Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

I´m watching the videos motionless, mesmerized, numb, awestruck, in utter dismay, a billion thoughts rushing through my mind in nanoseconds, but at more than the speed of light.

The amazing thing about these microscopic pictures and videos is that they provide irrrefutable evidence that something extremely unusual, abnormal and terriblly frightening is going on.

You don´t need to be an expert to reach that conclusion - anyone with a vague idea of how "normal" blood used to look like can detect that something radically strange is going on.

Just as shocking, and maybe even more so, is that despite having whatever the hell it is existing and expanding in their body, according to the article, people feel absolutely normal.

And, yet the madness goes on and the monsters responsible for these ceations are allowed to walk in freedom and unharassed.

Dr. Mihalcea is absolutely correct - if we don´t put an end to this, it will put and end to us!

May God help us!

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It's too late.

And God will not help us.

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God is omnipotent - fear not - in these End Times many will be lost but those of the faith will live with the high King.

One of the evidences that we had reached its consummation and that its end was near was to be a separating work between its peoples, particularly those within Christendom, which claims to be the realm of Christianity. Jesus pictorially described the climax of the separating work and the fiery destruction of the fake Christians, and said: “The harvest is a consummation of a system of things, and the reapers are angels. Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the consummation of the system of things. The Son of man will send forth his angels, and they will collect out from his kingdom all things that cause stumbling and persons who are doing lawlessness, and they will pitch them into the fiery furnace.

There is where their weeping and the gnashing of their teeth will be. Likening the separation work to a separating of good and bad fish scooped up in a dragnet, Jesus further said: “That is how it will be in the consummation of the system of things: the angels will go out and separate the wicked from among the righteous and will cast them into the fiery furnace.”

But not all people are called to the throne of the most High. However, it is easy to just ask for forgiveness and it shall be given, freely, asking only for redemption in return.

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Thank you.

Really enjoyed the comment.

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As a former pharmacist with 30 years of experience, I have done endless research on these jabs. I see the lab reports and the blood analysis videos and it makes me sick that NOBODY I know will listen. They just say the videos and information I give to them are fake news. They say that believing this research is rubbish and they consider me to be insane. Most are avowed atheists. They are proud of that too. I don’t know how we can convince them. They are absolutely blind and they are the majority of our population.

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Yes, I know. Unfortunately they will die with this in their blood. I am seeing "died suddenly" in the unvaccinated.

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Very concerning to those of us unvaccinated individuals. Should we pretty much assume our blood will look the same? And is there anything we can do to ameliorate our chances of surviving?

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And: Colloidal Gold and silver in water, plus Borax Water (per Terral of Dark Star a Morgellon's sufferer who found a 'sort of cure'.) There is no getting clean and staying clean. IVs every 8 to 10 weeks is not practical NOR affordable or available to all. So - must be easier solution. I say borax water plus colloidal silver and maybe gold. I say reduce exposure to EMFs if you can protection clothing, in short a reduction in exposure to as many vectors as you can. Filtering water, watching food etc etc. Each small bit adds to the whole. I note there is not an 'explanation' for how non vaxxed are 'getting' the hydro gel? Therefore the panic is not warranted. Action to reduce exposures yes, but panic? NO that helps NO ONE. Panic and Fear are the mind killer by which you WILL be manipulated. I always tell people on Dr. A's substack to stop panicking and start THINKING. Panic is the mind killer and IMHO Dr. A is promoting PANIC. Not preventative action. Action is assessing the threat vector (where is it coming from?) discovering a retarding factor (chelation of the heavy metals you are being bombarded with in the atmosphere via chem sprays, EMF reduction, identifying frequencies that stimulate growth of hydrogel as we know a Faraday cage cuts off growth and EMFs?), and implementing strategies that help one to reduce and not necessarily eliminate the problem, if the problem is that the 'globe' is being poisoned via spraying... well start ingesting the things that help with heavy metals removal. And no I do NOT accept that IV EDTA is the ONLY way to treat. Borax water, colloidal silver and gold.. see Dark Star. And I do believe EMF reduction and protection from is necessary. Unplug routers, use the EMF protective paints and clothing, flip the switch to the bedroom electricity at night, drapes and films for windows. Grounding yourself. Going to places that have less EMF smogs... there are a 1000 small ways you can slowly cut down exposures and reduce risks. Will this help the hydro gel problem? more than likely YES. Will you be 100 percent 'clean'? NO. But, if you can reduce and fight the replication to slow it down, you give yourself time to come to homeostasis. And the less you have in you the better. But reconcile you will have SOME in you. Shrug, stay as clean as you can and CARRY ON. DO NOT PANIC OR FEAR. That robs you of your life.

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What an unusual comment to say that Dr. Ana is promoting panic!

She's one of a few voices pointing out what she's seeing. So many are oblivious or don't want to see this, so of course, as a caring individual she's vehemently voicing what they're finding.

Thank goodness for that!!

When will more people get it?!

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Thank you for the suggestions:)

Panic and fear have a place. It is the heightened awareness of danger. Once we realize the source we can mitigate the effects. And by taking the steps you’ve supplied here plus others as we each see fit, we can help ourselves and others and continue the life God has given to us.

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What is Dark Star?

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terral3 of Dark Star. https://www.terral03.com/ A man who suffered Morgellons and found a 'sort of cure' using Borax Water and colloidal silver. Also, was once part of Cairncom institute he claims https://www.brighteon.com/f295be15-eeed-4192-9702-62085ed42fc2 Interesting and out there, but in todays world not so unbelievable.

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Where do I find out more about Terral of Dark Star?

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https://www.brighteon.com/f295be15-eeed-4192-9702-62085ed42fc2 he has a channel there. Or https://www.terral03.com/ web based. Interesting a bit whacky but given as I said what we are facing nothing is off the table. Do think the borax water and colloidal nano silver can work AND that sheilding from EMFs is necessary and good for you. Faraday cages are useful for bedroom/bed... or outdoors (pool cages are faraday cages for example)...

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I have CS nasal spray. Is there a better method? Please explain borax water.

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What can be used to cover the floor at home to block EMFs from below (e.g. neighbor's wi-fi)? My floor is wooden, I need to put something on top of it.

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In spite of my strong opposition to any injections ,my wife went and got the shots . Now I wonder if living with her is causing my nausea dizziness ,depression and thinking of death most often .Four people died in the 15 unit apartment I live in suddenly .Three men and one woman . My brother was murdered in a hospital with the treatment protocol 16 month ago .Now they have countless ways to exterminate us ,hiding from it becomes almost impossible ,they come at us from all directions .

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Dr. Ana, please how to demagnetize my parent?

What protocol is good to demagnetize an injected person?

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Many have eyes, but cannot see, ears, but cannot listen, brains , but cannot think. This is all playing out almost exactly as prophesized in the Bible. We may truly be living the End Times (or very near). So many dark and unexpected things have happened during the past 4 years or so, but in view, the most surprising, terribly disappointly and profoudly depressing has been the sheeple´s compliance, consent and often defense of the policies, mandates and measures adopted by the rich and powerful in society, which aim to imprison and debilitate them, whilst all the while leading us towards the post-human transhumanist era.

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I can’t believe the way they are acting either. A lot of us stepped up to warn them, even lost our jobs and more. Instead of listening they mocked us and defended the butchers who are culling them.

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Yes, yes.

Well said.

Absolutely agree with you.

Righteous indignation.

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It seems the mocking and arguments have calmed down a lot. Many of them know they got played which in turn is affecting us. The see the people dying. They are having health issues now. It's sad but something is going to come from this.

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Yes, this is the time foretold. I recommend this weapon:

Pray the Rosary.

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“I am Afraid When You Use the Madonna’s Name”

In his book The Last Exorcist—composed of texts from various blogs, including Gloria TV and Testimonianze di fede—Fr. Amorth reports an entire dialogue he had, in his role as exorcist, with the devil.

Father Amorth: “What are the virtues of the Madonna that make you angriest?”

Demon: “She makes me angry because she is the humblest of all creatures, and because I am the proudest; because she is the purest of all creatures, and I am not; because, of all creatures, she is the most obedient to God, and I am a rebel!”

Father Amorth: “Tell me the fourth characteristic of the Madonna that makes you so afraid of her that you are more afraid when I say the Madonna’s name than when I say the name of Jesus Christ!”

Demon: “I am more afraid when you say the Madonna’s name, because I am more humiliated by being beaten by a simple creature, than by Him…”

Father Amorth: “Tell me the fourth characteristic of the Madonna that makes you most angry!”

Demon: “Because she always defeats me, because she was never compromised by any taint of sin!”

“During an exorcism,” Father Amorth remembers, “Satan told me, through the possessed person, ‘Every Hail Mary of the Rosary is a blow to the head for me; if Christians knew the power of the Rosary, it would be the end of me!'”

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I know a limited hangout when I read one,, …. Here’s some Truth- my testimony on how the time when a demon assaulted me in my bed at night- I spoke the name of Jesus Christ and was immediately released from the oppressive spirit, . Freedom is in the blood of Jesus Christ.

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Thank you for your most esteemed contribution. Shall we resolve and hammer the enemy in these days?

God Bless. 🙏💓🙏

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

I’m wondering here. Father Malachi Martin performed many, many successful exorcisms, recounted in his book, “Hostage to the Devil” — always in the name of Jesus Christ, only. Thereafter, these rescued souls became children of God, in Christ through faith in Him alone.

We are told in Matthew 7:22-23,

“Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’”

We are reconciled to God through Faith in Christ and as people of God, we are brothers. I mean no disrespect, yet these two exorcists seem to tell opposing truths — and the difference is a vital one; they cannot be both telling truth. Mary was indeed God’s most humble and privileged of servants. She was indeed the mother of God in Christ. But this man’s story does not ring true. It takes the long history of exorcisms in the Church farther than it had gone before — a bridge too far, I would therefore conclude. Which makes the man a dubious truth-teller, one who may not be worthy of our trust.



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During the medical terror of the last few years ,I found no one that would stand by my side .In stores or medical facilities I found nothing but hostility ,even violence ,Even now there is no one I can even discuss our situation and the murder of my brother ,by the medical criminal gang . In my morning walk ,I found along the two km. trail about a hundred cardboard signs all warning of the virus dangers .Some were 20 feet up in trees and three or four where as big as bill boards .I did take some of them down but was ambushed by police and had court problems for eight month .

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I recommend this weapon:

Pray the Rosary.

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Try Jesus not Mary. Read the Bible.

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you ask Mary to pray on your behalf to Jesus

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I’m praying Jesus will come back soon to take us home in a twinkling of an eye. Knowing Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior is the most important thing to know. We are as a vapor, here for just a moment then gone.

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Sure seems like an eternity. I know it’s not but the evil has just become too much to bear.

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No Jesus without Mary

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Not for long. Soon the majority of the deceased of our population.

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True. Everything will collapse from what has been perpetrated on humanity by these psychopaths. I just hope the good people who are left can inspire a decent society to come from the ashes.

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Unfortunately they are probably jabbed too. That means that their minds have most likely been taken over and they are beginning to turn into a kind of zombie. The telcos are relentless in their construction and updating of cell towers and getting 5G out there as quickly as possible. These are necessary to communicate in the IOBs.


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Hello Lucy: After 20+ years of sounding alarms and attempting to ring the time-out bell, I've concluded human cognitive abilities have substantially declined. I am certainly not alone in this analysis... >>> Mind control technology via induced EMF broadcast, is all about suppression of moral, ethical, and intellectual constructs. It appears to be quite effective…

Control The Human Brain, Control the World >>> Mojmir Babacek >>> July 22, 2023


Please refer to Mr. Babacek’s previous articles - provided within the page.

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Thank you nor the information. I agree with your perspective. Most people are completely incapable of critical thinking and just follow the herd.

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people are stupid as hell. i see that everyday. i feel like the last one with a brain and i tried it a million times to reach em...

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Some are smart, but lack courage to face the Truth

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Dr. Ana is genius and taken-on research beyond her practice, writing, interviews, conferencing with people in virtually all different time zone around the world and Pathology.

Though it's vital to distribute her information'; to speak TRUTH TO POWER...There's seemingly no way to make this possib.e.

We, out here in the ether must find a way to help her...An Assistant with Communications, Electronics, still seeking a higher degree in the Medical Field may be the target applicant for the job.


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Why don't you do it instead of asking me, who is working 14-16 + hours a day to do something else? When are people like you getting off the sidelines of suggesting to us who try everything in our power and CONTRIBUTE SOMETHING TO THE FIGHT????

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Were I in your shoes, I would believe the same thing...And, it wasn't meant as an insult, slam or to degrade in any measure...MY GOD, YOU'RE BLESSED AND DOING PHENOMENAL WORK.

Am working the same as you are and the hours are just as long...For a whole large family and community I retired early to promote survival for. My research wouldn't be appreciated as the last research ever done has NOTHING to do with algorithms and transhumanism; although there was buzz about work in those areas.

Opted for a practice based upon a Biblical Orientation as opposed to a secular and sexually perverse foundation found in Freud and all the freaks since. Don't adhere to Behavioral Psych oriented in power and control which is also originally addressed in the Bible; however it arises from the Jungian theory of an Archetypal Satan/Lucifer character ...Thus, my career is gone and good riddance.

Some out here are older, Dr. Ana. We wish we still could fight on the Frontline; alas, our children your age are now the ones to carry the flag while we cover on the Home Front. WE ALL HAVE OUR ROLES ON THIS STAGE and for many, it's an exit from some role to accept another. YOU YOUNG PEOPLE HAVE THIS PARTICULAR FIGHT MORE THAN WE VIETNAM- ERA CREW.

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Dr Ana you work tirelessly and you also need to look after yourself ...take a break honey

You need some downtime

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Ana, normal blood clots, do you have any control sample clotting from for example, Amish community?

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She most likely hasn’t contacted them because it would be a waste of her energy and time. I believe I read somewhere that all of Congress besides three members own stock in big Pharma-- they will do nothing!!

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No politician will go out on a limb, not Rand Paul, nor MTG, nor Rob Johnson, nor Matt Gaetz. Republicans are invertebrates, no backbone, they’re all talk. They’re too concerned about getting re-elected. For that reason alone, they’re not worthy of the office they hold. America needs a supernatural intervention from the King of the Universe.

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Ron Johnson has gone out on many limbs abs is the reason we know about early treatment at all! Starting in Nov 2020!

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Correct. Ron Johnson has taken it to the wall over and over. He is tilting against a firmly entrenched corporate mafia, and he knows it. Civil governance is mafia controlled... How's that working for us?

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Doubt they will do anything. Biden and his cabinet dont have sworn oaths of office that are notarized- cant even be accused of treason. Supposedly Rand Paul reccomended Fauci for prosecution and his office had a fire. I wish there were more ppl helping Dr Ana and more coordination amongst truth leaders who go all the way with the truth.

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I recommend this weapon:

Pray the Rosary.

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RFKjr will go out on the limb and is not afraid of the Deep State that killed his dad and uncle.

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They did kill his father & uncle. I wouldn’t be surprised if George Bush Sr. was intricately involved. He worked for the CIA & was in Dallas where JFK was murdered. I’ve followed RFK Jr. for 3+ yrs. However, I disagree w/his opinion on vaccines. No shot/vax is safe. And the whole climate change crap is a hoax. I’m not certain about his take on that.

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And George is the only one in the country who can't remember where he was when JFK was killed. And he was given the LBJ award one year as his reward. I think you might agree with Bobby on vaccines. He is not anti-wax as long as they have been proven to be safe. Currently not a single one has been proven to be safer than a placebo, so he is against all mandates. And he will not start WWIII in Ukraine as Biden, Pence, Haley, Scott, and Pompeo will.

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Biden and his cabinet dont have sworn and notarized oaths of office. There have not been true elections for years.

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Then, there are the State Govt.

Saw the Conservatives owned Petroleum Stack as opposed to Big Pharma. Besides, Big Pharma is actually owned by the Banker Crime Syndicate...who also own the Politicians.

I get the waste of time theory...BUT, THERE MUST BE A WAY TO GET THE MESSAGE OUT IN THE MAINSTREAM which is NOT mainstream.

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Contact RFK Jr. & Dr. Jordan Peterson. They have established a large network known as the intellectual darkweb that holds some influence.

I will be relaying this post to J.P. immediately.

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Many of the governors are controlled as well even in the so-called red states. FL passed a law to protect them. We would probably have better luck working in the smaller communities in the US at the local levels. Show them the evidence. If they're in doubt, tell them to test themselves, spouse, children, relatives, friends, etc. If they denied after seeing it, they are in on it and traitors.

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Dr. David Martin gave many pages of documents (proof) of what evil has gone on to Sen Rand Paul (before he cross examined Fraudci.) This proof could have stopped this nightmare early on. Paul did NOT use the info to take Fraudci down. Paul is NOT going to help us. Dr Martin has told us this many times in various interviews.

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Yes, have no doubt about what you claim. Katherine Watt gave all her information to WI Senator Ron Johnson and he did nothing. No return contact or addressing issues to the Senate...NOTHING.


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I believe Rand Paul’s wife has a conflict of interest job?

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Yes, have no doubt about what you claim. Katherine Watt gave all her information to WI Senator Ron Johnson and he did nothing. No return contact or addressing issues to the Senate...NOTHING.


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Maybe Bobby or Vivek can save us.

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"We don't need another hero.

We just need to know the way home and Jesus Christ is it." 🐏

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Thank you Dr. Ana for ALL the dedicated work you do. We are witnessing a global genocide & few are talking about it. This is Spiritual warfare & they (evil cabal) are using fear as a weapon. I will never stop speaking TRUTH to Medical tyranny. Our Creator lives in the Truth & the Light of Truth will come to pass, in part because of doctors such as you. May our Lord continue to bless you with all good thing and guide & protect you, always ...

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Why is no health care practitioner in Europe posting these findings? I bet there are lot of folks, who believe that only the batches injected in the US are causing this clotting, but that's inherently wrong. I'll keep an eye on this macromolecular structure that is forming for my 4th live blood analysis. Maybe I can post a video to validate Dr. Anas findings. So far I only have screenshots before and after CaNa2EDTA chelation. And no, EDTA chelation did not cure me completely.

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Was this IV chelation you received? How many times have you had the EDTA? I believe this will take us an upwards of 10 or more to cleanse and then monthly treatment-- at least that is what I am planning. How else do we stay on top of this without maintenance.

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5 times IV EDTA. For more details about the protocol that I received: https://okisuke.substack.com/p/road-to-recovery

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Agreed, this phenomenon is ocurring worldwide including in Europe, but it does seem that the US have a really high prevalence. EMF exposure is also a factor. I read your story on your substack it's remarkable, i hope you'll make a full recovery. Do you take glutathione supplements or NAC ?

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Indeed, there are factors like EMF which contributes to this issue. Thank you. I already made peace with the fact that I might never fully recover, but can survive with the help of supplements and monthly infusions. I take 800 mg NAC capsules daily along with 600 mg Quercetin capsules, 100-200 mg of Nattokinase capsules, serrapeptase, cats claw etc. There's a significant improvement compared to 2021-2022, with 2021 being the worst year.

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Wow, those videos are wild. What times we live in. I’ve got to get a microscope. Anybody have some good recommendations?

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i get asked a lot so will be putting up microscope lessons learnt the expensive way in a week on my sub.

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Great, I’ll be checking in. Thanks

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i wanna know too!

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Writes matt’s Substack

just now

i get asked a lot so will be putting up microscope lessons learnt the expensive way in a week on my sub.

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Are morticians seeing the rubbery clots in unvaccinated corpses?

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Yes, they are. And they are talking anonymously for very good reason. Hopefully, that will change. Also, they have stated they have seen an increase in deaths especially among younger people.

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I had not heard about those clots observed by morticians in unvaccinated people.

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Most are silent. Good question, I bet they are.

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I just wonder, because I noticed that scabs from scratching insect bites seemed perfectly normal. Does hydrogel blood scab-up properly?

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Blood scab will look different when more blood is replaced with hydrogel.

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No normal scabbing occurring in my area. This is particularly true of elderly persons who have been "vaccine" inoculated... Scabs are no longer healing as designed, and Shingles disease is quite prevalent. Most scabs heal very slowly, and tissue scaring is near permanent. The skin layer is the bodies largest organ and eliminator of toxins. Connect the dots...

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Very interesting. So when scabs heal fast and normally that's kind of a sign that your blood isn't too much polluted by hydrogel ? Live blood analysis is of course still the best indicator..

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Good question.

Same goes here.

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peroxide on every skin break. it removes the bio film and your skin heals well. i now apply it every day to my calves to my feet. it also shows where the fibres and bio film is and deals with it.

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THANK YOU DR ANA for answering that YES these quantum dots are the surveillance under the skin biosensors and are means for MIND/BODY control. And this will b used for cryptocurrency GATES patent WO 060606AI body activity data during task rewarded w crypto. Can you explain if these bioluminescent quantum dots containing luciferase can be programmed to a digital ID implantable chip? Because this would fulfill this patent of Gates to be in the financial system and thus may be the MOTB. I have spent so much time sharing and arguing! Anyway yes no or few scientists stood up and NOR did we. Why would you not CONFRONT your DR and pharmacist with evidence and proof? Too late because I do believe we in the USA are under judgement.

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I would like to know the reason Dr. Ana has not contacted any of the Doctors in Congress and the Senate as there are many...Rand Paul APPEARS to be more of a Conservative/Libertarian-Type Activist and has confronted Govt. officials installed as Directors and Deputy Directors of the various Medical Complex Alphabet Orgs. in D.C.

OR, contact the Medical Officers...Surgeon Generals of the Conservative States who are probably a bit more probable to listen.


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She’s pretty busy with her clinic and research and writing!

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Must need an Assistant...Maybe, a College Kid working towards higher degrees. HER WORK IS SO IMPRESSIVE AND IMPORTANT. It's an absolute must to distribute this information far and wide for maximum benefit of all society.

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Agreed. I wish I had more time, I spend a lot of my day battling biotoxin mold illness. It’s expensive and tiring but I’m incredibly grateful to have a protocol that is actually helping me function again.

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Would you be able to share your mold biotoxin protocol? My mother is battling the same thing. Thank you.

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My dr ( Alan Gruning) follows Ritchie Shoemaker protocol.

It’s long process but worth the trouble.

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Rand Paul fobbed his Anthony Fauci inquiry off to the Department of Justice. Mr Paul knows damn well how to duck for cover, and has no intention of filling criminal charges against Mr. Fauci. Here's the latest spin from our captured media spinsters. > https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/rand-paul-fauci-government-funded-security-detail-retirement

Our entire Congress is bought and paid for by our beloved corporate mafia...

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Suspect you're correct as assumed for years now.

Central Banker Crime Syndicate beloved by you maybe. 😈🐍👺

They and their Prostitute Politicians, Deep State Minions, Asinine Academics and

all the Propagandist/Censorious Media are TREASONOUS CRIMINALS AGAINST ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET only worthy of a fair trial, loss of all family wealth of all kinds and EXECUTION.

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You could compile a summary of her work and send it to those people you think could help. post a copy here and ask others to share it too. Another place to send this documentation to is Jim Jordan's Judiary committee about the weaponization of government against the people.

You could also draft a job description for the communications assistant you envision for Dr. Ana and she could post it with every post. Or you could add it to the cokme to every day.

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Genius, address it your way...Perhaps, schedule and organize a protest large enough to matter in getting the message across.

Since you believe contacting those in power is a waste of time; how is it you aren't in the street protesting or beginning some kind of Conventional War?

Since you believe it's a waste of time; exactly what's your answer?

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This seems a possible beginning as it would require much more than you and I separately or together to accomplish such a grand vision. Rather impressive and definitely a leader and qualified professional. Link: 15 min. Video.


Garden is awaiting and must get out to the field...Have a wonderful day.

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Mitigate the global genocide by finding unvaxxed blood donors just in case you’re in an accident or have a med procedure that requires a transfusion. unjectedblood.com.

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I’m unvaccinated but had bleeding in menopause. So I doubt my blood would be helpful.

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That happened to me too when I was still working in the hospital before the mandates. Everyone else got the jab except me.

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I got some baseline tests and try not to live in fear. I’m helping a friend next week with a knee replacement, going to take a few more detox supplements . Thanks for sharing & glad you resisted.

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I’m glad too!

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* vaccinated friend

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Hey Mike,

Yes, you are more than welcome to upload The Great Contamination.


Thanks again for helping spread this message that is under the radar for most people!

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Did you just read Dr Ana's article ? Are you a BOT?

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I am not a BOT.

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How , specifically, would the "shedding" be taking place ? I cannot emphasize how important it is to know whether the "unvaccinated" you refer to are people who have had intimate relations with someone who is vaccinated. This is the "elephant in the room" variable that needs to be stated. Unless the mechanism for "shedding" can be determined, I think your point about this blood condition being the result of EMF (5G) is worth considering - since it appears to be the case in nearly everyone's blood. Lastly, in addition to knowing whether the "unvaccinated" that you cite have had intimate contact with a vaccinated person, the other glaring variable I would like to know is the amount of EMF exposure (both 5G towers and the 900 mhz frequencies emitting between cell phones and cell towers) that the individuals whose blood you test have on a daily basis. BTW - the overlooked "smoking gun" may very well be how 900 mhz cell phone frequencies interact with graphene oxide. Read this short abstract and you will see exactly what I mean: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30409044/

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Dr. Lee Merritt had an excellent presentation recently on shedding - a different take; new for me at least. Highly recommend!

She can still be heard for free (until Aug. 1st) on "The End of Covid", right after Dr. Ana's/Dr. David Nixon's excellent presentation in Module 5, mRNA Shots, Part 1 (Dr. Lee is Part 2, same title):


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Dr. Mihalcea, what is the EDTA creme you can recommend? I have lost it in my files.

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Thank you so much for this excellent research, Ana - I have passed this to my colleague at: https://cmnnews.substack.com/ Please collaborate with Dr Gerry as a matter of urgency. This is well over my pay-grade as I focus on UK economics and global macroeconomics:


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Ive been speaking with my "unvaccinated friends" about this exact issues, posted the pictures and linked them the blogs that talk about these issues (even in a more mainstreamish way) and the findings inside the blood. Most of the time i give me a fluoride stare (i hope they read it here i really dont care, seriously wake the F UP) and then you see that most people are lost beyond any hope. Like dating vaxxed people - how dazed can you be? You are literally asking for damage, it happend to a family member too and its terrible - i warned them. Why i think its good not to live in constant fear i think this problem can't be ignored.

What happend to all these men that are trying to build families that instantly get lured into jabbed people but they were the biggest tinfoil heads. I guess some of them have the mindcontrol already installed. I can't explain it. You wont get far if you try to build a family with someone that is jabbed. You are literally taking the shot via shedding and in my eyes you are naive and dumb. All these people because they are PART OF THE PROBLEM. And this is one part why it works so well.

Most of the people act like nothing ever happened and are in a state of psychosis where they are unable to act accordingly. It makes me very angry how everyone just plays it down, acts like it doesnt exist and all of that its just terrible, i have to say it how it is.

We can still sound the alarm, going on and on... But we need to save ourselves too. Everyone look into high dose Iodine too please.

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Your anger is justified. If iodine could be of any help against this it'd be wonderful but it's unlikely..

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Thank you for this research. I see your call to action. We can share this information with others, but as we do, we wish to share some encouraging information also with tangible steps we can take. I do not have the equipment or training you have, and I am asking: what can we as ordinary citizens do to help this situation? I know some groups are bringing lawsuits, but I am seeking more specifics on steps we can take. Thank you for sharing!

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