Things are becoming very serious globally for those who speak out, and educate the world as to the truth of the multiple evil agendas. Sharing this important Substack. Thank you Dr. Mihalcea and thank you Iurie Rosca. Praying for all of humanity.

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Not if there's millions of us. True, they will go after the most visible, but it might be the ones they don't see who will bring them down.

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Correct. They will fall. It's just a matter of time and they know it.

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RemovedJul 6
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SPAM. Find a better way to make a living.

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Bravo for supporting this man, Dr. Ana. Let us hope that true justice may finally be served everywhere!

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Whole Post is accurate and well wrote making this extraordinary global threat exposing ENEMIES of The People more clear than ever before in history. The ENEMY hides behind Agencies, Nations, Organizations...ANY GROUP POSSIBLE TO USE AS ITS MAFIA ENFORCER. The mid-level lieutenants functioning to perform the 'Surgically Precise Murders' are those not so easily defined.

THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME THESE TACTICS AND OVERALL STRATEGY HAVE BEEN PERPETRATED AS EVIL IS ACTUALLY VERY PREDICTABLE WHEN STUDIED THROUGH HUMAN HISTORY IN TIME; hence the reason history is so often hidden in the dank, must and mould and dust of attics in piles of manuscripts never accepted by the Editors bribed to refuse to print them.

This time is EXACTLY as what the original 13 Colonies fought against in the U.S. Revolutionary War with the only exception being ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES OVERLAPPING Bio-Digital Interface, Space Warfare/Surveillance and scale of the threat. The major difference lies in the population lacking COURAGE, PRIORITY BASED IN FREEDOM AND MORAL FORTITUDE TO STAND AND FIGHT.

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Sadly, the Governments can do this and more to innoce t humans. The corruption has allowed them to legally do whatever they want to humans in the status of CITIZENS. The legal.system has been corrupted ao that you have to choose your status as FREE and Living. In America that is become a State National and reconvene your status paperwork and publish that you are alive (found and not lost at the maritime sea jurisdiction )

Anyone with the status of Citizen of your country has been stripped of rights ownership and more. The govt can literally lock you up for no reason and throw away the key. Why? Because you have not taken the initiative to correct your status .

It is one page it is recorded in the correct Jurisdiction.

If you want rights you MUST claim your birth right status.

Go to The American State National.org to get your done. It's free.and very empowering.otherwise shut up and suck it up that you have no rights. You are a USCitizen and a slave to the maritime jurisdiction.

You BC (birth certificate registration) has conveyed you as chattel into the property of the government. Insert any country CITIZEN here.

Hence , NO RIGHTS not alive, worthless chattel. Do you consent? I sure hope not !

If you are reading and comprehending this message you are alive and deserve to be noticed as such, and have your Rights reinstated.

God's speed

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Correct. Most civilians have not been apprised of the 'legality' of Citizen designation versus the title of "Civilian" person. The whole scam is based on assumed 'conformity'.

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Just because people are unaware if their slave status, dies not make them undeserving of having it. These psychopaths who own so much of the world ensure that most people will never realise the truth of their own enslavement by billion trillionaires who have perfected their evil for thousands of years using money stolen from so many. Telling people to 'shut up & suck it up' is unhelpful, self aggrandising.

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You call offering helful.information self aggrandizing, then dear Neve O what have you done to hold out a hand to a slave stuck in their mind prison and their ignorant consent to being sucked dry?

I offer help.

Ha, the old saying you can lead a horse to water, and you can't make a horse drink, works!

Slaves deserve to stay slaves since they would rather bite the hand that helps them

Stay stuck and good luck with that.

We, Americans, are reconstructing our Lawful American Government by and for the people, and if you don't choose to join, you stay slave!!

That's the deal

So stuck it up!

Anyway we need intelligent and independent thinkers, not party ass kisses. You divided yourself from the free and abundant future only Americans with corrected status will enjoy.

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Tried to join, but your URL doesn't work. Googled "The American State National.org ' and got a report by the ADL. (joos) What now?

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Unless you have a search engine that is NOT Google then you will not access the enemy of the Elite Criminal controllers, ie, the True American Government, by and for the people.

Keep trying https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/

If you want freedom and rights!

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Hello David Westerlund. I did a bit of research on the American State National organisation a couple of years ago. Their essential concept of "citizen sovereignty" is a bit off the mark, as NO individual has ever enjoyed sovereignty once they are assigned their "citizen" value in common society. The ploy dates back to the early 1300's. The Cestui qui vie trust , Canon law and the third/final position of defacto law >>> By Mary Bartholomay >>> April 16, 2015 https://awarriorcalls.com/pdfs/The.Cestui.qui.vie.trust.pdf

Here's a bit of advice regarding police interactions. >>>

https://www.police1.com/sovereign-citizens/american-state-nationals-the-newest-group-of-sovereign-citizens Best regards.

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Thanks for this PDF! Now on to the big task of verifying this history

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You are WRONG!! Your research is false.

Americans are NOT CITIZENS!! citizens have no rights. Americans have rights.

Yes we Americans are sovereign and stand in the Land and Soil Jurisdiction. You can argue all you like but you will join us soon, unless you enjoy being a slave!

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There is nothing wrong with my research. I've been aware of Anna Reitz's work for nearly a decade, and largely agree with her interpretations of Constitutional Law. I've posted links to her articles many times, yet audiences generally fail to comment or respond. The majority of the populace are intellectually bankrupt.

My position is that human persons have never had "rights" regardless of the silly ass posturing. Human persons have responsibilities - not rights. The rest is nonsense.

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And then you have this,everything be poisoned including mother earth,the intentional dumbing down of humanity which has been ongoing for many decades but accelerated like the flash since 2019,https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/06/01/the-indoctrinated-brain.aspx

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Agreed,no one is more enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.The birth certificate equals slavery.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acLW1vFO-2Q

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Thanks Paul for the followup. I thought of joining to get more information. I'm 90, but my last 45 political leaning has been towards National Socialism as Germany saw it 1933-1944. A nations people must be united, not divided as most nations are today.

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There are massive numbers of people in Romania, Moldavia, and other EU subsumed countries that know the score. It will become impossible to silence their rage... Bravo to Mr Iurie Roșca and other journalists for standing tall and not backing down.

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Honest journalists worldwide are being imprisoned, killed for many years for telling the truth.

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Sir, please do not expect help from the “American” government. They are being paid or are paying off corruption. Just look to our congress. 😂😂😂 what a joke they are along with the “president”. 😂😂😩 what a comedy if it were not for them taking down our country! They are traitors and liars. Don’t expect to find a morale human. They sit and take profit off of the murdering of our people. Paid off by big pharma. Murder for hire. Clowns.

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Wrong, Americans are self governing and have no part in this fake bread and circus, called the United States Of America Incorporated.

Wake up buddy and get your facts straight

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Clown Show on Parade! And God help us we can’t Vote them out! 🙏

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US UK genocide machine making trillions a year for centuries by invading countries, continents (including America & its millions of Native peoples) committing genocide to clear the land & looting of every single thing on earth they can profit from.

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Dr. Ana, you have a heart and soul of gold. You speak out against injustice and speak

up for justice. and those who emulate it. Lurie Rosca is also mirroring your own integrity.

I pray for both of you and your being truth tellers.

Throughout human history free-thinkers and radicals have been a threat to oppressive

establishments. No matter how dark, the light always shines through. God bless.

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God Bless You & Your Efforts Dr. Ana! 🙏Read the Declaration of Independence…sounds like very familiar times.

In God We Trust! Amen

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Adding them to prayer list! 🙏

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That list must be miles long!

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Dear Dr Ana Maria,

There is a petition - Reclaim Medical Ethics - signed already by many medics across the world.

Please check it out:


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This doesn’t surprise me at all. All truth tellers are at risk. Here’s an example of innocent people who’ve done no crime other than gathering together to read and discuss the Bible. Yet , They are classed as “terrorists”. which is laughable if it wasn’t so tragic. Once they have studied and decided to get baptised JW ‘s are renowned throughout the earth for rejecting their old way of life and refuse to put on a military uniform to go to war and kill their fellow humans. Jesus is their King and exemplar.

Here’s the latest news about this from their website :

“The aggressive opposition of the Russian authorities to Jehovah’s Witnesses has now spilled over into Crimea. In Russia the government has not only banned the Witnesses’ legal entities but has clearly shown its intent to wipe out their peaceful worship. Since the April 2017 ban, Russian authorities have conducted numerous raids on Witness gatherings throughout Russia, resulting in the arrest and imprisonment of scores of Witnesses. The same heavy-handed tactics are now being used against Jehovah’s Witnesses in Crimea.”

The first mass raid in Crimea took place on November 15, 2018, in Dzhankoy, when approximately 200 police and special forces officers raided eight private homes in which small groups of Witnesses were meeting together to read and discuss the Bible. At least 35 armed and masked officers forcibly entered the home of Sergey Filatov, where a group of six Witnesses were gathered. The Witnesses were terrorized by this aggressive action. The intruders pinned a 78-year-old man against the wall, forced him to the ground, handcuffed him, and beat him so badly that he was rushed to the hospital. Two other older men were so traumatized that they were rushed to the hospital with extremely high blood pressure. Tragically, a young woman whose house was also raided suffered a miscarriage.

Following the raid, Mr. Filatov was criminally charged under Article 282.2(1) of the Russian Criminal Code with organizing the activity of an “extremist organization.” On March 5, 2020, the district court in Crimea sentenced Mr. Filatov to six years in a general regime prison colony. After the sentencing he was immediately escorted to prison.

In the years following the 2018 raid in Dzhankoy, special forces officers continue to forcibly enter the homes of Witnesses who are suspected of extremist activity. The most recent raid occurred on May 22, 2023. At 6:30 in the morning, more than ten officers, five of whom were armed, entered a home in Feodosia. They ordered the Witnesses to lie on the floor while they searched the home for more than three hours. One of the male Witnesses was detained and taken to Sevastopol for questioning.

As a result of home raids and subsequent criminal trials and convictions, there are currently nine Witness men in prison serving sentences up to six-and-a-half years. All have been charged with promoting the activities of an extremist organization.

Prisoner of Conscience Profile

Vladimir Maladyka

Vladimir was born in July 1963 in the city of Yenakievo in the Donetsk region. After graduating from school, he learned to be a cook. Later, he studied at the School of Naval Aviation Technicians in Kaliningrad, where he specialized in the technical operation of aircraft and engines. He served as a technician in the village of Kacha in Sevastopol, Crimea. Vladimir has always been fond of cars, especially bodywork.

In 1986, Vladimir married Natalya. In the early 1990’s, when they were facing difficulties, Vladimir’s brother and his wife offered to help them learn how to apply Bible principles in their life. After a long, in-depth study of the Bible, Vladimir and Natalya decided to become Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Vladimir is known as a hospitable and sympathetic person, always ready to help others. Despite his good reputation in the community, FSB agents suspected him of criminal activity and raided his home in October 2020. He was later convicted and sentenced to six years in prison.

To see a list of Jehovah’s Witnesses currently imprisoned for their faith in Crimea, there’s links on the website. They are imprisoned in Russia and other countries too such as Eritrea, North Korea etc.

Time Line

June 17, 2024

Nine of Jehovah’s Witnesses are currently imprisoned in Crimea.

May 22, 2023

Law-enforcement officers raid a Witness home in Feodosia. Electronic devices are confiscated and one Witness is detained.

August 5, 2021

Eight homes of Witnesses searched. Aleksandr Dubovenko and Aleksandr Litvinyuk arrested.

October 1, 2020

Nine homes are raided in Sevastopol. Igor Shmidt is arrested and placed in pretrial detention.

June 4, 2019

Special forces officers raid ten homes in Sevastopol. Mr. Stashevskiy is subsequently charged with organizing extremist activities.

March 20, 2019

Special forces officers raid eight homes in Alupka and Yalta. Mr. Gerasimov is interrogated and subsequently charged with organizing extremist activities.

November 15, 2018

Eight homes raided by over 200 police and special forces officers in Dzhankoy, including Mr. Filatov’s home.

So , as I said, I’m not surprised at what’s happened to Laurie Risca and people like him.

ALL truth speakers are at risk because the ruler of this world is Satan and he was a liar and a murderer from the beginning according to scripture. …John 8:44 The “good news” Is Jehovah God has a timeline to “set matters straight” Isa 2:4. . There will soon be an accounting …Roman’s 9:28 and Revelation 16:14 etc etc

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Shocking abuse & murder of innocent people, are all Christians, religions targeted this way in Russia, not just JWs? I have read about and spoken to person in UK who protests to draw attention to Chinese state suppression and destruction of religion in China using horrific nethods of torture and incarceration in 'learning centres', of millions of people eg Uyghurs, Falun Gong & more & of course destruction of Tibet and its faith using same methods.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

Sorry typo of Mr Roscas name. Apologies sir!

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There is a former American surface warfare officer and former military expert that runs funds for Moldova children. And also the kanuga conference center in North Carolina. He may be able to offer help https://moldovawcf.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/BOD-Directory-2021-Version-3-081021_.pdf

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I did write them too. It is abysmal! He is now in jail: https://tkp.at/2024/07/05/moldawien-verhaftet-covid-dissident-und-ex-vize-premier/

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Very good Ana, always on the barricades! God bless!

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Dr Ana, You are a true sister🌹⚔️

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Thankyou Dr Mihalcea for your work to save the human race and to itry to inform it of the ongoing 'Covid' 'Vaccine' genocide. I greatly admire & respect yours, Dr Boyle, Luria Rosca & all truth tellers' courage, intelligence & effort in this battle against the Depopulation & Transhumanism.

My only child, in her 20s, received 3 'Covid 19' injections (despite me begging her not to) injections which have changed her personality in a strange negative way - she was very compassionate & caring, also fun etc but now is v judgemental, more selfish, gets angry for relatively minor issues (loss of impulse control somewhat it seems) plus rarely laughs. I am glad she is alive but miss my loving daughter who has disappeared. Of course billions of people have this and much worse to contend with due to the 'vaccines' & other murdwr methods being used. She refuses to listen to a word about the dangers of the injections.. When people say that they pray for you or for hunanity I cannot help wondering what sort of god, if she/he it exists would allow evil psychopaths to rule & destroy the human race for thousands of yrs - culminating in these billion, trillionaires using modern technology, to redesign, destroy it? Due to the pervasiveness of propaganda & lies which these psychopaths surround us with from birth, billions of people still getting injected. Sorry this is a long post

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