Excellent article! Thank you for sharing it. It is absolutely true that when the people do not stand up to defend their rights they lose them. TIME TO STAND UP!

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I have been standing right from .the start ,and long before that . For 8 month I had a court battle ,that cost me most of my last savings a year ago . I did win but for a high price .

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I am now retired, but for years I (and my family) paid the price of defending freedom, the Constitution, and justice. I have been fired from a job, threatened by bureaucrats, and finally lost my business as a result of that fight. It was worth every penny and all the angst. I am sorry you have suffered, but I am so proud of you for standing up! God Bless You Richly, Joe! Freedom isn't free!!!

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Thank you Sunshine .What I wrote is only a tiny sample of harms years before covid and of course during it . Life for me was a rough road ,with losses in wealth and health ,caused by governments . Two years ago they murdered my brother in a hospital with their treatment protocol ,when he went there with a flu . Looking back I see the enforcers of evil in the last 4 years all around me ..Neighbors ,owners of most establishments ,relatives ,all acted as enforcers . Even my wife was and still is critical ,that I don't stay in line with everyone else . My experiences as a nine year old in a train box car for two weeks at the end of W.W 2 could fill a book

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If there were more like you, Joe, we wouldn't be where we are right now. Praise God that Jesus is in control and has already won the battle! ["A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. 33"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:32-33]. When you meet our Lord, I am sure He will say to you "well done my good and faithful servant" - I love that you have the courage to think critically, stand up, and do what is right. I admire your courage and selflessness!

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"People" have no rights, and never have had "rights". Persons have individual civil Responsibilities, period. The focus on alleged human rights is a diversion from the functional crux of the situation.

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I agree that persons have the RESPONSIBILITY to exercise and defend their RIGHTS which are bestowed by GOD. When we fail in that responsibility, we have, by default, forfeited our rights.

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Moderna's Patented virus #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG patented 2013: DARPA has openly bragged on Twitter that Moderna’s mRNA vaccine technology, and by extension Moderna’s Covid vaccine, was a product of their ADEPT program

So why do I have a PDF Contracting with Pfizer to deliver their vaccine for

DOD-ATI-Pfizer-Technical-Direction-Letter-OTA-W15QKN-16-9-1002-21July2020 (7.86mb)

The Department Of The Army US Army Contracting Command – New Jersey Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey 07806-5000 for a Large Scale Vaccine Manufacturing Demonstration (Pfizer, Inc) for the total approved cost to the Government for $1,950,097,500.00 if the virus “Just” escaped from a BioLab?

Provide me with an eMail address and I’ll send a copy to you

Covid mRNA Shots Are NOT Vaccines, Appeals Court Rules


Legal Precedent June 7, 2024 for U.S. Citizens to Deny Medical Treatment.

“forced medical treatment” , “safe and effective for what?”

“JUST IN – Dr. Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated law professor that drafted the Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act of 1989, Provides Affidavit that COVID 19 mRNA injections are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Dr. Boyle stated that the COVID-19 injections violate Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175 and Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023).

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13 minutes below worth people’s time.

VIDEO - Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson and Dr.David Martin - 9th Circuit Court rules COVID-19 mRNA Injections are not "Vaccines"


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Whilst I agree on many points made by Mr. Martin, he fails to separate the legal fiction of Corporate liability versus Strict Liability as applied to individuals within a specific corporate structure. Suing ‘corporations’ as a business enterprise “remedy” is simply more legal obfuscation. Strict “Criminal” liability puts the individual perpetrators behind bars where they belong. I’d prefer they hang from a gallows, but that’s just me…

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There's not enough rope in the World.

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Then FEMA's guillotines should be sequestered or just plain "borrowed" via 5-finger discount.

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Excellent post. Thank you.

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May the truth pierce the veil and free the minds of our people.

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A lot of this stuff happening can be connected to money laundering and the Illegal drug flow. The most deplorable things going on which are having an effect upon all of us. Most of these politicians are under some form of blackmail, it’s the only reason we can assume they are running the country in this corrupt way.

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Perhaps you (or other readers) will benefit from reading the entire text:

Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework Part 2 – A Powerhouse of Ruin >>> March 9, 2023 >>> https://www.coreysdigs.com/global/laundering-with-immunity-the-control-framework-part-2-a-powerhouse-of-ruin/

Our political system has been corrupt and Treasonous since 1861. See the Original 13th Amendment (Titles of Nobility) clause.

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I just heard and read about the original 13th amendment about a month or so ago. The entire, or should I say the whole of government in the US is illegitimate. There is an alarming number of lawyers in the district of criminals.

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Yes. And may refer to themselves as "Esquires". The 1826 edition of William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England reiterated that "the title should be limited to those [only] who bear an office of trust under the Crown. >>> Under the Crown <<< Apparently; America lost the war of 1812 quite handsomely...

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You think maybe they are filling their pockets with bribes and stolen/misappropriated funds might be motive?

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You should check out Mike Gill the whistleblower, you can find a bunch of his videos at truth social via state of corruption. Many YouTube and rumble videos are available. Many videos are available at the Michelle Moore Show rumble channel.

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This is AMAZING! I am going to print out copies and hand out or put out to share with people. We all need to be boots on the ground and start talking with people. Hand out little fact sheets. Enough is enough! My ( our ) ancestors that founded this country are looking down at us hoping we all follow in their footsteps. Our time is now

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👏 👏 👏 👏 👏

May we succeed in this biblical war.

I pray oh Lord for protection from the evil forces in the air and water, mountains, land and oceans.

Save us oh Lord

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10,000 years of prayers. No cigar...

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This truth is what really aches my soul. I am a Child of God, a Believer, and I'm getting impatient with waiting for the Great Catching Up. I've been waiting and waiting. Why is He not Gathering His Bride? The time is ripe. I felt the trumpet sounds in 2017 were the Heralding. The Great Sign in Heaven happened on September 23rd, 2017. Where are you Father God? We are ready to go Home.

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Hello Danna: I've heard the 'ready to go Home' belief many times over many decades. It is a sad reprise. No matter where you are in the Universe, you are already "Home". There is no other eternity...

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Great Truth but the sheep won't defend the vulnerable

I just mentioned it to my spouse and he won't believe in the Truth

He is totally brainwashed by the media he is still watching

He believes in fairies

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You too. My husband thinks I'm demented. Course he drinks himself silly every single day.

His mother did that rather than care for her mother who had dementia.

His grandmother lived to 90. In a care home. My mother and I would visit her. But none of the direct family would. How fkg sad is that?

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Same here, Marianne. She watches the news all day. (It's on TV, so you KNOW it's true.)

She would probably freak out if I showed her this: https://greaterisrahell.substack.com/p/this-is-not-the-discovery-channel

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First and foremost, the judicial system needs a thorough house cleaning from top to bottom!

As it stands now, it’s not a “Justice” system for The People. It’s a “Just Us” for the criminals in charge.

We The People have to start going after these Judges, Attorney Generals and many other’s ‘Surety Bonds’!

This too can hold school officials (like teachers) who push harmful subjects on OUR children!


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Dear Michael,

great essay/letter. thank you.

where may one turn for support of lawful cases in this regard? i have already brought forth a claim of trespass of rights against members of my county government; i have attempted to get into two courts; and the cases have been dismissed, for no lawful reason.

i am quite certain that if i could get the claim before a jury of peers, it would be verified.

i have contacted the top men in the marines, asking for military back-up, since the civilian courts are in fact not working, the stated condition for engaging the military; i have told them that the county officials are committing treason against the Constitution; no answer.

what court or other agency would give real support to a woman who wishes to press a lawful claim regarding harm caused by public officials?

the claim is quite ready to go.

i am currently trying another local court on this....but i am all ears for any suggestion from you.

thank you,


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Beverly, see my comment and link below

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Article 4 section 4 is talked about all the time, in the New California movement. New California wants to brake away from California. People in other states, like Illinois, New York, Arizona, Nevada and others also want to do it.

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Quoted from the article: "By not carefully regulating industries, our government plunged us into a new age—the Chemical Age, for which we humans have few defenses. As a result, we are experiencing massive increases in diseases and severe losses of mental acuities. In addition, our oceans are dying. The planet is on its way to being uninhabitable." [End quote]

Correct. Nearly all chemical poisoning of the people and their lands could have been avoided by BANNING the production and sale of chemical compounds and derivatives. The Untied States Patent and Trademark office 'should' have been the doorkeeper to these technologies. See: Letters Patent https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letters_patent

If the chemical product is unstable or a potential threat to ecosystems or Natural life forms, NO Patent registration, Patent Royalty, nor ability to produce or deploy, should be THE Patent policy, and enforced by Criminal prosecution. The historic use of Letters Patent provides for industrial monopoly, graft, racketeering, fraud, extortion of free markets, and the poisoning of the planet for profit.

"Regulatory" bodies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and Food and Drug Administrations, were designed as paper tiger constructs under the Jurisdiction of the Department of Commerce. The civil populace has been bamboozled into subservience to an entrenched corporate/mafia. None of this is new information...

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The new (al)Chemical Age and the science behind it have manifested the stage of humanity in which powerful conjurers choose to turn gold into lead for profit and corruption, and the rest of us choose poisoned convenience.

I'd consider how the chemicals may even be addictive. I have a cat who tries to lick anything plastic. Maybe part of the attraction to fast food are its plastic containers and wrappers that impart unconscious cravings.

Dr. Ana and you are correct about the modern regulatory regime, gatekeeper for The Club's industries and facilitator of financial gains over safety, even to the point of degradation and death of people and our ecosystem. Or, that really IS the point.

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Hello Miss Parker: I believe a good majority of these products are indeed addictive. I happen to watch numerous YouTube videos concerning automotive repair. Seems rats and mice have developed a taste for vinyl and plastic polymer coverings on automotive wiring. This is particularly true of more recent models. The mice often die of plastics consumption, and car owners are left with huge repair bills. Ms Mihalcea has provided a page concerning plastics poisoning just today. Check it out. Thanks for posting.

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And the cats eat the rats, the hawks eat the cats and rats, and the carcasses of those that otherwise die contaminate the soil from exposure to chemtrails, city water, Dow garden products, and our plastic trash.

Imagine if there were metrics of what percentage of different animal species, from rats to humans, the ultimate lab rats, can tolerate the polymerization of their lives. Maybe we don't have to imagine. They've certainly made our reliance on wonder materials addictive in various ways and must be studying their toxic effects with clinical detachment and lucrative grant money.

"There's a great future in plastics. Think about it. Will you think about it?" The Graduate 1967

Yes, Dr. Mihalcea's damning article could be subtitled "The Post-Graduate: How Plastics Please the Devil" and should be posted in every home and office across the world.

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Squirrels also. They got under my car and ate thru the wiring

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The real and metastasized problem in this country and in most of the world in gaining access to actual legislative and judicial justice, and not just pretense and covering for corruption is a big, shhh, don't tell secret.

The secret handshake is the real Constitution for the fellas in power.

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Quite right!

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"It's a big club and you ain't in it." George Carlin

Its initiate fee is a little steep for some of us who'd rather hold onto our tattered souls and those of humanity. It's a tough exclusion zone, though, trying to face down their propaganda and swarms of nanobots and AI invading our persons to possess us.

But "don't give up, never give in" is a far better motto than Order out of Chaos. Thanks, Galaxy Quest, Drs. Sansone and Mihalcea, attorney Michael Diamond, and determined others!

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While some, most of the points made by this I assume to be a Liberal Democrat Lawyer are Valid, his support of UN.Internationalists belays his point on Nuclear Weapons in the 40's.

Also Expecting and putting All your Eggs into a "Legal" Basket in the Midst of a Bolshevik Ongoing Coup since it's clearly visible emergence in 2020 is stupid imo.

The Constitution is only "Parchment & Ink" without the Teeth of the 2nd Amendment which Liberals, and Lawyers abhor for the most part.


Also President Trump will be Jailed in Rikers Island. OMG!!! that's "unthinkable"!!! (to Normies)

Lawfare Continues* Unabated, even with a 36% optomistic approcval rating* for the Demented WH Resident...... Seems Illogical, and While it may be to We/Me/You; It Isn't to the UN/NWO/USSA "Bolsheviks"aka democRats. Why??? Connect the two *'s above. 2024 will lead to 2025 and CW if WW doesn't preempt it. ...........Lawyers Aren't.

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All this yammering about the Constitution.


(Working word being ENFORCE/FORCE).

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You'd think they'd give a crap about our survival, but they are funny that way.

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So Brilliantly put !! Every issue at hand is brought about by the same people/ entities/elitists.

We ABSOLUTELY have to come together and get this done, before we are Wiped out. So MANY COUNTRIES have Banned the "Additives", that are regularly found in our FOOD. INDUSTRIAL WASTE / BY-PRODUCTS FFS. #DONOTCOMPLY #IDONOTCONSENT #FREEAMERICA

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