Jun 20, 2023·edited Jun 20, 2023

So whether vaccinated or not, our blood is equally contaminated? We know excess deaths are among the vaccinated. You need to tell us more about the patients whose blood you're analysing: where they're from (heavily chem-trailed area?); no. of swabs stuck up their nose; whether they're habitual mask-wearers ... You're basically saying the jabs are not responsible for the state of one's blood and we're all in the same boat. Don't buy it. It's also a great way to exculpate cv-19 vax manufacturers and gov'ts who forced their citizens to be injected with this crap. Also the people coming to see you are obviously unwell. And just how many patients do you see? With all the studying, conferences, interviews you do, what time do you have left over? Seriously, much bigger samples are needed in order to draw firm conclusions.

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Dr. Ana was first to warn us that this genocidal nanotechnology now trying to kill us via our food. See her photos of packaged organic ground beef from her local grocery stores that was tested to find the sludgy clot-growing factor in blood samples.. Watch your meat/ watch your diet/ watch you don’t eat Apeel fruits and veg! What else are they poisoning with mRNA hydrogel nanotubes? Never never blame Dr. Ana!

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Nonsense. La Quinta Columna has been talking about this for over 2 years. I'm not "blaming" Dr. Mihalcea for anything. I am simply asking her a few questions.

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Karen Kingston already told us about them putting it in the food, too.

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You do not adk them ad politely as you could it seems

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There is no interest in doing so due to the motive.

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The state of our blood, regardless of vax status, depends on multiple factors, as you have pointed out. We need now to narrow things down to determine precisely why Dr Mihalcea's unvaxxed patients' blood is exactly the same as that of the vaxxed, if only to ensure that we, the unvaxxed, can learn how to avoid contamination. One does not need an ulterior motive to ask for clarification on this. Please reply to me directly rather than casting aspersions about me to others.

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NOBODY is above scrutiny in this evil world NOBODY.

Were you in her lab? Did you see all she is doing? No, you are relying on her being truthful.

How did many get into this spot already....by trusting in man and science and here you are once again trusting in man and science, both of whom lie and manipulate.

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That would include your assertions as well, would it not?

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On the surface yes I can agree but the fact remains I am human and imperfect and don't always comment on her many articles.

Meaning at times my thoughts build up and it comes out like it has here.

I am not apologizing for that but Ana should be apologizing in some respects for basically telling people there is NO HOPE for them unless they do her EDTA.

And yes she has said exactly that.

I have been on this truth telling far longer than most and started with talking about a high vitamin d level in the spring of 2020.

If you can't be bothered going through the whole thread of comments to see ALL my comments then you have no right to judge me.

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What motive could she possibly have to deceive us?

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The real deception is to cast doubt on the healer. Which is a tell on the motive.

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So David Ana is the ONLY healer, is this what you are trying to tell us.

Explain how it is in any way to yell from the roof tops that evrybody is poisoned BUT, guess what, I Ana can fix that right here in my building.

But ONLY my EDTA will work.

So the people that are scared and read this and are now told nothing can be done for them unless they travel hundreds or thousands of miles to her office to get EDTA done.

Not only that though, but she also says you have to CONTINUALLY have this done.

I am not apologizing for anything I have said and God is my witness.

What would Ana say to God about what she is doing and saying and how she is profiting like of so many truth tellers while using fear no less??

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The fact that EDTA completely dissolves the hydrogel is stated in a patent. Karen Kingston brought forth this fact to the public. Dr. Ana experimented with the supplement & found that it did indeed clear people’s blood. This is not to say that other substances couldn’t achieve the same results. And she has said that she alternates EDTA with IV vitamin C, epithalon (spelling?), & other supplements. There may still be other substances yet to be discovered that also rid the body of hydrogel. It’s important to remain hopeful & open-minded.

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Dr. Ana can only testify to her own experience. If you want to find other potential cures, you have to look for yourself. Dr. Ana only knows about EDTA, and she doesn't claim it's the ONLY cure, just the only one that she knows about.

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You have to include all the variables, and this article did not tell us enough information, you don’t get it. It’s scientific you don’t grab a couple people and base all your information on that.

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True but she is not a billionaire like Fauci, Pfizer, Gates etc but a scientist working alone or a small team i imagine.Perhaps she cannot affird to run big tests with lots of people. But I think its fine to question her or any s cientists' work

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question everything. daddy told me that.

thought i read that Dr. Ana is not a scientist and was asking for them to come forward to help.

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The patents tell a lot, and Karen Kingston has been dissecting those Pfizer patents to the public for 2 years now.

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the water you drink may play a part

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its not only in food. its in all kind of meds and supplements too. its everywhere.

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I've checked my organic feom walmart plus local grocery store it is all injected check for yourselves the holes are not natural an organic banana hole is clear and about 2 inches from hole bruised you can see don't at hole perfectly and other braised scratches from them probably going too fast pricking produce .I worked at a clinic dialysis tech I know what the beveled needle scrapes on the banana looks like I took video at the store fruit flies allover that section .The water bottled even .can't we have the fruit and veggies tested and ask wtf is in this! There's also bill 314 from TX to label HEK-293 human fetal kidney cells in OUR FOOD cosmetics and I looked it up they have to do ot by 12/2023!!!!!!

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stop using cosmetics and make your own. utub helps give you ideas. it’s a start.

where did you get your other information from? thank you.

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I got the bill info from texas.gov website

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agree-u have to detox with edta i think as u cant avoid it its in the air-water ect

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when i came across the first shedding symptoms i knew, i knew that they will make sure that no one can get around this. so yeah you are damn right... it has been found in the rainwater and it has been found in the air.

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EVEN IF IT HAS just take boron and edta cream

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how much boron are you on? where can i get the cream in europe?

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Please read the reply I sent regarding Borax treatments. You can buy the cream online but I found it above my financial ability.

Borax I can definitely afford and have it in my laundry room as I speak :)

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A commenter here said 6mg of liquid boron daily. In powder form, the interviewee in Dana Ashlie video says a pinch in 1/2 pint of water 3x daily, i.e. between 1/4 to max 1/2 teaspoon in all.

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Clifford E Carnicom of Carnicom Institute, whom Dr. Ana has worked with, was the first to notice anomalies in blood synthetic -biology under a microscope what appears to be synthetic biology and it was almost 3 decades ago. He noticed our skies are being sprayed with aerosols in 1990s. He deserves lots of credit, a lot of it he even presented his findings to the EPA refused to identify it they told him " We have no obligation to Identify any unsolicited material." https://www.bitchute.com/video/s0Ni0OUD19bF/

- The USDA has been vaccinating all livestock with genetically modified organisms recombinant vaccines including "organic" livestock - since at least 2009/2010.

They don't need mRNA shots, they're shooting them up with GMO jabs no one knows what's in them & they've been at it since at least 2009- 2010.

Remember that the animals breathe and drink the same air and water.

I don't know why so few seems to care about the trails in the skies, It needs attention.

I doubt this is shedding and that it is indeed the aerosols they are global as well.

Apeel was granted a license by the EPA in 2019, ACCEPTED 6/07/2019 Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act as amended, for the pesticide registered under EPA Reg. No. 92708- 1-

How do you avoid it don't have any oranges or lemons, apples, avocados you can't just avoid it, they're intending and are putting it on everything!

We need to speak out to grocers to the USDA, FDA, EPA. Called OrganiPeel

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Citric Acid.. .......0.66 % BY WT.

OTHER INGREDIENTS:......................... 99.34 % BY WT.


The Citric Acid in this garbage they spray on our produce comes from genetically modified black mold. The rest of it is " Other" that's transparency from the EPA-

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I totally agree. That’s the same thing I said ! There must be extensive work and proof. Doesn’t look like very many people were even checked and one of them was sleeping with a vaccinated. Well that’s been proven to be dangerous. I, myself feel fantastic I’m 62 I haven’t been sick in 20 years and I work out regularly. My sister on the other hand is two years older does not work out took a PCR test and it’s tired all the time. It just makes a big difference when you get more background. I don’t think this was extensive work at all not only that, but I follow Jesus Christ and walk with him daily, and the word of God says ~> no weapons formed against me shall prosper

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Jun 20, 2023·edited Jun 20, 2023

More background is so crucial ... we're all screaming for it here. And that's what NEEDS to be heard (otherwise someting is off).

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Then we need to be willing to chip in. . . .

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Millions soon to be billions of Christians ( as well as other people) are dead from i nectionsthe None of those committing the Global Genocide are being stopped by man or it seems God - 3 years of Global Genocide and many more to come it serms. All you smug Christians doing nothing to stop Fauci, Gates, Schwab & many othets including world leaders helping with the Henocide if the human race.

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The Bible does not say we won't die. It says we will be with the Lord for the Eternal Life part.

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Imho God is soon to go to work, well He has been at work for some time.

God will destroy evils control over humanity with a pole shift, very soon as well.

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Millions a year killed for thousands if years for profit and power. Currently the DNA of all humans is being changed tihet rid of 'the spiriItual' ie parts of the brain that are not purely physical etc. Peple have bern sayi g God, Jesus wll stop evil all this time but still the psychopathic trillionaires rule. Waiting waiting...but not doing nything mainly to stop the destruction of the human race. 'Transhumanism' is the Agenda of the World Economic Forum & other Globalists such as Bill Gates ie the few thousand humans left after Depopulation will be part machine due to the technology/DNA modification. They openly say this so its not Conspiracy. If Gid was going to save he/she has left it too late it seems. The i jecrions are full of self assembling nanobots & other machi ery that colonises & destroys each persons body. Not conspiracy either but found in blood trsts it just by Ana

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God works on His time, not human time. Clearly you are one of no faith and thats your prerogative.

God is not going to allow His creation to be destroyed by evil.

This also tells me that much of the fearmongering being foisted on us is in fact not true or hyper exaggerated to either scare people and keep them in fear and or to make money.

If you scroll through all the comments, you will find that I had a direct interaction with someone in regard to the shedding and 2 years on I am still here.

Nobody will escape judegment.

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I don't want to get into a tussle with people who are trying to defend Dr. Ana, as I am only interested in the truth. Having said that, I think you make some excellent points which cannot be discounted until properly examined.

One of the most difficult to understand set of assertions is that the blood of unjabbed people allegedly looks as bad as that of the jabbed (I say allegedly because I don't know how many other properly trained, live blood microscopists are reporting the same findings). If true, all of humanity is in dire straits. It would likely mean that nothing useful can be done for anyone because everyone is being continuously/massively contaminated, no matter what they do or don't do. Against that, is the fact that anecdotal reports seem to all say that the jabbed are sicker and experience a higher rate of death than the unjabbed. If all blood is equally contaminated, that seems very difficult to account for. We would also have to explain why so many unjabbed people with allegedly contaminated blood have no symptoms which is a huge problem.

If the blood contamination of everyone is equal, then one would have to assume either, 1) the jabs are the primary cause and shedding to the unjabbed is a huge problem, or 2) other environmental sources of contamination such as atmospheric spraying, introduction of jab-related technology into the food and or water supply is the likely culprit. The temporal relationship of the jab roll-out and booster program suggests the former is the biggest contributor thus far.

In any case, these reports should be taken very seriously and attempts should be made to answer the criticisms in a civil and thoughtful manner.

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I understand and agree. I'm assuming the jabbed are getting something additional from the vax that the unjabbed are not picking up from the atmosphere, food, or from vaxed people.

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If the perpetrators weren't involved in intentionally damaging humanity, this would be a very easy problem to solve. Since they are, we are left having to use

unsatisfactory materials and methods. What a tragedy.

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That could very well be

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I'm having my unjabbed.. never PCR'd.. (never masked either) blood 'live tested' next week.. Should be interesting. I'm taking along a bag of chicken livers to test too.

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How did your live blood analysis go?

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She's testing uninjected patients. You need to read her posts before forcing questions that have already been answered by posts that have already been posted.

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I have read her posts. The questions I asked have absolutely not been answered.

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Good scepticism here. Thumbs up from me.

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You don't seem to be all that bright David.

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Insulting people says more about the insulter. 'Divide and Conquer' is one of many ways the destruction of humanity is brought about.

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And you are not at all helpful! If you are very familiar with her work, please summarize the article or articles which address the confusion other human beings are experiencing. Of course adding “From what I gather...”, or “My understanding is...”

Better yet, you could simply post the link to her post which answers the question.

Another idea is to make a sort of directory or legend of her papers with links? Thereby growing subscribers for yourself while at the same time, give back to the good doctor a tool she would no doubt use herself, if for nothing else but to direct people with questions!

Certainly, I have no problem calling a spade a spade but in this case, David is asking questions very similar, even identical to others. Meanwhile you’ve answered questions with things such as “the answer is blowing in the wind” and not being at all helpful to people actively striving to research for themselves how best they can save themselves!

Therefore, this statement, without conjecture, poses you are just an egotistical asshole. Worse, a troll who takes up space and time in order to watch himself type.

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"Meanwhile you’ve answered questions with things such as “the answer is blowing in the wind” and not being at all helpful to people actively striving to research for themselves how best they can save themselves!"


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We will NEVER save OURSELVES. Only God can save; somtimes it is our life, and sometimes only our souls. It is all about FAITH. Maybe you need a better understanding of what that really is.

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I wholeheartedly agree! And let's not forget to take toxic IVM into account..

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Let's hope Dr. Mihalcea finds the time to reply.

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She should, otherwise something is truly off. It's hard to imagine her not being aware of the utterly important basics that keep bothering us here. This SCREAMS for a full solid decent response!

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The response is evidence from test results in numerous substack posts which nobody reads.

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The questions I asked relate specifically to the unvaxxed patients whose blood Dr Mihalcea has been studying. We need to know first and foremost how many patients' blood she has analysed, how many were symptomatic, their mask-wearing/PCR habits, their degree of intimacy with vaxxed, whether they live in heavily chem-sprayed areas ...

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And how many have been intimate with a vaccinated person. I know of many couples where one refused and the other got it.

The fact she is not telling us this information speaks volumes.

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chemtrails have spread all over the globe; there is no area untouched

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I appreciate your queries, although I don't know how much the answers will matter in the big picture. My experience of Dr. Ana is she is not resistant to being questioned.

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And even people in say wrestling, boxing and all manner of different sports that involve skin to skin contact.

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I have read them all and NOWHERE does it describe in more detail the unvaccinated.

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Then by all means, please enlighten the rest who haven’t read every word she has written. I’m once bitten, twice shy. There’s no way I will devote all of my time to only one researcher! The evilsickfucktards spare no cost in their assault on us, we must pull together as teams where we find like-minded people.

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I don't believe ana is an evil one but I sure do have some questions.

To claim in many respects, you are doing Gods work and restoring the human body but then profiting off of it as well in a time like this is unacceptable for me.

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I read her substack posts and i'm not confused. I'm also not gonna go dig through a pile of posts and do your homework.

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Doctor Mike Yeadon recently addressed Trafalgar Square. His information was so relevant that I dropped what I was doing and transcribed the entire speech, with time stamps (on my cell phone!) I then offered him the link to my work as well as shared it many places. Why? I didn’t even eat that day and my animals only had one meal . Why? Because it needed to be done and it might be seen by someone with more ability or power than myself who otherwise would not possess that knowledge. “My people suffer from lack of knowledge.” I’m not out to save the World but if I can ease a little suffering here and there, the question becomes WHY NOT?

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I have been asking for this information since she started this fearmongering.

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Toxic what? Ivermectin? lmao, go back to tim truth.

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I highly recommend a thorough research on IVM and then let's see whether u're still laughing your ass off about this Nobel Prize-winning wonder drug, deal?

This might be a good start;


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I have taken it multiple times and once for 2 months straight and have never felt better and all my parts are working just fine.

I also know mine came from India.

Would I take the Merck version, absolutely not and its self-explanatory why I would not.

Parasites are a blight on human health.

Ivermectin comes from the soil, that means our Creator put it there for a reason.

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Please would you kindly yell me where you got it from and how much you take?

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I get mine from https://www.virex.health/

Don't be put off by the product names: "Petmectin" and "Petdazole". It seems they do this to avoid being shutdown by the FDA ,MHRA etc. The drugs supplied are Ivermectin or Fenbendazole, are for human use and come from India.

They ship worldwide via DHL.

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I have roughly 4-5 boxes left at 100 pills at 12mg each.

Meaning I have not ordered in some time but will look into getting you a link to the same place.

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This is all false! IVM is extremely safe and very beneficial.

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what do u mean by IVM being toxic? I haven't heard anyone talk about this

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My heavens, I know my brain works well but when mcflys attack me then respond with TimTruth I know my brain is miles ahead of the flys.

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This is a good start to digest;


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Where is your evidence on toxic IVM??

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Don't listen to this fearmongering. Now would I trust IM from Merck, not a chance as they are one of the big harma family. Meaning they likely have added something to it.

IM comes from the soil, nothing more natural than that.

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Gary, I also believe IVM is generally and generally a good treatment.

However, although it comes from the soil, it is prepared and packaged by the evil and genocidal pharma companies.

Unfortunately, I have heard of reports of IVM being laced with graphen and nanotech.

If there was only a way for us to have direct access to it in the soil - what a difference that would make.

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I do not disagree with you at all Marecelo though if this happened I believe it happened after word got out that it worked.

Hence why I would only use IVM from small India companies like Junevor and not from say Merck.

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This is a good start to digest;


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Dr Ana please comment on these results. I am 66 yo un-v and did the 30 ml whole blood clot test and saw my gel/plastic decrease from 1.1 ml to 0.25 ml in the 30 ml of blood over a 3 week period after a second IV EDTA treatment (I did a few other minor interventions also). I took my gel/plastic and along with a friend that also did a 30 ml whole blood clotting test and contributed his gel/plastic to further testing. I cut the gel/plastic into approx. 3mm cubes and placed in a well that can be sealed along with 2 ml of normal saline and a test substance to see if gel/plastic would be dissolved. I tested normal saline (control), Ca EDTA, Na EDTA, liposomal EDTA, nattokinase, serrapeptase, tumeric/curcumin, borax, ACV, ClO2, 3% H2O2, liposomal vitC, DMSO, DMSO+CaEDTA, IVM. I placed the covered wells in refrigerator and observed at 24 hours some blurring of edge only in the natto and serra wells. After 48 hours the natto and serra wells showed cube was dissolved. No other changes in other wells seen. No further changes were seen after 72 hours. I know these results cannot say natto and serra would be effective in a human. I know the body has mechanisms to neutralize active proteases (such as alpha 1 antitrypsin) and results showing no effect in dissolving the gel/plastic here does not mean it has no effect in the body (I showed IV EDTA in another test was effective in decreasing my gel/plastic 4 fold). I try not to worry because my trust is in Jesus. Thank you!

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Geez that is really complex info.

But, very interesting indeed.

You do well to trust in Jesus!

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Hello, Ronald. Thank you for doing & sharing your findings. When you mention ‘IV EDTA treatment’, are you talking about the Calcium Disodium EDTA or the non-calcium version (Disodium EDTA)? Thanks.

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Thank you. The IV was calcium EDTA. The book by Gordon and Brown, Detox with Oral Chelation 2009, pg 10, reports sodium EDTA was initially preferred in IV use since it was thought calcium EDTA would interfere with calcium removal from tissues like vessels and thus not benefit in reducing cardiac disease. It was found both types worked well and calcium type could be infused faster without burning sensation so calcium EDTA is now preferred.

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Good info Ronald, thanks

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Hi, Ronald; I understood you were treated with calcium EDTA. Thanks for your reply.

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Exactly Ronald, your faith will keep you safe but it must be real faith.

I recently started Natto and Serra for these reasons and the many other benefits they give us.

I do NOT believe EDTA is the only way. Gods work is far too complex and a high vitamin d level, the only thing you didn't mention must be very useful for our bodies in fighting back.

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Gary hope all is well. What is Serra?

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Sorry friend should have used the whole word.


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lol, thanks.

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I'm sure God has everything worked out. Vit D is essential for our immune system to function well. I've taken vit D at approx. 5k units/ day for 3 yrs but no blood level done. Still I had rouleaux formation and fibers with live blood analysis and after my first IV EDTA I still had 1.1 ml of gel/plastic in 30 ml of my blood. I am non-v. We still need further answers and Lord will sustain.

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I can guarantee you that your D level is nowhere near where you think it might be or want it to be. Get it checked and make sure you get it above 60ng and keep it there. Personally considering your situation I would take yourself up to 100ng and stay there for a bit.

The more D you take the more gene expression that happens in your body.

Get this brand and start with 7 days of 50,000iu or if tested and low do 14 days and always take high dose vitamin D with a good vitamin K formulation like Super K from Life Extension and always take with magnesium.

Boron also helps vitamin D get absorbed.


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Thank you for your suggestions. I think the gel/plastic as Dr Ana says is in everyone now. I am 66 yo and un-v. I live in rural Ozarks and my mailbox is a mile from my house. The nearest 5 geepers tower is 10 miles away (maybe satellite above) and I have no detection of blue tooth signal in the home. The only internet I have is from my cell phone. I have back yard chickens and grow my greens hydroponically. I get meat products from a local butcher shop and drink well water. I only have casual contact with any vaccinated. I do not take any liquid prescribed meds routinely. I take vitamins and eat organic most of the time. When Dr Ana said the gel is in us all I thought not me. So I checked for rouleaux and fibers with a cheap scope and to my surprise I had it and so did 5 others I looked at. I later did the 30 ml whole blood clotting test and actually saw the rubbery gel in my blood. I think it is in us all now. Most important is to review your spiritual condition. Remember the 10 virgins parable which I think refers to the church waiting for the bridegroom (Christ). Five were ready and five were not. Go to YT and search for that parable with Joel Richardson or Nelson Walters. I am sure, Gary, you are secure but we should examine themselves. I think God is giving us time to get ready for His soon coming and we are facing tough times ahead.

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It's in the air now and that's why all of life, every single living bacteria, organism, plant, creature, animal and human has evidence of nano bots, GO and poisoning.

Reinette Solume is going to sue these psychotic bastards to stop them from spraying us like bugs. She has been searching for volunteers in her fight and has a Givesendgo to raise $30,000 and is very close. But finally, someone is willing to step up and fight these evil psychopaths. She has many channels but my go-to is Bitchute and her "Chew on This" account.

I believe this is why God will have to burn the old earth to make a new. I also believe that the Great Catching Up is soon and why we are seeing the "Last Card", the Alien Card, being played. The Las Vegas Alien is one example. TPTB must have hidden knowledge of timing of our Heavenly Departure? I want to go Home. I digress.

Finally, does anyone remember the last time that satan messed with God's Children's DNA? He wasn't happy.

We're gonna need a bigger boat...

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I believe much of what you said here Ronald, but I have no fear of rubbery substances.

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You don't get it. Dr. Ana is telling you that unvaccinated people are starting to pick up the vaccine nano trash from the environment, food, and from close personal contact with vaxed people.

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Was the dead person jabbed? What else do we know about that person?

Does anyone know of a dead person with rubbery "clots" who was totally unjabbed? My understanding thus far is that morticians have reported many cases of jabbed people who had rubbery clots but not unjabbed ones.

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Case in point ^

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Either answer my questions directly, agree to disagree or stop maligning me please. You are being spiteful and cowardly.

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Pretty sure 'David' works with Ana and if it is THAT David then that raises serious issues for the way my brain works.

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either that or self-appointed moderator

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Jun 20, 2023·edited Jun 20, 2023

Exactly. The variable is exposure. This could be any one of multiple pre prepared vectors. It could be all or none depending on the individual's location and life habits.

The insight will not matter to the trolls however.

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So we agree more information on degree of exposure of Dr Mihalcea's unvaxxed patients would be useful?

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Trolls? How insulting to people making valid points. I presume from your posts that you do indeed work for Dr Ana.

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I would seriously wonder who they been sleeping with.

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I don't believe that the unvaccinated are equally contaminated. There are 2 glaring observations that prove this. (1) Only the vaxxed give off a bluetooth signal (2) Only the vaxxed have long stringy material in their blood vessels (although, transfusion of vax contaminated blood can cause this)

Dr Ana should talk to Dr Bryan Ardis, Dr Jane Ruby and Dr Zandre Botha, PhD (from South Africa), about venom and venom organelles in "vaccines" as these same bubbles and threads were understood to be venom related.

It so happens that EDTA, (as well as Vit C, NAC, etc.) are all known to treat envenomation.

In order to get a handle on what's going on, it will be interesting to study blood of unvaccinated before and after treatment for envenomation with only substances that could treat envenomation and not nano tech, e.g. nicotine, nattokinase, liqourice, etc. Then see what happens.

As an unvaccinated person, from personal experience treating myself and family I'm convinced its envenomation. My Bioplasm/Bodysonic/Hunter machine picks up "Crotalus" as the main toxin causing multiple subclinical health issues in almost everyone (mostly unvaxxed) I scan. Note, crotalus (rattle snakes), are not found in the continent (Africa) where I live.

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Do you have any work of your own showing that vaccinated people emit Bluetooth signals? I have been researching it for 1 year and my results are 100% negative.

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I own a Samsung s5+ and get MAC addresses from vaccinated all the time.

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Why don’t you get a LBA (Live Blood Analysis) and share with Dr. Ana & those who follow her Substack what the findings are of YOUR blood. Or better yet, buy a microscope (Dr. Ana has suggested ppl buy one & examine their blood for themselves).

I’m planning to purchase a microscope 🔬 myself. If you think Dr. Ana is way off her rocker then maybe you’ll reconsider your stance after viewing/reading both of the Amazon review links below regarding a particular microscope.

The first one shows classic rouleaux formation in the blood which some scientists have found in vaccinated individuals. (The reviewer does not reveal whether the blood pics are from a vaxxed or unvaxxed person & appears oblivious to the significance of his images.)


Second link shows “sticky blood” & FILAMENTS!



“I tested my blood and a couple different masks and found ribbons in my blood and in the masks so I am pissed and need to find a way to detox and get a new job because mine requires wearing a mask. My family and I are all unvaccinated but we all had graphene in our blood and bubbles with stuff in them. Everyone needs to buy one of these to move from blissful ignorance to awakened and motivated!”

Mind you both reviewers appear not to know about Dr. Ana nor do they recognize or comment on the oxidative stress - rouleaux & sticky blood - respectively shown in their examined blood samples.

I found these 2 reviews extraordinary because of the pics. The latter most especially supports Dr. Ana’s contentions.

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I never said she was "off her rocker". I simply asked her for more details about her unvaxxed patients. I've no doubt everyone's blood is contaminated to some degree but the SADS phenomenon has only become apparent since cv19 vax rollout.

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Wow! I read this entire comment section! Interesting! Kerrylyn? I’m with you! I think emotions are running high and we’ve got to let the emotionally stuff pass us by. People are concerned! I deal with my vaxed family all the time. I have relationships with them because I’ve developed a thick skin over the past 4 years since this Covid crap started. I have to admit it’s exhausting! I want to know the answers to your questions too!

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According to Dr.Christie, those might be antibodies. https://christielauragrace.substack.com/p/sv40-promoter-action-laymans-terms

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I'm not aware of any data that shows that excess deaths are primarily among the vaccinated, although i would think that they would be.

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Stan, there's lots of data and information out there.. Do you do any research online ? I mean that seriously, because it is very hard to miss the information at this point unless you watch mainly MSM. Go on Zerohedge, expose-news, etc. Look up the Frontline doctors websites as well. You should also look up Icandecide.org and watch the videos of the HighWire. Alex Jones often cites the titles of breaking papers and research publications in his videos.. you can look them up after he shows you the title. There are so many great sources of information. Don't forget to go on https://www.openvaers.com/ as well. Right here on Substack there are tons of great researchers too!

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Public Health England (PHE - collects data on deaths by vaccination status), EuroMOMO, Our World in Data, The Human Mortality Database ... have been used to claim excess deaths are primarily among the vaccinated. The Expose has done several articles on the subject - one re. Australia here https://expose-news.com/2023/01/27/52x-increase-deaths-australia-covid-vaccination/ - not to mention people like Ed Dowd, Igor Chudof, Norman Fenton, Denis Rancourt, Peter Halligan who've studied the figures and come to same conclusion.

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At this point in time we all need to be on the long-haul Covid protocol to keep and get a micro biome balanced because that is the heartbeat of our immune system. Dr. Sabine Hazan has a protocol you may contact her. I believe, wholeheartedly, that is our Hope in this as well as using EDTA Cream and taking the supplements that Dr Hazan and Dr. Anna have advised. This is the link that Dr. ana shared with us to buy the EDTA cream etc. https://somahealth.net/products/ You’ll have to look up an interview on the Maria Zee Rumble channel For the information. God bless you all. And thank you Dr. Ana for your diligence you are amazing and God is using you mightily during this time

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Hello Susan sullivan and reader/commentators: There are many reader comments which suggest assorted remedial modalities. However: What remedy (remedies) will remove hydro-gel "life" forms detected in food stocks, municipal water supplies, blood within companion pets, etc ? Obviously, widespread observations of these "life" forms suggest the introduction of bio-warfare products - planet wide. Ducking for cover will not solve the problem.

Governmental (military operatives) need to be arrested and indicted for multiple acts of terrorism, genocide, and ecocide on an international scale. THAT is the issue to resolve...

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Only then will the whole planet be able to deal with global-level toxicity. The nano is integrated everywhere at this point - unraveling the spider's web can only be done with a sharp blade of truth serum I believe.

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You are right! A complete blood transfusion in one arm makes no sense at all if the junkie is actively pushing heroin into the other arm! For 2 full years we have been made aware of this silicon based life form’s presence in our system. Scientists must look to what is already known and begin researching how to remove it. The answer I’ll bet, lies in sunshine and carbon. There is, I believe a serious matter involving the genetic modification as it is not the source of the nano dust.

It is proven in my opinion that the modified are now Bluetooth compatible. Moderna called the device “the software of life”. Perhaps, what we see in hydrogel and graphene hydroxide is only hardware, being fabricated in everyone while the injected device is the software? Virus anyone?

This is making it pretty clear, the very best course of action, if you are not running experiments to destroy the weapon or running for local office is to go door to door with a pen and paper, no technology and speak with your neighbors. Some will look at you as if you are crazy if you say anything ‘trutherful’. Tell them to have a nice day. Others will have little bells going off on their head and be relieved and curious. Be gentle with them. Offer some links to info and exchange phone numbers. (Here is your B. List). Still others will clap you on the back and whisk you to their faraday cage panic room where you may speak freely. Voilà, your A. List! Okay, the top of the A. List but you get the picture. Y’all figure it out. Study Lt. Gen. Paul K. Van Riper USMC, ret. - nothing digital! God bless and godspeed! May we meet in the middle!

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I print out a lot of information, and stuff the mailboxes of my neighbors. Just trying to educate people, but there is no sign it is working, except for the Indian Heart Surgeon. He always thanks me when I give him more pages.

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Excellent! Good on you!! Please devise some other form of delivery as all it will take is one ring door bell, one newsletter which challenges a neighbor’s cognitive dissonance, and one phone call to the Post Master General and your efforts could backfire!

Helen Duncan was a twentieth-century British materialization medium. During one of her séances in 1941 a sailor came through, explaining he had perished when the HMS Barham was sunk. The British Admiralty, worried about public morale, had been keeping the incident secret. Some two years later, as D-Day approached, they wanted to prevent any further revelations. Duncan was arrested and tried under the Witchcraft Act of 1735. The Admiralty’s reaction to her knowledge demonstrated that they knew her statements were accurate.

So, considering what’s going on now, why not invite the doctor for a picnic? (Primitive - no electronics. One guy says that every vape he’s taken apart has a microphone!) Simply discuss current events and ways in which you could help each other if needed. Read ‘First They Came For’ on my Substack, it’s a true story. Watch how homeowners were treated after Katrina, if you can stomach it! Flyer your usual area once more with a ‘Final Notice’ and instructions on how to stay in the loop and then move your operation over 1 block and reach out to those people! You got one, you’re killing it!! Do it some more!

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It's my understanding that EDTA needs to be a version that has lots of calcium in it, as taking too much EDTA can lead to hypocalcimia (too little calcium). Would love your thoughts? Thanks.

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Thanks for link to somahealth. Unfortunately it is well out of the range for most. A few ounces of cream for 70 bucks and no guarantee it will have any positive effect whatsoever not to mention possible negative effects. Their site says "our products are meant for general use only and are not intended to ... cure, treat, or prevent any disease".

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You do realize that the rampant corporatism causes such statements, right? If I harvest my pecans from the 100 year old trees on my property and sell the nuts to the public directly, there must be a sign which reads ‘Not For Human Consumption’! Lest my nuts be confiscated

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For what it's worth, pecans and dates together make an amazing combo.

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And the last thing you want is your nuts being confiscated

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I was dozing off, should have said “harvest confiscated” but if it made you chuckle, as it did me, I’ll not edit it!

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Please don't edit, you have created immortality. :)

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No, didn't see it that way but you're right to remind me.

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My last name isn't most. Why are you here exactly?

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What are you insinuating?

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Don’t buy anything!

Pick a burial plot and get your apple simulator to be pacified

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So you're hoping I drop dead because I think somahealth products sound like a rip-off? Who needs pacifying here?

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No, he's probably just annoyed at a 2nd rate troll

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I would be remiss if I failed to mention that until a person has seen that their own blood is severely degraded, it might not be wise to self-treat for a presumed condition, especially if one has no symptoms or signs of contamination. The other problem is to what extent these new remedies might negatively interact with each other in unknown and unpredictable ways.

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I don't think the filaments growing in the vasculature generate very noticeable symptoms until it's too late. You'll feel a little more tired in the last stages because the blood's circulation is impaired but at that point you've been "colonized" and urgent treatment is required. These filaments seem to grow very rapidly.

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Start supplementing with boron. Whistleblower described it as a growth inhibitor.

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For some reason, I believe Borax is better than Boron.

Many share this belief.

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where is Dr Hazane’s protocol?

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Watch this interview w her. I think, if I remember correctly, she mentions it and her website in this video.


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Where can I find Dr. Hazan’s protocol?

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I'm in Canada, somahealth doesn't deliver. Is there another company with the same products deliver to Canada?

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I am a Health Coach (soon to be Naturopatic Doctor) and I also live in Canada. I can get EDTA Cream from SomaHealth deliver to you. You can contact me at : sandratheexplorer@gmail.com

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I thought that EDTA was a chelation treatment to 'clean' the bidy/blood of heavy metals, nano etc How can a cream do thus I wonder? A small pot like that in sale here would surely only be eniugh for face ? To cover whoke bidy would need many pots ( & lots of £) Does Ana offer noncream chelatiion ie EDTA? I am v v weak/tired still a year after getting Covid & worry about when i might get back to 'normal'

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I've done my best to avoid becoming contaminated from the outset... buuut idk how successful I've been after reading this. Massive thanks and gratitude to Dr Ana for sharing this vital research with the world.

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I wondered the same and had taken every precaution. When I saw Dr Ana I discovered I had it too. I went into treatment right away and after 6 varied IV infusions my blood was clear. I owe God and Dr Ana my life. He brought us together. I’ll write it up soon and share my images for anyone it might save. Pray for Dr. Ana and her staff. They need God’s protection over them 🙏🏼

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I believe Dr Ana says the benefits of her IV chelation therapies are not everlasting and that they are not without potential negative effects. I'd also be interested in knowing how much it cost you.

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

You're correct, they are not "everlasting" independent of continued maintenance. Dr. Ana posted recently that she had a patient return with contamination after continued exposure to jabbed people. The ability to assess food/air supply contaminants to the equation is not known. My research into EDTA suggests that IV infusion is a relatively safe approach. It depends on one's underlying health. Disodium oral EDTA can be hard on the kidneys as one factor. IV infusion, Liposomal or cream are easier on the system, of course, all must be balanced with restoring essential nutrients and extra hydration. I wouldn't recommend it without medical supervision. The cost depends not only on the results of the findings in your blood analysis but your overall health. I also took home maintenance: Liposomal EDTA and EDTA cream plus a high dose C and a loaded vegan powder formulation to restore essential nutrients to offset the continued use of EDTA. She's asked in her writings for other health care practitioners to contribute with their own research. Let's pray that happens before too long.

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Do you have a liposomal EDTA brand that you would recommend? How would you compare liposomal EDTA to EDTA IV as for effectiveness?

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I took home Quicksilver Scientific brand from Dr Ana's office plus EZDetox cream. I don't know the effectiveness yet but waiting for an appt to get another live blood analysis now that it's been almost 2 months since the initial testing.

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I'd be interested in knowing how much you are getting paid to troll here.

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Ridiculous comment.

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Jun 20, 2023·edited Jun 20, 2023

I agree it's never happened before. Besides, you are completely above suspicion based on your posts.

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I am a recent widow, a grandmother, soon-to-be great grandmother and concerned about the health of my vaxxed off-spring as well as my own in the event I end up having to care for them. I subscribe here and elsewhere to help find and, when I can, provide solutions, not to troll. I've had enough of your snide remarks.

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I don't recall her saying how long the alleged improvement in the blood lasts.

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I believe it would depend on the continued maintenance of the patient and their exposure to jabbed people. There's still the unknown of food/water/air supply contamination.

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deletedJun 20, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023
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Thanks JMarie. Very useful information.

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How convenient.

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Did you see her because you were sick? If so, what were your symptoms if you are willing to disclose them? How did the symptoms correlate with the appearance of your blood after each treatment?

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I saw her because I wanted to know if the protocol I'd been taking that included IVM, NAC, Zinc/Quercetin plus other trace mineral supplements with lifestyle changes were protecting me. I was visiting my NW family members and knew I'd be within driving distance. I honestly thought I was in good shape and had booked a flight home the next day. My husband had passed months before C19 struck, I work remotely, live alone, no kids, and had managed to avoid close contact with the jabbed for the most part. I wasn't aware of my actual condition until I saw Dr. Ana. I've always been in excellent health but from my results I could see I was a walking time bomb. That is why I know in my heart that I was under God's protection and he led the way to her. I was unable to return home in that condition and walk into the care of conventional practitioners. I'll be publishing a piece soon with my before/after images and a bit of video to verify the entire process and results.

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That's an amazing story. Please do publish the before/after images.

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Thank you for sharing your extremely interesting and informative experience.

I was really surprised and it is really converning because you claim that you felt generally well.

I wil be paying attention to see when you publish ye before/after images and a bit of video to verify the entire process and results.

Should be extremely interesting.

Wish you all the best.

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You thought you were in good shape, so you didn't feel sick, didn't have any serious symptoms ? Did the liveblood images show these weird spheres or just filaments ? It must have been pretty serious.

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I didn't have any symptoms though a couple weeks later and my vision has improved. My eyes are hydrated after a long period of being very dry. I didn't have the spheres but definitely the filaments.

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So only the people that can make their way, with their wallet to see Ana are the only ones to be saved....gotcha.

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Only the Almighty Father can save his Creation. There's some warriors out there and Dr Ana is one of them. Unless you can help channel funding her way for research and some assistance, she's still a solo practitioner in a small office, in a tiny town, looking for a solution. Did you see the movie Dallas Buyers Club? It's kind of like that. I'm grateful I was in the area. Haven't been there for 25 years. I believe God brought us together for no other reason than to shine a light on her work, give it another voice. God bless you and keep you...

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Fair enough and God bless you as well and continued health and safety.

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I have done the same. I’ve become the neighborhood hermit you might say.

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Moi aussi. Me too. I have started trying the Borax protection but have yet to determine how good it may be. My spirit guides, whatever, told me around 2016 about Borax as protection — confirmed this past week on sub stack : video shared by Dr. Ana.

1 pinch of Borax 3x day in one pint of water — no more, one pinch only, 3 times.

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Apparently Borax is most efficient against the synbio tech when combined with nano silver / colloidal silver.

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And magnesium

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Just to be clear, you are taking Borax orally, a pinch in one pint of water, three times per day. Does the borax say anything about being safe for human consumption?

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I use Borax in the bath, but I´m a bit fearful of even taking a pinch. I´ve been told it makes you feel awful. Nauseated, bloated, feel like vomiting, accompanied by stomach pain.

Has anyone had a bad experince with orally ingesting Borax?

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You can always get Hydrocal from health store it has tiny bit of Boron you need, plus other minerals that help alkalize the blood.

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Thanks for the tip. I always have Borax on hand because I add it to my laundry detergent in order to get protective boron on all my clothing and sheets. It is actually protective against the small cell microwave perils of 5G!

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That's a great tip thank you. Anything that helps distort the EMF is a great asset. I knew i bought that Boron Drain cleaner for a reason. 😁

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Jun 21, 2023·edited Jun 21, 2023

Hm, that's interesting. It brings up the possible mechanism of how boron works; Dr David Nixon was able to get nanotech to self dissolve due to lack of 2 -5G frequency input. What if in-vivo boron was doing the same thing? A 5G attenuation mechanism? Here I was thinking that it was direct anti-nano action on the nanoscale, but it might not be that at all. Or it could be both.

Where did you get clued in about boron 5g attenuation? Is there a link?

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Colloidal/Nano Gold is what disassembles the Nano tech, then it can be chelated out via a practitioner using IV EDTA or the longer Naturopathic way. There's also a particular EM frequency that disassembles it, only the Dark military and Intel agencies know of it.

You can make colloidal gold like colloidal silver. You can also get it from Cannabis, good nutrients always has 3 to 14pbb of Ionic gold in it, then ends up on every molecule in the Nano form, including all the CBD's, THC's and Terpenes. It's why the CBD works so well.

Found a Maria Zeee clip...


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How do you know that?

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...plus a couple of spoonfulls of apple cider vinaigre

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No! You don't want to drop the PH of your blood unless you want cancer and other abnormalities. 1 tsp. of baking soda in a 16 ounce glass of filtered water per day gives you alkaline blood.

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But the guy who recommended boron/borax also recommended ACV. I'm talking about the video Dr Mihalcea posted last week of interview by Dana Ashlie - https://rumble.com/vdczi5-a-solution-they-do-not-want-you-to-know.-by-dana-ashlie.html See around 30 minute mark.

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ACV alone would drop intra-gastric pH which is not a good idea. I can't explain why he thinks ACV should be added to Boron/ Borax.

I also don't know if taking Borax orally is safe or not.

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Has Dana Ashlie ever completed her part 2 of "Who wants your soul- every human must know?"

Has she been heard from in the past year. I think the last video that is listed on her site is from about a year ago.

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Do you check the pH of your blood before and after taking baking soda to be sure it changes?

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How about sodebic capsules?

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Dr. Robert Young author of the PH Miracle Diet believes that AC Vinegar should not be used. Baking soda and boron are good without the AC Vinegar. Tony Pantalleresco says the same thing - no AC Vinegar.

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ACV has its uses for sure just not here.

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Wow. Thanks for that, I had been wondering about this

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I assume you mean; put one pinch of Borax into a pint of water and take 3 glasses of the water per day, not 3 pinches per day and 3 liters.

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For all you Survivalists trying to stay healthy and alive, did you know that hospitals use mRNA tainted blood? If your in an accident or have a med procedure and need a blood transfusion, you’re FUCKED unless you have an unvaxxed DIRECT DONOR. Find one at unjectedblood.com.‬

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The Red Cross does NOT test blood for mRNA contamination since their masters told them that the gene therapies were "safe & effective". This is genocide.

85% of South America has been injected and if you add shedding, 100% of the population has been poisoned by the global predators.

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 We’re at over 7 Billion right now, so we need to bring that down to 1 Billion. (2minutes)

- Dennis Meadows, Club of Rome (2022)


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I studied epidemiology and followed a professor who did a global population analysis in 2017. It was 5.5 billion then with zero population growth in many countries, also reducing fertility worldwide. Depop has been progressing for a while. Funny thing is, we still believe stats given by the system which is depopulating us. Estimates now are around 4 - 4.5 billion, and by 2025 could be as low as 2 billion.

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I also do NOT believe the figures for population that are coming from the official sources.

Not a chance there are 8 billion people, not even 6 imho.

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Jun 20, 2023·edited Jun 20, 2023

Imagine knowing the world is flat with more land beyond the ice wall

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 1981 Depopulation Agenda: Jacques Attalli - BilderBerger


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 1994 | 160 Nations Agreed to Reduce the World Population to 800 Million by 2030 (6minutes)


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 2009 – WHO Eugenics Speech by Kissinger

Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009:

"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services"

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She said there's no difference between vaxxed/unvaxxed blood so why worry?

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She may have an extremely biased sample which is the point I think you are making. I explained above why I think it may not be true universally. Maybe only the ill, unvaxed patients are coming to her and it is those she finds have very abnormal blood. That would be my suspicion. Other asymptomatic unvaxed people may have fairly normal blood. She might be able to shed some light if she clarified.

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@Mike Gollins, PE Not necessarily. With the food/water/air supply and most injectables this year toxic with mRNA many are likely to already have some level of exposure. No question about blood contamination in the donor pool but that's what this detox focus is all about. It's not like getting a transfusion is going to necessarily make one more contaminated than if you'd been intimate with a triple boosted person everyday. If there's an effort to supply uninjected blood then that supply needs to go under the microscope.

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Thank you for that...very interesting. I would love to talk with you more about how I can incorporate your detox strategies into my website?

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I'm from Australia. My son's work has shown that live blood analysis of our family, a couple of whom are out in the workforce everyday, and also of another family member [man] who had 3 shots, show NONE of this. All taking a pinch of Borax most days in water. The man took 1 big man pinch 3 times a day. This was done over 6 months or so. He is now taking MMS, Bentonite Clay, Zeolite & NAC as well, as we all are. But the ONLY thing he took for months was Borax. Always take magnesium with Borax; one aids the other. We do other things as advised by my son, but Borax and MMS play an important role in keeping us well.

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I agree with butterfly, this is very groundbreaking info. Thank you for sharing this

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Dr. Ana recently posted a video shot by Dana Ashlie before the outbreak of COVID-19 concerning the link between chem-trails & nanotechnology. Man she interviewed said Borax was a known “inhibitor”. He recommended Borax & Apple Cider Vinegar (gives the amounts/ratios) to raise the body’s ph so it becomes alkaline. Apparently, the nanotechnology thrives/grows in an acidic environment. So, ur post should give everyone hope. 😊

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Here’s a great resource with many health articles written by Walter Last who wrote “The Borax Conspiracy”.


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Very interesting, thank you.

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I can't prove it but we would argue that it appears to do both. We will continue to take it. The man who had the 3 shots started it a few months after his third shot and we were shocked, and relieved, that after 6 or so months on borax that his blood was pretty good. The rest of us are unvaccinated so it has worked as a preventative in our case. It was long used in home medicine and and by doctors as well, however the powers that be didn't like people using it medicinally in Australia - one form of boron in common use was banned in the 1980s and I think that says that we are on to a good thing when it comes to borax.

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Good news. Thank you, we need it! Trust the Aussies to latch on to the solution

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Agee. Us aussies are good at that.

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What did his live blood look like before he began taking borax?

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No idea. The first sample was taken from him only recently so we have nothing to compare it with. We were expecting to see problems in his blood but what we feared wasn't there. Others in the family have had their blood checked many times over many months, but we are all unvaccinated.

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I watched the whistleblower video on this, but he evidently was careful about what he said because of what was happening. Would be nice to know. I started this supplementation about a year ago.

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What was the date on that interview?

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I'll do you one better. Here's the link


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I don't understand why only intravenous EDTA only will work. Liposomal C has very near the same efficacy as IV C. I used an oral product about 10 years ago that completely cleared my arteries and allowed me to avoid traditional heart surgery. (It was not liposomal to the best of my knowledge.)

I would very much like to sponsor a study on all forms of metal detox against IV Chelation including liposomal, near infrared therapy, NAC/Glutathione, zeolites and the 'nano bucket' concept. If you would be interested in spearheading that Dr. Ana - please let me know.

And of course prayer. My friend Dr. Dale Matthews published his rheumatoid arthritis study in the Southern Medical Journal two decades ago that showed prayer was more effective than ANY pharmaceutical.

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Well come on my friend that does not make Ana rich.

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Oh no, I'm going to die. So? I'm not worried about it.

I've always known my current physical body is merely a very temporary shell.

This world is not where my hope lives, this body is not where my life lives.

Evil is just having a little hissy fit on it's way to torment. Try to relax, it's healthier.

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This is the way. Lots of hysteria in this article. Light on details.

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Truly amazing. This is why grounding with structured water is so important:



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Thanks Roman, excellent articles! I've already got some ideas to try out

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Thanks David! What kind of ideas? Would love your input. Thanks again

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One idea I had immediately was a ground plate on the floor, which you could place feet on, during the day when convenient, bonded to a copper ground rod outside.

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Sounds feasible. Do you know how to construct these kinds of things yourself?

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Yes, this is pretty easy. Well, you would have to drive a copper clad ground rod 6' into the ground, that can get dicey depending on what you hit, but other than that it's just locating a metal plate the size you want.

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Thanks David - sounds like you've got experience with grounding etc. Send me a message offline if you don't mind.

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totally agree, i drilled a 3 mm hole thru the floor, put 3mm copper wire straight to copper pipe driven approx 12 " into ground below and just made circles for footpads with copper wire for feet. i bent the ends up about 2mm so i can wear socks while grounding, my blood has improved a lot since and thats without changing all my bad habits.

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Wow. Good report!

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Geez, this is really interesting and a very innovative approach.

Water, along with oxygen, are probably the key elements of life.

Water can also have healing properties - it´s often overlooked.

But, it has to be quality water.

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Thank you Marcelo! Agreed - quality over quantity especially with water!

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Have had a grounding pad in bed for 5 months now. Absolutely helps.

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Thanks Gary. Do you know the model / name of the pad?

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Wow! Thank you Dr Ana and Karen Kingston and Dr Bryan Ardis for all your hard work and bravery, especially when comparing to those "freedom movement doctors" who willing to leave out the true cure for the root cause.

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I have been wondering the same for years. I'm unvaccinated but I've had my fair amount of issues shown on in blood tests and thermographic pictures. I'm still concerned and have been trying to find someone who can do this in Amsterdam or the Netherlands. If you have a database of people who can help us wherever we are in the world it would be most helpful because now we know what to look for.

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Ana, try this url:


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Thank you. I have a contact via my thermographic but the lady who does LBA lives 3 hours away. I am looking for someone who does not send the blood to a lab and so far I've only found 3 people in the Netherlands who do that

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It would be interesting to see what happens with this toxic stuff in the blood of the vaccinated as well as the unvaccinated, after they have taken stuff like H2O2 CDS Ozone NAC Borax or Organic cider vinegar…

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I just bought Borax, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and H2O2, CDS earlier on. Still haven't try it yet.

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Jun 20, 2023·edited Jun 20, 2023

If you are taking C which you probably are, don't take at the same time as cds. They will cancel each other out. I am not sure about the half life of C in vivo but I *think* it's maybe 2 hours. I'd have to look it up. They need to be spaced apart

Oooh. I was way wrong; C has vivo half life of 10-20 days.

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so how many people have actually been tested to make such a claim that there are no 'purebloods'

it seems to me that to be scientific we would have to have a much larger population sample

- i'm not saying it's not true- but i don't think that we will know until we have far more people testing

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Its not true and the fact she has yet to respond to one question related to the pool of unvaccinated she is using speaks volumes.

At this point even if she does respond it will mean nothing to me.

I'm mostly here now to document all she says.

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PPl who go to her are ppl seeking help. Of them she said no blood is pure.

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You're speaking volumes here as well but nothing meaningful yet :)

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Dr. Ana, not everyone has nanotechnology in their blood. I suggest people do both Vitamin K2/Mk-7 & ECGC daily. Nicotine 2mg patch or gum for up to 14 days. Essiac Tea for 6 months twice a day and once or twice a month ionic foot baths. The EDTA cream is wonderful, but activative charcoal & Epsom salts baths with bentonite Clay and a cheese cloth at drain should be try as well. If your morning oxygen levels are 95 or higher, than that is a good indicator to your blood health is probably ok! My mother used to have natural pathic doctors come to our bed & breakfast with their live blood image equipment. I found it fascinating.

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I want everyone to know that I am in the Florist business and I talk to undertakers on a daily basis. Some of them have shown me pictures of rubbery clots about the size of my pinky finger in diameter about the same color and the full length of this women’s leg taken from their camera on their phone. This is what they showed me after asking them what they thought about the died suddenly incidents. They have all seen them. Dr. Ana is way more correct here than wrong. My late father was a College of Surgeons Vascular & Trauma surgeon for over 30 years. He never saw clots like what these undertakers or what Dr. Ana / Karen Kingston describes from the patents.

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Exactly, definitely more correct than wrong, and these images speak for themselves.

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I hope my oxygen level of 96 or higher IS a good sign, but this substack is otherwise depressing.

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And that could be part of the ploy here, be wary of anybody in this evil world.

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You just don’t stop the trolling, do you Gary? Geez. What’s your goal here? We are all just trying to figure out how to help ourselves, family, and our community who have all been attacked by their toxins. Maybe you should spend half of your energy pushing good instead it of sowing division. I’m betting you’d feel better at the end of the day. Be blessed.

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Jun 20, 2023·edited Jun 20, 2023

Anytime there is positive effort with actual results where people are being helped out of bad illness, you will find trolls available. The ones here seem to be bottom of the barrel variety, but do provide some minimal amusement on occasion. This does not offset the negative contribution however, and IMO they should be kicked from the discussion.

I like to watch the bait tactics. It's kind of like watching a gorilla attempt to operate the control panel of a nuclear power station.

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Focus on solutions and forget the imaginary trolls.

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David, you couldn't keep up with me on your best day at being 'smart'.

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I have been helping people far longer than most. I do NOT care for Ana claiming and she has said it multiple times that ONLY her EDTA can clean a persons blood.

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Mr. Negative.

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If you only knew but then again you are no doubt one of the judgmental types.

I am your classic glass half full human and everything I do is focused on positivity.

I have no time for Ana claiming and she has multiple times that ONLY her EDTA can clean blood.

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You have no clue if there is nano in the blood until there is a live blood analysis. There are people walking around that are asymptomatic. The macroscopic is absolutely no indicator of the microscopic.

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what is Mk-7?

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Mk-7 and Mk-4 are both part of Vitamin K2. Supplements with a higher Mk-7 are more beneficial in terms of reducing inflammation & sticky blood or rollo formation in the blood. When you have clumping red blood cells in your blood, your oxygen saturation level drops!

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vitamin k2 subset

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Butterfly: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8002208/

Basically a compound in green tea that can also be extracted and concentrated.

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how does ECGC help us here? i used to drink a lot of green tea. thank you

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ECGC is the ingredient in Green Tea.


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how does ECGC help us here? i used to drink a lot of green tea. thank you

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Excerpt from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7956763/:

"Likewise, EGCG impeded the function of IL-1β [14] by inhibiting TRAF6 through curbing its autoactivation brought about by mono-ubiquitination and by inhibiting TAK1 phosphorylation in the kinase domain which translated to effective slowing down of signaling events and suppression of IL-6 and IL-8 production. We believe strongly that targeting IL-6 induced JAK-STAT pathway using EGCG makes the perfect case for drug of choice in SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals. Moreover, based on the fact that all the 18 known serum biomarkers of COVID-19 are immunomodulatory, and the fact that EGCG has previously been shown to be effective on all those pathways (Table 1), administering EGCG to symptomatic and asymptomatic COVID-19 patients may help resolve issues pertaining to virus replication, curbing cell death, and resolving cellular responsiveness to inflammatory triggers through its pleotropic effect on various pathways. "

My translation is that it attenuates cytokine storm response by impeding the function of IL-1 (IL-1 being responsible for out of control immuno response) while at the same time binding to exterior coat of the hydrogel AI package (which has an exterior camouflage coat of spike protein) thus rendering it inert. I had not looked into this before now. There's more going on than this but bottom line is, I would go back to green tea

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Have you got a Matcha brand you like?

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A leading Gynecologist's video early on warned us about shedding from saliva or sexual contact. She claimed this will spread like AIDS.

You can also see in my picture of the SKY I watch just how much crap is being spread by cargo jets flying criss cross through the sky.

Odd that those Guinea pig friends of mine that lined up for the jab but deny Chem trails exist keep trying to tell me these huge white clouds are just simply normal vapor turned to ice.

The vast majority of people of this planet are breathing whatever they are spraying.

Our world leaders have sold their low priced souls to Satan for power and money.

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No kissing, no intercourse.. very important.

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Where can we get done the live blood analysis and EDTA iv chelation?

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Elisabeta, here's a locator url:


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This is very scary. Is this the end of times? Is our species entering extinction?

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