Nattokinase, lumbrokinase, edta, Nac, milk thistle .

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For over ten years I’ve been speaking against all vaccines, insisting that they are not just contaminated, but intentionally being used to make people ill, but everyone is just so damn brainwashed, doc. Even now with all the evidence of nano particles, as well as all of the contaminated blood and sudden deaths, I just cannot understand how damn intentionally-evil most in our government and mainstream media have been covering this up—as if they have the antidote—so have nothing to lose.

I’m convinced the only real solution to end this madness is to use all our resources to form coalitions of all the honest nurses, researchers, doctors and lawyers who acknowledge this threat—then directly target and punish the Lawyers in and outside of government who are at the center of it all, starting with the lawyers of the security briefers, DOJ, DOD, FBI, CDC, FDA, USDA…all government agency directors, lawyers and politicians…as well as the legal counsel of the pharmaceutical companies. This attack on humanity—this genocide—is NOT possible without “Lawyers” at the epicenter of it all, not just the politicians. We MUST begin Destroying the lawyers responsible for all of it; the chem trails, the manufacturing of viruses, the Bioweapon-Vaxx and the coverup.

Focus on and destroy all the evil lawyers who must be assisting the Eugenicist monsters to make this happen and the whole bloody cartel can then be totally destroyed. There is no other way. Complaining and demonstrating is a worthless waste of time and resources. I’m just so sick of talking, screaming, begging—trying to convince the brainwashed sheep who don’t want to acknowledge the truths. I want to begin imprisoning and hanging the goddamn lawyers, doc—as if we are at war—which we are.

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KEEP SPEAKING LOUDLY PROMOTING SAVING LIVES! love promoting you because what you say makes sense about this entire BIOTERRORISM theatre…still shamefully continuing!

I thought you all might find interesting what I posted today at some of the American doctor’s substacks…

How come you can’t get 2 doctors in the US to agree on anything?

Is it because they are not listening to Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, WHO WHISTLEBLOWER and Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea who has ties to multiple scientific disciplines (quantum physics, biophysics, genetics, torsion, biochemistry and neurology)…a necessity to understand these vaccines?

Dr. Ana’s best interview with Dr. Lee Merritt…



Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

P.S. How come OUTRAGED HUMAN’s SCIENCE & NANOTECHNOLOGY substack makes more sense about what is going on than what most of the US doctors or scientists are saying? Is it because ALL the US medical schools were ‘captured’ by corporate robber Barons long ago?

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Dr. Ana, please accept my sincere thanks for all you do. Please know that many of us are extremely grateful and supportive.

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Taking This Vaccine

Would Be Like Flying In A Plane

That Was Made In Rwanda.


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Thank you for this excellent, informative interview and for all the work that you do to help humanity. The Medical Truth Podcast provides a complete transcript of the interview, very helpful for those of us who would rather read.

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I Know Why Bill Gates Left Harvard

And Why He Was So Mad:

He Received

His First "F" Ever On A Term Paper.

It Was Titled:

"How To Destroy All Of Humanity"


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Dr Anna you are an incredible truth ambassador and who

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We did not have the vaccine, but had acute cases of COVID-19 in August 2022. We also have suffered from long covid becauses we were not able to obtain effective treatment quickly. Personally, I spent three days in the hospital (covid pneumonia-refused Remdesivir)and remained on oxygen for three months at home, after we found a physician who was not afraid to treat COVID19 aggressively with off the shelf effective products. Gradually began to wean myself off oxygen after two months. The spike protein from the disease is devastating to anyone's immune system, but especially to us senior citizens. We have followed the detox protocol for the vaccinated, but continue to be concerned about future illness. My very healthy brother, mentally and physically (organic/permaculture farmer) has been diagnosed with acute multiple myeloma within the last three weeks, his kidneys have already failed, and he is in the last stages of this disease. He experienced COVID-19 in the Spring of 2020. All this said, it is not just the spike protein in the vaccine that people need to be concerned about. There most certainly needs to be reckoning and the multitude of guilty held accountable.

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PLEASE read the link above. It’s from 1912 and describes the 4th state of blood and it sounds like it could help us. I have morgellons and it’s been killing me for almost ten years now. Need smart free thinkers like you to help sort this craziness out. Thank you.

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Dr. Mihalcea, I would love to hear a conversation between yourself and Ulrike Granogger of the Academy of Future Science . She has done several talks on the work of Dr. Peter Gariaev and the wave genome as well as DNA linguistics. Tnank you.

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023

I love your work Dr Ana and obtained a microscope from the local uni last week. I am embarking on LBA training and research with a fellow health coach. Reviewing blood on Friday

My question is about dosages and frequency of EDTA for adults and children, safety prior to and post conception (planning to conceive In July, AI nanotechnology minimised/cleared). Any guidance or links would be appreciated.

Would love a list of recommended products / Protocols / Guidelines to be circulated. Happy to be part of a team to do that.

The human soul is way too powerful to be destroyed or defeated.

Blessings and love, Marion , Australia

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Dear Dr. Mihalcea,

I have taken to heart your posts and web interviews and told my readers about what you and others are discovering. If you find anything you'd like to correct, please let me know and I'll post a correction. https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/health-alarm-emf-activated-fibers

A question for all concerned:

Winix air purifiers boast a purifying stage called "plasmawave" after the HEPA- filter stage. The idea is that air is excited into an ionized state (a plasma) that breaks up airborne particles. Assuming that it does, might that break up airborne graphene oxide, presumably creating CO2 and O2?

Thank you for all you are doing!

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“When Do We Deploy the New Variant?” – Hancock (UK Health Minister) asked.




During April 2020 out-of-hospital prescribing for Midazolam was twice the amount seen in 2019




Omicron is Not Normal



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