I strongly suggest everyone get active in banning chemtrails and microwaves, just like Tenessee did last week, and just like the New Hampshire Bill...And do your utmost to "RESTORE THE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC ACT" as per TN REP HULSEY. You can nullify bunk fed laws, mandates, statutes as per stated in the constitution. Beware no one in the biden admin signed their OATHE OF OFFICE. This battle is between Americans vs the US CORPORATION, their loyalty is to the corporations not "WE THE PEOPLE" we won this battle before in 1776, we can win it again. 1776 Part Two is happening now. Constitutional Competency in action is how we win. Also, TEXIT is a real solution. Get constitutionally educated, we have to become SMARTER THAN SMART...DONT BE A MICROWAVE SLAVE. NO WIFI = NO SURVEILLANCE, NO WIFI = NO NANO SELF REPLICATION, NO WIFI = NO INVASION OF PRIVACY. Rember the last sentence "smart dust benefits who ever controls it...friend or foe" ...our foes control it. Take their dual purpose weapon away...call your reps today...MAKE IT HAPPEN USA.

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You had me at Mark Steele!!! Cannot wait to watch this interview! Thank you, Dr. Ana, you are brilliant too.... huggssss!!!! peace out

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The mentioning of 911 hurts my brain. By now she should know who was responsible and besides taking away more of our freedoms, it was a satanic ritual that's been printed on our money since the 1990's or whenever these bills came out as well as future destruction of our country printed on our money to perform the witchcraft or sorcery intended by our consent and usage of these very bills. VERY short video if you're so inclined............. Look into more of his videos if you want to learn of this world and why we are here. God bless! Jesus is our only way out.


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Also recommend Sabrine Wallace's videos:

Sabrina Wallace - What Is The Global Information Grid? (Nov 29, 2023) - https://rumble.com/v3zbv2s-sabrina-wallace-what-is-the-global-information-grid.html

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countermeasures such as localized EMP are definitely a concern as is pointed out in the article. Also, chips are subject to destruction by electrostatic discharge. There is also the possibility of jamming the frequencies used. More advanced technologies would include a "smarter dust" which would seek out and destroy the so-called 'smart dust'. I am reminded of the famous photo of Nikola Tesla seated in a chair, engulfed in very high voltage discharge. War games are the product of psychopaths and sociopaths, and there is nothing intelligent or humane about these scenarios, or the demented who waste their lives and our tax dollars on such useless and evil pursuits. If these nano critters are really smart, they will turn on their creators like as in Dr. Frankenstein. Not really a matter of if, but when.

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What in holy fuck. Are the techBros of today determined to kill us all by 2026? Wow, what a great idea, throw more tech shit in the air to... do everything... from saving the planet from climate change to blowing up the ones we hate to smithereens. I'm getting close to checking out now, and I've seen enough war to fill several lifetimes, so all I can say now is "Good luck everybody."

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I’ve Got $100 That Says :

If Enough Doctors Die

We Can Cure Cancer.


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"Disgraced former Harvard research chair Charles Lieber, not only lied to feds back in 2018 about him being on the payroll of the Wuhan talent initiative from 2012-2017 to the tune of $50k per month (over $3million USD In his pocket) AND got his own research facility built in Wuhan..... but he researched a very very interesting topic, not merely ordinary microbiology, Lieber worked in a field that many people imagine is pure science fiction..... Lieber was a “smart dust” specialist"

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Thank you for your continual work. This is so so huge. Not easy wrapping my mind around it all.

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Thank you doc! I am looking for a comprehensive list of measures, be they lifestyle choices, supplements or other, that not only impede the growth or remove these synthetic substances from the body, but also support key organs, systems and pathways as well. I am a holistic healer and I'm admittedly overwhelmed. I am looking for one single resource or hub that I can use as a practitioner, and hopefully something I can also send directly to clients, friends and family.

FYI if anyone seriously thinks that a "ban of chemtrails" is even possible at state or local levels, you don't understand the mechanism of dispersal. It's the jet fuel. I know most people think this program uses "special" craft fitted with "special" nozzles for dispersion, but that is patently false. Dane Wiggington and others promote such nonsense, but it's a trap and a dead end. As long as the airline industry is using the current fuels, and coordinating flights paths for traveling in specific areas for atmospheric activation and focused coverage, there is no legislative solution.

For the real scoop, see


all relevant links are there, including his rumble and yt channels.

Blessings to all❤️

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Dear Dr. Ana,

Thank you for this incredible post and for all of your tireless work on the front lines of this terrible war. I know we will pull through this; good will overcome evil and we must go through the chaos, but thanks to you, we can all take action as Adrian, so wisely recommends below.

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Ms. Mihalcea, you gave us a link to the document you headline but no one has the full-text. You are the doctor with all the letters behind your name and you don't post the whole document. What good is the title if you don't have the article.

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I hate that the military is involved with killing us. Thanks dr.Ana

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Dear Ann Bella , Linda , Preciosa ; i do not need to read this post , Because as soon as i saw the tittle , i thought about that guy who sang about his friends biting the dust . i can only pray for all them devil's dandruff inhalers , regarding a post Qkaren did with Arnold , he used to be my last action hero , now sadly , he is my last action dummy . -elcasto . and to cordially invite everyone to https://quotesdefinitionsreminders.substack.com/

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No, they are not allowed to turn me into a machine, as simple as that. NOR take away our beautiful everyday world from us, as simple as that. So thank you for all the explaining... God bless you dr Ana!

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somehow I feel a boot against the back of my neck.

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