Yes, they really truly want us dead or enslaved. They don't want to provide food stamps to breathers who will otherwise starve in scAmerica. ScKamala is their first full president bot

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Or a useful eater. Everyone else, well your on your own. Keep researching and think, think and more research. Sleep well and the right answers will come! Find like minded types. The only path will be obvious if fear is not present.

The dod has become enemy number one!

They are trained to kill other humans…

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$250 billion a year a decade ago?

Don't they know it's just a conspiracy theory?


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There is a difference between "the DOD" and "the Department of Defense".  As we have noted, Americans have been paying for complete redundancy of government since 1937 --- two sets of everything, all neatly separated and separately identified. 

"DOD" like the other alphabet soup Agencies that we are too familiar with, is a for-hire Municipal Corporation franchise formerly under the direction of the Holy Roman Empire (HRE, INC.) which provided the frontline government services to the public as the UNITED STATES, which was yet another intermediary in this long trail of financial and governmental corruption.  

The "Department of Defense, Inc." is, as its name suggests, a subsidiary franchise of the British Crown Corporation doing business variously as "the United States of America, Incorporated" and "U.S.A, Incorporated" and "The United States of America, Incorporated" and even "USA, Incorporated" ---- depending on which one(s) are in receivership at any given time.  This is the British Territorial Government Subcontractor providing military and "consultant" services, which has been illegally and secretly operating this country as "the American Raj" since the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. 

So, DOD is traditionally operated by a different set of Vermin than the Department of Defense (DoD) which is operated by another species of Vermin, and they have been colluding together for a long time to illegally occupy this country and oppress and pillage the American People, our State Citizens, who are their Employers to whom they owe "good faith service" by contract--- a contract that they have evaded and dishonored, yet used as their meal ticket for 160 years. 

What has happened recently is that the Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy that Pope Francis imposed on the UNITED STATES, INC., finally settled on October 1st 2024.  The end of

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International Public Notice: The Bank Fraud

According to Webster, the meaning of "purloin" is: to appropriate (something) wrongfully and often by a breach of trust.

This is exactly what our British Territorial and Holy Roman Empire (HRE) Federal Subcontractors have done, so keep the word "purloin" in focus and understand that it is key to understanding the bank fraud we are stuck dealing with.  

When Abraham Lincoln pulled his switcheroo and substituted a British Territorial U.S. Congress for the American Congress, the foxes were left in charge of the hen house, and foreign interests gained control --- illegally and fraudulently --- of our purse-strings. 

From that day to this, the constant claim of the Perpetrators is that they "represent" us, but they don't disclose that they are literally impersonating us.  It's a deceit. People assume that they are representing us in the sense of political representation, but no, they are literally impersonating us without our knowledge or consent. 

They literally steal our identity.  They literally impersonate Americans.

With these facts in mind, here is how the bank fraud goes: 

The British Territorial U.S. Congress "borrowed" (purloined) our silver and gold.  That indebts their government to us and obligates their foreign democracy to not only pay back the precious metals but pay interest on this "loan" --- which no American State or Congress ever authorized.  

This is what purloin means. They occupied a position of trust, as Federal Subcontractors obligated by contract to serve us in "good faith", and they abused that trust to seize upon our assets and make "loans" of our assets to benefit themselves under conditions of deceit.  

Next, the Perps deposit our silver and gold in "Federal Reserve Banks" which are private operations owned by a consortium of mostly foreign private banks deliberately misrepresenting themselves as if they had something to do with our American Federal Government --- long after the Federal Republic ceased to operate. This is another deceit. 

Upon receiving our gold and silver, it becomes both an asset and a liability for the banks.  From their perspective, they owe it back to the British Territorial U.S. Government that deposited the metals, while the British Territorial U.S. Government owes the metals, plus interest, back to us. 

So now both the British Territorial U.S. Government and the Federal Reserve Banks are indebted to us, sequentially, but the British Territorial U.S. Government has established itself as a middleman and "apparent" owner of the precious metals on deposit with the Federal Reserve Banks. 

As far as the Federal Reserve Banks are concerned, they can shrug and turn a blind eye as to who the actual owners are.  They can play Sergeant Schultz, and say, "Hey, the British Territorial U.S. Government deposited all these precious metals.  So far as we know, that's where the metals come from. That's who owns them." 

But remember, the precious metals never belonged to the British Territorial U.S. Government.  They belonged --and still belong-- to us, the American Government.  The British Territorial U.S. Government has never returned the metals to us and has never paid us any interest on the "loan", so, obviously: (1) the metals on deposit with the Federal Reserve Banks are still ours -- we haven't been paid for them; (2) the British Territorial U.S. Government isn't playing a straight game with us.  If they were, they would have this "loan" of our assets incorporated in the public records, and they'd be paying interest on it. 

Next, the Federal Reserve Banks create ten times the value of our precious metals as "credit" using their fractional reserve banking scheme, and they loan that credit to all the banks in their network at interest.  This is called the "prime interest rate".  This is what Jerome Powell is always scrabbling around about.  It's the cost to the other banks to use our purloined credit, even though the Federal Reserve Banks misrepresent it as credit belonging to the British Territorial U.S. Government for the reasons stated above. 

These banks pay the prime interest rate to the Federal Reserve Banks, and then they repeat the process.  Whatever they borrow from the Federal Reserve, they inflate it using the same fractional reserve scheme.  Whatever Federal Reserve Notes they borrow, they pay the "prime rate" on this loan up front, and issue ten times the net amount as credit, which they loan out to us at much higher interest.  

Please note that it is still actually our credit that they are all gratuitously inflating and loaning back to us, at interest. 

And all these "National" and "State" banks play the same "shrug and wink" game that the Federal Reserve Banks play.  

Just as the Federal Reserve Banks look the other way and credit the British Territorial U.S. Government as the Depositor (of our assets), the subsidiary and franchise banks in this system credit the Federal Reserve Banks as their Depositor, and think that they are in debt to the Federal Reserve for extending its credit to them --- which allows them to make loans to us. 

So how does the Federal Reserve make its money, really?  It collects the seigniorage off of every promissory note it prints, collects the prime interest rate off every promissory note they loan the other banks, and invests this ill-gotten gain in stocks, bonds, real estate.... 

At the end of the day, all this credit, and all the assets, have been purloined from us ----  and the value of our own assets and our own credit has been loaned back to us at interest, while we have been left in the dark about this cozy arrangement (another deceit and failure to disclose) and maligned as the Borrower, when in fact, the British Territorial U.S. Government and the Federal Reserve and all the banks in the Federal Reserve network are the actual borrowers. 

And like the British Territorial U.S. Government, the Federal Reserve Banks have failed to make any repayments to us of our credit and failed to share the profits realized from the loan of our credit, with us.

They are all in debt up to their hair follicles to us, indeed, they are insolvent; but until recently, they didn't care, because they figured that the actual American Government was "dead" and that we would never come home again and never figure out what they did and never hold them accountable for it. 

Think again. 

When we say that we are their Priority Creditors and claim that they are engaged in an active and illegal mercenary "war" intended to kill their creditors, we aren't kidding.  These nogoodniks are attacking and killing the living people to avoid paying them back, and to generate "service" billings for themselves for doing so.  

This is how evil, twisted, upside-down, backwards, illegal, unlawful and immoral this whole situation is and has been for six generations. 

If you track your way back through the Mess and the slime, this is what you find: the Federal Reserve and its member banks owe us our credit and interest on it; the British Territorial U.S. Government owes us our precious metals and interest on the value. 

And all they are doing as "correction" is trying to obscure the facts, blame their victims, and kill a lot of innocent people under smokescreens of pandemics and "bad weather" events that they themselves have artificially generated and only God knows what other schemes these criminals have.  

To date, the guilty British Territorial U.S. Congress, which

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Back in 1923 the western countries that fought the Great War entered a chapter 11 bankruptcy which was organised by the International Bankers who had lent the governments money to continue the Great War. Since the countries had nothing left to bargain with they were coerced into pledging the future labor of their citizens as collateral for the reorganized loans. A social security account for every citizen was then set up under the Universal Commercial Code (UCC) to facilitate the arrangement.

What this means is; If you accept a benefit from the social security account you are deemed to have acquiesced to the arrangement, ie,, consented. Since the Treasury is an integral part of this arrangement, if you make use of anything the treasury has funded then you are deemed to have tacitly consented to the arrangement. In effect; if you drive on a road, walk on a pavement, take your kids to the municiple park, accept a government benefit of any sort, live in a council (state) house or use any infrastructure erected by the government or its agents whatsoever you are consenting to the arrangement.

It is of course possible to withdraw your consent but the problem is the bankers sequestrated all the land as well in accordance with the bankruptcy, so where would you live?

BIBI BACCHUS - UCC Contract Law Expert... https://odysee.com/@paychoNWO:0/bibi-bacchus-ucc-contract-law-expert:9?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

Bibi Bacchus - The WORLD Fraud. Also read video description... https://odysee.com/@paychoNWO:0/bibi-bacchus-the-world-fraud:2?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

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Wow this post is thoroughly informative thank you!

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silicon infrared- what I posted awhile back- 2 begin w- then followed a train of thought- going 2 try 2 stop posting- bye hopefully.

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Didn't the Select Committee for Ethics in Nanotechnology get dissolved in 2008 ?

I remember reading a paper (PDF) on the ethics of nanotechnology by a commitee that was published in 2008 ..... I've been trying to find (on the internet) further publications and there are some more modern publications but some of these are by sponsored clients

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I would say NO!!!!!!!

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Does Congress know any of this?

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...as if congress represented us in our best interests? Congress only recently acknowledged "chemtrails".

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According to Attorney Todd Calander barely none of our Washington reps Ava senators, potus and flotus are legally SWORN IN, lacking final legal authentication.

That means we have FAKES supposedly ruining the country.

Think the Q and the military white hats do exist and this is the only way my heart can handle this fact.

Q correlates with everything. Was well planned and being executed.

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Keep praying for G_d too reveal the truth and heal us 🛐❣️🇺🇸🕊️

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In the book ‘Nanoweapons’ the global investment in 2015 in nanotechnology was a quarter trillion dollars. ----

So whenever a Kook politician says it's bullshit ask how much of that quarter trillion they got paid

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Quantum physicists inform us that our universe operates along the principles of 'holographic duality', which is an adjunct to string theory called the AdS-CFT correspondence. This correspondence centers around connecting a lower dimensional quantized particle theory to a higher dimensional space,, ie, a holographic reality - - This would look like a 2D surface with a 3D energetic image projected onto it - - or in the case of our universe, the surface of a black hole with an image of Creation projected onto it.

Transhumanist scientists haven't created a new system, they have merely found a way to use the existing system to their advantage.

Your WBAN has been paired to a holographic digital twin. Every human on the planet is now represented as a real-time node in the bio-digital Sentient World Simulation. It is real-time because there is no time delay in the teleportation of information between electrons in a holographic universe.

These are frequency weapons. They are targeting your Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN)... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95Ar40AlmQs

Heterodyning is when the resonant frequency of the holographic avatar in the A.I. Sentient World Simulation is tuned to a target's WBAN frequency. This creates a real-time read & write information super-highway between the target and the A.I. quantum computer.

Holograms are very versatile,, eg, if you make a hologram of a magnifying glass, the holographic version will magnify the other objects in the hologram, just like a real one. If you make a quantum level holographic digital twin of Joe Bloggs, and tune it to the resonant frequency (hererodyne) of the real world Joe Bloggs, any biological (electrical) changes made to the digital Joe Bloggs will also be experienced by the real world Joe Bloggs.

We see a similar vibrational interaction with two guitar strings tuned to the same frequency,, ie, when one string is plucked, the other string will resonant as well. Two tones of the same pitch will give maximum sympathetic resonance as all harmonics of both strings will overlap.

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What is the A.I. Cloud? It is the Transhumanist Sentient World Simulation (SWS).

The Sentient World Simulation is a highly advanced Quantum A.I. weapons system. The SWS has access to every aspect of your being. It is connected to your brain via a mesh electronics nanoscale Brain-to-Computer Interface... https://rumble.com/vqcaaf-nanotech-humans-bi-directional-dna-to-computer-interface.html

The SWS also has a 'search and register' module called Jade 2.0 and it already has a file on you, in case you become its enemy. Commentary starts @ 16m09s... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/COVID-War-Games---This-Is-Not-A-Drill:7

Jade Helm 2.0... https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2yog13

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Here's a dod change in one of their directives to be able to use lethal force against the people. I'm guessing in prep for the ff coming around created and fomented division caused around the selection process.


Here's another illustrating that the election is really a "selection" and they're all in on it together to both herd and enslave humanity. This guy has had around 100 channels deleted from yt.


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Your reference to the chemtrail psyop is odd. It makes zero sense to drop nano material from that height. It violates several basic battlefield axioms and common sense. So your whole body of work is suspect due to that.

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They have been dropping nanomaterials from altitude for Decades now, so your inability to do your own research on that little fact makes your whole comment suspect.

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They've certainly hit the target, haven't they? Your weak mind.

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Try looking at Operation Domestic Nano Quell brainiac.

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Okay so don’t take EDTA to get rid of the metals. If vaccinated you may be controllable. Take care 🛐

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Oct 18·edited Oct 18

Nano materials vary and have different functions, some not aimed directly at humans but the natural world they rely on to stay healthy and safe.. Also - where is this 'battle field'? The whole world? A lot of severe weather forms over oceans. As Bee Gee stated; do some research eg look up Dane Wiggington Geoengineering - I also suggest watching 'the dimming'.

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I've been following that sheister for a while now. His movie is only for people already in the psyop. If you are not in the psyop, it's brazen propaganda. I've been trying to reach him for a public discussion of his work but why would he talk to someone with technical understanding?

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You are a Troll

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Oct 19·edited Oct 19

Maybe its 'the attitude' that pushed him away? Honestly, if you believe 'all is normal in our skies', go right ahead and believe. You are far from alone.

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I actually don’t think we know that for sure but why not provide examples and proof ? Thank you

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Boston latitude

Based on the provided search results, Boston Latitude refers to a remote monitoring system developed by Boston Scientific. It allows healthcare providers to access implanted device data, such as pacemakers, defibrillators, or S-ICDs, from patients’ homes. This system aims to improve patient care by providing timely updates between scheduled office visits.

Here are key aspects of the Boston Latitude system:

LATITUDE Communicator: A device that collects information from implanted devices and sends it to healthcare providers via a secure website.

Automatic monitoring: The Communicator checks the implant based on a schedule set by the patient’s doctor, sending data at predetermined intervals.

Secure data transmission: Boston Latitude uses advanced security methods to protect patients’ medical information, accessible only to authorized healthcare providers.

Patient involvement: Patients can participate in the monitoring process by sending data to their healthcare team at scheduled times or when prompted.

MyLATITUDE Patient App: A mobile app that enables patients to access information about their LATITUDE NXT Communicator and implanted device, allowing them to focus on essential clinical care.

Note that Boston Latitude is not an emergency system. If patients experience symptoms or concerns, they should contact their healthcare provider or emergency services as needed.

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