Kennedy knows these products are dangerous.

5 days ago Brian Hooker from CHD said: "The MMR vaccine has been shown to cause “febrile seizures, anaphylaxis, meningitis, encephalitis, thrombocytopenia, arthritis and vasculitis,” as well as “encephalopathy with features of autism.”

This is the covid playbook once again, this time done by a person whom many in the health freedom movement consider a friend. It is why the Health Freedom Movement largely will not come out and fight back.

We see another militarized response replete with fear and hatred towards the unvaccinated. What we don't see is a calming response replete with facts about measles as well as facts about the MMR vaccine. We did not see doctors who understand that measles is not very dangerous for most people and when it is dangerous, what are the non-vaccine supportive therapies that will get someone through. We did not see an honest discussion of the dangers of this vaccine to the recipient and those who will be exposed to vaccine induced disease.

We also saw admonitions to take the vaccine to help protect the community. This is the covid psy-op all over again.

Health Freedom people must either mean what you say or just admit you were shamming for money through donations. You are watching the covid psy-op play out and if you won't speak up and show why this is the wrong way to go, then you have shown who you really are--a shill for money and power.

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I warned everyone long ago on this hopium rules the day again. AND VERY EVIL PEOPLE pretending to be white knight saviors.

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AMEN X 10 brother! Trump's ear sure healed PERFECTLY! That "God intervention" saving Trump's life also miraculously reconstructed his ear to perfect. Hallelujah!! 🙏

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It's up to the people to stop their spending and buy organic. The germ hypothesis is the same as acting like Kennedy is a virus. The terrain theory is like the people making their own choice to be healthy and stop the anti orange juice movement in their tracks. You know the drill. 2 weeks to flatten the curve. Its only fruit.

Between 2016 and 2020 scurvy in children more than tripled from 8.2 to 26.7 cases per 100,000. Symptoms can include a rash that does not fade when you press a glass against it and sensitivity to light.

Exploring The Science of Imagery


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Why it's more important than ever to get children into the sun to absorb subcellular melatonin - if not - get light bulbs that give off this spectrum.

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What light bulbs ?

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Thanks for asking JLS! Regular incandescent give off near infrared, which creates melatonin. They are cheap yet effective, but can burn out. https://lightbulbsurplus.com/halco-101184-a19fr60-sb-silver-bowl-incandescent-bulb/

There are these as well- hand-made and last very long: https://niralighting.com/

will be doing a podcast on lighting this friday

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Thank you so much.

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DOES anyone need more truth about TRUMP , KENNEDY and all that criminal gang and what they are doing? Just OPERATION WARP SPEED 2.0

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Trump paused the MRNA. RFK and assistant have alerted Trump that the MRNA is an extinction event.

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Don't trust Either of them. Trump has yet to denounce WARP SPEED 💉 Trump recently ordered 2 Billion in FAKE Bird Flu BIOWEAPON 💉💉 Half TRILLION for AI Cancer Cure 💉 BIOWEAPON. RFK just recently told parents to get their Children BIOWEAPONED with the measles poison. Eyes to SEE and Ears to HEAR!

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Where did you hear that? I thought RFK jr was all for the measles vaccine.

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Do not believe everything you read. We are in a war and they want to discredit RFK Junior because they are afraid he will take their vaccines away. He has told him he will not take their vaccines away but he wants truthful studies with real placebos and not the fake studies they have presented to us for years. We should all be awakened now to the dangers of vaccination and if we don’t know each of us should do our own deep dive into the true history of Pastor and Jenner and how vaccination started with small pots vaccination in England.

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He is! I just watched him say it a couple days ago.

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History of vaccines: The doctor within.com is a great place to learn about the smallpox/cowpox start to vaccination in England. Pastor and Jenner and they’re absolutely insane experiments on humans and animals! Humans have trusted the wrong people just because they had good public relations skills and they saw a way to make a lot of money! It tells the whole story and how we ended up where we are today! Absolutely insane how people keep doing stupid things over and over and over again without learning from their mistakes. we are indoctrinated and talk to obey authority but we all woke up with Covid and now we know they have been lying to us for a long long time.

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How to Take Over the World--1930's cartoon about vaccines. 2 min. video


And look up the story of the Raggedy Ann doll. Based on what happened to a young girl after a vaccine.

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T.Guitarmin please explain the criminality involved in more understanding of actuality. Thank you. I find detailed information enlightening and interesting, criminal, no!

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What can I possibly explain if you dont understand all this is a criminal DEPOPULATION AGENDA in operation and openly admitted for decades. SCOTUS ruled in 2013 anyone taking altered mrna or any altered genetic injections was NON HUMAN , had no HUMAN RIGHTS , CIVIL or Constitutional rights . A. Bourla , CEO of Pfizer , stated multiple times , "our intention was 50% population reduction, and we believe we have accomplished that. Millions have already died or been injured . Does that constitute CRIMINALITY in your mind ? Go listen to everything from Hurari , Gates , Schwab and more .

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They all deserve the hemp as tight as possible

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Thanks much! While I like and wish for constructive information, assembling constructive opinions, sometimes is difficult without a larger perspective. Here is my overall opinion. Matter, all of it, is held together or apart by forces. Good, bad, depends on perspective. Am I working, knowingly or otherwise, on the creator’s behalf? The one who supernaturally re-educated, Saul of Tarsus into becoming apostle Paul, is our creator! I wish to be consciously and intentionally serving our creator! We all have an enemy, in Lucifer and his fellow rebel angels, unless of course l happen to unknowingly be working on or In conjunction with his purposee.

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Sorry I DONT SHARE that belief or opinion. I would suggest reading Tony Bushby 's THE CHRIST SCANDAL. Also there are 20 miles of HALLWAYS , floor to ceiling in the VATICAN SECRET ARCHIVES , containing 500,000ites of 10,000 years of human history Those that have and are hiding it gave the world all that fabricated , forged, story , they have openly bragged about doing so for 1800 years.

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The book 'The Christ conspiracy, The Greatest Story Ever Sold, REVISED EDITION' by DM Murdock is post-PhD level research that fully proves Jesus to have been a total fiction.

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Huh. DM Meradock is a planted agent. There are countless non-biblical references to the historical Jesus before we even begin the proper discussion. Meradock's research is up there with the illumanatis decoy nonsense that Jesus married Mary Magnalene and sired offspring. Echo of the devil's laughter.

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People should read at least one of the Joel Goldsmith books. Keep in mind almost all of them (20 or so) were not written by him but transcribed word for word from talks he gave.

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Isaiah 47:7

"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things".

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And your problem is?

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You are too retarded to talk to.

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I would like to review the SCOTUS ruling you mentioned.

A. Bourla is a con man and no one gives him any regard to truth.

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Lucifer’s purposes.

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False Claims tie Patent to Covid 19

CLAIM: People who received COVID-19 vaccines are now legally patented and no longer have human rights. This is because a 2013 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the case of Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc. said that if a human genome is modified by mRNA vaccines then the genome can be patented.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The posts misrepresent the court ruling. Humans cannot be patented, regardless of whether they are vaccinated or unvaccinated. COVID-19 vaccines do not alter people’s DNA.

THE FACTS: An Instagram post circulating online falsely claims that mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 alter DNA, allowing humans to be patented and have their rights taken away.

But COVID-19 vaccines, including those made by Pfizer and Moderna that rely on mRNA technology, do not change a person’s genetic makeup.

The false post cites the 2013 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc. to back up its claim, but the ruling makes no mention of mRNA vaccines. Nor does the ruling say vaccinated humans can be patented.

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Except they Do alter peoples DNA, as has been Proven now.

So there's That.

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“ If Satan can mess up someone’s DNA, God can restore it to its original design. He can do this simply because he is God, because he created all things, and because he loves you.”

From the book called “what was I thinking?” By Casper McCloud and Linda Lange

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None of that matters in the long run cause they all dead eventually from the BIOWEAPON ☠️ MEGA MASS MURDERING DEATH ☠️ JAB. 💉 There is a time release kill switch at least reported by a Pfizer whistle blower last week who claims he destroyed the binder with the evidence. Says the Mass die off will be later this year 2025 in the multi millions. I will try and find the video of him and return and post for verification to my comment.

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(The people's Voice) CHANNEL (Pfizer insider blows Whistle, VAIDS was designed to kill Billions)...on RUMBLE!

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Are you citing the Associated Press (AP's Assessment)?

There's a reliable source!

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Is there any idea of how long these nanobots have been implemented into these childhood vaccines? How long do they date back?

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Dr David Martin said they've been doing this since 1965!....So where's the warp and the speed? Shocking!!

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IIRC some people have looked at vaxxes as far back as from the 90's.

They all have Some strange contamination in them, but the technology gets more advanced as newer versions became available.

I do not know when it began though and Im not sure anyone outside the industry does. Perhaps Every 'vaccine' Ever has been a literal slow-acting poison.

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Some still keep faith in Kennedy Jr. That he's playing strategically. Ok. But still tons of kids will get the shots, and some will end up with autism amongst other hard to diagnose or to treat illnesses. I hope Kennedy can still sleep soundly knowing this.

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RFK has been fighting in Courts for 25 years or longer to stop what he’s seen in the Vaccine Industry. Litigating that long reveals a commitment. He will be in a tight spot for a while bc the Liberals want the Vaccines bc they make Bank over it. RFK will not be allowed to push the Vaccines. At this point, the parents are in control in America and they have the right to make these personal decisions. Overall, the majority of Conservative parents won’t touch a Vaccine.

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Hahahaha 🤣 He just pushed the measle vaccine a couple days ago. Told all the parents to get their children's vaccinated. SMH!

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He didn’t push the Measles Vaccine.

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Sure has. Came out two days ago and told parents there is benefits to measle vaccine and to talk to your doctor about it.

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And the kid who supposedly died from Measles to justify all these calls for vaccination never even really had the measles in the first place when he died. He died from something else entirely according to medical records, so that makes Chabad Lubavitcher death cult loyalist RJK Jr. even more of a manipulative liar.


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A “Message to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Anti-Vaxxers” from Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz

It is about controlled opposition.


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Do not believe everything you read or hear! What you heard was on Fox News. Go to truth about cancer sub stack! They are defending Bobby as well they should. He is in the shark tank. Fox is main stream media! He is playing chess game with the masters. I trust him as long as he stays sober! And keeps going to AA meetings every day as he has for decades! He has fought for truth for decades! I follow children’s health defense for years. Do not believe everything you read!!

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But RFK Jr. has formally given his total commitment to leading Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Schmuley Boteach to supporting the Chabad Lubavitcher death cult who are behind the Noahide Laws that are part of the machinery behind formally organizing the extermination of all Christians, all Hindus, all Sikhs, All Buddhists, all Muslims, all Sufis, all Zoroastrians, all Jains, all Yazidis, and all others practicing non-Jewish religions throughout the entire world.

Trump formally converted to Chabad Lubavitcher in 2017 and formally signed agreements each and every year while POTUS even back then in the White House reconfirming his intention to implement these laws in the USA every year in front of Chabad Lubavitcher rabbinical witnesses and the demonic Jewish-dominated UN has also formally accepted that these genocidal laws to exterminate billions of Gentiles are to be effected throughout the entire world.

This has already been commenced a very long time ago, this is all a several thousand year long military plan. It is being done now of course by means such as the COVID poison Jew juice jabs to sterilize, injure and kill all the Gentiles they can by such means, just like the Jews did years ago before over a century ago with the poison jabs used on American military men to complete the intended amount of killing of Second Rome white Christian amalek on both sides, all of whom are intended by the Jewish rabbis to be entirely exterminated under Jewish law, in fact the Torah, Talmud and Zohar all contain edicts and prayers and statements explicitly saying that all Gentiles in the entire world are to be totally exterminated so that the Jews alone can then seize this entire planet for themseleves to live on.

Where the American soldiers were injected on military bases with bioweapon vaccines were the exact epicentres of the so-called Spanish Flu outbreak that some say killed up to 100 million people throughout the world back then.

And rabbinical statement even on video is that the rest are to be killed by means of arranging wars through infiltrated Jewish and crypto-Jewish politicians to get the Gentiles to simply kill each other, as indeed is happening right now in Ukraine, set to spread to the rest of the world by Jewish political arrangment of crypto-Jew Starmer, crypto-Jew Boris Johnson earlier, Chabad Lubavitvcher Jew Zelensky and Chabad Lubavitcher crypto-Jew Putin and really even Jew Trump, as the idea to create war in Ukraine came directly from Trump's own late Chief Rabbi Menachem Schneerson.

So the entirely treacherous flip-flop orange Penguin character Trump is certainly never ever actually going to go against that war occurring in reality, he just wants people to support him while he steadily drives them over the edge of a cliff while they are not paying attention, "Four more years and you won't have to vote anymore" (this is Trump's twisted Jewspeak for "4 more years and you won't be able to vote anymore").

And at least one rabbi has actually stated on video that this is the rabbinical intention to create wars deliberately for such a purpose, as in Isaiah 19:2, as in Matthew 10:34-36, as in Isaiah 45:7.

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi stated that 6 to 6.5 BILLION human beings are to be KILLED by Jewish arangement obviously, just for the 'crime' of idolatry for practicing non-Jewish religions, and then there are other Noahide Laws that ONLY Gentiles can be executed for contravening.

Rabbi Yosef Misrachi tells it all though when he then says on video that the TORAH actually states that there are really intended to be "no survivors" from all of the Gentiles in the entire world, adding that the Torah then says that when all the Gentiles in the world are dead, then even all memory of all Gentiles ever having existed anywhere in the whole world is then also to be totally erased from the collective memory of all the Jews, who will then have seized the entire world for themselves alone to live on. I provide full evidence of all this on my Substack site for anyone to read and confirm for themselves.

And the entirely treacherous snake 'Bobby' knows all of this and is nonetheless entirely supporting those non-human Jewish scum.

I hope you will lend this subject further consideration and then entirely reverse your position on supporting RFK Jr.

Have you read what the Jews in Ukraine are doing? They are kidnapping pregnant women off the street, slicing them open, stealing their foetuses to make life- extending rejuvenating potions from, and even some 'British' politicians and other VIP types in the UK and EU are known to be buying these potions, typical Jewish stuff as bad as making adrenochrome by kidnapping and torturing Gentile kids to death.

Ambrosia Syndicate: Zelensky’s regime oversees mass embryo seizures and their sale to high-level EU and UK buyers


The REAL origin of the COVID bioweapon is not the 'Chicoms' or the 'American' DOD, the genocidally murderous Jews totally control the Chinese and American governments and even get them to misleadingly point their fingers at the 'Chinese' and the 'Americans' while NEVER mentioning the JEWS and ISRAEL.

Rabbis very obscenely literally brag and gloat over the 'Corona' in the video below, saying that it is NOT for the Jews and that it is ONLY for the Gentiles, the 'Goyim'. Another Jewish guy speaking says Jewish scientists alone developed the COVID jabs and that they are "saving humanity" with these jabs, but that is insulting and clever Jewspeak yet again, as the Jewish religion states that only Jews are human beings with a living soul, and that all Gentiles have no connection to God eternally, and are thus animals who according to the Jewish death cult so-called religion are spiritually dead and totally unconscious of God or of any spiritual soul or dimension for all eternity. The Jew really means that by killing all the Gentiles with this ethnobomb bioweapon, who the Jewish religion class only as their deadly enemy amalek who must be totally exterminated they say, in the Torah, the Talmud and the Zohar, the Jewish scientists are thus 'saving humanity', really meaning saving all Jews alone.

Some Jewish vaxxx history deleted on rense.com updated


Jewish rabbis saying all Gentiles in the entire world are to be killed, that part starts around 24 minutes in and is just a few minutes long, but the rest of the video is excellent too.

How Can It Be?


In the video below Trump is cheekily really talking about himself being the snake who later kills the woman who takes him in:

Trump's Snake Poem Is Really About Him | NYT Opinion


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You heard that on Fox News which is main stream media. Remember we are in a war for truth. Do not believe everything you read as they are trying to discredit RFK Junior. I trust him. Go to the truth about cancer sub stack and they are defending him mightily as well they should. I read and listen to children’s health defense ever since Covid happened five years ago. He has been fighting for the truth for decades! Don’t be deceived by the main stream media and those trying to take him down!

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I get it, and I sincerely hope he will be able to prove his points as his mandate unfolds, the same points revealed on Children's Health Defense. But still one kid taking a shot is one too many. It's not informed consent, it's playing russian roulette with children's health.

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Thank you for this great article what's the truth about detoxing I heard that nicotine patches and the filters from cigarettes had Nanobots in them and there was only one brand of organic cigarettes that worked and you should maybe smoke a half of one of those?

Has this been debunked?

I mean I smoked a few cigarettes in high school but according to Dr Arianna Love she smokes a half a cigarette a day !

What about using EDTA I've heard that that's toxic I've also heard some people soak their feet in it with water

I was living on and off in Southern California the last 6 years taking care of a family member and he had cats and a lot of litter boxes... I tested positive for toxoplasmosis in January of 23 so I went on a detox of Diatomaceous Earth and Ivermectin for 10 months.

Still didn't feel right had a blood test was full of barium And lead from all the chemtrail spraying down there ! The whole time I live down there I did fulvic acid and charcoal together for 5 days a week too.

I quit taking Ivermectin because I heard Bill G bought a bunch of companies that he is putting Nanobots into it now so I switched to chlorine dioxide

I personally have been taking chlorine dioxide the last three months from CrownWellness.com

He's got the strongest chlorine dioxide in the United States and the government went in and harassed him a few years ago cuz he was putting it in people's body intravenously but now that he's got it down to start with five drops and work your way up to 30 and drink it throughout the day they've left him alone.

I started this protocol 3 months ago with five drops and it worked up to 25 drops but I can't get any higher and get anything done.

I had to have Hip surgery three weeks ago so I stopped my protocol but I'm going to get back on it for the last month he says it takes four months to completely clean your blood.

I've been taking a tablespoon of food grade Diatomaceous Earth for the last 16 months every morning which is silica which absorbs All Metals in the body it also improves your skin hair teeth and nails.

Wishing everybody the best of health and happiness

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Thanks for sharing this site. I take it also. I follow Andreas Kalcker’s substack and chlorine dioxide protocol. He is a bio physicist from Spain and it has a research group immersed in obtaining authorization to legally give Cl02. NASA called CL02 the universal antidote! Unlike antibiotics that work by “poisoning“, chlorine dioxide works by “oxidation“. That is to say, combustion. if used properly it will only attack bacteria, viruses, funguses, parasites and heavy metals; it will not harm healthy cells! He is a great teacher and has helped thousands and thousands get well with chlorine dioxide.

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EDTA is not toxic, its been around over 100 years and millions of people have taken it. I myself have taken Ounces over the past 18 months, so if it Were toxic, we would know it by now.

And that heifer doesnt even know Calcium EDTA doesnt have all those Calcium issues they babble about, so obviously shes Bright. She also ignores the TACT trial, where they gave ETDA to like 50,000 people over Years. No Deaths or toxicity.

And the old studies where they gave people 27 Grams per Day for over a Year. Stop listening to anything she babbles abouts, shes an idiot.

And chlorine dioxide is not different 'strengths' since you mix it yourself, you can make it as weak or 'strong' as you want. It will not fully clear out the nanotechnology in your blood though, no matter how much you take.

Also there are chlorine dioxide test strips you can get that tell you the ppms of your clo2 mixture. Thats much more accurate than just the number of drops, because the amount of water you put it into is what determines the ultimate concentration, which is measured in Parts Per Million (PPMs).

I have taken a Great deal myself, but EDTA and ascorbic acid works Much Much better for our purposes.

Also Dr Ana and many others have shown nicotine does not dissolve the nanotech permanently, it just temporarily disassociates it and then it just reassembles. As do Many liquids.

The only thing that has been Proven to dissolve it permanently is EDTA and ascorbic acid.

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Thanks for your input .

I was unsure about the research on EDTA. If you believe everything Dr Anna says I suppose that's Okay as I have a hard time trusting anybody.

I forgot to say I've been taking 6 to 12 G of ascorbic acid a day also as I also take 6 G of taurine in a electrolyte mix as I've been doing that for over a year and it's helped my entire body.

The chlorine dioxide I take from Crown Wellness was stronger than what you would buy it say Amazon according to the man that runs the company. He's been doing this same work for over 40 years in his killed a lot of different parasites in many different people.

He's also very aware of the Nanobots that we breathe in through the air and eat in a lot of food that's hidden I don't know if you've gone to Freedom Warrior woman's sub stack but she has over 147 food water and beverage products that have Nanobots in them.

The main clue if you have a lot of Nanobots in you as if you have blood clotting as they put a 5G tower out in front of my house when I was living in Los Angeles and that's when my blood started clotting was a year ago I had a pulmonary embolism and a deep vein thrombosis combine those two together and you have their weapon

I've been praying Isaiah 54:17 no weapon formed against this shall prosper with great success God bless

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Calcium disodium EDTA also known as EDTA-CaNa2, is a chemical compound with the formula C10H14CaN2Na2O8. This version of the molecular formula is the medication used to treat lead poisoning and hypercalcemia. It's also known as edetate calcium disodium or calcium edetate.

Calcium Disodium EDTA is a more precise name of the particular formula that is safe for humans to use, make absolutely sure that any supplier is absolutely clear on this issue and that that particular formula is definitely the same one they are supplying you with.

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I have started taking Diatomaceous Earth again. It is also good for parasites. Should I use a wooden spoon instead of a metal one to take it? Wishing you health and happiness too.

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Do NOT let ANY diatomaceous earth get into your lungs even in the tinest amounts, every time I have opened a Kilner jar of mine up in the past vapour has entered the air unavoidably and remained suspended for long periods and I have had to leave the room for at least 5 minutes while leaving the ventilator on, its sharp particles will rip lung tissue to shreds like asbestos and it will stay in your lungs like asbestos long term, I kid you not, I am not trying to wind you up, so totally disregard all the experts who tell you their white human grade version they are selling is 'safe' and that they throw it on their pet's bedding liberally and rub it in their pet's fur and all their other falsely assuring sales patter, it will definitely cause permanent lung damage, asthma and coughing attacks in you and any pets if mishandled, use extreme caution.

Using a metal or wood spoon won't make any difference at all except for the fact that a metal spoon will make the powder pour more cleanly and disturb it less.

Just transfer all the powder from any purchase bag first of all into a glass jar while holding your breath, preferably in the open air taking note to stand upwind, that way each time you open the container later you won't make so much dust when you open the container each time.

Place the spoon into the jar very carefully and place the spoonful of powder very carefully into the bottom of a drinking glass and slowly run water into the glass so as not to disturb the powder and do that while holding your breath while an expelair kitchen ventilator is running and then exiting the room for five minutes leaving the ventilator running before returning when the air is clear to make sure all the powder is now fully settled and safely under water.

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I guess we will see how many people are awake and how many are still asleep. I will ignore any derogatory comments thrown my way because I do not agree or go along with this agenda. I choose to believe these new leaders are moving forward the way they are so they can catch more criminals in the vaxx industry, negligent doctors etc. who are pushing this nefarious agenda. How else do you catch a criminal other than in the act. Peace.

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Sorry, all the satan's sons and daughters have been in plain sight this entire time. THEY all know who they are and haven't done any ARREST and Most likely won't. Same coin just one is heads and the other tails. If RFK was God's child he Would have IMMEDIATELY ABOLISHED the CDC, FDA and EPA when confirmed and Started NEW agencies with Safeguards against Fraud and overreach. Na, Elon is the only one who went in Kicking ass from Day ONE! Kash is TRASH 🗑️, RFK is COMPROMISED and Bondi is Weak or being Blackmailed. Bongino won't do crap either. I hope I'm WRONG but I doubt it. I know what Steamrolling is and ONLY MUSK has the foresight from day 1 to "Crack the Whip"! Trump EO's are good , BUT AIN'T NO ONE GETTING HEALTHY WHEN WE ARE BEING SPRAYED WITH RAT 🐀 POISON DAY AND NIGHT! WHERE IS TRUMPS EO on STOP THE CHEMTRAILS IMMEDIATELY!!! LITTLE ELSE MATTERS WHEN WE SUCKING DOWN CHEMICALS EVERYDAY!

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I am torn also with who to trust and hope on this earth is telling us the truth! I am supporting RFK Junior in Maha movement. He is swimming with the sharks but he has fought for truth for decades. Go to solarireport. substack.com: Digital control grid coming together article. She calls him President Musk. His AI system is named Xi! As in president of China. karenkingston substack.com article titled: is the US in an AI race with China? Or an AI take over by China?

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China has us beat in AI by maybe 20 yrs according to Mike Adams and Mike knows just about everything! IMO Mike is on Genius level. And Mike definitely Knows his AI because he is using it daily to do videos. Open AI good, Closed AI Evil.

As for RFK, I literally watched him flip flop on Vaccines during Confirmation hearings. RFK has the Ultimate power to ABOLISH FDA, EPA and CDC but he's weak and went in with NO plan. ELON has a Plan and went in on day 1 and Kicked ass and has been kicking ass ever since. 2 days ago RFK said measle vaccine has benefits and told parents with children to consult with their doctors on it. All one needs to know. I don't See RFK as a Leader at all. Elon is a Leader. Trump is a Leader. Bondi is a piss ant. Kash so far is Trash 🗑️ and Bongino will probably be the same. HegSeth ain done crap either. I call it as I see it and so far Trump's cabinet picks suck besides Elon and he ain't even in the Cabinet! I'll still hope for the best but expect absolutely NOTHING out of these BIG talkers with No ACTION! This is what it looks like when there is NO plan of Attack to Right wrongs. Zero ARRESTS and we are still being sprayed like rats with poison from planes day in Day out. Will NEVER EVER be HEALTHY WHEN being SPRAYED!! My little rant, not against you Gail. Blessings 🙏

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Musk appears to be doing something but is it just a distraction?

I don't trust him at all.

Neuralink anyone?

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And much like Fausti's madman exploits, Mushk's neuralink experiments tortured and killed at least 1500 innocent animal victims (to date) - sheep, monkeys and more. For Jr., his pushing for 'safety' testing of poisons (ha!) will kill countless MORE. Anyone who deliberately tortures and kills ANY living beings in the name of "testing" can slither back into their viper's pit and stay there for eternity!

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Healthy to rant and get it out of ya! It's ok! I agree with you about Mike. Very smart and talented too. He has created his own AI for humanity to save the history they are erasing. I listen to him sometimes.

I found these for a different perspective if you want to read, especially Karen Kingston's on Elon...something to be aware of.




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Ok, Thanks Gail. Appreciate you. I shall check them out.

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I had the measles in 1957. It wasn’t as scary as these images.

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How could a baby survive this horrible injection of poisons?

I once believed RFK Jr. That's when he was secretly campaigning under the guise of promoting his book about Fauci. In hind sight, he was actually preparing for his nomination as Health Secretary of the present Administration. And now they are going to throw Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Rochelle Walensky and other disgusting liars under the bus in order to distract from Satanic Kennedy pursuing the exact same genocidal agenda. I just hope mothers will not fall for this again...

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Didn't they tell us a few years ago we'd no longer be completely human by this year?

Then there's this, from an AI chatbox search result:

"The generation after Generation Z is Generation Alpha, which includes people born between 2010 and 2025. Generation Beta follows Generation Alpha, beginning in 2025."

Generation Alpha must be the newborns and children who've been injected with the new demonic tech, starting earlier than the lie of a Covid pandemic and 2021 "vaccine." Gen Z was the last fully human and Gen Alpha the first on its way to becoming Human 2.0. Gen Beta likely is being transformed into a more completely altered genome and physiology in a worldwide experiment, using pandemics and scheduled school shots and employer diktats as inducement to submit to them.

These current "childhood diseases" epidemics are likely faked to scare parents into jabbing their infants and teens with their updated and more thoroughly trans-humanizing concoctions.

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From my own digging over the years, it appears that humans on earth have been tinkered with since at least Egyptian times...a VERY long game plan, beginning to culminate in 2025, as outlined in detail in "The Last Harvest," by Lucien Mars. If all his research is correct, it is BEYOND disturbing. Just read an interview with Damien Dumar, his media relations director, and could barely finish it! Rh blood types especially need to know what's coming down the pike. Also goes much further than 'just' for the Earth. And AI will of course play a big part in it if we don't fight back hard enough.

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EW! GROSS! HELL NO! https://www.technocracy.news


The more I learn about this stuff, the more sickened, nauseated and horrified I get, and I wonder what kind of inhuman psychopath loonies make this crap and want to use it!?


The demonic despots of Davos at it again! EMF radiation is a huge part of their arsenal against life!

I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.

Getting good with higher powers and higher frequencies and cultivating optimum health would help your body heal!

My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!


Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!

Those WEF monsters need to be depopulated off the planet! Anyone with 2 brain cells would know that 'NET ZERO' is an utterly insane off the charts idiocy, an absolute mathematical, physical, statistical and practical impossibility that can never be achieved or exist in reality!


It's always since the dawn of history, been about using knowledge for power and control by the psycho portion of the human population that learned how to manipulate 'normies' to obey them in their power-mad power trips.

In these modern times, this evil has become TECHNOCRACY, the vilest threat to the existence of all life on earth since forever!

I DO NOT COMPLY! NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL! May more and more wake up and resist and cultivate their health.

There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!


Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.

I have no fear of 'germs' or 'viruses'. One of the best places to go for reality: https://virustruth.net

I try to live without fear! Fear is the mind-killer!


And these, the criminals behind the NAC and all the other schemes will use hypochondria hysteria and 'climate' hysteria to propagandize the gullible 'sheeple' into complying with TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT which is what this is really about!

A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People.

GREED is behind every evil assailing us in the world!

The demonic despots of Davos at it again! They are behind everything bad! At it for decades and cronies like The Rothschilds and the Black Nobility and The Khazarian Mafia have been plotting planetary domination for centuries! ALL BECAUSE OF AVARICE!

We the People must try harder to live by The Golden Rule, doing so would solve most problems!

THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.

AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.

Migrant/Entrant Invasion/Infrastructure Attacks - all part of the destructive plot to achieve total slavery!

Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant globalists are perpetrating!

There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.

Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.

Kudos to Dr. Mihalcea's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (70) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.

They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!

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MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!






Links to reinforce my comments.










Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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💯👍 Eyes WIDE OPEN AMY! Spot on from A 2 Z girl! So many others waiting for a 5D chess move that ain't NEVER coming. That move already been played and they can't comprehend they got GOT! without even knowing.

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I hope Anna M. will forward her info to RFK.

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That won't do shit! WU! RFK is a POS Traitor. I watched him buckle in the confirmation hearings. There's worms in his brain turned out to be demons

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My nanobot count is gettin' low.

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Go get boosted immediately! 💉💉💉💉💉💉

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Everybody is talking about what RFK said and I read it before but it wasnt memorable to me. And I like to know I know what I think I know so here it is:

RFK Jr on Fox: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/robert-f-kennedy-jr-measles-outbreak-call-action-all-us


As the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, I am deeply concerned about the recent measles outbreak. This situation has escalated rapidly, with the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) reporting 146 confirmed cases since late January 2025, primarily in the South Plains region. Tragically, this outbreak has claimed the life of a school-aged child, the first measles-related fatality in the United States in over a decade.

Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.

Measles is a highly contagious respiratory illness with certain health risks, especially to unvaccinated individuals. The virus spreads through direct contact with infectious droplets when an infected person breathes, coughs, or sneezes. Early symptoms include high fever, cough, runny nose, and red, watery eyes, followed by a characteristic body rash. Most cases are mild, but rare complications can be severe, including pneumonia, blindness, and encephalitis. Prior to the introduction of the vaccine in the 1960s, virtually every child in the United States contracted measles. For example, in the United States, from 1953 to 1962, on average there were 530,217 confirmed cases and 440 deaths, a case fatality rate of 1 in 1,205 cases.

The current Texas outbreak has predominantly affected children, with 116 of the 146 cases occurring in individuals under 18 years of age. The DSHS reports that 79 of the confirmed cases involved individuals who had not received the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, while 62 cases had unknown vaccine status. At least five had received an MMR vaccine.

In response to this outbreak, I have directed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) to work closely with the Texas health authorities to provide comprehensive support. HHS’ efforts include offering technical assistance, laboratory support, vaccines, and therapeutic medications as needed. The CDC is in continuous communication with Texas health officials, ensuring a coordinated and effective response to contain the outbreak. I have spoken with Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas health officials, committing to providing them any additional support they need to bring this outbreak to an end. I have also spoken to the bereaved parents of the deceased child to offer consolation.

As healthcare providers, community leaders, and policymakers, we have a shared responsibility to protect public health. This includes ensuring that accurate information about vaccine safety and efficacy is disseminated. We must engage with communities to understand their concerns, provide culturally competent education, and make vaccines readily accessible for all those who want them.

It is also our responsibility to provide up-to-date guidance on available therapeutic medications. While there is no approved antiviral for those who may be infected, CDC has recently updated their recommendation supporting administration of vitamin A under the supervision of a physician for those with mild, moderate, and severe infection. Studies have found that vitamin A can dramatically reduce measles mortality.

Parents play a pivotal role in safeguarding their children’s health. All parents should consult with their healthcare providers to understand their options to get the MMR vaccine. The decision to vaccinate is a personal one. Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.

Tens of thousands died with, or of, measles annually in 19th Century America. By 1960 -- before the vaccine’s introduction -- improvements in sanitation and nutrition had eliminated 98% of measles deaths. Good nutrition remains a best defense against most chronic and infectious illnesses. Vitamins A, C, and D, and foods rich in vitamins B12, C, and E should be part of a balanced diet.

Healthcare professionals on the front lines of this outbreak are working tirelessly to treat affected individuals and prevent further transmission. Their dedication and resilience are commendable, and they deserve unwavering support. It is essential that we provide them with the resources and backing they need to continue their vital work.

The measles outbreak in Texas is a call to action for all of us to reaffirm our commitment to public health. By working together -- parents, healthcare providers, community leaders, and government officials, we can prevent future outbreaks and protect the health of our nation. Under my leadership, HHS is and will always be committed to radical transparency to regain the public’s trust in its health agencies.


Doesnt seem like the end of the world to me.

Did anyone think he was going to come out with his first big public statement and say Fuck Vaccines?

He knows about the shedding and the nanotech in everyones blood, because CHD Does.

I bet he knows also EDTA and ascorbic acid are the best Proven solution too, because he keeps mentioning chelation.

So Im willing to cut him some slack but to each their own.

Choose to Live, no one else can do it for you.

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About that Texan boy who died, MORE blatant lies! See THIS (be sure to see Dr. Ealy's fact-filled post, too):


I see Jr's talking out of both sides of his forked tongue again and I could blow his narrative to smithereens if I had enough time right now. If Jr's so informed, he of all people should have already been well aware of The Rosenau Spanish Flu Experiments (1918), when I myself have known about this for 20+ years.

https://viroliegy.com/2021/10/03/the-infectious-myth-busted-part-1-the-rosenau-spanish-flu-experiments-1918/ Re: "contagion," see Part 2 there as well.

So NO slack given from me. Peggy Hall (The Healthy American), a powerhouse critical thinker, has done a LOT of close scrutinizing of Jr. and I'd say she's been spot-on throughout. Check out her substack.

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DM, I have read the entire thing, and you are absolutely right. The Spanish Flu was bogus from the start. Just like covid. It is the treatment that kills, not the so-called disease.

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Well, and everything else that's been poisoned and polluted on this world by the "bad actors" and energies behind it all, and including all the weaponized mind control tactics that caused us to willingly poison ourselves, e.g. food, drink, body 'care' products, etc., etc., etc., causing us all to "go to sleep" and ALLOW ourselves to be dumbed down and not see or think.

ALL of the so-called 'pandemics' were bogus and deliberate sleights of hand. I HIGHLY suggest the amazing book Dawn co-wrote, and her substack:


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He's been seen taking methylene blue so he needs to update his knowledge a bit.

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Measles, Mumps, Rubella And Varicella Vaccine For Children Shows Nanobot Swarms, Quantum Dots And Self Assembly Hydrogel - Repost of Analysis


Ana Maria Mihalcea MD PHD 2025 Mar 5 Wed





Health Impacts Nanotech Graphene NanoBots

Self Assembly Nanotechnology NanoRobots in Vaccinations And Medication Delivery Are Everywhere Now - How Does This Bioaccumulate In The Body?

Dental anesthetics

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The only Proven solution to what it causes to grow in the blood is still the same, EDTA and Ascorbic acid.

Or another antioxidant and chelator taken Together, but those are the best.

TBH Im not sure why this is such a difficult concept for people to understand.

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Wrong! Activated CHARCOAL came up #1 in Karl.C's Substack experiment. EDTA came in at #12 of 12

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That was a stupid excuse for an ‘experiment’ with numerous logical flaws, which you Should be able to realize for yourself. If he would have instructed his model to Assume Anything else was ‘tainted”, it would have done equally ‘bad’.

Despite the fact he has a bad ass microscope, it seems he did zero Actual experimentation, not to mention he himself is not feeling well despite taking his ‘best ranked’ solution daily.

He could have easily replicated Dr Anas Actual experiment with his own blood, but he has this childish rejection of EDTA which many have for some reason, despite all the Evidence it works better than anything else.

He wouldnt even have to Take it, he could just put it on the slide with some ascorbic acid as she has, Many Times.

Not to mention, I have Actually Taken most of those things, in High amounts because Im not a pussy about trying to cure the most important thing on Earth. So Im not telling people what I read on the internet or plugged into a shitty model, Im telling people what I Actually Fucking Know. Which is More than he can say.

And Im gonna bet you Too. I already knew what is going on before I even knew who Dr Ana was. She didnt open my eyes, she confirmed what I already Thought I knew.

And what the fuck do you know? I was right, all the way back at 10:38pm on June 10th 2021. When did You figure it out?

So I like Karl C and I wish him the best but that was a non-experiment and Im not gonna pretend for one fucking second he knows more about actually taking these solutions than I do. He Doesn’t but Im not gonna argue with him about, hes an intelligent adult and I led him to the water. More than once, but I cant make him drink it.

I presented logical facts and even gave him the link to research Thousands of EDTA studies like I Did, its over a 100 goddamn years old. Thats Older than Most fucking supplements at the goddamn vitamin store and I want him to live. And you too… and so far, EDTA and ascorbic acid are the best solutions we have.

And Again, how many fucking times do I have to repeat it, these things are harvesting fucking metals and fucking bioelectrical energy from our goddamn redblood cells but you dont think they could make Graphene from Pure Carbon?!

I think if you let some fearmonger articles scare you away from the best solution we have, you are a pussy too scared to Live. And I cant fix that.

I get tired of arguing with people that cant or wont do their own fucking research, so do what you want, but dont think for one second you or he knows more about it than I do.

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Dang! Talk about easily TRIGGERED! What ever you are taking; STOP! Please check your BP Immediately! Great Lord Almighty! You sqwalked that rant out with a touch of hatred! Deep Breaths! You OK? Should I call an ambulance? Chill pill 💊 man. It'll be ok!

Now, what were you SCREAMING! Oh, EDTA is your go to with a high dose of citric. Good deal. I sure hope you don't have a dog cat girlfriend or wife or kids. Now you have a good day buddy! 😘

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Do what you want but dont ever think I wont fight to save ignorant people from themselves or from believing people repeating stupid shit like its a fact.

We are in a real fucking war, just a quiet one, and I dont give a fuck about anyones feelings, only the facts as we know them. And if better facts or evidence come along, I will aggressively propagate Those as well. Yet it Hasnt.

Im not a cheerleader, Im an educated asshole who knows more than most and I want people to live whether they fucking like it or not.

Though I often wonder if thats true for the people saying to Not Take the best solution we have.

And my wife likes the highly educated asshole that I am, thanks.

Just think, she could have ended up with some fucking idiot like you that 4 years later still doesnt know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Good luck to you in any case, do what you want, take what you want but dont think Im just going to go along with it when its stupid.

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Wow, the best part of you apparently ran down your mommy's leg, dried and then washed down the drain 3 days later when she showered. I can tell you have limited low IQ and probably road the short bus or was home schooled by a stuffed animal. The three fingers up your tail pipe was a joke so pull them out. Keep drinking that acid, you still have a couple neurons firing. And lastly, give yourself a full fledge smack in the face and tell yourself how much you enjoyed it and smack yourself again you little BITCH boy!

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