There are no words to describe the evilness that is with the people who not only have worked out the ideas, but subsequently have worked out the idea how they could inoculate the whole world population using a fake virus. These people (are they humans?) are sick in their heads beyond words. Do they really think they can play with human life as if it is theirs .... It is unbelievable.

May they all burn in hell ...

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And the only reason they are still around is because of this still-fact, at present:

Good people just don't understand just how bad bad people can be.

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Yes, we need to eliminate them. I don’t think they’re human.. this is war

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Thank you Dr. Ana for mentioning the bluetooth Mac addresses.

I honestly thought I was losing touch with reality after 1st seeing them in October 2021.

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Let's hope to stay alive until November 5th for the US general election. And in my beloved Chinada, for the ousting of the incompetent Liberal-NDP coalition. Let's take a moment to pray God.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

look up Kalergi plan. Canada is a cess pool of crime and third world scumbags and some of them rich to buy up all the best real estate. PET did this.

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Bloody well right!

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I saw the patent: "Exemplary chelating agents include, but are not limited to, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), citric acid monohydrate, disodium edetate, fumaric acid, malic acid, phosphoric acid, sodium edetate, tartaric acid, trisodium edetate, etc., and combinations thereof."

couple questions:

what percent of nanobots does a typical unvaccinated person have compared to a vaccinated person?

what vaccine did the person have? (I think Moderna is the worst but what about Pfizer)

How much Vitamin C should we take? Is citric acid monohydrate the same as ascorbic acid?

How many EDTA sessions are needed? I believe it's an IV drip that lasts an hour


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as i understand, but someaone else advise may be better, nanorobots may self reproduce. so even with small amount of nanorobots, they will become billions. they mau also be dormant, like parasite, meaning they ony activate when the number is reach. so hard to answer your question. factually, we see at live blood microscope that now, there is NO DIFFERENCE between injected blood or not. Moderna is more loaded than pfizer, correct, but hard to see any difference over time. for Vit C the more the better it is, im advocading very high dose intravenously. im doing 5 g per week, every week, because the nurse refuse to do more. but technicall you can find a therapist who do 25gr per week. for EDTA dr Ana reach good result with 2 sessions. but me personally i start having result after 3 or 4 sessions at 2 grammes EDTA IV per session. i mean huge reduction in tubes (from hundreds to a few in a slide), but still, hydrogene zone are still present, and i dont know how to remove them. antiparasite is key to kill nanorobots ! hydroxichloroquine is a must.

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how does one check their own blood? thanks.

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I changed all my blood to red wine .I put my old blood in a bottle ,and every time I look at it ,it makes me faint .

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buy a microscope. even a cheap one can do the job. even a student can do it so you can as well

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I bought a telescope instead ,to look for a planet where not every one on it is criminally insane .

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it looks like you need to buy a dark field microscopy lens as well? thanks.

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not necessary. i use a basic microscope, and its enought for me to validate that obervation made from indeprndant doctors are REAL and not fake news. i saw nanotech myself into the vials and into the blood, with a microscope bought at 400 usd. all the picture sharred by Dr Ana are real, correct, and i see exactly the same things, no need a dark field microscope.

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Thank you your information was is very helpful!! ❤️❤️

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how do you know there is no difference vaccinated or not. did you see the results yourself?

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are you even reading De Ana substak? her obersvation is simular to ALL live blood analysis made arround the world now. and i confirm her own observation because im doing myself live blood analysis: the only pure blood ive seen so far, was from a not injected kids, who do not live in NATO countries who are spraying chemtrail everyday, who eat organic and who is too young to have sexual intercourse with contaminated people. in fact, when i see pure blood its not even true = i see graphene shard, but for some raison, havent YET evolve into hydrogel zone or tubes of graphen. Sorry to confirm you the bad news but ALL ADULT NON INJECTED HAS THE SAME NANOTECH IN THE BLOOD Than injected !!! so for me there is no differenciation injected or not now= we are in the same boat.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

then it is probably from the chemtrails mostly.

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so hydroxichloroquine is better than ivermectin? I have taken tons of ivermectin the last few years.

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I used to have horses and bought ivermectin for them to keep them healthy .When the covid came along I used all the horses medicine for myself .I'm healthy ,but all my horses died from the covid and its many varients .

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we need to do both. Dr Merrit is recommending: 4 day Iver Mectine. 5 days off. then 4 day IM again. 1 week off. then 10 days hydroxichloroquine. then repeat again 2 or 3 times a year. why? because some pararaste are more sensible to one that the other, and you need to kills hatch and eggs.

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It would be nice if Dr. Ana would address some of your questions.

But she won't. Why?

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They always spell it out to say they told us, in order to work their black magic.

"COVID-19" in Roman numerals = 666:

(C) 100 + (O) 79 (computer code value of 0, "alt keyboard sequence 79) + (V) 5 +(I) 1 + (D) 500 (-) dash also means subtract 19) = 666. The Covid virus is a computer code invoking the number of the Beast.

Also, using simple English gematria, with A=1, B=2, 9= I, etc., Covid-19 becomes Covid-AI. Or, Covid = Artificial Intelligence.

They told us from the beginning that they're injecting and transfecting us with 666 AI.

Fortunately, Dr. Mihalcea knew this very early on, using her microscope, extensive studies, and intuitive knowing.

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Please verify Smart Water. Since I saw "Coca-cola" name on the label I became suspicious and started to think that this "smart" water may contain nanotechnology as well. Please check!

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Dr Ana - Thanks for your work. But every time I read about EDTA I wonder "haven't they tested Aged Garlic?". Aged Garlic also chelates metals very well but unlike EDTA it is completely accessible to all and non-controversial.

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So is humanity (can we even use that term anymore?) completely fucked? Even those of us who refused to be injected- at great social and employment cost I might add. Are we all just programmable and no longer really human with free will? Is our will and humanity being controlled and programmed by who knows what monster humans and aliens? Those of us who can't afford expensive IV EDTA, or other such treatments, just going to walk single file down the street, mindlessly unaware of our freewill and humanity, in the nanobot line? Inquiring minds (at least my mind can still inquire) want to know.

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EDTA food supplement is cheap. but under the tongue for better absorption. and make sur uour kidney are ok because its hard for them to evacuate the nano

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Even if we detox ,are we detoxed for life ,or do we get all the detoxed poisons back again ,from shedding and the atmosphere around us faster than we detoxed ? Does detoxing give us immunity against future poisoning ,contamination ? I can't find an answer to my question anywhere . If I have to detox non stop to keep the contaminants at bay ,do I have a life left for anything else to live for ? I'm 88 and if I die from whatever right now it's all right . For young ones who don't detox ,or detox and get re infected ,how long can they expect to live ? So far I don't see people drop dead on the street .Do they die hidden away in hospitals ? I know that is happening a lot . Avid going to a hospital if you have the flu .If you go in there with a broken bone ,they may let you live ,otherwise get your will in order ,before you enter .

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as i understand, detox clean you that day. but if you are exposed again, then you need to re detox. the cheapest way to detox is antiparasite, you kill nanorobots who build the polymer stucture. chelation remove the polymer structure. best is to do both, but if your budget constraigned then do the antiparasite at least. methylen blue is super cheap, i v ermec tine , also. try to avoid exposure to contamination: source your food, avoid industrial food, stay at home days you see chemtrail, filter water... so you can lower your detox budget. if we have to do that all life? Noooo. as Dr Ana said, edta+vit C+metylen blue+ antiparasite+antioxidants (CBD, mg, zinc...) are here to buy us time, till we can find better solution. many many researcher are working on a cure who will be cheaper, easy to impliment.... im working myself on low level light therapy, hoping to post result soon. Stay positive! hummanity will find a solution.

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Your still the greatest dr. Ana !!

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There are frequency tracks one can listen to which apparently can help chelate heavy metals. One track called the Master Detox includes EDTA . Look up Quantalab in telegram

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Excellent présentation, clear and concise. Thank you

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Here is an interesting dispute! Dr. Bhakdi and Dr. Palmer support the viral theory versus investigative journalist Torsten Engelbrecht. It is suspicious that there is no talk of nanotechnology at all. What a coincidence! - They are all German, Germany being among the champions at NANOTECH and a trusted SPONSOR of the WHO. We follow with interest! https://doctors4covidethics.org/the-fallacies-of-the-no-virus-doctrine/ https://www.mwgfd.org/2024/06/virusnachweis-wo-bist-du/

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Why won't our leading lights in medicine discuss the virus/ no virus debate?

If virus theory were easy to prove, why haven't they? If it's a problematic theory, then THEY'RE the problem for not engaging the doubts with unassailable evidence of viruses, or for not entertaining the notion that an alternative electro-chemical-biological dynamic is in play.

Either way, they choose to buffalo us into blind belief without convincing and successfully contested proof.

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So what do we do? I’m seeing references with all media saying 7 Billion acting like this was always the number but everything else before 2020 stated the world had 8.2B. So if this can be spread other ways, why the BS Lies & push to get everyone to take, and why then are they building internment & resettlement camps all over for the non compliant non jabbers? There still has to be something in the Jabs we the unjabbed do not have. They had to ship & Store it all times at sub zero temps. I’m taking EDTA, and I’m making my own MMS Jim Humbles recipe this weekend for now 6 people in my life with cancers, all to young to have this crap. All are Jabbed. We have ZERO Law Enforcement in our Country doing anything upholding our 1776 Constitution. The rewritten constitution in 1789 as far as I’m concerned is null and void. Without informed consent, I’ll keep wiping my ass with it! I walk into Police or Sheriffs, they could care less. The Chemtrails, Food, Water all now proven to be harmful to all human life just keeps going with no Justice. It’s a joke. Anyone paying voluntary FED, STE, Property Taxes are just plain stupid. Paying the people killing us. If you never sign again a 1040 Tax Return, you can no longer be audited, because there’s no law on the books that says we have to pay. The 1040 we sign volunteers us to search/seizure/Jail. Don’t sign it ever. Stop paying these idiots. How do I stay away from the Jabbed? Half of our families. I begged and shouted this was all BS, being bribed to take a none approved FDA drug for a Happy Meal or Lottery Ticket. Gimme a Break! Ana, I keep seeing this, the people we pay to protect us could give a Crap! Send me some Rocket Launchers and I’ll shoot down the idiots poisoning us daily, also without our informed consent! Sorry, I forgot, we left them all in Afghanistan! So Ana, how are you keeping the Nano crap, glowing shit on our bodies under UV light which so bought and is 100% true. Guess what? I have none taking EDTA & other natural supplements & no longer can eat anything out of a Box. May contain a Bio engineered food ingredient can Pound Sand too. Also found our Alt Media internet Rumble & the rest are owned by the same idiots on LibTard TV. Too much BS & CGI. How hard is it to go arrest all these known Satanic Idiots? A week at best. Amen

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So all over the world there 1000s of people doing blood tests for basic things, and it appears that all of these people say nothing? Losers.

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OK how do you take a picture of it? Or a video?

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