When I read Vaccination is Not Immunization, I was appalled that I had ever permitted my children to be given shots, when I saw the list of toxic matter in them. I trusted the doctor and never thought to ask what was in these shots. I knew that aluminum caused brain damage; I knew that mercury caused Mad Hatter's Disease. I knew that formaldehyde was used in embalming corpses. and the list of toxic matter went on and on. Aluminum and mercury had to have been known to cause brain-damage...why were they mass injected into children's bloodstreams starting in the 1950s?. These very toxic substances have lowered the mental and physical health of all recipients. America used to be at the top scholastically; today it is almost at the bottom. America is also the unhealthiest of all countries. It spends more on medical treatments than any other country in the world. The CV-19 vax is even more dangerous with graphene oxide, SV-49 DNA, 200 billion DNA from aborted fetuses, nanoparticles, genetically modified, amyloid-producing bacteria, etc. Who would put these things in their bodies, if they knew what was in these so-called vaccines? The ignorant doctors injecting them into the shoulder didn't know that the bloodstream circulates and would carry the matter right into the brain. This matter wiped out the pineal gland, the pituitary and the hypothalamus, and damaged every cell in the body. These crimes against humanity started in the 1950s in America and are on-going with the help of our government and the entire medical community.

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Yes...I made the same mistake....trusting the doctors and Big Pharma. I changed my mind about the vaccines being safe, when at the age of 62, I had my T-DaP Booster. The injection site became severely sore...like it was on fire and I felt miserable. Then, I noticed a feeling of numbness (like the tingly feeling we get when the numbing agents wear off from dental procedures.) A few days later, the numbness crept up my legs....and a few days later, up to my waist. My doctor said to call her if it got any worse and scheduled for me to come in to be checked the next week. By then, it was not as severe (after praying for the Lord to help me! - I will depend on My Great Physician from now on) but she checked my reflexes, etc. and told me to be sure to call if there are any other side effects. I waited for months to go by before I felt completely well. I can press on the site I was injected (4 years later) and it is still painful. When Cvd injections came out, I just knew I would never take it. I no longer have faith in the medical establishment. I will remain skeptical after learning how these poisons have been used for depopulation for years. But the DNA changing spike protein laden Cvd. shot takes the cake!! It is time to call them out and make the globalists pay for their crimes against humanity. I will pray to our Great Physician to stop the madness!! I know He will!

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I am an independent economist. The question is: "..why were they mass injected into children's bloodstreams starting in the 1950s?.. " The capitalistic society was never properly regulated. Businessmen do not automatically do the right thing. Society was divided into "capital" and "labor," with "capital" getting all the profit. The reason for this system was to keep a large group of people poor, available for abuse and ridicule and so the "not-poor" could feel like big shots. The group of rich persons making easy money without really working (you could easily do this using the stock market, bonds, etc.) expanded (more than "one per cent"). Now you have all of these rich persons who are happy to make money by any means whatsoever, most of it done simply by tricking other persons. They think that is fine; it works very nicely?

So now the question is what do these people who make their money in these useless ways do for fun? Eventually, they are going to decide to try killing the rest of us, or even killing each other. Why not? They make all the money and have no values whatsoever. At the end of all of this: "Hell, let's just kill everybody, that might be fun." I don't know if this is the full answer but maybe it has a few pieces for you.

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It's said that 'some people have more money than brains." So true! I had absolutely nothing as a child, but I had far more than many others. i had parents who were readers...and both parents were into books. I had a wonderful childhood full of great experiences...no food...no clothes...even worrying as a child about being evicted during the Great Depression, but I would not have traded the life I had for all the money in the world. Money is not that great...it just gives people more ways to destroy their brains and bodies.

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I loved reading very much and still do .I learned to read before I was enrolled in any school . As a matter of fact I never went to a school ,During the 1940 ,when I was of school age there was no school It was war and when it ended in 1945 ,it was survival first ,before anything .What I know and learned was in the school of life .

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I am definitely hearing you, Barbara.

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It is all 100% a registered corporation posing as a government. Since the country is bankrupt (since 1933)..the law form was changed effective 1938 with Tompkins v. Erie Railroad and an over 100 year decision founded in common law was hijacked and the law form moved to (color of law) Admiralty Maritime law (of contracts)....and since the country is bankrupt, the only remedies for civil or criminal is in the form of "colorable money" known as federal reserve notes...there is no remedy or redress in this system for a living man or woman....we are only corporate (and unratified) 14th amendment economic debt slaves under control of the money changers...the only remedy at this point is the elimination of all corporate governments local to fed and elimination of usury and the fake federal reserve notes...everything we are seeing take place is due to these treasonous "governments" perpetuating their criminal system and will do so at all costs...the same was true for the War for Independence at the founding of this country. Suggest viewing a 9 part video series that covers a wide variety of topics that connect dots...and also a 2 part video presentation on usury. Here is the link to the 9 part series and the 2 vids on usury ---- https://www.brighteon.com/channels/pjstans

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Thank you Patrick S: You're analyses concerning incorporation of the former United States are right on. Very few persons wish to connect the dots. They'd rather choke to death on industrial waste and filth, than to Revoke the Charters of the federal racketeers. Every goddamn square inch of the planet is owned via usury banking... Best regards to you.

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Didn't actually know but suspected.

Logical explanation.

Have not looked at the video yet.

That might be the best summation in your comment Patrick..

And we think that we own our property.

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Research? We are the research - and research in how to kill the most humans and get away with it.

This AG is just part of the Democide.

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Also... it is illegal to label an EUA anything as Safe&Effective

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Unfortunately you are 100% correct!

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We have a special name for the Washington AG, Side Show Bob (Bob Ferguson is the current AG for Washington). He is running for governor this year.

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When the Federal Government collapses, coming to a theatre and drive in near you, the states will pick up the slack... some may go full Marxist and fail (eventually) like CA, and WA, other states will protect rights and the constitution. If one's state is full of Marxists... that is what you are going to get.

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He is not 'running', he has already been selected.

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"It is difficult to get anybody to understand something, when their salary depends on them not understanding it." -Upton Sinclair

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Don't call then "chemtrails" ,that's conspiracy theorist slang. Geo-engineering or stratospheric aerosol injection are more legal terms

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True. Climate Viewer News YT and website have much more information concerning ionospheric heaters. This video was published in November 2018. https://youtu.be/TCexJx2t9Ic?si=BM8Zs0Vltd-AG2rB


Another one to consider watching is geophysicist Stefan Burns on YT.


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OMG Ana! They ALWAYS do that boilerplate BS crap! It's just to test how persistent you can be : ) Did N Jersey get that "chemtrails are really ice" document from the 80's? WTH??? Is this a fricking JOKE?

You guys gotta point by point write the Washington boilerplate letter back and demand a science integrity dispute (SID) on the vax NLP. How dare they send a short letter saying you are misinformed with no facts or real reason why.

Feel free to tell him you are sorry he is misinformed and therefore require a science integrity dispute.

If you need us to get the hearing, and pressure him with a legal follow up, no sweat. He's in la la land OBVIOUSLY.

Do agree with your readers below, you can't write in about "chemtrails".

IOJ suggests you can still go get the WEF 2022 end of year risk report and show N. Jersey that it refers to "geo-engineering" and "bio-technology" as the TOP TWO THREATS.

It would be great if you will write back & use THEIR TERMS to get the dirt - we have to write back and refine SO MUCH. It's ok. Its a step by step process of many back and forth replies.

Geo-engineering reports - get ALL of them. Those are available for sure!

We would start a series of FOIA's and bust them for hiding the real geo-engineering info and lying to you wahahahhaahhhhaaa

Also, you can get Washingtons vax info by FOIA or subpoena since they made such a bold claim the vax is the greatest and that you are misinformed.

This is just the first step to a LONG process of forcing truth to light to make changes in the States you asked. The ball is not dropped. It's in your court on both issues you asked them. Pick it up and play slam ball on their heads!

The goal of the game is "he who leaves the battlefield first loses".

Why be the resistance, when you can be the PERSISTENCE!

Truth will win! We will EXTRACT that truth dammit!

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We have to remember just who we are dealing with. It has taken years to populate the positions of authority with beings who are so blind and ignorant they participate in not only their own demise but also ours. They are of the devil and will do his bidding. It is a concept hard to wrap a free mind around,

but it is what it is. We must look to a higher power to help us solve the mess this country has become.

Two choices are still out there, evil or good and only God can make the difference.

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Fascism is a political ideology that combines the power of government with corporate power, bringing the majority of power in a nation under a small group of individuals, known as an oligarchy.

In a fascist system, the people ("Untermensch") and the oligarchs ("Übermensch") live in parallel universes. Does that sound familiar?

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2022 Cover-Up: Slovakia's 'Anthony Fauci' Suddenly Dies of Heart Attack, Media Misleads Public About Cause of Death:


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Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico announced the establishment of his own secretariat to investigate corona processing issues. It aims, among other things, to clarify how and why the “Covid circus” was able to spread, how bad the vaccine damage really is and who benefited from the deal between Pfizer and the EU

“Ladies and gentlemen of progressive Slovakia and the opposition, have you seen the statistics on how deaths from various cardiovascular causes have increased here due to vaccination? Do you reject him? Of course you deny this, you claim the vaccination was the best in the world. Do you know how many expired vaccines we have left and how much money was wasted as a result? What do you know about medical devices and test procurement?"



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The mind- control IS RELENTLESS. And, those less aware just do NOT WANT TO LOOK at it. Scares them to DEATH But their greatest fear has already been realized, it cannot remain hidden any longer.

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May 16·edited May 16

Your lawyers must lay criminal charges against individuals who administered mandates.

These charges must include crimes of WARRANTLESS SEARCH AND SEIZURE using nanotechnology biosensors embedded in masks and jabs for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN contrary to the Criminal Code of the US.

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Thank you, Ana Maria, for all your hard work. We applaud your efforts & share your frustration. It is horrid that the PM of Slovakia was shot. I fear more of this is coming. The globalist murderers are tightening their screws on us, as more of us have become aware of their evil doings. Currently, we are sharing articles from you and other brave leaders with farmers in Idaho, whom we think do not understand what is going on world wide, particularly with small farms being shut down recently in nearby Eastern Oregon. We also take your BLUE drops!! Stay brave, we need you to lead us!!

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If the white hats are a psyop; what about religion?

How many are:

1) waiting for God to sort things out.

2) not too bothered about family members dropping, since they will be together with gammy, or whoever.

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From what I understand all you have to do is report them to the military. You’ll have to do a little digging onto which person in the military you need to notify. But when the local officials ignore the evidence they are committing treason and when you notify the military they will come quietly in an unmarked white van pick up these people and you will never see them again! They are committing treason and crimes against humanity where they will be punished with the death penalty.

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Criminals do not often admit guilt, but if they do- it's usually in the form of a plea bargain, this is a flea circus...

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Dr. Ana you have done so much for this cause, fear not. Bombard them with info about the lawsuits that have been won by the Highwire. Send them Dr. Malone’sresearch. There is much info out there to educate them. Don’t give up…the world is seeing through the pandemic clown show more everyday.

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A most significant barometer is the research Carnicom, Dr. Mihalcea, Nixon (+ a few others) are presenting > Sources like

Bigtree are very aware of this research > in addition I can confirm numerous attempts made over the last 4+ yrs to get him to cover & all We hear is 🦗🦗🦗's from his camp > I wouldn't advise holding ones breath for Del (to be allowed) to use his Platform & help get this specific research disseminated far & wide > here's hoping I'm wrong & he surprises....til then, maybe it will help if the Community floods Sources like Highwire demanding this research be covered... certainly couldn't hurt.

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I liked Del a lot more early on. He seems further and further behind the pack.

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Tends to happen when any Source begins receiving traction > effective methods helping to ensure most pressing info makes the rounds as slowly as possible > all the while cancelling those with much smaller support bases & surrounding us with Cointelpro/Ops

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