Vaxxed or unvaxxed, when you sign up, you can search for people in your hometown with the same blood type so if you’re in an accident or need a transfusion for whatever reason, they can be a Direct Donor avoiding the hospitals mRNA POISONED blood supply. UnjectedBlood.com.‬

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Thanks, Dr. Ana. I pray that hydrogel/ mRNA has not yet got into my sacred God-made body! Very worried now about what foods it is in, even organic vegetables. I’ve joined a CSA program to get local produce delivered: Community Supported Agriculture. Bless you.

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I'm very glad that you mentioned the self-healing capabilities of these polymers. During my thesis, I had a colleague who was synthesizing self-healing PIB (polyisobutylene) derivates. As fascinating it was, I never would have imagined in my wildest dreams that almost 7 years later that this specific property will be misused to intentionally harm and kill people. Long story short: Every credible scientist I know from my studies and work got the shot without even questioning it. The real problem is people who think they acted in good faith. Toxic positivity leads to a distorted worldview. I reckon most of them are unable to face the harsh truth and prefer sleepwalking until it's too late.

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”Shapeshifting substances”. Interesting word choice in one of the excerpts. Isn’t this the way Satan has often been described - as “shapeshifting”?

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Careful visiting the dentists folks, heads up!

In this study, a lidocaine-loaded Pluronic® F68-reduced graphene oxide hydrogel was developed to achieve sustained release of lidocaine.

Lidocaine-loaded reduced .... graphene oxide hydrogel .... for prolongation of effects of local anesthesia: In vitro and in vivo analyses

Weifan Li , Guangqi Zhang , Xiaoxia Wei

PMID: 33487069 DOI: 10.1177/0885328220988462


Appendix [Toxicity and Cytotoxicity of Graphene Oxide] >


Jesus Christ: "Get behind me, Satan."

—Matthew 16:23

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Wow, Dr. Ana, just - wow...

Thank you for posting so much important information for everyone to be aware of, and for all that you do! 🙏

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They may be "non-toxic" by themselves on a table, but not once inside our bodies. Incredible what they're pushing people to accept.

Hydrogels can also make us more susceptible to EMF, or protect us when negatively charged, this is why structured water is the ultimate way to build our own native hydrogel: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/water-insulates-emf

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Einstein said genius is knowing when to stop. Where did I hear that? These fools of AI are not geniuses, they are stupid fools.

The military-industrial complex has turned everything into a weapon. How incredibly stupid.

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The Satanic globalists have one really big problem in implementing their plans and there is not a thing they can do about it. If the prophecies of Garabandal are correct, and I believe they are, then God is coming to straighten things out. Hopefully some of us will still be around to witness this.


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Completely off topic, - it appears that the pathologist, the wonderful Dr. Arne Burkhardt, just died unexpectedly 😳🥺


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Old timer Delgado, using primitive electrodes, controlled critter behavior during the 60s. His research was the foundation for today's nano-hydrogel Nazi pharmas.


Going over some of the mRNAs internals mixed with same products from decades of chemtrails, now noting GMOs and many vaccines plus dental anesthesias and more, I suspect mind/perception control is not new. People have inertia in normal conditions. With controlled perception, the Nazi guiders simply tweak new perception built upon old conditioning. Mix that with premature aging which creates illness that assists acceptance of modified perception.

Next thought was that solid clues of modified behavior should be apparent as observed in old timer married couples. The freak show that Squatter in the WH launched had to have precursor intros into internal nano-hydos. There has to be solid evidence of this behavioral control all around us.

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This is also a pretty comprehensive paper on Current Understanding of Hydrogels for Drug Release & Tissue engineering, May 2022 https://www.mdpi.com/2310-2861/8/5/301 (note authors all have Chinese-looking names) from the Collection Hydrogel in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine - https://www.mdpi.com/journal/gels/topical_collections/hydrogels_tissue I'm trying to find out whether they're injecting this stuff - or planning to - into psychiatric patients as new generation antipsychotics. Haven't found anything yet but wouldn't put it past them.

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"...less likely to attack ....."

Jesus. "we don't know but we are gonna use it anyway...too bad if it turns out that all this hydrogel kills you in about 5 years".

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023

Thank you for this in-depth analysis and information on Hyro-Gels in our lives. Your resolute sharing of information on medical Trans-formation techiques and Agendas is essential reading for truth seekers and lovers of humanity. Many will join this "Brave New World". How will we co-exist, or will we even co-exist?

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THIS EVIL JAB IS LIKE GETTING A LIVE POISONOUS INJECTION OF CONRETE , GLUE A COAGULANT LIVE a substance that causes blood or another liquid to coagulate.

"an injection of blood coagulant" noun. (Chemical Engineering: Operations, Liquid-solid operations) A coagulant is a compound or agent which is added to a vessel to help thicken something. Adding a coagulant such as aluminum sulfate to water permits particles to come together and results in the formation of a flocculent mass and foreign computerized components to alter DNA or similar to that

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demonicrats enforce Slavery, Murder, Evil pfharmacy, pfizer, pfwho, pfwef, pfnwo, atheist, jihadiphile, terrorists, communistocrats and all evils,,,, UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED IN NUMBERS NOW TO FULLFILL OUR DUTIES AGAINST ALL THES EVILS = That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

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