Wow! Awesome brave Doctor!!

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Of course it is known now by many that these injections are very dangerous, not only the ingredients which as this is an experiment, it could be assumed that multiple variations and added to this appalling

quality control in manufacturing, which also adds to the lack of information and one would think, that

in the circumstance of a life threatening illness, as claimed, that there would be an openness in the

methods of welfare of people, this is not happening, is it.?

It has never been a priority, no, we have the answer, ....show us ,.....but no, ....its a secret, contracts ,

Trial Efficacy information is a secret, due to intellectual property, but it is about saving lives,yes?

What is also not happening,........anywhere! ...is accountability, Proprietary Justice, ....as the

Criminal manufacturing companies are able to impose their own standards and judgements.

Yet , we see that a corrupt Judiciary extends all around the world working in symbiotic unity,

Where investigations and enforcement, are not for their class ,... but for you, yes , by violence,

intimidation and cruelty, , it is clear as stated in the letter, that we see what the real dis- ease

is, crimes against humanity, what these fools who call themselves leaders and have the right

to rule, do not realise, once their usefulness has expired, they will be removed, Stalin, was a

master of this, because if you would do this to your own , then you would do it to me::!!

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Appalling situation in Poland 🇵🇱. And elsewhere of course. Very brave doctor

with the right message.

Are things any better in Germany? Thanks Dr. Ana.

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More terrible news...My question, which I've asked researchers and substack authors with no clear response, is what about the graphene that's been found in the PCR nasal swabs. Which, remember, have been used worldwide to a much greater extent than the vaccines themselves. Dr Ana, what do you know about this?

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To add to this good news Dr David Martin speaks to legal steps in Canada and the US


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The actions of the government of Poland in proposing these new Acts are but one hair on the head of an immense Gorgon spreading its poisonous intention to Kill and Enslave the populations of every country in the world. Like Medusa, its portrayal as beautiful by massive media campaigns have seduced the peoples of the world into hypnotic sleep and willing compliance. But hidden behind the false beauty is a monster of unprecedented evil that through these injections would murder little children and babies in still in their wombs. Like Medusa, this Gorgon’s head must be severed else humanity as we know it will be lost. It is the people who have not fallen asleep who must now speak, act and demand an end to this terrible evil.

To those who are afraid to speak and are afraid to act for fear of losing your comfortable lifestyles I ask you, where will your cozy lifestyle be when 70 % of the Earth’s population has been exterminated through these injections? When your injected family members, your injected friends and neighbors are in their graves, murdered by these injections? When there are no clients left to support your businesses, no people left to produce the goods you love to buy, no one to run the restaurants you love to dine in, no one to produce the food you buy from grocery stores? Where will your comfortable lifestyle be then?

Now is the time, to those of us who’s minds have not yet been captured, we MUST now WAKE UP, SPEAK up and ACT NOW to end this travesty, NOW while there is still time. NOW is the time to PRAY unceasing to whatever god you know for an end to this evil that is upon us. And NOW is the time to focus on, to hold in your heart and in your mind a future where Truth, Justice, Freedom, and Peace are Restored to the Peoples of this Earth and where our beloved Earth is once again Restored to Her pristine beauty. Every person with a still functioning brain can DO something. Now is the time to act.

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She is my newest HERO!!!!!! Right ON!!!!!!!!

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Yes, Dr. Ana

I just published the full translation of this letter

Notice of attempt to commit the crime of legalizing the crime of genocide



And I agree with all her points including graphene and caused by graphene prion-like/amyloidosis

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What I want to know is: how long has this been going on before Covid forced us to STOP AND LOOK. I suspect that they have been putting this crap in things long before Covid-19.

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With the new leader voted in what is the chance that this good doctor gets arrested God protect the good doctor

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Thank you, Doctor...This is bizarre, horrendous...

Niccolo Machiavelli is alive...

The end, for these monsters, justify the needs...


Good night..✨✨

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Brawo, niech Stworca miłości bedzie z Tobą

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Excellent article, thank you for posting. God bless you and yours more!

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