Thank you, Dr Mihalcea, from the bottom of my heart. As I'm reading your post the tears are coming from my eyes. Who and how could they be so filled with hate towards us? This has to be biblical. How else can it be explained? I stumbled across a video from a woman who's family was deep state before it was called DS. OSS, SAPs etc. she stated that they've tapped into our "invisible body parts" and that we are all literally wired through Bluetooth technology. We ARE THE COMMODITY!! This has to stop before we are just a blip in the memory hole of history. Any suggestions on what we can do? Maui was a staging ground for all that's bad to come. FOR THE LOVE OF YHWH, I pray people wake up en masse, sooner than later 🙏🏼🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏿

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*Tip: Another thing I've observed is: If you have the Covid-era intrabodynetwork-assembling nanites in your body system, a red flag indicator is that you'll see it in your EYE FLOATERS. The eye floaters will look like curvy / seahorse ribbons, that have the small ball-segments at segment points of the seahorsey/pincurl pins squiggly segmented lines. Like how it looks when they depict star constellations (when they use drawing lines to connect the star points dots). So pay attention to your eye floaters, what they look like.

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The very same components the German Working Group identified in the batches of mRNA injections studied last year.

German Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis - SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY FINDINGS - July 6, 2022




We start by reviewing an excellent scientific report of the c-19 injections vials tested by the German Working Group. We end with a philosophical and spiritual discussion. We are interrupted occasionally by barking dogs and ringing phones. Dog toys are used as visuals to explain PEGylation issues with lipid nanoparticles.

The report itself can be found here:


German Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis - SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY FINDINGS - July 6, 2022

There was no need to contaminate injections since the population has been getting doused with these metals sprayed in chemtrails for over a decade.

Remember, humanity is Created in the Image and Likeness of Our Father God/Son Jesus Christ/Holy Ghost. Therefore the destructive efforts of the democidal adversary shall fail. Only God in heaven controls our time in this mortal fleshly life.

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Are we there yet?

“If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened."

- Jesus, Matthew 24

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Dane Wiggington at Geo-Engineering Watch has been documenting weather manipulation for a long time. He releases a weekly podcast. Check him out. geoengineeringwatch.org

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I've been aware of geoengineering (weather warfare) operations for decades. I've been laughed at, shunned, called a "nut job", and all the rest. My favorite come back was: "What if I'm right?"

Many anti-geoengineering websites have come and gone over the years, but the data still rears its ugly head from time to time. >

Here’s a truncated list of older patents which prove decades of Weather Modification and Chemical Geoengineering

August 15, 2023


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Jim Lee helps to identify where the metals in rainwater may be coming from:


He says that aviation fuel is contaminated with many metals. He also refers to bunker fuels used to power shipping and rockets launched to place satellites in our skies.

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Dr. Ana,

I recently needed to strain an organic mango from Mexico due to thickness after using a Bullet smoothie maker. It purée's all contents.

I found remnants of a lattice shaped white material similar to cotton threads hooked onto the blades of the blender. I then used a fine strainer were the fruit mixture along with a whole organic mango I tried to strain. It thickened as I tried to strain it. I had to add some juice to make it thinner and didn't find much until I looked at the washed & dried strainer later that day. It was literally covered with white tiny fibers, no whole pieces like on the blades showing lattice work weave, but individual tiny cotton appearing fibers dried all over the strainer.

I've kinda been in shock as this isn't the first time I've found pieces of these lattice work fibers. I just dumped it out with a nauseated feeling. I got more since I suffer from cognitive dissonance but a different type, same farm tho. No fibers in this specific specie that I found. They aren't live like morgellons fibers, I tried holding some on my finger and they seem unalive or non sentient.

I actually wrote to the Mexican farm in Mexico asking if they have bioengineered any of their trees +fruit or if they saturate their fruit with APEEL chemical wash to retard ripening. I have no idea if Mexican cartel... jk, sorta, if they'll answer or not and exactly what the white fibers consist of chemically. I cannot imagine they've received many proper letters/email asking why their organic mangos have millions of tiny white fibers throughout their mangos.

Are you interested in these fibers at all? Should I contact you at a different address? I'm just very very concerned and confused. Thank you.

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023

The metals turn us into biological antennae.

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Thank you for sharing the efforts of others worldwide.

Readers please also see:

https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/ - many episodes on geoengineering including interviews with Dr. Mihalcea, Dane Wigington, Elana Freeland and Jim Lee.

https://www.givesendgo.com/StopUSGeoEngineeringLegalFund - legal team is filing a landmark lawsuit against the start-up corporation, Make Sunsets, Inc. (“MSI”), headquartered in Box Elder, South Dakota. MSI was recently banned in Mexico for conducting unpermitted geoengineering experiments launched in Baja, California, similar to what the start-up has begun in the U.S.


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I have been watching the scum of humanity spread this across the sky for decades and oddly the sheep that took the jab criticized me the most claiming I was wrong. 30 power binoculars showed old cargo jets spraying the chemicals. They WERE NOT passenger jets.

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Yes, this must certainly stop at the earliest. Here in Sweden one can even feel some days more exhaustion than other days. Weather also appear strange and different. How do we start this revolt?

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023

We are living in a sci-fi horror film, in "reality", right now. Kind of like the original movie, "Super 8", but there is no spaceship or other-worldly, monstrous-looking aliens. The "spaceship" is D.C., the ship of state, and the aliens are all of those who have been co-opted by Satan to play their part(s) in global(ist) enslavement and mass-extermination. It's a minority of top evil "human beings", against all of the rest of humanity. I'm picturing the results in the sci-fi movie plots increasingly becoming reality.

People breaking in to apartments and homes because the thieves want what you have, and/or because they want to kill all adults they come into contact with so they take the parents' children, with those kids who fight back too much, also being killed. I see bombed-out buildings, and "Ukraine", in the U.S. and Canada, and the rest of the West. I see madness and mayhem taking over, coming mostly from the PTB. It's an "alien" invasion alright, but the "aliens" are Satanic human beings destroying humanity.

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Mr. Luke ■ has been given a [t]wo hundred year contract to chemtrail the entire earth.

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If anyone's interested in the chemtrails in the air, check this out:


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