Anyone with an inkling of the side effect risk could only in good conscience refuse to jab their kids.

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Just wondering how long the HPV vaccine has contained all these deadly components? I had my teen take it before 2010. Was all this stuff in it back then? Thank you in advance to anyone who can answer this, it makes me sick that I let her have it.

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You might want to contact Dr. Tenpenny on her substack, she has been following this for years.

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I want to know the answer to this question also, my daughter got it around that year also.

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"Everyone is afraid to be called an anti vaxxer"

Wow. What planet have I been living on?

Myself and many parents have been proud for the past forty years to be not only called, but brazenly and loudly and publicly advertised ourselves as "anti vaxxers/anti harm". It's not just vaccines that we say, and have for forty plus years, said no to; it's all of your white coated lies. We trust nothing whatsoever coming out of the mouths or hands of white coats..;.get it?

The reasons we came to feel this way are legion. Let's begin with "we're not stupid". Maybe hella intelligent.

And it's inevitable that the herd will follow. Get it?

Better look into another costume to keep your show going, though you're cashing in hard enough now to take you a ways down your line.

I will never get on board your big black train. I've known the harms of gardasil for more than ten years...where were you?

No bother mentioning how much of the dirty dealing was done at Dartmouth College?


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Furthermore, this is what the nanobots look like in the micro. Realize...this is sprayed via chemtrails too. Its Self assembling growth is fueled by...Wifi....wifi is ubiquious. On the macro...How big can these nanobots get? What forms will these synthetic lifeforms become in the sky? We seriously need to nip this problem in the bud...all over the air wifi must be banned. and our environment needs to be decontaminated of these self assembling synthetic life forms before they get too big to control.

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Can you sui Merck for not disclosing on the insert that the vax contains DNA?

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You mention that "Adjuvants, such as organosiloxanes and silica, have been implicated in numerous adverse side effects, including serious injuries and even death", yet I've heard elsewhere that silica can help remove the aluminium adjuvant from the body. Have I misunderstood something?

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How does one detox from the gardasil vaccine? Does low dose chelation with EDTA help? Does ozone help? I have several patients with premature ovarian failure. Can their ovaries recover?

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It's pretty CLEAR, that ALL VACCINES, since DAY 1, are depopulation/psychotronic BIOWEAPONS... and if you don't believe me ask the AMISH and SEE. https://timesofgold.com/2023/07/12/comprehensive-study-there-are-zero-amish-kids-suffering-from-cancer-diabetes-or-autism-why-is-that/.. Our Intelligence indicates the REAL REASON they blew up that train in Penn, filled with chemical weapons was to POISION AMISH land to get rid of the SMOKING GUN....

More evidence

Go to yandex.com and search. [[[No cancers seen until vaccine]]]... also we know FOR SURE, they gave 85 million Americans the S40 cancer in the Polio Vaccines. The SAME S40 being found in the CONJOB-19 vaccines. RINSE & REPEAT???? SEE https://www.sott.net/article/383450-CDC-admits-it-gave-over-98M-Americans-polio-shots-containing-cancer-causing-Simian-virus?ysclid=lluy08wy4x289507156

Man people are going to go APE SH1T, when they Connect the Dots and figure out it was Big Pharma/US GOVT/ DEEP STATE that EXECUTED their loved ones with cancer huh???? Intel courtesy of your boy!!!! ................>Agent Midnight Rider

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Spot on Rider ... I touched on this concept back in August ...


Any Great Awakening is bound to bring Great Bedlam.

Based on the increasing violence of the cities, lift-off is looking imminent.

Best of luck, ~~ j ~~

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90 percent of humanity has been poisoned by this crap. But what needs understanding is wtf is be chem trailed on us. Hmmm, anti vax does been you haven’t been “sky vaxxed”. Correction, 100 percent...

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doesn’t mean

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'Roll Call' current and past CDC, FDA, and whom ever that approved these substances to be injected. ■ Question them and have them provide paper testimonies on what is in that they approved and what it does to people once it is injected. If they are unable to supply a reasonable answer, then if currently employed or serving in the vaccine practice, give them the opportunity to resign, and proceed to prosecute. The same for those no longer in the vaccine practice, prosecute. The Millennium, Revelation 20, states those with Christ Jesus will be Judges and Kings (something like that) and I have no idea what during that Kingdom I will be doing; but if nothing is done before concerning vaccine poison practices, I will see to it that the 'rod of iron' rule will live up to it's tuffness. M

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Poison is poison ■ I am not going to start drinking or eatting cleaning, automotive, lawn, building supplies; if I am that hungry, I will eat the weeds until I need to dig a foot and a half down in soil, to eat dirt containing Fulvic Acid. M

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I’ve had trouble ever since I got the HPV vaccine, my oldest daughter got them too before I became aware of all the dangers! Is there a way to detox this out???

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GOD bless & thank you Dr. Ana for being a courageous medical Truth Warrior. Dear Lord, help us to help ourselves & deliver us from evil ...

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At this rate, most people won't live long enough to get their 500 shots;-)

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I was at my Doctor's yesterday and before anyone says I should do naturally, I was unable to for this issue. All I saw was men and women arriving for flu jabs and one women turned up with her two year old daughter for a jab of some kind. People are supposed to be waking up, I don't think so. We will only be awake when all the jabbed are sadly dead.

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