And I understand so is Sat Guru. Maybe there are some "white hats" who know what is happening and intervening on our side. I see nothing wrong with what Sasha said (outside the weird, new age lingo - reminds me of Brand), except it is incomplete. The cause of the Revelatory experience with be the 12,000 year catastrophe which will wipe out most of the population of the planet. You live underground as a cyborg if you want to live the best life possible for the most people under the circumstances, kind of like in the Matrix. You wouldn't eat the bugs, you'd be eating their larva like the Klingons eating "glock." You are entertained with games in the new metaverse because it would otherwise be boring living underground eating worms. Essentially I think what Ana and Sasha are saying is prepare for crossing over, know the right direction, towards the One Conscious God. The barrier is thin if what Ana says is true. We should die in love, but we could live in the Matrix, maybe free dancing as in the Metaverse Zion, or we can try and survive it and die in helping others. In the survey, when asked, most people don't want to live after a nuclear holocaust. Those are minor tribulations compared to, ... well, you know the rest. But the human species always survives even if Krishna does have to raise a mountain over their heads to protect them. But I thinking of offloading for the stars. Ana seems to know how to do that. Meditation in the Blue room?
Wow felt that knaw in my gut especially when he over used the word benediction. Superiority complex ❓🤔
I prayed a long time for him to be more humble with softening of his heart for all faiths, to realize that the devil steals, kills and destroys. (meaning he’ll make you think what you see is a “power” but it’s a trick to sink you deep into pride. IJS a gut dread when he spoke.
Lord bless him with great friends from your vineyard!
Can someone please address the chem trails. How do we stop them? I have been calling CDC EPA FDA, TSA, Airports, Senate, Congress, AG, Governor Dewine the SWINE, News stations, sending flyers, no one gives a damn and its just deny deny deny.... The planes over my home every other day. No one will address it. Not one hearing. WHO is paying for this? So called Global BS....Having the sunshine down is temporary every other day. Only a glimpse is allowed us. Frozen ice chem balls every other day coming down... Poisoning in mass dose!
Hey girl, I'm here in Ohio as well. I'm with you, They spray us day and night. The planes are from Dayton Air Force Base. Here in Columbus I hardly ever see the sun let alone a TRUE BLUE sky. There is always WHITE in the sky/ chemicals!! I think I only saw 4 days these last two years of True Blue sky's. I cannot stand this BS!! They spray all night too. Its Gates and his club who spray the entire world. It's pure evil. We are all infected because of it. I detox every other week with Activated CHARCOAL. It's never ending. Dane Wiggington says we are inhaling 20 million particles per breath. It's mass murder. The entire earth is now coated in metals and nano bots. I'm just as angry as you Catherine.
I’m with ya Stephan, Here in Illinois as well. Remember when you used to smell spring in the air about this time? I haven’t smelled spring in approx 5 years.
Odor blocking. Snake Venom. We use to smell cut grass and flowers. You cant even smell garbage anymore! I have climbing roses and didn't see one bee last year. They have eliminated our natural human pheromones so that even human connections are blocked (population control).
Klaus said in this video that "Covid would be seen as a small disturbance, to a major Cyber attack" Get ready for that attack. The only NEWS will be FAKE News. Prepare yourselves for that False Flag... My Prayer is that THEY will be the ones PLAYED in the end! Dont get fooled!! 🙏
It is So Gates, it's documented, ask your phn. Yes it's the pilots and they are following orders. Gates funded. The pilots know what they are doing just like those nurses. Doesn't matter, The entire earth and every single cell on it is now infected. How do you kill the nano bots that we all breath in our 🫁? Then we cough them up and swollen them and our stomach acid activates them and then they're in our blood stream. Borax burns their little legs off. That ain't shit compared to what Sabrina Wallace will learn ya! Rumble. 👍
Im seeing small white planes that spray day and night. Ive also seen what looks like small rockets that get up and then release the poisons and disappear into the clouds.
Yeah, I used to vid them with my P900 before I gave camera to daughter. Some of the planes look invisible also. I've seen black spray as well. They probably have many ways of spraying. I know they can also spray "up wind" so the spray creeps on in like overcast clouds. Anyone with discernment can tell the difference between real clouds and CHEMICALS!
That fake wildfire fog that blew through twice, Michigan border... was BS too. They can wipe us all out very easily... We are in trouble and we need to figure out how to stop this. That 5G frequency spreads out the substances. I think they plan to use it for holograms. The next mind F to put fear and surrender into the population...pushing that alien agenda, fake war planes, or something else like a fake god.... I dont put anything past this INSANE BUNCH! 5G frequencies can be used for many effects as well as the tracking of humans .....
Under An Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails To Space Fence Lockdowns, by Elana Freeland, foreword by Clifford Carnicom. copyright 2018.
Dedicated to those who have spent thousands of hours researching matters this book touches upon, and to those who have died or are now in pain for speaking out.
I don’t know what is ‘phn’ and Gates might promote it but he doesn’t fund doing it in such scale. I agree ‘The pilots know what they are doing’ and they are paid very well for that.
Ive sent EPA and all the rest the videos from Geoengineeringwatch as well as personal videos ect and everyone dummies up. Local Fake News Channel says they cant report on it.. GAG ORDER on weather channel. Commercial pilot told me, they dont dare say anything or they'll be grounded.
Probably not. All the vids on YT where it showed all the tanks and control panels and how they worked were scrubbed years ago. Could all be automated nowadays. 👍 I moved from Florida to Ohio 5 yrs ago and these planes here don't ever stop for nothing!!! They spray on all Holidays too. Ironic because in Florida I lived in between 3 military bases and never saw spraying. Only war games. Elgin AFB! Largest base in the world.
Some of the spraying is probably automated (which is pure insanity and needs to be stopped) but a lot of the spraying now is done by commercial flights.
I'm not learning anything new. I say, everyone keep detoxing with what you feel is best; CD, DE, AC, Borax...all relatively cheap. Keep a supply of food, water, ammo and live the best you can without fearing doom and gloom. Keep a smile and think positive!
I don’t think it’s too great a claim to say that there isn’t anyone better qualified than I am to do this in relation to these novel treatments. I’m going to go directly to the charges. These injections have been carefully designed to intentionally cause toxicity in those injected with them. I can detect at least three, separate features of these injections which would be expected to injure, to kill or to reduce fertility in survivors. These are not mistakes. Each are so obviously deliberate to anyone who has a history of involvement in rational drug design for new medicines. -Dr. Yeadon
Subject: Fw: Dr Mike Yeadon: Introductory statement about serious crimes per Mark Sexton communication
Well good on you for trying Catherine. Yeah, all news channels with weather are kept silent or axed. Pilots who speak out have their licenses suspended. There have been a few pilots who have spoken and ... I believe Massachusetts entered a bill a few months back about outlawing Chemtrails over their state. Two days talk and I haven't heard anything since.
Pretty much so now adays. Go to your kitchen and read BIOENGINEERED Ingredients on about EVERYTHING! Cereal yogurt , cake mix, brownie mix, Pop tart, ice cream etc ...
So, he doesn't take any supplements, even his own extroadinarily expensive New Earth Farmacy supplements. $$$$$ !!!! Hmmm. But wants to speak to Dr. Ana about upselling them. Hmmm.
Imagine whats going on in churches (all bouild ships keel-up) -yeah, Noah drowned with all animald , and now dead are going to pray for "No men?"
research-re search=no search
CoN-sent??? CON-tract??? Sou Veren (true to water) how about AUTONOMOUS?
With our language we have programmed this reality. We get what we have ordered. Isnt it a time to speak 'No" means No" and yes meand "yes" ? :Consent :void
I think Miller's Quantum Grammar is one way to be able to speak where the words cannot be "played with" We are in a different worls now
It seems like RIFE technologies can make nanos assemble faster. Is Hilda Clark the same? Can we still use Zappper in light of nanotechnologies being introduced?
I do NOT trust Sasha Stone, which is not even his real name, by the way! He is on 'the Globalists Payroll'!
I believe his name is Sacha Stone. There’s a female on substack by the name of Sasha Stone.
No; his name is Simon Jean Paul Sasha Adams.
Thank you. I shall research that.
And I understand so is Sat Guru. Maybe there are some "white hats" who know what is happening and intervening on our side. I see nothing wrong with what Sasha said (outside the weird, new age lingo - reminds me of Brand), except it is incomplete. The cause of the Revelatory experience with be the 12,000 year catastrophe which will wipe out most of the population of the planet. You live underground as a cyborg if you want to live the best life possible for the most people under the circumstances, kind of like in the Matrix. You wouldn't eat the bugs, you'd be eating their larva like the Klingons eating "glock." You are entertained with games in the new metaverse because it would otherwise be boring living underground eating worms. Essentially I think what Ana and Sasha are saying is prepare for crossing over, know the right direction, towards the One Conscious God. The barrier is thin if what Ana says is true. We should die in love, but we could live in the Matrix, maybe free dancing as in the Metaverse Zion, or we can try and survive it and die in helping others. In the survey, when asked, most people don't want to live after a nuclear holocaust. Those are minor tribulations compared to, ... well, you know the rest. But the human species always survives even if Krishna does have to raise a mountain over their heads to protect them. But I thinking of offloading for the stars. Ana seems to know how to do that. Meditation in the Blue room?
Wow felt that knaw in my gut especially when he over used the word benediction. Superiority complex ❓🤔
I prayed a long time for him to be more humble with softening of his heart for all faiths, to realize that the devil steals, kills and destroys. (meaning he’ll make you think what you see is a “power” but it’s a trick to sink you deep into pride. IJS a gut dread when he spoke.
Lord bless him with great friends from your vineyard!
Can someone please address the chem trails. How do we stop them? I have been calling CDC EPA FDA, TSA, Airports, Senate, Congress, AG, Governor Dewine the SWINE, News stations, sending flyers, no one gives a damn and its just deny deny deny.... The planes over my home every other day. No one will address it. Not one hearing. WHO is paying for this? So called Global BS....Having the sunshine down is temporary every other day. Only a glimpse is allowed us. Frozen ice chem balls every other day coming down... Poisoning in mass dose!
Hey girl, I'm here in Ohio as well. I'm with you, They spray us day and night. The planes are from Dayton Air Force Base. Here in Columbus I hardly ever see the sun let alone a TRUE BLUE sky. There is always WHITE in the sky/ chemicals!! I think I only saw 4 days these last two years of True Blue sky's. I cannot stand this BS!! They spray all night too. Its Gates and his club who spray the entire world. It's pure evil. We are all infected because of it. I detox every other week with Activated CHARCOAL. It's never ending. Dane Wiggington says we are inhaling 20 million particles per breath. It's mass murder. The entire earth is now coated in metals and nano bots. I'm just as angry as you Catherine.
I’m with ya Stephan, Here in Illinois as well. Remember when you used to smell spring in the air about this time? I haven’t smelled spring in approx 5 years.
PaPoW!! Spot on. satan's team has destroyed so much.
Odor blocking. Snake Venom. We use to smell cut grass and flowers. You cant even smell garbage anymore! I have climbing roses and didn't see one bee last year. They have eliminated our natural human pheromones so that even human connections are blocked (population control).
Klaus said in this video that "Covid would be seen as a small disturbance, to a major Cyber attack" Get ready for that attack. The only NEWS will be FAKE News. Prepare yourselves for that False Flag... My Prayer is that THEY will be the ones PLAYED in the end! Dont get fooled!! 🙏
It’s not ‘Gates and his club’, it’s pilots & they just follow orders similar to
It is So Gates, it's documented, ask your phn. Yes it's the pilots and they are following orders. Gates funded. The pilots know what they are doing just like those nurses. Doesn't matter, The entire earth and every single cell on it is now infected. How do you kill the nano bots that we all breath in our 🫁? Then we cough them up and swollen them and our stomach acid activates them and then they're in our blood stream. Borax burns their little legs off. That ain't shit compared to what Sabrina Wallace will learn ya! Rumble. 👍
Im seeing small white planes that spray day and night. Ive also seen what looks like small rockets that get up and then release the poisons and disappear into the clouds.
Yeah, I used to vid them with my P900 before I gave camera to daughter. Some of the planes look invisible also. I've seen black spray as well. They probably have many ways of spraying. I know they can also spray "up wind" so the spray creeps on in like overcast clouds. Anyone with discernment can tell the difference between real clouds and CHEMICALS!
That fake wildfire fog that blew through twice, Michigan border... was BS too. They can wipe us all out very easily... We are in trouble and we need to figure out how to stop this. That 5G frequency spreads out the substances. I think they plan to use it for holograms. The next mind F to put fear and surrender into the population...pushing that alien agenda, fake war planes, or something else like a fake god.... I dont put anything past this INSANE BUNCH! 5G frequencies can be used for many effects as well as the tracking of humans .....
I was going to say the same about the planes.. They do appear to be unseen.. Intentionally camouflaged
Under An Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails To Space Fence Lockdowns, by Elana Freeland, foreword by Clifford Carnicom. copyright 2018.
Dedicated to those who have spent thousands of hours researching matters this book touches upon, and to those who have died or are now in pain for speaking out.
I don’t know what is ‘phn’ and Gates might promote it but he doesn’t fund doing it in such scale. I agree ‘The pilots know what they are doing’ and they are paid very well for that.
They're all funded by taxpayers.
If you see them spraying your sky, then your government is another puppet controlled by the Pure Evil Satanic Globalists in Europe.
Yepn, Dane knows it best! 👍
Gates Foundation owns all of it..
I hope they all burn in hell and the money is used to start their burn!
"Phn"= phone 👍
Ive sent EPA and all the rest the videos from Geoengineeringwatch as well as personal videos ect and everyone dummies up. Local Fake News Channel says they cant report on it.. GAG ORDER on weather channel. Commercial pilot told me, they dont dare say anything or they'll be grounded.
I don’t believe they require human pilots anymore.
Probably not. All the vids on YT where it showed all the tanks and control panels and how they worked were scrubbed years ago. Could all be automated nowadays. 👍 I moved from Florida to Ohio 5 yrs ago and these planes here don't ever stop for nothing!!! They spray on all Holidays too. Ironic because in Florida I lived in between 3 military bases and never saw spraying. Only war games. Elgin AFB! Largest base in the world.
Pilots work in the areas where they don't have friends and family.
Some of the spraying is probably automated (which is pure insanity and needs to be stopped) but a lot of the spraying now is done by commercial flights.
most planes are all auto piloted.
yet other airliners being saved by the gvt. many times in the pst are yes men to powers that be ..
patriought missile
Exactly...Only solution !!
We all pay for this as part of our utilities billing’s you can find the information on your regional websites. They are proud of their “services”
Oh I bet they are!
Very sad state of affairs
Check out Reinette Senum’s Foghorn Express on Substack.
D Wigginton is a not so fringe source on this topic.
I pinned a post (not the link below, but on my substack) which i find is a
plausibel solution :^)
Its called "cloud seeding"
Do you vote?
I know what its called! Do you?
I'm not learning anything new. I say, everyone keep detoxing with what you feel is best; CD, DE, AC, Borax...all relatively cheap. Keep a supply of food, water, ammo and live the best you can without fearing doom and gloom. Keep a smile and think positive!
Dr. Yeadon’s Recent Message to Support Criminal Investigations in UK
I don’t think it’s too great a claim to say that there isn’t anyone better qualified than I am to do this in relation to these novel treatments. I’m going to go directly to the charges. These injections have been carefully designed to intentionally cause toxicity in those injected with them. I can detect at least three, separate features of these injections which would be expected to injure, to kill or to reduce fertility in survivors. These are not mistakes. Each are so obviously deliberate to anyone who has a history of involvement in rational drug design for new medicines. -Dr. Yeadon
Subject: Fw: Dr Mike Yeadon: Introductory statement about serious crimes per Mark Sexton communication
Oh no, please not Sasha Stone !
That guy is all bombastic blah blah, and nothing real.
I am surprised he is still around.
Total bullshit artist...
With name like ADams, he will. Nice mimicration, almost chameleon
Beware Great Awakenings, they usually coincide with Great dimmings. Let us welcome the Age of Light:
A Golden Age Satya yuga,
After the cataclysm of a magnetic field pole shift? ):
RFKJr has totally discredited himself with his support of the Gazan Holocaust and he should be shunned by decent people everywhere.
"SASHA STONE"!!!!!!! way to lose ALL your credibility...🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Agree. She was sus from the beginning
Well good on you for trying Catherine. Yeah, all news channels with weather are kept silent or axed. Pilots who speak out have their licenses suspended. There have been a few pilots who have spoken and ... I believe Massachusetts entered a bill a few months back about outlawing Chemtrails over their state. Two days talk and I haven't heard anything since.
When I heard Dr Ana Maria Milacea going to meet with [jmason Sacha Stone], I was woried that [JMasons] will try to harm her. I am glad she is fine.
we have to become AUTONOMOUS and rid of all parasites. Sometimes its hard to discern who is parasite, for they mimicrate well. Satya Yuga is here
[everything is POISON]
Pretty much so now adays. Go to your kitchen and read BIOENGINEERED Ingredients on about EVERYTHING! Cereal yogurt , cake mix, brownie mix, Pop tart, ice cream etc ...
Simple solutions : )
Stone doesn’t take his own supplements “because he doesn’t need them” 😂
So, he doesn't take any supplements, even his own extroadinarily expensive New Earth Farmacy supplements. $$$$$ !!!! Hmmm. But wants to speak to Dr. Ana about upselling them. Hmmm.
Amen=A men = no men
SALV ation-salvage yard of a shipwreck
DOC (k)-TOR TORsion field at the DOCk?
Imagine whats going on in churches (all bouild ships keel-up) -yeah, Noah drowned with all animald , and now dead are going to pray for "No men?"
research-re search=no search
CoN-sent??? CON-tract??? Sou Veren (true to water) how about AUTONOMOUS?
With our language we have programmed this reality. We get what we have ordered. Isnt it a time to speak 'No" means No" and yes meand "yes" ? :Consent :void
I think Miller's Quantum Grammar is one way to be able to speak where the words cannot be "played with" We are in a different worls now
It seems like RIFE technologies can make nanos assemble faster. Is Hilda Clark the same? Can we still use Zappper in light of nanotechnologies being introduced?