Measles, Mumps, Rubella And Varicella Vaccine For Children Shows Nanobot Swarms, Quantum Dots And Self Assembly Hydrogel - Repost of Analysis
Given the recent discussion about MMR vaccination, I wanted to repost this analysis I did in September 2023. When considering vaccine safety, microscopy analysis should be considered, as many of the findings we see in the blood can be identified to self assemble in childhood vaccines.
The childhood MMR vaccine is loaded with nanobots. They are so small that on my highest magnification you can barely see them, but they are clearly there. I tried to go up to 4000x with my Oil objective but could not visualize them. I took many videos and if you look at the entirety of the documentation it is clearly stunning. The MMRV vax is supposed to be stored at -56F. Thawed it looks exactly like the C19 bioweapon. Filaments do assemble and large areas of hydrogel construction. Without a cover slip the self assembly is much more visible. This is given to 9 month old babies, then again at 15months, and then at 6 years of age. This is the 5th childhood vaccine I looked at. It all looks the same to me, it is loaded with self assembly nanotechnology.
You can see that the liquid is dense and many layers of activity are seen including larger hydrogel pieces. I wanted to show the miniscule swarming in the background that is clearly involved in self assembly. A human red blood cells has about a diameter of 6.8 micrometers. I would say these small nanobots are at least 1000 times smaller than that.
Larger pieces of hydrogel can be seen moving in the extremely busy background
The entire drop was moving towards the center, clearly coordinated intelligently to build a large hydrogel like clot. In this video you can see 100x magnification with clear movement. It looks just like Insulin that I filmed.
Here you can see after about 45 minutes how much of this has already assembled and how much coordinated movement there is.
Here is what this looks like after about 70 minutes:
Filaments as we know self assemble. They are not present when the material is placed on the slide in the beginning. This one appeared after about 1 hour 20 min.
This is 100x objective with the light dialed down showing the filaments that have grown huge:
Here are the classic spheres I see in the blood growing hydrogel substance:
This is a coagulated hydrogel with many blinking lights visible.
Here the spherical structures are visible in movement. They are part of the self assembly in the above image:
I hope you share this information. Given the new discussions around measles vaccination, one aspect of ensuring safety is to also assess the microscopy evidence.
Here are further microscopic vaccine analysis given in children:
Meningococcus Vaccine For Children - Darkfield Microscopy Shows Self Assembled Hydrogel Filaments
Kennedy knows these products are dangerous.
5 days ago Brian Hooker from CHD said: "The MMR vaccine has been shown to cause “febrile seizures, anaphylaxis, meningitis, encephalitis, thrombocytopenia, arthritis and vasculitis,” as well as “encephalopathy with features of autism.”
This is the covid playbook once again, this time done by a person whom many in the health freedom movement consider a friend. It is why the Health Freedom Movement largely will not come out and fight back.
We see another militarized response replete with fear and hatred towards the unvaccinated. What we don't see is a calming response replete with facts about measles as well as facts about the MMR vaccine. We did not see doctors who understand that measles is not very dangerous for most people and when it is dangerous, what are the non-vaccine supportive therapies that will get someone through. We did not see an honest discussion of the dangers of this vaccine to the recipient and those who will be exposed to vaccine induced disease.
We also saw admonitions to take the vaccine to help protect the community. This is the covid psy-op all over again.
Health Freedom people must either mean what you say or just admit you were shamming for money through donations. You are watching the covid psy-op play out and if you won't speak up and show why this is the wrong way to go, then you have shown who you really are--a shill for money and power.
Why it's more important than ever to get children into the sun to absorb subcellular melatonin - if not - get light bulbs that give off this spectrum.