concerning.

It also makes me question how, with all the new cases of POTS, the clinics & hospitals are suddenly offering IV fluids to anyone with the condition. I did it once and felt terrible after (I would get IV fluids regularly back in 2002 to 2005 with no side effects).

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

Dr. Ana

I have a video of my Blood under Microscope i want you to see .. it will give anyone looking at it…(chills up their spine) 😣🥺

Basically my blood under microscope shows what i believe to be Hydro gels bubbles thingy’s? and lights and blinking lights too all busy floating around with intent to be somewhere and do something it seemed.

Then when they pool up together real close.. they all … or everything turns black and red/black like something from an alien movie. And this all happens very quickly! -and then in another blood sample there were all these strings or hairs or fibers in my blood !! It was horrifying!!

My blood looked like tar when it dried only minutes later .,,


Im going to be dead real quick here at this rate ! 😭😭😭😭

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