All knowledge of God, Our Father and Creator, was given to mankind by Jesus who is God the Son.

We know that Jesus is the True God because he fulfilled all prophecy in regards to him.

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Yes, and He warned us about dabbling in the occult, Lev 19:31

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May 24
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more spam and she "likes" her own post!

Don't click on it!


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Thanks Ana, but two things. One, I don't believe in the New Age trope or narrative that the reality created by destructive royal elites since before the flood, is "just a dream."

Two, this man, however earnest, comes from a line of royal nephilim, hybrid human-angel (fallen) race, spoken about in the bible (Deut 2: 11-12)); Gen.6, the sons of god [watcher angels] married the daughters of men [humans].

This royal bloodline(s) is the very elite that ruled the world then, and are attempting to rule and mass murder most of the human race now.(See Timothy Alberino, Birthright; Michael Heiser on Gen.6, et al). His ancestor ruled Europe for a time.


Just because these royal nephilim hybrids took the Book of Enoch (first version) that told us who they/he really are/is, out of the Bible (a coup for them) doesn't mean we have to believe his co-opted version of "history."


No, this is NOT an illusion. Yes, this hybrid race generally loves to murder, rape and steal from human beings, still (See Dean Henderson histories of these hybrids). They've been doing it for millennia.

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Susan, you are spot-on with your points on a superficial level. I could do without the Bible and beLIEf fiction though. History is sort of like a dream, but not how New Agers like J.Z. Knight followers describle it. They are as clueless as followers of other beLIEfs are, like evolutionists and creationists. As David Icke said, "Different mask, same master." You're wrong on another thing too. This experience is a simulation.

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"An enlightened mind can't be hacked." Right on, Dr. Ana! 😀👍

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Yes. And this is how you hack it: > Telecom's Weaponized 5G Caught in the Act While we Sleep >>> REINETTE SENUM >>> April 29, 2024 >>> https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/telecoms-weaponized-5g-caught-in?initial_medium=video

But it's not just 5G folks. It's the entire broadcast environment. Anyone hear ringing in their ears? Maybe you should turn off the television...

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Reinette made another post retracting that story,not sure why? Jason Quitt though said they recalibrate the electrical grid at 3 am every morning.Now I know why I'm waking around 3 am so much.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jgXZZ5wtnU

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Oh no, my home was low EMF with no SMART meter, a Faraday bag over the router, ethernet only cables and now this! 🙈😱😕

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I hear you. By the time I finished investigating ALL information and misinformation regarding electromagnetic shielding, the ship had already sailed. This was over two decades ago. No "new" devices will become available, because the technology has superseded all man made shielding constructs. No one can afford a 100% Mu-Metal cage to live in, and who would want to survive that way long term?

The safest places on the planet are now about 100 meters below the surface... The populace will refuse to wake up from their daze, because they're addicted to electromagnetic stimulants... Sorry this is sounds harsh, but it's the truth...

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Paul, you're correct that a Source Player cannot fight any of this by resisting or prepping, but not because the Elite's technology is way ahead of us. NPCs are not considered in this discussion at all. They are part of the scenery or presentation. There is another solution.

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https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JS4w02rgSls?feature=share,I have both a elite shungite and orgone pendant.Many other things but still not enough.Eharmony now sells grounding trail shoes that don't look bad.

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Terrific intro piece, Dr. Ana. Look forward to watching this vid when morning must-dos are finished.

Just a mention re the spiritual journey through different lives: as a young child in the early sixties, I had serial dreams about coming to Earth and being able to pick any time, from formation to the future, and any place in which to experience mortality, again. We were weekend Protestants and nothing was ever mentioned about literally being born, again, after death. Also dreamt of stars as wise and loving souls and the Divine Consciousness as suffused throughout Creation and within us, as co-creators, should we chose to be.

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edit: "should we choose to be."

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Yes, yes, yes! Thank you Dr. Ana for sharing this beautiful interview with Prince Alfred of Liechtenstein with us!


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Light, smile, and joy, yes. But also love, care for others, and love. I will add to that, Ana, your wonderful education, research, and motivation to share. I found that the writing on one of my prescriptions was magnetic, so I reported that to my Medicare provider. It is my hope that my reporting will help to prolong, and save lives. I am also showing my docs, and friends, but I suspect that many will not be able to conceive such evil, by so many. God bless you both, and your outreaches to elevate and help others. That is your part of this wonderful, blessed creation.

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Dear Dr. Ana. Thank you for this wonderful podcast. Prince Alfred Von Lichtenstein is a wonderful and inspiring guest. You and he spoke to the other realms that I have personally experienced. I am blessed to have such experiences as it is easier for me to know there is so much more than the purely human, earth-bound condition.

May God continue to guide you in bringing forth the absolute truth during these dark times.

Thank you so much. Many blessings to you both. God's strength, protection and speed.


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The vast majority of persons studying or experimenting with spiritual "awareness" have absolutely no training in electronics broadcast theory, nor any concept of its damaging affects on human cognition.

Electromagnetic induction of neurological synapses and related negative affects on 'spiritual' perception, are as real as the nose on your face. Your "Spirit" is living in an electromagnetic torture chamber. All the rest is illusion... Have a nice eternity...

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No Paul, what you're talking about is illusionary too. This experience is a sort of frequency prison, but is better described as a difficult Game for Source Players to try winning. There are no damaging effects on Source Player cognition unless the un-awakened or beginner SP gives in to the fear and allows the enslavement and "damage". Non-SPs/NPCs are the vast majority and are programs that can't be damaged. They will not experience "a nice eternity". Questions? minskyboy@hotmail.com There are no humans.

You describle some of the Elite's sophisticated control methods mostly in a physical way (nothing is physical in this experience), even though you say they are "electromagnetic" in nature. Advanced SPs know that raising our own frequency/consciousness provides a protective shield against negative frequencies.

This is a little like Dr. Ana's quote, "... self-awareness and training of the mind allows sovereignty and immunity from mind control," but she is probably just parroting that line from some channeling she heard. She cannot verify this with her Source-Self because she probably doesn't have a self.

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Hello Viktor: I believe you are attempting to convolute metaphysics with affective neurological experience. The actual source player is not a reality game. It is physical/temporal "experience". The notion that consciousness is "frequency" based is another convoluted falsehood taught in the glorious academies of bullshit and denial. If that works for you, then good on ya...

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I don't care for your put-down of concepts you know nothing about. Tsk, tsk, the ego must be conquered first before beginning to connect to Source and raise awareness/consciousness. Albert Einstein said, "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance." If I cared to analyze you further (I don't), I would probably find you to be a pompous NPC pseudointellectual and narc. I don't like to be around programs as it is, let alone your type.

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Consciousness is energy,energy is consciousness.Our universe is waves of energy that changes to particulate matter when we observe it.In understanding Quantum psychics an object does not exist unless it's being observed which has been proven by the slit/double slit experiment.We are all at different levels of consciousness,one only need be aware of the ego which most certainly is part of our programming,the programming that the parasites installed and have benefitted from for the last 5000 yrs.Congrats Viktor,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/3D_Consciousness

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John, I agree with about half of what you posted, but I tested the existence of non-SPs/NPCs carefully and for quite a while, and I know what I found. I know the quantum physics you speak of. You're preaching to the choir on that. Don't forget quantum entangled pairs in your supporting arguments. The programming is unchangeable in the data streams (NPCs).

You could say that ego is part of un-awakened SPs' script. It must be conquered in order to advance, and that is accomplished by doing the shadow work and deprogramming from all the lies we are told since birth.

I won't quibble over semantics with you. I only have to prove things to myself. This is an individual experience/challenge, and there is no such thing as "We are all..." There are no "humans" in this experience, and there is no "location," i.e., there is nothing physical in this Game.

How do you know what the "parasites" are and what they did? "Ascencion," eh? Who's going to make your "ascencion" happen? Are you in a New Age beLIEf? Do you trust channeling? Please identify your beLIEf, as I have openly revealed my practice. It is actually who I am.

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I put down concepts that accuse me of not knowing something when the accusatory party doesn't know me from Adam.

I've been around long enough to have studied and considered a wide range of political, historical, theological, metaphysical, Pagan, anthropological, biological, technical, and economic evaluations. You are the one attempting to program. Thank you for your failed efforts...

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Any way around it?

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A very good question, and you're the only one who took notice. A telling signature of disassociation and apathy by the rest of the readers...

The persons *deploying* electromagnetic mind control systems have experimented on human and laboratory animal functions for at least 60 years. They know what areas of the brain are associated with 'god' or spiritual concepts, and have experimented extensively with other neurological responses affected by frequency modulation. They've done this within both military and civilian populations, and offer no informed consent nor knowledge of the experiment. Such persons consider the populace as lab rats.

The majority of civilian health researchers investigating electromagnetic environments and effects, are fixated on primary frequency effects rather than recognizing carrier wave modulations and multiple frequency overlays. These alleged researchers are grossly incompetent and negligent. The experiment will continue until every living thing on the planet is quite dead. There is no way around the facts. Thank you for your interest.

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I have a few words for you but will ask later.. I know those are the facts, I'm a targeted individual myself. And no, not one of the ones who's paranoid/schizophrenic wrongly believing they are a targeted individual. I've seen the proof first hand because "they" have been sloppy on multiple occasions and approached me directly thinking I wouldn't connect two and two. To say that every living thing on the planet will be dead and NOTHING survives seems a bit extreme, for wouldn't that also include those at the top of this sociopathic pyramid? Surely some of us are going to make it through to the other side of this mess.... Will add further thoughts later. Just wanted you to know I've seen your comment.

How are you so knowledgeable about this? Also a targeted individual? Ex CIA? Random concerned individual with a lot of research behind you?

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Paul's knowledge isn't so great and Paul is an NPC that (not who) takes things at face value (empiricism) and assumes everything in this experience is real, physical, and has a scientific explanation. This is materialism and collective objectivity.

I don't ever think or do anything collectively. For Source Players who are the only ones with a Self and consciousness, duality, morality, and the collective are some of the concepts to ignore, i.e., not allow them to distract or sidetrack you from the real challenge.

The data stream Paul's understanding is limited to its program. It can never open-mindedly see other viewpoints and it will fight to the end to defend its programmed viewpoint.

Some of its information is useful to me. Notice that it first praised Blue712 for asking "Any way around it?" and for being "the only one who took notice" of his doomsday/hopeless outlook. But it turns out that "no solution" is the appropriate answer to give another NPC. Paul cannot explain what this illusionary experience is about. It and other NPCs are not permitted to know.

"NOTHING survives seems a bit extreme," but, sorry, that's the way the cookie crumbles. NPCs are data streams that only appear to suffer, have pain, and die. More and more of them will be unplugged as the Harvest advances.

Paul has no idea how and why the End is coming, and it condescendingly explains everything in a pseudo-scientific way, putting down others that dare to disagree with it. Don't let it impress you with its in-depth research into the mechanics of its favorite area of study. It's a myopic view that doesn't address any of the "whys" of this experience.

The Cabal's science is far above the "this is all real" science given to the masses, which is the level Paul is at, but they are also NPCs that are controlled by something higher, which I don't want to get into. Paul is correct though that the Elite's science is way ahead of "ours," but it has no idea what this Game is really about.

This dumbed-down science was first legitimized by the British Royal Society, which was formed by occult masters (ordered by the Hidden Hand) to work on some important Agenda goals for the future. Their plan is still playing out, and is in fact accelerating.

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Hello Blue712: I've considered the targeted individual phenomena, and indeed there are persons who've been targeted for various reasons. Plenty of evidence exists... I don't consider myself as specifically targeted, as I'm not a very important person. It's difficult to NOT experience a certain amount of self doubt when the majority (perhaps 70%) display no obvious EMF related symptoms... I happen to have been born electro-sensitive and spiritually intuitive. I'm a concerned individual with an accumulated research of over 35 years.

My "nothing will survive" theory has much to do with known inherent instabilities associated with the nuclear utility grid. There are over 400 potential Fukushima Daiichi incidents at large.

Persons enjoying artificial status at the top of the pyramid, are also enjoying serious delusions of grandeur... The 'elite' are technically illiterate clods. They will go down in flames just like the rest of us.

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You both are partially correct, but you, Elite Prince what's-his-name and Dr. Ana aren't supposed to understand the nature of this illusionary Game that is for Source Players only. The majority are NPCs and they don't "do" anything, nor do they suffer, bleed, become sick, or die. Two quantum physics experiments prove this is a simulation - the double slit experiment and quantum entangled pairs, but I don't need them to show me what this experience is about.

The Harvest has begun, and it coincides with the depopulation efforts by the Elite, who are also data streams. "Lucid dreaming" and J.Z. Knight New Age channeling, hahah. They are as ridiculous as the fiction in other beLIEfs like evolution theory and conventional religions.

Prince Bernhard, er, Alfred, might reply, "But I really can do conscious dreaming!" He's just a program that thinks he is experiencing that.

So, yes and no that it "...will continue until every living thing on the planet is quite dead." What is "living"? The only thing real in this experience is Source Player consciousness. The Game will end soon, but it will not be due to the Cabal's efforts. All "living" things will just be unplugged.

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Oh,I doubt much that JZ knight is new age channeling as I am quite certain Lisa Renee is a legitimate channel for the Guardian creator gods.Not only that Lisa states the true creators of this universe are coming,no it is not the annunaki,they just hacked it like the reptilians.She calls them the Solar Rishi.The dark forces are and will be evicted so hang on to life,https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3698-solar-synthesis

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To understand how our behaviour is being manipulated in the Game read "Actionable Gamification" by Yu Kai Chou

(See "Scarlett Letter" for antivaxers.)

This book is about behavioural modification and it is being used by intelligence agencies, governments and corporations to control us.


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Wow beautiful man thank you for bringing him to my awareness Ana Maria! I too have thought that part of the higher purpose for the plandemic was to give a quick/ 'easy' way out for those who didn't want to be here anymore.

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Thanks Ana, but two things. One, I don't believe in the New Age trope or narrative that the reality created by destructive royal elites since before the flood, is "just a dream."

Two, this man, however earnest, comes from a line of royal nephilim, hybrid human-angel (fallen) race, spoken about in the bible (Deut 2: 11-12)); Gen.6, the sons of god [watcher angels] married the daughters of men [humans].

This royal bloodline(s) is the very elite that ruled the world then, and are attempting to rule and mass murder most of the human race now.(See Timothy Alberino, Birthright; Michael Heiser on Gen.6, et al). His ancestor ruled Europe for a time.


Just because these royal nephilim hybrids took the Book of Enoch (first version) that told us who they/he really are/is, out of the Bible (a coup for them) doesn't mean we have to believe his co-opted version of "history."

No, this is NOT an illusion. Yes, this hybrid race generally loves to murder, rape and steal from human beings, still (See Dean Henderson histories of these hybrids). They've been doing it for millennia.

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I partially agree with you, but you're heavily deceived yourself, especially with an enslaving beLIEf. But no harm done because, chances are, you are an NPC. NPCs can't raise consciousness and know self and why they are here.

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We know why you're here,because you are a pinhead shill.Oh,oh,your substack is coming soon though.

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Yeah, right. You're obviously playing an NPC's role, which is to spew out negative replies and to try extracting my energy. Well, you did get me to respond, didn't you?

You didn't answer any of my questions that I asked in my first reply to you. Are you ashamed or afraid to come out of the closet with your New Age beLIEf?

I haven't decided yet whether to put much effort into the Substack thing, so I haven't done anything on it. I'm too busy finishing up on a two-book set that will soon be published. That's a sure thing, in about 2 months. Total of more than 1,600 pages. I back up and thoroughly explain my practice and who I am, which is a Source Player.

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DARPA has openly bragged on Twitter that Moderna’s mRNA vaccine technology, and by extension Moderna’s Covid vaccine, was a product of their ADEPT program. The introduction of foreign nucleic acids – RNA or DNA – into the body to generate foreign proteins is, by definition, gene therapy, regardless of whether or not the subject’s own genes are changed by it. Moderna wins Award for Deadly Covid Vaccine it was able to create prior to 2019 because “Murderna” is responsible for creating the Covid-19 Virus in a BioLab… #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG - Magnets stuck because of Carbon Particles injected 50 billion viral vectors for AstraZeneca 40 billion LNPs for Moderna and likely 10 to 12 billion for Pfizer Due to a lack of good manufacturing process checks, there maybe a variable amount of intact messenger RNA in each LNP , “… but even if we agree to only 1 (modRNA strand), and that each one produces 1000 spike protein (due to the persistence of N1-methyl pseudouridine), we are talking your body having to deal with a minimum 30 trillion pathogenic spike proteins2 in a few months time” Those are numbers way beyond very severe SARS-COV-2 infections: typically at infection peak between 1 and 100 billion virions - and not want you want in any vaccine, where before vaccination, your body naturally, had none. Moderna said on May 17 2024 that the European Patent Office had upheld the validity of one of the company’s key patents, a win in an ongoing Covid-19 vaccine dispute with Pfizer and BioNTech - funny how this never made World Press, or what was in the technology Moderna is now, proven, ultimately responsible for, bearing in mind that to make a vaccine for Covid Moderna had to create the Covid-19 Virus in a BioLab… #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG.

So let's simply a few known facts:

The vaccines are Gene Therapy Injections and once in, they can't be taken out again - BionTech who have the patent for Pfizer's vaccines have published that their vaccines are designed to target the Dentric Cells in the Lymph Nodes - what has that got to do with a Covid head cold - absolutely no idea.

In 2013, the US Supreme Court passed a Law that anything natural to nature cannot be patented, yet these vaccine contents are, because they are "new" to nature, they are synthetic and made in a laboratory and are completely new and their terminology is ModRNA DNA and not mRNA which is a lie to easily fool you.

"If" natural mRNA DNA = keys to Heaven, then what door does ModRNA DNA open = Hell?

But The "Father Of Vaccines", Donald Trump knows the answer, because he never had the vaccines he pushed on others and of course Biden, Pfizer would have told him.

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Awesome Science of The Quantum Field!!! Amazing Teacher Derek O’Neill in Ireland @ Creacon Wellness Retreat! You Will find This Energy There!!🍀🎶❤️

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Ana, I believe that this video was the MOST IMPORTANT video from you to date!

I have always believed in your work, but I now realize that it was because I was drawn to your enlightened perspective. I see your spirituality FIRST; then I see your science. To that end, Prince Alfred was right. I learned a lot about myself from him today. Maybe the next time you speak with him, he can let us know how to have lucid dreams. I would like to better understand myself so that as I go through this virtual process, I can evolve as well. Blessings True to you…ALWAYS! 🌻☀️💛. April

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Ana, if you want to get in touch with him, please send a short email to: pa@inxps.net

Nina, p.a.

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Dr Anna, I am grateful for you and your research. I have been suffering from morgellons and spend a major portion of my time trying to rid my body of them. Nano particles: why do people ( and most people I know think I'm crazy) not want to believe this can happen? Idk, I've been curious about nano tech since I heard about it. I'm trying to learn to manage it. Do you think I can heal myself by manifestation? Can you please give me some direction? I am extremely struggling with this. I've actually thought of suicide, butt, I think again. Hell no. You are genius. I love you. Please reply

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Robert, try one eight teaspoon of mule team borax sipped from the time you wake till bedtime. Also, drink 1 ounce of nano-silver per day. Do this every day. It has helped me.

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Nano-silver is toxic to biological cells, period. Productive metal ions - naturally occurring within biological cells, are extremely limited and should not be "modified" or tampered with. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fchem.2024.1378447/full

Silver is one of the most electrically conductive metals in the periodic table. Messing with nano-materials (which cross cellular membranes) is plainly asking for trouble.

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Mule team borox mixed with filtered water. Same with the nano-silver. Sorry!

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One eighth tsp borax per 100 lbs. body weight. Or boron supplement without any other ingredient i.e. silica, microcrystalline cellulose, etc.

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