If they have the right to shoot us with vaxes ,then we should have the right to shoot back with a shot gun .

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Someone killed the CEO of United healthcare who was walking alone and had no bodyguards.

Bill Gates, Fauci etc all have body guards.. but their body guards won't protect them from God.

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/tCRUlMGjhr

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They DON’T have the RIGHT. We do NOT CONSENT!

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makes you wonder how many people are walking around with this growing inside them...

will they 'take' and sync up to some Internet of Bodies successfully or will they die? Will they all slowly degrade and end up with those strange calamari clots?

A lot of questions, still not enough answers!

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Almost everyone.

Because I think it stands to reason that shedding from the vaxxed/infected is By Far the biggest transmission vector.

It only take Seconds to transfect through the air, and only takes one infected to totally saturate a room, much less Many infected in one room over hours.

So of course almost all of us have been bathing in their shedding regularly, just anytime you go anywhere with walls. And some people have to do it Daily.

There were nanoparticles and metals in food and junk food and municipal water and soft drinks and chemtrails for many years Before the fake covid jabs rollout.

But there are many Many things that only began happening After those Jabs, like all this stuff growing in most peoples blood. I mean its not like thats the craziest thing thats happening to people but meh, if they dont care to talk about it, why should I.

And we don't know if it can eventually develop into a bluetooth MAC address (in the unvaxxed) if it is never treated (also assuming you do not have body fluid transfer with the vaxxed/infected), it will take time to find that out.

But Dr Pablo Campra Has verified that some unvaxxed who have intimate relations with a vaxxed person can begin emitting one, but most unvaxxed who have only been shed on through the air or casual touch do not... Yet.

Why wait around to find out, take EDTA and Ascorbic acid Now.

There is no reason Not To but I can think of like 100 reasons To Take It.

And dont let people tell you normal oral EDTA doesnt work, it does... if you take it right.


Or try Malic acid and Vitamin C and Vitamin E but it doesnt seem to work as well by itself.

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I used EDTA cream on my list of cross-reactors from my patch test allergens. So had to stop taking it...but rash continued to come into my life and I am now plagued with all-over rash, irritated almost daily by unknown things that make it flare. Still on the Vit C, E, and all of the other detoxes I've taking since a few months after the 2nd shot, including the Ionized Activated Charcoal...all taken exact appropriate times apart. Can't use the Methylene Blue since I am allergic to both Cobalt and Dyes. Contact allergies can sure prevent some of us from detoxing, I guess. Praying that the rash, is not an after-effect of the shots and shedding. It started in Feb. 2024.

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So we take some effective remedies, organise and start thinking about global rebellion -- then what? We will be targeted and eliminated by other methods tried and verified on TIs.

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the shedding is certainly disconcerting

the MAC address thing and the very early reports of women’s periods going haywire was what really made me realize it was being transfected

our environments are suffused with this crap unfortunately

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I ask myself this question again and again. I know vaccinated people who initially had severe problems. One of them, for example, was unable to work for a year (2022-23). When he went downstairs to the basement, he had to take a break because he couldn't breathe. He has been working again since 2024. As a lorry driver. Many people I know seem to have recovered. None of them take any medication to detox. The Deagl list said that by 2025 the population would be in sharp decline. I don't think that will happen. For many, it seems that the body can handle it. however. the calamari probably only form after death due to the cooling process. With Mihalcea you can see it when she draws blood and leaves it at room temperature for a few hours. it settles.

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I often wonder, if this is part of some transhumanist plan to hook people up to an IoB (Internet of Bodies), perhaps most people’s bodies simply sync properly?

I saw one video where all kinds of weird structures were in some man’s semen, but the sperm were just working around it and the man had no symptoms.

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the data shows that it apparently limits a man's fertility. If the nanobots even replicate themselves and the hysrogel continues to grow in the body, theoretically you would have to die then, but God and the human body cannot be calculated. I don't yet believe whether it will all work as these bastards imagine. It would be interesting if mihlaca examined a person who has had several vaccinations and has not undergone detoxification. To see what actually manifests in the body a few years after the injections.

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have you seen this longitudinal study?


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"An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception.

"Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur."

"We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute. We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks. "

"We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn. "

"The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information. "

"The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons. "

"They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect. When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them its for their help. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things. "

"When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future. When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine. We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison."

"We will focus their attention toward money and material goods so they may never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it all. Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say. If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives. "

"We will use fear as our weapon. We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides. We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan. They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil. "..............

-- The Secret Covenant of the Great Reset.

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Time to reset the Great Reset!

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Zionists Manifest.

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Invasion of the body snatchers! 1950’s movie is real today.

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😂. Yep.

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Dear Ana, I wish I could hug, help and work with you. Your spiritual guidance and other experienced empaths are keeping my 80+ years no-pills healthy. My decades of medical staffs are falling by the wayside. My blessings have given me absolute faith and dependence on God.

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The purpose of these poisons is to depopulate the planet from natural life forms. We are now called Old Humans, to be replaced by Synths for the pleasure of those Deadbeats that rule the world.

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That's what I think; it's not about turning people into cyborgs, it's about killing as many as they can using the medical system. This stuff self assembles and kills the host,

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It's about both. Reduce the population by about 90% and the other 10% will be cyborgs.

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Thanks for more great work.

I bet those weight loss shots shed as well.

I had a friend staying with us and I was having “ colitis “ attacks.

Haven’t had any since we wiped down & vaccumed her now empty room .

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Sorry for going on a tangent. I know my so called morgellons wasn’t natural. It’s all intertwined.

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I was in the hospital and was given medication intravenously, three months later I scheduled an appointment with a cardiologist for chest pain and my d-dimer was 0.5 which is high. I started bruising easily, my blood is clotting faster than before I noticed this when I had a cut, it was so weird. I'm here to tell you that IV fluids that are given to everyone who calls for an ambulance or ends up in the hospital for whatever reason, those IV bags are contaminated with the bio-weapon. Now I'm contaminated just like the vaxxed. Don't be too happy you didn't take the kill shots.. ALL injectables are contaminated. Todd Callender said that whatever was in the C-19 kill shots is now in ALL injectables. Help me God. Nicotine patches are also contaminated. The brand Rugby that Dr Ardis recommends is owned by a publicly traded company which is partner of the WEF. Gates said that they will "vaccinate" people with patches. Everything is contaminated.

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I need to know if anybody else has an all-over, never ending rash, that itches even worse with flare-ups any place on the body, from whatever unknown cause. I only had the first 2 shots, but probably a lot of shedding. My husband breaks teeth often, and ends up with dental anesthetics; plus his cousin takes insulin, and we a re around them sometimes.

My rash began in Feb., seemingly as an all-over allergic reaction to cobalt in an algae that was in a product I was using. I am allergic to cobalt according to my patch test 10 yrs ago. Then when it cleared up, I still had scarring, AND a leg ulcer developed on my ankle. I was given 2 rounds of an antibiotic fairly close together, and all of the scarring ignited into a weeping and bleeding rash. Finally got it back to scarring, after lots of ointment, wrapping, and finally wet wraps. Now I am stuck with continuous itching, and daily flares of severe itching and redness. I am also seemingly now allergic to Spandex in my support hose...and jeans or any clothing containing Spandex. I had worn support hose for 15 yrs with no such reaction. Now I have another leg ulcer on the opposite ankle, with a swollen leg all the way up to my hip. The ulcer IS healing, and the swelling in the leg a little better with daily use of an air compressor leg massager....

But the rash is still here, and still itching. I stay away from my known allergens, rinse my clothes 3 times, and nothing stops the itch. They did try to give me an antibiotic in case the leg was infected, but 3 doses had me inflamed with red whelps; I took no more. Blood test since has shown no infection, thank God.

There are no Drs here that would treat for after effects of the Covid bioweapon shots, but is that what I have? I'm also scared of Medical treatment, BECAUSE I know that the bioweapon is in EVERYTHING.

To make things worse, my husband does not believe ANY of the truths that Dr. Mihalcea, David Nixon, and others have already proven.

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Sorry to hear about your condition, Carolyn. When Covid started, I was "told" during meditation/chanting that I was immune. Who knows? In any case, in March 2020, I got a rash starting around my wrists which, over the next couple of months, started toward my elbows. I thought at the time, "I won't get sick but will the disease exit my body via the skin...as in the rash?" One wrist and arm and then the other. My entire arms underneath had the worst itchy rash I've ever had in my life. Treatment was frustrating and hard. Very frustrating. The rash didn't act like a normal rash nor the skin like "dry itchy skin." It was hot to the touch and very red. I must have had the rash for six months at least. I was appalled. My herbalist, at the time, kept "detoxing" me with her compounds. Eventually, the rash went away.

As palliative treatments, I used Eraorganics Exilir (made specifically for skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, etc.) and Relief. I recently looked and couldn't find Exilir anymore; I did find Relief on their website and on Amazon. I also used enormous quantities of calamine lotion. I had cotton balls with a bottle always near-by. I actually got a good deal of relief from the calamine. I would reapply the calamine when my arms began itching again. I didn't care how I looked as long as I could stop the itching...because the calamine dries into a hardened pink material.

I agree with Jim. I think herbs are the way forward. You might be interested in Geneva Thatcher's substack. She cured her mother from after effects of the jabs (You can read the Substack in which she describes her mother's condition; it was appalling and she was very near death.) with Cat's Claw and ivermectin. https://genevathatcher.substack.com/

You also might be interested in Dr. Corrin's Substack. https://drnicholascorrinomd.substack.com/ He has investigated various remedies for rebuilding the body from the toxins. I like him because he often says that remedies may help one individual but not another; you need to determine for yourself by reading on web and experimenting on yourself. Good luck!

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Thank you for your response, Honeybee. My Herbalist made MY rash worse, because most of the detoxes he gave me had things in them from the Compositae/Asteraceae plant family. My patch test from 2015, tested positive for that whole plant family. He was given the list of my 5 allergens from that patch test, along with a list of some cross-reactors also. He just plain ignored my known allergies, and his supplements made my rash twice as bad. I stopped taking the supplements, but the rash continued on, worse and worse. I never went back, except to return bottles of very expensive supplements; he only refunded for some of them. I am also allergic to Balsam of Peru, from which comes fragrances, flavorings, and in a lot of medicines. From that I am allergic to most spices and flavorings, even citrus peel. Any plant similar to Balsam trees, seems to be a problem, as well.

I can take Ivermectin, but it seems to have no effect on the rash. I will check out the 2 substacks that you listed, thank you.

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I was sorry to read of your experience with an herbalist. Mine made her own concoctions and tinctures. She would take the dried or fresh herb and distill in glycerin. She gave them to me free, but I would now and then tip her hugely to compensate for such service. I find supplements, almost uniformly, not only unhelpful but actually cause me to feel slightly sick. After Agent's exposé on how "vitamin supplements" are made, I now understand. With the many allergies you list, I can see what a challenge have. Best of luck!!

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/tCRUlMGjhr

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It is unbelievable that this gargantuan crime has been going on for so long without either the general public or an opinion-forming minority putting an end to the madness. On the contrary, only relatively few "nutcases" seem to be aware of it. But the best thing is that doctors not only have no idea about all this, but feel attacked when you talk about these things and ask about toxic waste-free alternatives.


I would like to point out again that they have probably been using this technology for more than 20 years, without of course telling anyone. How do I get that? Well, in July 2000, the first so-called infection protection law was passed in the banana republica of Germoney, in which so-called microorganisms were already mentioned, which at the time everyone probably thought were so-called viruses, but never nanotechnology.

IfSG § 21 Vaccines

In the case of a vaccination ordered on the basis of this law or a vaccination publicly recommended by the highest state health authority or a vaccination in accordance with Section 17a paragraph 2 of the Soldiers Act, vaccines may be used that contain microorganisms that can be excreted by the vaccinated person and absorbed by other people. The fundamental right to physical integrity (Article 2 Paragraph 2 Sentence 1 of the Basic Law) is restricted in this respect.

— Law on the prevention and control of infectious diseases in humans (Infection Protection Act - IfSG)

(translated with Google Translate)

To make it very clear: These injections have one main goal: to implement a bio-cyber interface.

"They didn't give you a vaccine. They gave you a biological to cyber interface. So it would easier for them to log in to your face, your body, every day with AI for precision AI healthcare."

— Sabrina Wallace ( https://rumble.com/v636ine-368140010.html?start=188 )

"They tethered you to the cloud. They wrote an algorithm only for you and your blood bone tissue and DNA. Everything you see right there is remotely available."

— Sabrina Wallace ( https://rumble.com/v636ine-368140010.html?start=1810 )

See also:

TRANSFORMING OUR WORLD: Agenda 2030 & Happy New Years 2025! | Our 2024 NYE Show to celebrate of the World Economic Forum, UN & NATO crimes! - https://juxtaposition1.substack.com/p/transforming-our-world-agenda-2030

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Thank you for asking these excellent questions and contemplating the whole picture, Dr. Ana! I wonder if your antidote detox may also dissolve the general microplastics now found in the human body (documented in the placenta and the deceased human brain) and if so, this should be a mainstream discussion for health policy!!

Detoxification education should be national priority - of both our bodies and the general ecology.

These questions are absolutely critical and urgent, this is a global catastrophe on the nano level which boggles the mind. Issues of bio-accumulation since C-19 also dovetail with the surge in research and ecological alarm on general micro and nano plastics. Microplastics have already been the headlines and people understand them - the nanolipid/polymers make it worse.

Thanks again for your important and excellent work!

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Let me know if you want coupon codes to buy from global healing and I will give you few. I use their EDTA but it only lasts me for 15 days and I don't see much difference, my blood is still clotting. I don't want to do the intravenous EDTA. I don't want injectables.

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try Pure Bulk edta

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Thank you Dr.Anna

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Isn’t this video frightening and REVEALING - they like the convenience of using GRAPHENE to TEST the CATTLE EN MASSE, without consent I assume, like at game stadiums…


And how about this one below DOD and DARPA are experimenting with.


Dust Networks

works with industry and standards groups such as WirelessHART,

IEEE and IETF to help DRIVE


of interoperable wireless

sensor networking products.

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Incredible article, thank you. Dr. Mihalcea I urge you to find out about the Energy Enhancement System, created by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael. It heals this evil. It's grown exponentially the past couple of years through the UNIFYD Healing Network. It really is time for humanity to heal. Thank you for all you do.

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