Dear Dr. Ana Mihalcea,

Congratulations on your experiments demonstrating the antidote effects of EDTA/VitaminC on the self assembling nano-technology BIOWEAPON using darkfield optical microscopy. I have followed your work for some time now.

There are some practical considerations with the use of EDTA. IV use is expensive and may not be easily accessible to the average person. The EDTA molecule is large and as a chelator would be hard on the kidneys with repeated use. This is also true if it was used in an enteric coated oral form or topical cream. Also, Vitamin C has a BTD which is probably different for every individual.

I have used Food Grade Potassium Iodide (KI) as an oral chelator periodically for many years with no apparent harm to my kidneys or otherwise. KI is a much smaller molecule than EDTA and it is a source of Bipolar Ions which makes it a powerful chelator of both negatively charged and positively charged foreign matter in the blood. It is also less expensive than EDTA. There is a similar requirement to periodically rest and demineralize and also a daily selenium supplementation requirement to support healthy thyroid and thyroid hormone production.

I suspect that oral KI may be an effective ANTIDOTE! It is not just because it is an effective chelator, there is some published science to support this:



It is for these reasons that I humbly request you test KI as an antidote using darkfield optical microscopy. If the reasons stated above are not sufficient motivation, I will pay you to do these experiments

Mahalo, Akamai

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I suspected the same, last year. I dont know if she has tested it yet but i think not.

What do you think about lugols iodine? I take 12.5mgs daily.

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EDTA is not hard on the kidneys with repeated use assuming you have normal renal function, and Im not sure what you mean by BTD... body total dose maybe?

I recommend you go and get a darkfield live blood analysis and then if your blood is perfectly cleared out, you can tell us all about it.

I bet its not but I wish you luck.

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what is your take on this?

"Instead, the group discovered that EDTA acted like a detergent to change the characteristics of the cell membrane, making it more fluid and flexible to promote nanoparticle uptake."


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I have read it and Im not concerned about it... I think EDTA and Vitamin C are the best tools we have right now.

Also that study was specifically trying to use targeted liposomal EDTA to increase cell wall permeability, which is not what would happen in anywhere near the same levels if you were taking EDTA orally.

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“Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10‬:‭26‬ ‭KJV‬‬

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I don’t have time to get into it and it’s not worth the effort. Shortcut: read The naked Bible.

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What is the naked Bible? I’ve never heard of it before.

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Mauro Biglino, who translated for the Vatican. IMHO, a VERY good 'expose'...also perhaps Paul Anthony Wallis, if your faith is strong. I think both men are correct. Neither denies a Creator G-d, but do reveal a great number of shenanigans by those who were/are in power. It's touchy territory for many. Blessings to all seekers.

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Talk about out of context, sheesh.

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How so? The information presented here is clearly hidden to many yet shall be revealed in due time according to the will of God (Jesus Christ). I posted this Scripture to encourage Ana as well as all those who fight to reveal the truth because it’s definitely not easy and remembering the promises of God’s Word can help 😊

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You're right Ryan. God's Word will not return void. It will accomplish what It has been sent out to do....

"So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Isaiah 55:11

......As you correctly stated in His Word, “Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.” Matthew‬ ‭10‬:‭26‬ ‭KJV


In this we can rejoice, for our redemption draweth nigh. All who have ears to hear do appreciate your comment and Words of encouragement. Thank you.

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We must continue to have faith in Jesus Christ. He is our armour and our strength.

Isaiah 54:17

No weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises against you in judgement you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their righteousness is from me.

Continue your good fight Ana.

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 Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 bioweapon and the antidote Calcium EDTA plus Vitamin C.


Whatever you believe - detoxifying metals that are known to be sprayed on humans via geoengineering with Calcium EDTA and taking Vitamin C and multi minerals is an inexpensive good idea for your health prevention in these treacherous times




Couple the above with vitamin C. The idea is to get rid of the various things that shed and are in the Covid-19 shots.


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I like Arizona, they make a good EDTA pill IMO.

Do not forget the most important thing about EDTA though, it binds with many many things and so you need to take it hours away from anything it will bind with if you want it to Work.


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Thank you; handy information:

Here is some infomation I have acquired with deligent work and lots of persistance.

What is Money. This is a good question and one I have been struggling with for the past four years. Also what is an asset? We are living in a surveillance state. The answer I ended up with is become invisible. Have your assets become invisible. Stop Paying Income Taxes and stop even filing their evil tax forms. Easy as that!

Privacy coins that are invisible and extremely portable. They are dirt cheap currently. My favorite "ARRR" completely invisible and selling at 18 cents per coin (very near its all time low. It can not be counterfeited and has a limited supply and is run by volunteers. Pretty crazy right?

There are many more privacy coins and owning 1/2 dozen to a dozen might be a very good idea for several reasons. Also owning silver coins and gold coins is recommended for at least 10% of your total assets.

Take a look. This is a very good idea, but do your own research. Do not think for too long, since is extremely cheap and hated by all Central Fiat Banks. “WOW”, “XEQ”, “ZANO”, “FIRO”, “VRSC”, “DERO”, “ZEPH”, etc

“ARRR” Matey.


Pirate Chain Cryto Privacy is King


“ARRR” Matey Real Money

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Eye opening. Mind blowing. Life saving. Early plandemic we were warned re alt media infiltration had reached near 100%. Thank God for all the honest researchers providing truth. And thank you P for the link - good on you!

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Dear Dr. Ana Mihalcea,

Congratulations on your experiments demonstrating the antidote effects of EDTA/VitaminC on the self assembling nano-technology BIOWEAPON using darkfield optical microscopy. I have followed your work for some time now.

There are some practical considerations with the use of EDTA. IV use is expensive and may not be easily accessible to the average person. The EDTA molecule is large and as a chelator would be hard on the kidneys with repeated use. This is also true if it was used in an enteric coated oral form or topical cream. Also, Vitamin C has a BTD which is probably different for every individual.

I have used Food Grade Potassium Iodide (KI) as an oral chelator periodically for many years with no apparent harm to my kidneys or otherwise. KI is a much smaller molecule than EDTA and it is a source of Bipolar Ions which makes it a powerful chelator of both negatively charged and positively charged foreign matter in the blood. It is also less expensive than EDTA. There is a similar requirement to periodically rest and demineralize and also a daily selenium supplementation requirement to support healthy thyroid and thyroid hormone production.

I suspect that oral KI may be an effective ANTIDOTE! It is not just because it is an effective chelator, there is some published science to support this:



It is for these reasons that I humbly request you test KI as an antidote using darkfield optical microscopy. If the reasons stated above are not sufficient motivation, I will pay you to do these experiments

Mahalo, Akamai

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Seems your research has a few Trolls... Keep up the Amazing Work Dr. Ana and Team!!! We Love You!!! D & A

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Thank You Dr Ana for your voluminous contributions in educating the public. I am especially grateful to have run into your work through reading others' writings about the bioweapons. To follow your research and commentary educates thoroughly revealing the proof absolutely. You are a tremendous human being, and a God sent. I am applying the detox protocol, if no ill effects I will provide at least periodic applications to my daughter.

You must be something to meet in person.

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Since Dr Ana is seeing nanotechnology in embalmed blood from a patient who died two years prior, it makes one wonder what happens when the body has completely deteriorated (or been assimilated by the nanotech)? In other words, since there is no life force after death, when the flesh is gone, does the nanotech start degrading the bone? When the bone is gone, does the nanotech begin degrading the casket? When the casket is degraded, will the nanotech just continue "munching" along, eating soil bacteria, and of course anything in its path that has electrons. That it seems would be about everything, including hydrogen. Wondering about anti-matter. Is there such a thing as an anti-electron?

Sorry to sound so ignorant, but am trying to understand how this could end. It doesn't seem to have a good ending if we don't become more active in our self-preservation.

Thanks again to Dr. Ana for all you do.

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good question i have thought about that too. But to make hydrogel you need building materials, plastics and metals, spider silk protein. I suspect that the production of hydrogel will have to stop at some point. Because in a tote underground, the material has to run out at some point. Even if the nanobots are still moving. What I also don't understand is where they get the electrical charge they need from a dead body. The next question is what happens to people who are vaccinated and don't do a cleanse. They are constantly breathing in building material via chemtrails. Is their blood completely replaced with hydrogel? How much can the body tolerate before it dies? How much can it excrete through the urine? A lot of questions

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Very good article! Love your work! Thank you🙏♥️

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Something to wonder about … Wouldn’t say an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) event make their biotechnology irrelevant ? Wouldn’t this remove part of their ability to move them around or “activate” them?

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https://firemedic8.substack.com/p/anti-nano-triangle-device-testimony This fella made a pulsing device that allows the evil fibers to be released, I have not tried it but he seems legit...in that he seems like a real person....best

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Many many people have tried various things like this, but afaik Every Single application of EMF or electrical current has only made the nanotech grow faster.

Try it at your own risk but it is my understanding that Dr Ana is not exploring that any further, because it actually makes it worse.

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Dr. Ana, can you PLEASE address this?

EDTA POISON: The 3 Ingredients Used to Make Our Beloved Heavy Metal & Nanobot "Detox"


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Already halfway with this article and very good (and funny at times). Now I am seeing a ton of other stuff to read from both their substacks. I don't agree that all vitamins are toxic, but probably most of them are. Thanks guy!

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Why would she address that? He's an idiot lacking the most basic understanding of many things, plus he writes like a methhead with ADD. Is that the best person to place your trust in?

Or a real doctor who has provided hundreds and hundreds of pieces of Evidence for you?

Hmm... tough call.

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What? HE didn't write all that for starters. Also, they are calling her out as a quack and purposely misleading her public and patients with literal nano/transhumanist supporting rockefeller products. They call into question her methods, her technology and her recommendations. They flat out accuse her of medical malfeasance and MURDER. She does need to address it. Silence does not help, it actually makes her look worse. I have been following Ana for a long time, all of her protocols and almost traveled to her clinic.

WTF makes you think I'm trusting that person? Quit attacking me over wanting to her her input on it...

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She is a very busy Real Doctor, unlike them and doesnt make comments here anymore.

And plus they are idiots making numerous basic errors who provide no evidence to their claims while she provides Tons... if you are going to say something is Poison, where Are All The Poisoning Victims?

Oh there are none, just people posting incorrect 'info' on substack.

And how much time should she dedicate to debunking Idiots rather than helping Actual patients or researching? Where is their Research at? Seems lacking, to be kind.

And Im not attacking you yet, Im just telling you how stupid it is attempt to ask her to disprove a negative like that EDTA is poison when there is a TON of evidence that already proves it Isnt.

But first she needs to impress the shady Proven liars!

Its very very important!

THEN you might listen to her.

Good luck with that.

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Dear Dr Ana, thank you for your incredible and invaluable work. I’m wondering : 1- can a person send you dried blood samples to be tested? If so can you provide a test kit /cost?

2- I’ve started taking transdermal EDTA (through the dr/ site you recommended last year) in addition to liposomal vitamin C 8.

Can you tell me how long one must be on this treatment to have effect?

I am actually doing this treatment both bc I have high aluminum toxicity but also bc I suspect nano particle presence from shedding.

Thank you.

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No you cannot send dried blood in but you can probably find someone nearer to you who does Darkfield Live Blood Analysis.

There is no 'timeframe', the infected are everywhere now so we all need to follow the ABC's of chelation... Always Be Cleaning.

Also with the transdermal lotion you are actually getting very little EDTA... I would try normal pills like Arizona Naturals EDTA and you will get a lot more EDTA.

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For aluminum toxicity drink Volvic or Fiji water for its silicic acid content. Christopherexley.substack.com - incredible research on binding of amuminum to silicic acid. Silica supplements not the same as silicic acid.

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

I feel like on a seesaw of back and forth believing fully in Dr. Ana’s research and microscopy (and taking EDTA), or not sometimes. Just read Agent 131711’s Substack destroying EDTA. Then yikes, confused further reading Tony P’s Substack which was compelling saying EDTA takes the nanos into cells and translocates them into organs:


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Who are agent-some-numbers and tonyP again?

Oh, some random dudes with a substack and a clear lack of basic understanding of Multiple things. I could write 10,000 words bashing them each but meh, I dont care that much.

She provides a ton of Evidence of Her claims so I guess you have to apply your discernment skills.

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Great Findings Dr Ana ... Very Interesting and Helpful. I keep thinking what would happen if heavy metals were reintroduced back into that chelated blood, would those self assembling nano particulates just pick up where they left off ..... or are they nuked for good?

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Shes an idiot who has no idea what she is talking about.

And Dr Ana has provided hundred of pieces of evidence.. where is not-a-doctor-Ariyana Loves 'evidence' of how great her methods are?

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I’m so sorry for those talented music stars. I’m thinking this is just the beginning. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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