Harari's anti-God wet dream.

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Wow! I have been praying for weeks that you and Elana Freeland would put your heads together and VOILLA!!! The power of prayer is AMAZING! Great interview Dr. Ana! On another note, could you please discuss EDTA enema as a possible option to help rid us of these metals? There are many EDTA suppositories on the market but not much regarding enema. Thank you sincerely! Peace. Michelle

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Elana's books are some of the most well researched (and consequently scary) books I have ever read. She has documented everything she wrote meticulously. I highly recommend all of them! You have to know what these psychopaths are trying to do in order to avoid becoming a victim. Anyone who was not already a critical thinker got sucked into "cov!d theater" very quickly, and many are still blindly continuing to follow the pied piper....so I suggest reading and knowing what we are all up against. These psychotic maniacs do tell us beforehand (I think they take perverse pleasure in that), but most people are just not conscious enough to realize that, yeah, they DO intend to kill off 90% of the human population. They will succeed until WE stop them!

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Thank you Dr. Ana M, for continuing to provide overwhelming relevant evidence that illustrate the threats to all life on the planet.

For those who want to learn about and maybe participate in an open, objective, think tank type exploration of all possible global solutions for this situation (as diverse respectful equals), please consider visiting https://solutionseeking.substack.com, starting with the URL below. We can and must solve this, together. Thank you.


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This one is hard to share. I’ve been beating my followers over the head with all these other “revelations” and “bad tidings”, that I worry how much more they can take. Then I think, the truth sets you free. I’ll share it tomorrow, for tomorrow is another day.

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Hopefully Dr. Klinghardt is on the radar > very interested in what He has to say about this merky unregulated Landscape.

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I am so sick and tired of having to put up with the evil in this world prison. It is a prison run by psychopaths. I can’t wait until The Creator destroys it for good.

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Excellent interview. I love Elana's bluntness on how we're all infiltrated by this tech to some degree, and her philosophy on how we can deal with this realization, very powerful.

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Sounds like Graphene oxide/hydrogel is a conduit for 5G manipulation

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Absolutely one of the most epic conversations encompassing what humanity is up against...

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The vaccines are forcing specific variants to become predominant through deceptive immune imprinting.

Vaccination rate and Booster rate are the only independent variables needed to explain the delta variant outbreak of 2021.

Root Mean Standard Error is 0.000467 over 52 biweekly data points, R-Squared is 0.9981.


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Yes, people are conduits for the transfer of energy in several ways. They, (scientists) have learned how to pull energy from us, modulate it and program us. But they do so covertly, without consent and this is a crime. They would disagree, since the technology is patented and inside of you now. They argue, that you are not your own any longer, because you carry their patented technology. The only reason they are getting away with it, is because, they didn't tell us, so we are not fighting it. But Dr Mihalcea has proven this fact. So, it's time to get pissed off, and get this stuff out of you, however possible, and then mobilize to sue and arrest these sanctimonious war criminals that have human-jacked us. At prosecutenow.io, Dr David Martin has provided you with pre-written indictments. Fill it out, addressing it to whom you are asking to be arrested and serve it with the support of local authorities, like the British did. Record it, publish it, disseminate it. Because we have to, okay? No one is going to do this for us: https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/energy/a42419268/6g-power-humans-antennas/

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Wow! Thank you, Dr. Ana!

Please, to reiterate an urgent query: Can you kindly tell us if it is safe for us to employ CHELATION THERAPY with omnipresent dental and/or surgical metal?

A critical question, please!!

Huge thanks!

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At 40 mins into the video with Freeland, Dr. Ana, you mention seeing 1) an accelerated aging process and 2) a decline in cognitive function even in young people. This, imo, is due to a lack of copper in our diet due to Round Up/Glyphosate chelating it out of the soil and hence our food, which in turn causes iron overload in our cells. Morley Robbins' term is mineral disregulation. Please contact Morley Robbins of the Root Cause Protocol at rcp123.org. His focus is on supplying the necessary activated minerals for making Mg-ATP in the mitochondria. Copper in the form of cytochrome c oxidase is copper dependent. Without that enzyme, phase IV of the Krebs Cycle can not turn oxygen into water and make ADP for phase V. No Mg-ATP made in the cells results in dysfunctional cells, which primarily cause chronic fatigue. But it also causes a decline in cognitive function and dysregulation of iron, which causes oxidative stress and a host of diseases. I've been on the protocol for nine months and I can jog short distances again. Plus my low back is healing and getting stronger. Cognitive ability has improved too. The situation is: we need copper; we're not getting it; and we are getting too much iron in iron fortified flour and processed food products. Sounds odd in a paradigm where "iron deficiency anemia" is the accepted norm, but it's true. Add copper and iron deficiency anemia is no more.

When we optimize the making of ADP and ATP in the mitochondria, we make crystalline water inside the cell to stay hydrated and our frequency is optimized. pH is 7.0. Recall that copper wiring runs the current in our house. It's the most conductive metal on Earth. It's got to help run the current in our meridians via the red blood cells. And I speculate that iron maintains our magnetic fields. Together copper and iron ground our aura/Soul in the physical body.

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