This is absolutely amazing and thank you very much Dr Ana! The “dots”’are connecting faster than the speed of light with your tirelessly expanding work. Most thankful N.


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This was the most incredible and mind-blowing article so far. Not that any of Dr. Ana's earlier writings are unimportant, but this really trumps all. Now I feel compelled to get her book, and then begin to study, study, study. I confess that the article was so loaded with information that I just sort of glanced through it knowing it needs some serious pondering! Thanks again, Dr. Ana.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

Great article, Anna. So much has been hidden from humans. I have tried explaining some of this to my Sister, and am currently experiencing the cold shoulder. It is hard for them to break free from the mind control and programming. I like the statement at the end of all of Ana's articles-"Humanity United Now" I want to add BREAKING THE CHAINS OF MIND CONTROL/PROGRAMMING.

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The truth is all out there, for those with vision to see, and hearts to forgive.

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The truth is becoming necceasry

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Jesus Christ is the truth, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and ye shall be saved. God cannot lie,

Romans 10:13

King James Version

13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved

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Odd, but the rank of Commander is not a U.S. Army rank, but is a U.S. Navy/U.S. Coast Guard rank. The equivalent to Commander in the Army is a Major.

Therefore, the document, albeit with useful information, may be a fake -- created for an

inexplicable reason...i.e., Maybe to reach people with knowledge and believability about aspects of physics and energy potentials...and consciousness/transcendence. Well intentioned purpose, but incomplete and unreliable explanation, on it's face, about how this 29 page document was created, and by whom...

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This article is so refreshing. As scary as it seems…our consciousness being manipulated and or controlled ..I’ve never seen it spelled out in such a familiar language. I will read the books mentioned next. This is so exciting.

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...a quick look at the pdf Dr Ana, it's too late at night here now, reminds me of Vibrational Medicine 3rd Ed by Richard Gerber (sadly rip 2007), i made some progress through parts of it over 20 years ago, and it helped me some way towards critical insights, at an experiential level, that's another story, however, recently the book's come to mind often, i still have the hard copy, being a dedicated and irreducible hoarder, and i made a mental connection recently of some of it's ideas with JG Bose, in consideration of his being the subject of ch 7 in Yogananda's 'Autobiography of a Yogi'...i made notes, initially with the idea of combining my understanding of the foregoing (it's superficial!) to some degree with the gnostic notions of archons, some ideas of Steiner's and ur work in today's nefarious context, then i got

distracted, however, i hope to get back

on that trail, for my own understanding

, and i will, it all suggests potential for real 'spiritual science ficrion'... here's a link to a pdf of Gerber's book... https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780688164034 ... and i just grabbed this link off of Wikipedia...it seems to be the ch 7 i mentioned... https://www.crystalclarity.com/en-eu/pages/autobiography-chapter-8-indias-great-scientist-j-c-bose?srsltid=AfmBOoozg1ES4dX9pNVTLlW57dvGKA4xaw07A5V9aa_TaOjkc-MiquNs ...my own recent context eludes me at this late 4am plus hour, but hopefully my mental wandering , and 'forced' comment may prove of benefit to someone!...thanks!...Bose is ch 8, sorry!...

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Great article. That is why there is 10k satellites for Starlink (military) real time mapping of humanity.

The Vedas knew about the shifting of the energetic via the Polarity Therapy.


Seems like the subversion of everything is on the radar for the Technocracy that awaits.

Will have to see what happens as its a 51 percent shift in mind needed across the globe which is very difficult with a non-free internet. We are relying on trancendental Osmosis now.

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If I were a betting person, I'd lean towards yes... they weaponized the knowledge. #MKULTRA #MONARCH #TAVISTOCK Institute, #DEEP DREAM #HIVEMIND & McGill University

There's probably many more outside the scope of #GATEWAY

And above that toxoplasma gondii attaching itself to the vagus nerve system allows an interface to elevate every program to a much higher level.

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The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing the world he doesn't exist

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Today is the Feast Day of St. Michael the Archangel.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in Battle. Safeguard us against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou oh Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who roam around the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

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oraclegirl.org says the same as Ramtha .it's fascinating and I love how you presented it. How can I find out more about your near death experience where you saw the demons that are controlling us . I've always sensed that. Thank you for all that you do .

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Same devil that twisted God’s words in the Garden of Eden and at the temptation of Yeshua in the wilderness is in this woman.

I pray she deceives not one more person with her Luciferian psycho babble.

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The author of the substack? I don't know that we should start burning anybody at the stake just yet....jeez, sometimes I wonder at people who are so righteous in their indignation never seeing the wrong spirit that very indignation has manifest. All ive seen this author do is try to expose the truth of the dangers of the shots and try to help people understand what is going on. That's not an act of deciept but an unusual (sadly) honesty from a medical professional in today's atmosphere of CYOA as opposed to the apparently antiquated " first do no harm" philosophy.....

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The CIA was remote viewing Mars in the Cydonia region (face on Mars and other major archeologic structures) in 1984: https://gizadeathstar.com/2019/11/the-cia-remote-viewed-mars-in-1984/

If you want to further explore the Mars connection, try Hoagland’s “The Monuments of Mars: a City on the Edge of Forever” and, disturbingly, John Brandenburg’s “Life and Death on Mars: the New Mars Synthesis” (the latter speaks to scientific evidence of a horrific nuclear genocide on Mars in high antiquity).

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Even still the minds can’t comprehend the simulation they incubate within. Evolve the game.

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It IS a BOMBSHell Ana! Thank you for all your generosity to share this with us. I think we all felt the same all along; that life is something entirely different than what is taught to us!

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You may already know about it but if you look into the The Monroe Institute there is a ton of info on the gateway process. Bob Monroe was a pioneer in the field. Also Annie Jacobsen does a great job telling the semi secret history of the intelligence agencies using these techniques in her book "phenomenon"....she's a great author/investigative reporter in all things borderline top secret military history. The Monroe institute has an archive of files on the internet archives at archive.org I highly recommend.

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