We are living in a nightmare; Dear Lord help us. Discernment and prayers for help and protection in these days. Prayers to all those who are fighting for truth to be revealed to all of us.

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My thoughts exactly but I also pray for those who are suffering from the consequences of their choices.....Thank God for the brave warriors and their research. There are so many brilliant minds working for solutions. I feel in my heart that good will win over evil.

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Sorry to say many will never trust the science even if it shows a modicum of success. The only thing that can be hoped for is the total destruction of the manufacturing centers of these bioweapons.

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deletedJul 5, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023
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I do pray for them that have recently departed that I know who took it and I pray for the ones I know who took it and I grieve for their future. Yes; you're right. I also recommend Psalms 37:1-40 Amen⚖⚓⌛. I know God will destroy the wicked.

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Thanks for your recommendation K......not surprised to hear you also pray for the people who have suffered and are suffering from this unbelievably horrific massive assault on humanity. I'm reading about more exposure of the truth around the world which I think is a positive sign. I believe more people are waking up tipping the scale in the right direction....I pray, as you possibly do, for healing and clarity of thought to stay the course through these uncertain times...

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Discernment. Yes. God hears our prayers. It is written, the righteous will walk upon the ashes of the wicked. I'm so glad to know how aware you are now. God Bless.

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You seem to think those of us who took the shots, are the only ones with this stuff in our blood. Dr. Ana tells us differently.

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023

Don't think you can call them "choices". We did not have enough true information to make real choices. Seniors were tricked into taking the shots, so we could go back to Church, and even after that, if you had any symptoms, you needed to test to make sure you were okay to go around other people.. At least that is the way it happened to me. Once I started learning the truth, I have been trying to tell anybody I come in contact with...but most are not paying any attention, or even think I am crazy. Even my husband doesn't believe it about the nano particles and all the ways they have been getting them to us. Too many people still believe it was a virus and vaccines, instead of a bioweapon and even more bioweapons. I am trying to Detox with Zeolite spray, food grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE), Nattokinase, Zinc, Vit. C & D3 & K2, Bromelain, NAC, staying alkaline with baking soda water, and EDTA both capsules and Cream on the skin (because there is no way to get the EDTA by IV around here). I have no tell-tale symptoms, but I know after having 2 shots plus what is in the air, food & water, I must try hard to do this, and will have to continue with it for an unlimited time. I also ask God every day, to let it work, so I can be here with good enough health to take care of my 2 Yorkie daughters, who are 5 and 12 this month and next. They cannot take care of themselves, and my husband has never even learned to feed them, and they would never again get their daily mile walks, either. If they end up needing special care in the end, I will need to be here for them so I pray for health, for their sake. We should pray for all people, even those who have made us their enemies.

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Good for you investigating what helps keep you well and also researching the efficacy of ongoing shots. I agree with you that people were not given the information they needed to make an informed decision. I'm thankful for all the cutting edge research coming forward. Hopefully, many more people will learn the truth of what is actually going on and will be prompted to do their own research in the future when those in power try to impose their will on all the people.

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To me, this interview Dr. Ana did, is the best full explanation I have found so far.


The article she referred us to, "Confessions of an Engineered Nanoparticle" is an excellent article, too.

I really don't know how to tell if my Detox is working, or not, since I have no symptoms at this time. I have sinus drainage, but I have had that all my life; my Mother did too, so I must have inherited it. Right now I am taking all I can manage, since most has to be on an empty stomach. Staying on schedule is really the hardest part. I really think that the fact that I had already been doing Oil Pulling for a number of years, which pulls out Toxins of some kind, may have been a factor on my side. I also had been taking a Tbsp. of fresh Cod Liver Oil daily, which had already helped my cholesterol. (Omega 3 Innovations) I may have some of the Charcoal; if I do I will add that to my regime. I have to stay away from the green powder mixes, because of my allergies. Most have at least a couple items that cause me to break out. I have one now, but it has Sunflower root (Asteraceae Plant Family), and cinnamon (allergic to spices , flavorings, & fragrances, because of allergen Balsam of Peru). My contact allergies are not new, patch test was done years ago, and it was then I learned that it was not mosquitoes that left the itchy bumps on me all my life. I have a Rx of Ivermectin, in case it was needed. FLCCC has a whole booklet, "I-RECOVER", that you can download. I haven't had time to read it, but there is a Suggested Therapies chart in the very front.

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I agree on the nightmare. It's like in 2021 we switched over to a twilight zone timeline.

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Paul me too, once I woke up summer of 2021 when they approved the shots for the kids is what made me realize something was dreadfully wrong with the whole situation. I’m finally recovering from a long breakdown and I am a strong individual at that but extremely conscious of the big picture. Can’t imagine people who have no idea suddenly waking up they’re gonna lose it, we have to pray and pray for ourselves that our faith my grow stronger. Another thing that happened too I became a believer.

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Prayer is underestimated, but a human superpower given to us by God. Might as well use it, right?!

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We must use it. We are at war. This is the Final Conflict; like no other. Prepare.

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“And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.” -Matthew 24:22 (King James)

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The luciferase component, is the luciferian hybrid DNA with insects like fireflies. I think this was in patents already reviewed in videos by some researchers.

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This verse has come to my mind many times over the past few months.

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Yes. Exactly. Prepare.

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Prayers have done nothing. You, yourself, need to take action. This is occurring because people have been either fast asleep or ignorant (deliberately ignoring what the government, shadow government, and big corps have been doing - for decades - people always expect "someone (or some entity) to do something". If you have children and grandchildren it is your job to protect them. No one else's.

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Yes we all have to act in our own way , prayer and sending out Light and `love into the world to balance the rise of the evil ones is one very powerful way, incinerating 5g masts might be another way some people might choose but act we must ,but don't forget it takes a small amount of love to neutralise a large amount of hate.

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Nothing wrong with righteous anger. Definitely not enough love in the world either. It's hard to trust anyone.

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Nobody is ignoring it. There are people out there burning down the cell towers across the world. They are also taking down the surveillance cameras. You can see videos of this on Bit Chute. Don't underestimate the power of prayer. I think Dr. Masaru Emoto proved the power of prayer, thought, and intent by studying water. https://thewellnessenterprise.com/emoto/

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Many people are ignoring it. Of course people are taking out IoT infrastructure, have been for years. It's stupid to depend on prayer if the goal is to have an entity - whether it's god/yaweh/allah/beanie baby etc - save you.

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I'll agree many are ignoring it but just .5 percent of the population can take the whole system down overnight if they chose to do so. The bible names the enemies. That alone is very telling. I personally know prayer works because it has for me. There are no other explanations for how I got how of the messes I was in. I will not bend when it comes to the Father and his son. Bible makes is clear those who deny them will be denied. They may be able to harm the body only if God allows it. If he does allow it, they can't harm the soul. Only he has that authority since it belongs to him. And it would be YHWH / Yahweh since that's the word they removed over 7k times from the sacred texts.

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Jesus did not have the Apostles just pray that people would be saved. He sent them out to spread the Word....to spread the knowledge. We have to do that ALONG WITH our prayers.

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Prayer does work, but we can't expect God to just perform a big Miracle for us, when it has now been revealed that there are steps we can take to overcome this tragedy...and then pray for Him to be with us as we go forward to heal. Karen Kingston says it is actually IN THE PATENTS, that EDTA will dissolve the white rubbery clots. God gives us substances that heal; sometimes they are the answer to our prayers. We must go forward and ask for His guidance and strength in these uncertain times.

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I have taken action too.

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These pictures are more like mine I had sick things from shedding and loads of it even creatures like worms one had a body leggs long neck and head was a hook shape it moved also so was alive but man made it was not a natural insect also I've had worms black and they could also shape like a Y shape branch off in different direction I pray these are out of me now I have hair many types white plastic morgellons hair fiber optics and I have beard hair few types and nano wire I know also this grew though hole body like another nervous system or mine has been changed this was done to me a few times every times I had elerjic reaction to the meds this was in and never told so no consent was ever given to be monitored servalence and behaviour modification that alone trying to change me when all along my problem was them making me look crazy getting me sectioned about 4 X all times story never changed sycopojical warfare on me syops and also energy weapons causing inflammation and 3rd degree burns tourcher make me so mad I gave my Dr pure hydrogel loads and 2 X he said came back normal well it was not skin to start with so how was it normal I told him needs looking at under microscope it was full of ribbons with chips and other things self esemble nano technology last time I emailed NHS telling them before the jab was out explained what it was and I can bleep ECG machine with hand have big chip right middle finger bleep ECG machine like tag reader it got denied it happened so was sectioned for telling the truth and forced swab even though I said it hydrogel nano technology and Quontom dot I said I will spit on it and also I did not want to be there because they could get me there serco they knew they should not of sectioned me

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I have to say, so much of this goes over my head. But what I CAN say is, I only did the PCR test 2 times in the last 3 years. I avoided it like the plague as best I could. The second time I did it, my nasal passages immediately became inflamed (and trust me, I only went into my nostrils with the swap maybe a half inch). And do you know in about a week, I got a very weird cold. I wasn't very sick at all, it kind of seemed like a cold but not quite. I cannot describe it, but like my first (and only) bout with covid, it was not like any illness I had ever had in my 60 years of living.

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Thanks for sharing this Ann. Did you do any kind of detox after this? How are you feeling now?

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So, here is something else that I found fascinating after my pretty bad 2021 bout with covid (I am assuming it was covid, from being shed on at a family wedding reception, I know, sounds crazy, but there it is, I am convinced that's how it happened because everyone was freshly vaxxed and boosted, and no one appeared sick): once I recovered from covid, after about a month, I felt like my immune system was supercharged. Again, crazy, right? I kept telling my husband, "it's the weirdest thing, I feel like my immune system is operating at optimum ( I can't explain how it felt, I just remember feeling it and expressing it). And it was about a month after that, that I did the nasal swab and came down with that weird cold. But I felt great even though I had cold symptoms, which is why I thought it was a weird cold. So, long story, probably more than anyone wanted to read, but I didn't have to detox, and I still feel very strong immunity wise. Of course, I did take NAC and ivermectin during my covid illness, and I am currently taking a daily Nattokinase pill. Maybe those things have something to do with how I feel.

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You probably had a low grade microparasite infection, which the ivermectin crushed. Imkeep going back on it for three days, then five off, to keep itmin check.

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Mine didn't feel like a cold, mine felt like mini heat strokes, and lasted about 3 days. The first one was 6 mo. after my 2nd shot, and the 2nd was a year or so later. I have no symptoms now, but know that stuff is still in my blood until I get it detoxed out. I'm even giving the Zeolite to Buttons and Sassy Girl. Buttons will be 12 next month, and she is a lot more alert that she was before I started giving it to them. I give them a spray in their mouth, and a drop on their food twice a day. Zeolite detoxes heavy metals, maybe they were holding her down! (ha ha)

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"What I cannot get out of my mind is that billions of people have had these tests pushed right up the nasal passage, close to the pineal gland and brain. What on earth could be growing in places we cannot extract them? Now I can see why many peoples' behavior is not logical."

The threat vectors of this present crisis keep expanding and are far more numerous than can be understood by most people. Unless there is some treatment by which there can be a next-level, deep detox for thwarting what has been deeply embedded, the cyborg reality appears to be gaining traction at a horrific pace...

As for this quantum-leap of nano threats that are being ignored out of denial by the public... They won't believe it until it is too late... As for those nano scientists who could do something for humanity: Those who are knowing, aren't saying... Many of those speaking out about dangers are saying but aren't fully knowing (haven't made the leap to nano...)

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And still, the ENEMY FEARS US; THE FAITHFUL BELIEVERS...They somehow, can't crash through the wall of protection GOD IS WITHIN THE HUMAN SOUL. It's important to remember this and the fact that anything and everything can be done to our bodies...And, that is NOT the soul as the soul only belongs to God up until the moment of death when God removes Himself as an option for those NOT choosing him.

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That is why Jesus say we should be living in the country in the last days away from the city if we do not want the plague of the cities, grow your own food and barter between one another

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Where is this written in scriptures about leaving the cities...?

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There’s dozens of references in the Bible to His destruction of cities.


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So very true, yet where is it written for us today to flee the cities...? Some were specifically warned (Lot, Noah, etc) so perhaps if we take the Book of revelation of Jesus, it is through discernment we would flee...?

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The end times, we are living right now, as Jesus said, are like the times of Noah (DNA corruption/mark of the beast) and Lot (Sodom type cities). There are progressive supernatural signs on the sky, land and sea over the last years showing the setup for the final war. Christ is going to come with visible fire

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Yes, the signs of end times are for us, today, in the book of Revelation. If I could flee now I would, were deep into it…don’t have the option. God bless.

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Small town, not in city limits, but still not easy to get the garden to grow. Even the chipmunks want the leaves, before the plants grow big enough to make food. I do pretty good on tomatoes and okra, but not too good on other veggies. I just buy extra food that will shelf-keep for a while. The emergency food kits have too much stuff in them that we never eat, like pancakes, etc. I buy canned goods and dry products. At 77, don't need it to keep 20 years anyway. I do rotate the food pantry constantly, though.

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All of these suggestions play a role at some level, but there’s no corresponding blood analysis to show it works. The medics need to first acknowledge Dr Ana’s work, and begin testing the uses of various chelating minerals, amino acids anti oxidant supplements to see if they clear the blood. A friend added NAC, super clean eating, and 48/72 hr fasting but also now facing another cancer-like tumor, her 3rd, after having part of the colon removed in ‘21 post 2nd injection. It can’t be considered treatment of acute symptoms only, the blood must be examined.

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Karen Kingston says that it is IN THE PATENTS, that EDTA will dissolve the white non-blood clots.

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https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5826781/ methylene blue. Borax Water (tetra sodium borate) supposed to help the Morgellons sufferers. NAC.

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Interesting information, but even they are still talking about spike protein, not nano particles and nano technology.

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I know what you mean. The people who ARE talking about it, are still talking about a Virus from China, and a Vaxx that wasn't tested well. They still are not telling the public that they had Nano Particles injected.

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 Covid-19 Hoax Cover-up: 300+ Medical Journals are being Deleted

With so many people dead and injured from the covid mandates and injections, medical journals that published BS science to support the genocidal agenda, are scrubbing the record to hide their guilt.


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 Pfizer-Biontech Covid Vaccine produces the toxic Spike protein in Human Body Even after 2 Years

With an explosive study, a microbiologist confirms the tremendous alteration of the DNA in the blood of a former Swiss banker injured by the jabs of the mRNA genic serum.


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 The Canaries in the Human DNA Mine

The claims by Pfizer and Moderna repeated by regulators and complicit politicians that modRNAs do not enter the cell nucleus, and reverse transcribe into the Human Genome, were lies, made knowingly. Over four decades of scientific knowledge that started with a Nobel Prize only pointed to modRNAs integrating into the Human Genome, the knowledge of Retroposition. The WHO and regulatory experts everywhere did not want to inform the global population about these facts.


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Thank you for the above 3 comments - very important info, I will pass on to my virologist/immunologist husband.

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Thanks for this information NostradamasX. It's been a challenging ride with all of this information. Some days I ask myself why I bother anymore. Seems we have to stay in our houses and not be in conact with anyone and this is no way to live life. I have used the protocol Dr Bryan Ardis suggested "2mg losenges nicotine 4xpd, NAC, Zinc, Selinium," as well as nattokinase and colloidal gold. The one big question I have is, what will we be subjected to once the 3/4 population has in fact been wiped out, and we are what's left.. will we be the slave force for these monsters? I would rather pass away now that live through that, truth be told. It's been hell trying to find the money, as I live on disability money, just to try to clean my body as best I can. I look out of my window at all of the beautiful animals who come to my yard ( I live out in the country ) and my heart breaks for them too as they are also being assaulted daily. The air, water, soil, food, etc etc is tainted, even though I am on a well and a friend on spring water.. it is getting to be way too much to deal with, making me feel like a bobble head! LOL! Let's keep our heads up & do the best we can, I just wonder what it'll be worth in the long run! Many blissings to you & thank you again for the info, I've shared it so others may learn too!

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Similar situation. Live in the country. I like watching the deer, racoons (thieves), birds, squirrels, horses, and others. I also know everything is becoming toxic which is why we're buying our food and hygiene from other farmers and growing our own food too. On VA disability and the wife works. I feel the same way you do at times. Yesterday was one of those days for me. I have many of the same supplements you have but use colloidal silver. I have MMS and DMSO. Many of us know who the enemy is. No one can convince me we are not living in the times of Noah (genetic manipulation) and Sodom and Gomorrah (You see this daily). My view on the biblical texts is different than the mainstream churches because it's mostly wrong. Once I started researching and reading, I see a different story than what I've been told in the church. There are many more like me and we all agree on many things. The only 2 things we're sort of in a disagreement it will most dies off and God comes to destroy his enemies and anything that offends. Or the one I lean towards is everything changes when the economy tanks. This is the next step that is coming. This is when the merchants of the word cry over their lost riches. It doesn't go the way they planned. Instead, Christians rise up and take this place back by force. The texts indicate there may even be divine intervention to aid us. You would be surprised how many veterans and hunters are stocking up on arms and ammo. This is a time good men will have to do bad things. Christ will rule this world with a rod of Iron. Don't give up. We all have our battles and we have to face them even when it feels like we can't win. Can't lose the faith. Keep pushing on and sharing the knowledge. This is what I think is key now to waking up our army. You may feel like a bobble head but I actually think I may be one. lol

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I found it so interesting to watch how the colloidal gold destroys the tech in vaxxed blood, in Dr Nixon's video. He put one drop of blood & one drop of CG on a glass slide, and we viewed it in action. I also have DMSO & MMS. I would think the Colloidal ones would cancel out the MMS though. One would have to pay attention to the times taken, I suppose? Once I saw the video with the CG, I began using it since I dont need the MMS for any chronic issues. I don't see any "escape" from tainted foods though since everything is sprayed daily and you would have to have a garden in some kind of bubble to avoid the nano particulates. Back in 2008 I found Tony Pantalleresco, "HerbsPlusBeadWorks" on youtube, he showed many ways to get the nano out of foods as well as the body.. I was working 12 hour shifts 7 days a week ( In home healtch care ) and was totally overwhelmed in thought about how I would find the time to do this tedious clearing of food. He made a suggestion to eat only root vegi's since we peel 1/8 inch of skin from it and it would have less nano in it. I wonder how true that holds today with all of the rains we've had and ground soils being full of it by now?! I just do heavy metal detoxes, do the best I can with foods, buy from local growers since I can not garden myself these days w/o help ( hard to come by anymore ). Nice to meet another bobble head, ;) thank you and much love to you & the Mrs!

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Thank you for responding. I have been looking for this information on colloidal gold destroying the nanotech but I have not been able to find the video or any information. The only thing I keep seeing is a few others talking about it. Can you please post a link to the video and information? I could not find it on Dr. Nixon website or substack unless I'm missing it or it's hosted on another site. I'm also curious about MMS and DMSO while taking other supplements and colloidal silver and gold. You may be right about it's all in the timing. As for the nanotech, I think this is something we're going to have to keep taking until this ends and it's going to end one way or another. If we're taking it, it should keep destroying it. I like to get out in the garden. I look at the plants grow and tend to them and it takes my mind off everything. It can be hard work. Plus, I've read about the sun being able to detox. Best times are mid mornings. You should look into the microgreens. I just installed some lamps in a room. Bought some trays and tried it out. Turned out great. I just bought thousands of microgreen seeds from trueleafmarket.com. I picked up a lot of coir, perlite, and vermiculite. I already have enough fertilizers. Everything is organic. It's much easier to grow trays indoors. Maybe something to consider since it wasn't that difficult. I wish we could get some rain. We got a lot and then nothing for 8 weeks with heat into the 100's. I'm actually hearing thunder now so I'm hoping for some. I've never done a heavy metal detox and I'm looking into doing it. I know it can cause all types of issues. After I got back from the Gulf War, I started having anxiety and panic and still deal with it. I was also injured and had surgeries in 2008, 2015, and 2020. I'm sure I got some nano pumped in me. What I'm not understanding is if they are putting it in everything, why did they push the jab so hard. The only thing I can think of is for them to shed it to the unvaxxed. Also, I was an IT Engineer for a long time after the military and I do Bluetooth scans while out. I went into a grocery store and picked up nearly 400 BT MAC Addresses. There's no way there are that many BT device in a small grocery store. Maybe that was the reason. I really don't know. Anyways, accepting everything and making peace with God is giving me peace if that make sense. What makes me angry is seeing my children and other children dealing with this nightmare. If I have to rise up and do battle, that's who I'm doing it for. We'll be okay. God bless.

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Oh, I forgot to mention one thing Tony was talking about when it came to "grapes" their skins are so thin they are full of nano. I had bought some condensed red cherry juice from an organic home brewing company to make my own juice and not buy it at the store any more. After seeing that video I decided to not tell people to use red grape juice for gout any longer. Can you imagine the nano content in wine? YIKES! I'm not a drinker but I know many who are. Tony does show how to remove it from wine, since he used wine to get the nano out of the chaga mushrooms! It is a LOT of work, for sure!!

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I haven't bought grapes in a long time. I nearly picked some of but I didn't. And no drinking here either. Thanks for the heads up.

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Here is the link to see the video with Dr Nixon https://zeeemedia.com/interview/dr-david-nixon-the-cure-nanotech-inside-injected-and-uninjected-disappears-with-colloidal-gold/

I do hope you will check out Tony's website on youtube "herbsplusbeadworks" so much valuable information in his videos. A friend of mine in PA sent me some chaga mushrooms she collected so I could make tincture from them. Then I saw Tony's video on how to get the nano out of it and had to laugh..( this was when I was working 12 hour days 7 days a week ). All of those things went on the back burner while I was able to work and I just chose foods that weren't so difficult to deal with on my limited time schedule. Yes, as long as this continues, we will have to keep detoxing. Good luck with everything you are doing! I hope you like the video as much as I did, I thought it was amazing!

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Thank you for posting the video. I just finished it. That was convincing. He mentioned trying colloidal silver. I would like to see those results. And I wonder about copper too. Would be interesting since they are all in the same group on the periodic table. And all of them have one valence electron, they want to give it away to become stable. However, some are more reactive than others. I'm not sure how this works in the body. He recommended 150mls which is high. I'm not sure how much the gold the body can take which is why he must have stated 3 days on and take a break. Silver can be taken in higher doses every day. Since it well made, it would take a lot to turn blue. lol And I know about those long hours. Was pulling 16 hour days 24/7 in a desert with no AC or showers until it was all setup. I'll keep you informed as I find more research. I have plenty of time since I'm a disabled veteran. I also worked long hours as an IT Engineer until my injuries knocked me out of work force. I would have never realized much of what I know today if my life didn't turn out the way it did. It's like a curse and a blessing.

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Thanks for posting Nostradamus. May we not "never forget" but always remember.

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People given a supernatural gift from God to expose the occult/ serpent race indicate its insectoid/ serpent symbology. The people who wish to stay 'anonymous" should be helping Dr ANA !!!

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Karen K said there is insect and reptile DNA or editing in cv shots I think. good night. How to sleep??

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There is a woman given dreams from God on the apocalypse- she said military does genetic experiments. I think she mentioned 'harlequin disease" Looked it up its reptile skin and features.

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Went to someones site who commented here about this being live alien tech- he shows morgellons insect skin.

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The real prophet for the end time is Ellen Gould White. And she describes the end times in a book called LAST DAYEVENTS if I remember correctly and it has nothing to do with some reptile tubbish.

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God is speaking and giving messages incl dreams to people living now .

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Actually all details are not revealed. I’ve read it and the Great Controversy many times. It’s wonderful to know God is in control no matter how satan and his puppets seek to destroy.

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Yes . God is in control. I have posted sites of messages being received from Jesus Christ God.

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OMG....That is so gross. To think that people in the Healthcare field are to do NO HARM.

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How many times we gotta go through this? You send me these emails every day and never respond; LOOK AT THE RESEARCH OF DR. DAVID NIXON AND THE POSITIVE IMPACT OF COLLOIDAL GOLD ON 'VACCINATED' SUBJECTS WHICH REMOVES ALL OF THE NANOTECHNOLOGY. Your emails are 90% 'this is horrific what are we going to do?!' and 10% solution. Well, I'm going to help you switch that to 90% solution, 10% 'this is really bad'.

Looked into colloidal gold?


If you do no further analysis or research into this, I will deem you controlled opposition.

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Hello Max

I feel your frustration.

Colloidal Gold is good.

Best to approach with "nano" at 5ppm or less so it will cross the BBB.

Also I think it is only "part" of the equation. Sodium Borate ( Borax) is the missing link.

From my research, I feel that the nano-silver / sodium borate protocol mentioned by Terral Croft works.

Been on the protocol now for 6 mos. Plan on staying on it.

Terral has a substack here.

He is also trying to get Dr. Ana and Clifford to look into this.

So far they do not seem to be interested .

Appreciate your post.

The below is a copy of some interactions With Terral.

As I said you can go to his substack here.

Best to you!


Thank you, again, for writing. I posted a comment below the Maria Zeee-Dr. Anna topic over at Substack to try and help Dr. Anna, Clifford, you, and Dr. Anna's Substack supporters. Please forgive, but so far my feeling is that Dr. Anna and Clifford are far behind the curve on identifying and neutralizing these related bioweapon and bioweapon Vax threats. Maybe you can be a conduit for helping Dr. Anna and Clifford get up to speed. BTW, the SARS bioweapon and bioweapon Vax are highly sophisticated bioweapons created at Fort Detrick under DARPA and both are AI-assisted and activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses, AND (most importantly) both are boobytrapped forcing well-intentioned researchers-doctors to participate in the systematic genocide of the global population. Using antiviral treatments (Ivermectin, etc.) forces the bioweapons into defense mode and into hiding for activation later in the timeline. Yes, the systems are neutralized for a period, but everybody dies when the bioweapons are activated. The solution requires Weight Chart doses of Nano Silver and Sodium Borate in combination to stop the RNA-DNA/Nanofilament replication and oxygen-enzyme activity before the game begins. Then, AI is watching EVERYONE and is an active participant in what is happening all around us and inside of us for those unprotected. In short, the situation we face is more dire than most anyone is willing to believe and even if they can comprehend what is really going on .... Blessings, Terral

Update (June 22, 2023): See Terral's Comments to Dr. Ana Mihalcea: https://terral.substack.com/p/terrals-comments-to-dr-ana-mihalcea


June 21, 2023

Hi Jennifer:

Thank you for writing.

On Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 1:02 PM Jennifer wrote:

Hi Terral,

Two questions...one practical and one miraculous!

1. Could you help me understand the benefits of Nano Silver over Nano Copper or Gold?

Just do your research, sister. An alchemist named Doug saved my life with his Nano Silver using a production method he perfected over 50 years to help others in July 2019. He contacted after Covid started with information on how Nano Silver was the solution for the bioweapons. He produced Nano Silver for Terral03.com for a few months and taught me his methods for setting up my lab. Watch the Webinar video atop the page at https://www.terral03.com where the Dutch lady explains the benefits. Whether the benefits translate over to copper and gold will require more research. I know that producing Nanogold is far more expensive than producing Nano Silver, which is already expensive.

Knowing what you know...If you could stop these crimes against humanity what would be your first step?

There is no stopping these crimes. The Globalist-Elite (Global Bankster Cartel, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, A-Team CIA-FBI-Etc in Denver, Global Military Industrial Complex, Global Intelligence Community, etc.) devised the PlanDemic before anyone here was born. They know the Black Star is coming from space to terraform the planet. The internet is filled with their PlanDemic operatives, assets, and a myriad of dupes. The 911Movement like the Planet X-Nibiru Movement is run by the Global Intelligence Community using intelligence and counterintelligence operatives and assets to recruit an army of dupes for manipulating the false narratives for forwarding their Genocide Agendas. The PlanDemic is only their Command-Control Mechanism and Dr. Anna and Clifford are being used to expedite the genocide, and they do not even know it. Everyone is being infected and transfected.

We cannot protect anything or anyone in our environment. All we can do is protect individual cells of our body using the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate regimen. Below is a short list of my comments made on Dr. Anna's Substack pages to try and help, but my time appears to be wasted with very few exceptions. The concern should be that AI will identify me as a threat, but I am not concerned in the least bit. AI is using my testimony to desensitize the Sheeple being prepared for utter annihilation using a series of sophisticated binary bioweapons with capabilities they do not even begin to understand. All I can do is lead the horses to water where drinking has been optional and very few appear to be thirsty.

Jennifer (06.21.2023 @ 3:54PM) Terral, I think we're very awake and realize there's no stopping it, so I appreciate that you indulged my question.

BTW - your comments in Ana's post drove the largest interaction on any of her previous, well done. I've seen the content of the links you sent except for your interview with Maria Z, looking forward to it. I believe Dr Ana utilized EDTA IV chelation in good faith as a remedy she saw could work. It's just not efficient for millions of infected / transfecting people. I wouldn't rule out that your input has given her something to think about.

Very good. Maybe we can help people to wake up to what is really happening all around us and in us. I wish you well in your research, with,

Blessings, Terral

Jennifer writes (06.22.2023):

Forgot to ask: What did you mean by "Dr. Anna and Clifford are being used to expedite the genocide" in what way are they expediting the event?

Thank you for all your work, your great depth of knowledge, and your blessings.

You're on my prayer list. Jennifer

Terral’s reply (06.22.2023):

Hi Jennifer:

Thank you for writing. Your question was answered in my previous emails. Again, the SARS bioweapon and bioweapon Vax are AI assisted "and" electromagnetically activated "and" boobytrapped!!! Any antiviral-like "treatment" sends the bioweapons into hiding throughout the body, as the bioweapons are engineered to behave like fungi, a virus/retrovirus, and a bacterium. We are dealing ONLY with the herald strain of the SARS bioweapon that is the first half of a sophisticated "binary" bioweapon engineered to produce mild symptoms and no symptoms at all in the general population. Any treatment sends these bioweapons into hiding behind the blood barriers and within scar tissue, teeth, bones, etc., for activation later in the timeline. We cannot eliminate the fungi in our bodies in the same way, as using antifungals causes the fungi to run and hide. You should know (I am unaware of your knowledge on these topics) that fungi like bacteria rewire the neural network to trigger destructive behavior, as if an angel (bacteria) and devil (fungi) are positioned on each of our shoulders and whispering in our ears. These bioweapons also rewire the neural network, but under AI's direction using the nanobots!!!

Everyone is like a massive city and nanobots are constructing buildings and communications on a grand scale using the bioweapon Vax components that are infecting and transfecting EVERYONE. My question is: Are Dr. Ana and Clifford on Weight Chart doses of Nano Silver and Sodium Borate??? If not, the AI is monitoring all of their activities from inside their bodies and having an influence on their deliberations with the ability to influence everything in their environment and within them. AI knows their respiration and heart rate and what they had for breakfast and is running millions of simulations predicting what they will do a minute from now, and ten minutes from now, and tomorrow, and next week, and a year from now, so on and so forth. Any work they are doing while unprotected is being manipulated by AI for forwarding the Globalist-Elite Agenda. Period. Did you see the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers? Well, the Sheeple are falling asleep all around us.



BTW, you and Katrina (Counter Culture Mom.com) have inspired me to start writing on my SubStack page. They can reach 700 million people. You guys want the truth out? Okay then. We are about to find out if AI classifies us as a threat. You should know that Dana Ashley and I have traded maybe two emails in the last four years, because she had a look behind the AI curtain to get a glimpse of the truth, and she understands the AI threat is very real. The Black Star is almost here, and my sense is that we are now beyond their Point of No Return Fail Safe date, which we are not threats to Globalists.

My recommendation to you is that you try to help Dr. Ana and Clifford realize that they need to be on the Nano Silver (or Nano Gold) and Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen ASAP. They need to understand more about AI-HAARP-Carrier Wave-Nanobot capabilities, before they can begin devising a strategy for neutralizing those threats for themselves, so they can then begin to help others.

Blessings, Terral

Download a free 2023 Black Star Report Newsletter, subscribe to the Black Star Report Newsletter-Survival Group Program, and get more information in the Project Black Star Section at https://www.terral03.com. Contact Terral: terral@terral03.com

Thanks for reading Terral’s Substack! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

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I know all colloidal silver and gold are not equal. I've read smaller surface area (more particles of the same size) are much better. What vendor are you using to obtain colloidal Gold? I've been using Sovereign Silver 10ppm and 3mg boron. Not sure what dosage of boron is needed. I would appreciate a reply when you have time. TIA!

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I am not using colloidal gold.

Using nano silver from Terral in concentrated form , then I dilute it to make just about a Gallon. The nano silver is weight dosed .

I use 30 Mule team Borax ( the laundry additive). Been taking it since 2015 as I had other issues.

With this nanobot / AI protocol I just place a small pinch of Borax in each liter of my water (about 3 liters a day ),along with my nano-silver daily weight doses.

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Ok, thank you! I may need to up my dose of silver. I've only been taking 10ppm once a day and I know I can take it 7 times a day which would be 70ppm.

Boron/Borax are a not chemically the same. I wonder if Borox would be better. I have 4 unopened boxes of the 30 Mule Team. I've never really knew how much Borox to use. A pinch can be different depending on who is pinching it. I usually weigh out powder-based chemicals on a 200g x 0.01g, Digital Grams Scale. Maybe I can dig for this answer. It's getting more difficult to find information.

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You are welcome.

IMHO the Borax is better utilized and has a longer half life. Plus less cost.

I do 5 days on and 2 off during the weekend on the Borax. Nanao silver doses every day.

That sure is a nice stock pile you have!

Yes point taken....a pinch can vary. My husband has big fingers ...so bigger pinch.

As you find more information please note it is critical to use NANO size silver.

You probably already know this but here is a link on the Borax ( boron). More info is taken down daily these days as Borax is banned in several countries. Due to the pharma-psychos.

Terrals Earth Clinic Borax link is also great.


Stay Well!

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Are you sating borax and nano silver clears the blood of synthetic biology? Do you have tests/ proof? What about the rubbery/ plastic hydrogel that is supposedly indestructible or is that only present in the vaxxed? { I think I have an obsessive compulsive brain that needs clarity although i do no protocols except alfalfa and oil of oregano sometimes.} Im not concerned with extending my life however Maria ZEEE just did video on AI and thoughts which although I did not watch her video that is CONCERNING.

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I may switch over to Borax after looking into it. It also has a heavy concentration of Boron. And I wasn't aware of the longer half life which is good in this case.

All the colloidal silver I purchase is nano. I want the smallest that are almost the same size to cover more surface area in the body. This means more valence electrons to give away. I looked at the periodic table and gold, silver, and copper all fall in the same category but some are more reactive than others.

I got a 4 pack of Borox a while back from Amazon for 10 bucks. It was one of their deals that day. lol

Thank you for the information. You stay well too!

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I'm I missing something here? I went to his site and substack and I'm not seeing any links to this information. I'm also seeing boron and colloidal silver on the substacks. I take 3mg boron and Sovereign Silver 10ppm daily. I knew about colloidal gold but not sure how it works differently in the body versus colloidal silver. Do you have a link to his information. TIA

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In his work / research he is referring to nano-silver.

He has plenty of info. on this along with other things ...however I am mainly interested in the health protocol :-)

Here are some links.

Hope this helps !

Neutralize Bioweapon Threats:

Watch Nano Silver Webinar Presentation at https://www.terral03.com: https://youtu.be/IoxFckpUq44

How to purchase, mix, and store your Nano Silver: https://www.brighteon.com/0a11df24-30c0-4756-b44f-9335fc928ab3

Earth Clinic: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/borax.html

Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borax

Morgellons Disease Treatment: https://www.brighteon.com/f0038520-18a7-4fc8-b60a-bf68c81896e1


NASA Future Strategic Warfare 2025: https://stopthecrime.net/docs/nasa-thefutureof-war.pdf (Page 93)


None Dare Call It Conspiracy: https://www.resist.com/Onlinebooks/None_Dare_Call_It_Conspiracy.pdf


Dakota Report (Operations Section): http://www.citizeninvestigationteam.com/1/dakota_report_disinfo.pdf


Nano Silver: https://www.nanosilver.com.my/nano-tech-facts/what-is-nano-silver/


Effect of silver nanoparticles on Candida:



Nano-based approach to combat emerging viral infection



Colloidal Silver vs. Nano Silver: https://elementasilver.com/blog/colloidal-silver-vs-nano-silver/


Newsletter subscribers can get enough Nano Silver concentrate to make 15 liters of Nano Silver Solution (10ppm) for just $100 and we pay for the shipping. Non-subscribers can get the same amount for just $115 at https://www.terral03.com and there is no limit on orders.

Everyone subscribing, upgrading, and donating receives the eBook version of The Mystery Explained as a gift for supporting the research.

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Thanks again! I will go through this. I know Terral has been around a long time. I was subbed to him on YouTube for a long time and he disappeared. I couldn't find another channel but it looks like he has a website now.

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Thats great that you are familiar with him!

I understand he and his research group were under attack years ago and he lost 13 members and his Mom. Such a pity .

Wish I still had some reliable lab contacts myself that would test this protocol.

My gut tells me this is the remedy.

SOMEBODY PLEASE lab this up ........ :-)

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I do remember him saying this in one of his videos. That was a long time ago. I do know some people in the medical field. I need to start asking for some favors.

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Thinking positive on your contacts : )

I found that video from 9/14

I started taking the sodium borate after seeing this in 2014


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Hi Max I actually bought liquid gold the other day but don't really know what dosage to take. From my analysis of Dr Nixon, it seems we would need to inject the colloidal gold into the bloodstream, don't you think? And yes we know the horrors of it, we need solutions. I am finding very sick clients who are not vaccinated having heart and bone marrow cancer and issues due to shedding as all their close contacts are 3-4 times vaccinated. I also really believe one of the secrets is to find a frequency to stop this stuff.

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Unzipped DNA sounds like a good idea? No thanks.


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Hi KT - Thank you so much for sharing this it's very interesting. When I check with quantum medicine - which I teach and practice, I get for sure that it's not good in terms of what you have shown us here BUT it's one of the things that disables the hydrogels - so what to do. The only thing seeming to work is what the Canadian guy is doing. "The finding is also relevant to research on DNA-based electronics, which hopes to use DNA as a template for creating nanoelectronic circuits. Because some work in that field involves placing metal nanoparticles on DNA, this finding indicates that researchers will have to pay close attention to the characteristics of those nanoparticles -- or risk undermining the structural integrity of the DNA." That bothered me too... This is why it can probably disable the tech they are putting in people...

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Gold has been used in medicine for thousands of years. Medical uses of gold include some of the follow but much more.

Destroying bacteria


Strengthening the body and improving immunity

Positively influencing the work of the heart and internal organs

Patching damaged blood vessels, nerves, bones, and membranes

Treating several forms of cancer, including prostate cancer in men.

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Wasn't DNA changes one of the concerns for not getting the jab? There are other options for achieving the above benefits without risking DNA issues or metals accumulation, anyway each to their own.... flagging it as it was the subject of some very lengthy threads around 2021. Were they using nano gold 1000s of years ago - any information available?

Another reason I don't actively take nano metals is conductivity. 24/7 wireless tech has sensitised us to radiation and interrupts electrical signalling in our body. Manifesting in many conditions including EHS. Electro-hypersensitivity.

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023

I think the DNA changes was the reason many of us didn't take it. We didn't trust of believe them. I've been using colloidal silver off and on for a while. I'm not familiar with the gold. I know copper is needed by the body in trace amounts and I have this but haven't taken it. Silver is processed by the liver, mixes with the bile, and excreted in the feces. It also passes in the urine. Nano is much better than the old school silver they made.

I do understand what you're saying about electrical conductivity in the body. I think I would rather have silver in me than whatever it is they are building in us. I have my Wi-Fi on a timer to turn off and on. If we're not going to use it, then I can manually turn off Wi-Fi. I still see a weak signal from my neighbor. And then there is the smart meters. Our is on the far end of the home away from every bedroom. No TV's. One 2.4 router and smartphones are 4g. I refuse to get a 5g. The signals where we live for cell towers are very weak. I'm lucky to get one bar in the home. I have to have a 4g network extender which can be turned off. Only need it for voice calls. Texts will go through but not MMS.

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You make a good point here - I turn my wifi off every night but the neighbours still comes through our thick finca walls... and we live in countryside

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I actually emailed Dr Nixon and his reply was' "we don't have the answers for that but it does work well for brain fog". I assumed his reply went that way since it is an email via gmail ( mine ). I had asked the simple question on how much to use sublingually, since he brought it up in the Dr Nixon video via Maria Zeee website. I have read so many papers on the colloidal gold for this issue with the technology that I don't remember where I saw the dosage of 1 tblspn daily but I hope this helps!

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1 tablespoon a day

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Isn't that 10ppm?

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Dr Anthony holland shatters cancer [parasitic?} with OPEF oscillating pulsed electronic fields between 100000 and 300000 gh. prft plasma emission field treatment= frequencies emitted by plasma tube. Dr james Bare- convert CB radio into frequency machine.

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Sadly he was poisoned and died... but read here: Frequency treatment for Morgellons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-id74hGbYA

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There is now a Mount Everest-size pile of this kind of evidence, which clearly proves top government and media investigators guilty of covering up a methodical, well-planned genocide and treason, starting with Trump and Biden, top officials of the United States Justice and State Departments, FBI, CIA, NSA, DARPA, FDA, CDC, FCC, DoE, DoD…thousands of state officials…the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC… Do I really need to list all of these complicit-criminals, who MUST have know of this well in advance, and surely understand the scope today, just like the day leading up to and then the day and years following 9/11? For decades now, hundreds of us have been insisting we need Nuremberg style investigations and courts to arrest and prosecute these tyrants, or this madness will snowball to such a degree humanity will be wiped off this planet in less than a decade, and we’re already six years into their final, feverish push—a Great Reset-Agenda 21, 22, 23, 24, 25…—to exterminate most humans and bio-mechanically change those remaining for an easier, permanent install of their New Word Order—which is their obvious goal. So when do we form our Nuremberg courts (NOT Corrupt Congressional Hearings), activate our well-organized, peacefully-armed militias and begin making arrests? We can’t keep waiting for miracles while celebrating our sudo-democracy as slaves. Hesitation is clearly killing us.

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Absolutely terrifying. Can patients refuse the PCR test in hospitals?

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Legally you can refuse the swab & jab. . Unfortunately, those b@@stard hospital employees put such pressure on the patient & lie to them (saying they have no choice).

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Jul 5, 2023·edited Jul 5, 2023

I don't know but I do know for a fact that they will do it when you are unconscious or asleep. It was done to my husband - he knew better than to accept the jab or pcr test - he was a virologist/immunologist for many many years and knew pcr is NOT a test and was never meant to test anything - it is to gather more info on DNA strands. That info comes directly from inventor of PCR process, Kerry Mullis. I saw a vide of him saying it and explaining it. My husband's brain has never been the same since he came home from hospital 3 yrs ago. He was a brilliant man.

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Yes, I’m sure they do that and more. I got a brother in law scheduled to have a simple hernia operation in august, I’m worried to death for him.

He and my sister actually believe the hospital with abide by their wishes, aye yi yi. Both are unvaxed.

I got a really bad feeling about this.

I’ve been lucky, I have no doctors, and avoid all allopathic sick care. So, no useless q-tip up the nose for me, or wearing the mask of submission, I’m not much of a follower, lol 😂. And I have this really bad habit of questioning everything, drove my parents nuts.

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My husband is due for cervical spine surgery this month. I learned about a caregiver and consent form that is given to hospital to prohibit any drug or treatment you don’t want. Go to OurPatientsRights.com and they direct you step by step. Watch the videos because it explains it to the step. Make sure you type in the address exactly because there are very similar websites. We plan to use this process.

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Do you believe this will be abided by???

DNR authorizations are being noted on patient's charts by doctors and nurses without patient or patient's family knowledge or permission. There is nothing, no form, no piece of paper, that will prevent hospital doctors and nurses from exercising their will and power over a patient who is sedated.

Browse these anecdotal accounts in the link below. Unless life or death, I would reconsider allowing your loved ones to come under the control of hospital personnel.


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Well the video shows you how it’s done and is sent to the ceo of hospital once admitted. They claim that treatment changes right away. It’s too much to explain here, that’s why I put the website there to check it out. We have a living will, but know it’s not enough.

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Your last 2 sentences describe me to a T! I have always questioned everything and it drove my mother crazy, while my dad was amused because he was the same way. I never wore the mask either. I do all my own health research, too, have had a number of thyroid, gut and other issues - healed all of them myself using natural methods, I don't do big pharma prescription meds. I hope your brother-in-law will be OK. Maybe if you show him a few horror stories from internet they might get a clue? freespoke.com is a search engine that doesn't censor, you could search for "hospital horror stories" or some such. Doctors are getting paid to murder people and I got this from a friend who owns a shop and has personally heard lots of horror stories from relatives of those who were murdered, as in Do Not Resuscitate. I know it's a long shot, most folks who don't know about hospitals are pretty resistant to facts, my bro-in-law is one of them. Frustrating but there you have it. Sometimes all you can is pray. Best wishes for your bro-in-law.

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Where are you located? you may want to check out Alphonse Faggiolo (as sent me to you) or Cal Washington (inpower) AF helps people write affadavits in the event that the hospital staff gives you problems if something goes wrong, doesn't want to admit you, etc. Inpower is notice of liability and other good legal (albeit unorthodox) resources

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I'm very sorry for both of you that that happened to your husband......I have very little trust in hospitals and most doctors.....

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Thank you Lorraine. I'm very sorry it happened to him, too. It changed his personality, too. He used to be light-hearted with a great sense of humor and so brilliant...I have zero trust in hospitals and only one doctor I ever had in my life - and I'll soon be 69 y.o.

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1) That is horrifying! I can't imagine how you feel, this is absolutely shameful on part of MIT.

2) YOU are not the crazy one here!! My husband has almost 60 yrs of research behind him as a virologist/immunologist. I'm a researcher and help him with his research. Because of this, here's what we know for sure: First, PCR was never meant to be a test, not ever. There used to be a video on Yoo Toob of the creator of PCR process, Kerry Mullis talking about PCR. Someone asks him about using it as a test and he looks absolutely baffled as in "why would anyone use it as a test?" He explains that it was never designed to be a test and never should be used as a test - if someone does they will get false positives because what it does is give more info on DNA strands. It does this by magnifying what they are looking at. This mean if used as a test, due to magnifying, it would give false positives. It should NEVER be used as a test he says. In spite of this, there are now labs using it as a test and not for covid, for entirely different things. I saw it for myself online. My husband worked with a Nobel prize winning scientist and was on her research team, and used PCR to gather more info. He also told me this is not to be used as a test! So why are they doing this? At this point, I think you and I both know why! I've been researching deep state for 25 yrs and have a family member who had a serious run-in with deep state back in 1981, that's how I know how corrupt they can be. Because of that and my research and connecting dots I probably know more than most folks about what is happening right now. In short, military are stationed all throughout U.S.'s large cities and are about to or have been making arrests of criminals who want to harm our country. We have National Guard, white hats in military, lots of militias and probably other entities working on this. They're keeping it quiet so as not to tip off culprits. When they have finished, and every one of the criminals is arrested (and I believe right now this is worldwide) then we will have over 6,000 patents released to the public that have been withheld since 1960 or so IIRC. One of those cures will be something that restores alot if not all of the damage that we have suffered, including harm to our brain, missing limbs, etc. I don't want to give you false hope, but I already know what a few of these patents are and they are astounding! so this is what I think will be happening. Arrests should be done by Sept. and healing is supposed to happen by end of this year at least. There are other researchers and scientists who believe this. Healing is probably based on frequencies which are extremely powerful - Dr. Luc Montagnier is a serious world class citizen who discovered that frequencies heal and proved it with a water experiment. He died about 1 or 2 yrs ago. Again, I don't want to give you false hope - but don't give up! My husband as I said is a scientist and he believes this will be happening soon, too. Meanwhile, knowing that I am praying for you and for your son. You may want to sue the hell out of MIT - tell them PCR was never meant to be used as a test and that it goes against Nuremburg code to order medical procedures on anyone. That is a serious crime and PCR tests are a medical procedure. Our mayor and city council wanted to make the jab mandatory for our police and fire fighters and I stood up at city hall and told them it was against Nuremberg code and it is crime against humanity - they all of them turned white and looked terrified! UPshot was that it was not made mandatory. MIT had NO right order your son to receive any medical procedures. Start a class action lawsuit - Thomas Renz is an attorney who will work pro bono (for free) for anyone in your situation. He has a Rumble channel and a website, look him up using freespoke.com - it is a search engine which doesn't censor. Best of luck to you, dear and don't give up!! Prayers for you and your son.

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Precious one, the world needs more people like you. You are a shining light in the world with your intelligence, intuitiveness and very special powers that empaths and those who are psychic have. You have been through so much, and now it seems you are in your darkest hour. All I can say is that I've been through a number of dark nights of the soul, too, and am very, very glad I didn't give up even though I came very close to it any number of times. When I was 29 y.o. I was so despondent that I prayed for God to take my soul and not let me wake up next morning. Next thing I knew, I went on an out of body journey and was shown the world that I would enter next after this life IF and only IF I didn't commit suicide. It was a beautiful world, bioluminescent and sparkly and I felt very, very happy there. I was told that I needed to untangle the knots in my life and that only I could do that. I was told I can do many things in life but suicide is not an option, it would be a dead end for me. I believe, in retrospect, that we are given these very difficult struggles in order to grow and to become strong and learn. Our job is to survive and not give up - if we can do that we will make enormous strides and grow in ways we never imagined. Your son needs you very much right now and you need him. Please don't give up on life just yet - it's really IS always darkest before the dawn and I've seen things that tell me we are right at the precipice and very soon we will see the sunlight again. We really do have a whole new world coming soon, one that is beautiful and unimaginable with no more dire evil and horrendous struggles. I was given a vision in 1985 that Donald Trump would become president in 2016 and would work to destroy the darkness that the deep state criminals bring. I was given alot of information and all of it so far has come true, just exactly as I saw it. Trust Trump and trust the white hats, they are keeping a low profile right now but very soon they will emerge and it will be victorious. I would love to stay in touch with you, I think we have some things in common to share, you can contact me at my business email: e grogan 30700 at g mail dot com. Take out spaces. Hope to hear from you there. Sending you lots of good wishes and pacha mama love to you and your son.

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Damn right you can refuse it. Don't let anybody assault you with these things.

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They can, and need to stand firm.

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Yes. It's under your medical privacy/human right to do so. UN Bioethics has this written into the Article on Privacy. Everything is an offer, based in commerce. It's always your decision.

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Look up "Operation Domestic Quell" and it will answer many of your questions as to why people are so %@#! apathetic and seemingly happy to remain willfully ignorant as to what is happening all around them. They have been putting this nano crap in our food and beverages since the nineties(!) I have collected rainwater after the heavy aerosol days bring in the rain and there are all kinds of bizarre things in the rainwater. What has me the most concerned right now is what I am finding in the bulbs at the ends (the submerged ends) of my hairs. These bronze and blue banded fibers are seemingly everywhere these days and these things are sentient beings - they can think and they can fly... they can be aggressive and go for your nasal cavity.. incredible. I extracted one from atop my head - interestingly enough from one of the very few still black hairs I retain - and the fiber had broken out fo the black bulb and was moving about.. the $#% thing seems to have a beak on it's "head" very much like the one i found coming out of the belly of a dead lizard many years back. I have to be honest and say I do not relish the notion of being a walking incubator for this evil DNA altering anti-GOD agenda carrying technology. As a matter of fact, I will NOT submit to it - and i think GOD will understand...

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ok someone said its live alien self aware creatures in chemtrails .

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As much as I would love to disagree with that, I can't. Over the past decade (plus) I have filmed the chemliners as they fly over my city. Here is the interesting thing - The FAA makes ALL civilian aircraft ping out a transponder code. I have two apps on my phone (actually I HAD two apps - I no longer have a cell phone) and I would always verify the flight as it flew over. NOT ONE of the craft that was releasing the aerosols SHOWED UP on either app. This means they are either military or..well, something else. It gets better (or worse, depending) I also began filming these craft with a Fuji Finepix 9900 digital camera with a huge zoom lens. The vast majority of what I captured do not appear to be normal aircraft. Some are translucent - to the point where you can see through the wing or the fuselage(!). Others are missing a wing or a vertical stabilizer..like they are projections and not real craft. One particular bright white aircraft cannot be identified by any of the aeronautic experts I know! Here is where it gets weird - I started really looking at the images and found bright white shapes on the craft - what i assumed to be reflections from the sun on the aluminum surface of the craft.... when i inverted them I found 'things" there on the craft. Entities identical to the ones I routinely capture in the plant life with digital night vision and inverted colors.. I can't explain it.. I am not crazy... I have the images to prove it. BTW I am on my third YOUTUBE channel - the first two just disappeared with no explanation given - and my latest one is shadow banned and very hard to find...

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Those slides were horrifying. I’d be flipping out by now if I had one of those tests or fell for the face diapers. Prayers for all. This is beyond a sci fi horror show.

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Dr. Ana-- I am a big fan of your work. I pray for your continued research and answers against this evil that the world is fighting right now. Thanks to you I have begun my healing from long covid (unvaccinated) and hope to recover completely one day. However, I have taken 1 PCR test and am required to wear a mask at work for my entire shift ( healthcare worker) due to the fact that I am not vaccinated ( scarlet letter A) -- in this case what do I do? How do I cleanse myself even daily of the shedding from coworkers and the filaments in my mask? What advice can you give the healthcare workers on the front line -- we are many. Thank you!!

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can you have a seamstress sew some cotton masks that you can wash?

have been practicing autophagy to the extent possible to help my body eliminate damaged cells.

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I am in the same position.

Sadly I think the only way to protect yourself would be to leave the profession.

I left my job when the Vax mandate started. I went back to work a few months ago because no more mandates. I have been thinking of working from home as a call center job as an alternative because being around jabbed people is not good for unvaccinated ppl health. I'm using a cloth mask although masks are not mandatory where I work.

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The hospital requires the masks they provide ( medical grade) no homemade allowed. But great suggestion- thank you.

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Link doesn't work. Were they taken down?

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The website still didn't work. I did a search for the product and this came up. The website is similar to what you wrote. Is this the product? https://somahealth.net/product/ezdtox-cream-jar/

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I guess myself and my family were lucky as we didn't take these poisons or PCR even once and that we didn't wear masks either as we used a professional printed mask exemption. I saw back in 2020/21 a lab in Slovakia found PCR swabs contained Hydrogel Capsules like what's found in the injection vials. Ever wondered why so many people feel absolutely fine after 3 or 4 jabs? - Hydrogel Capsules help the body evade the toxins, once they burst, BOOM! It is a clever incubator, it is what you need if you plan to massively Depopulate the planet. I suspect different Hydrogel batches have different Incubation periods.

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This is beyond creepy. So glad I never had a PCR and almost completely avoided the Chinese masks (the few times I had to wear one in order to take public transport I never covered my nose anyway out of defiance). At the time it was because I thought the entire covid theatre was dehumanising. It looks as if these measures were dehumanising in more ways than we thought.

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My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!

Kudos to Dr. ANA for her heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!

How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.

They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.

Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links. https://virustruth.net


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.


There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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Thank you for showing us your great work. How else would we know what's happening to the Human Race?

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