 List of 100 US Patents Related to Weather Modification

“He who controls the weather controls the world”

– Lyndon B. Johnson, 1962


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He who controls the food controls the people wef Henry kissinger

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"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services".

-- H Kissinger, WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009.

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Stockholm syndrome best describes the course humanity is on. Executions soon.

History rhymes….

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Who's going to get executed? I been hoping for 4 years to see Faucci hung

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You'll learn to spell his name correctly before he'll be tried.

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Executions are passé given large scale genocides.

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White American youth were caught on camera slashing truck tires of those who are transporting aid to Helene-destroyed areas. They destroy their own without batting an eyelid.

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"We will foment animosity between them through our factions. When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best. We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own children. We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend. The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers.

"They will be busy killing each other. They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit.

"We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us. We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths. We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished. We will continue to make them live in fear and anger through images and sounds. We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this. The tools will be provided by their labor. We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors......"

-- The Secret Covenant in Action

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Henry Kissinger never knew about hydroponics.

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Hey LBJ brilliant old bag of wind. No one can control the weather and messing around with Mother Nature or any mother is just a preposterous misadventure. Let our bodies work let the nature work and just support it.

As we see AI well incanting replace what human minds can imagine or achieve. If it’s not supportive it’s crap. No replacements.

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You are certainly not educated.

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Education is wasted on the chronically and intentionally ignorant.

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I am so grateful for you. What bothers me most is the horrors that the abductees experience and that we’ve been contracted to these entities. It’s hard to imagine there is any good in this matrix. Ana, have you looked into the soul trap?

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Icke is currently talking about the “Soul Trap”.

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I haven't been sure about Icke since he pulled the page from his website explaining how to pronounce his name correctly, which he's given up on.

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Babylon will fall by violence so for me yeah OK God is in control not us not man not Satan.

But yeah it does look bleak but I don't worry much. I mean what's going to happen is going to happen God said these things must come be not afraid... v2k, Gangsalking RF weapons DEW er Direct energy weapons of war being used on me and others what else can you do to me or us???

bring on God let his kingdom come lets do this!

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God being in control has gotten us to where we are today...

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You are assuming that the men who wrote the bible weren't making it up as they did.

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Come on in, lie down on the couch🛋️ tell us about this craft you've been on.

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Yes. Just when credibility has *almost* been gained, persons such as David Icke and company throw themselves under the bus with tales of nonsense. I've seen this played out over and over again. Even if the event were true, do any of these persons suggest an authentic remedy? No... They paralyze the reader with a fabricated sense of reality, and scam money from sales of bad literature.

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All true. The narrative is difficult enough to believe.

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You are so right, Dr. Ana. The technology in the Covid injections is alien, courtesy of Battelle Memorial. Read about them here: https://johnbphillips.substack.com/p/if-only-la-quinta-columna-knew-about

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The Anunnaki never left!

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The technology in the Covid injections is "alien"... but no more so than the depths of "evil" which exists within some very 'human' parties is "alien" to our understanding. I read your linked post, and a great deal of what it reports is factual - yet if mistaken conclusions are applied then it becomes just another part of the psyop turning people away from a full understanding of WHO the jabbists really be.

An attentive reading of William R Lyne's PENTAGON ALIENS will relieve many of their manipulated belief in the "alien" nature of "UFOs...and provide a useful background story for full understanding of the nature of the war against us.

p.s I fully believe what you say about Batelle digging under your house etc., Just as I believe Wilbert B Smith was correct in his assessment of many of the "anomalies" which accompanied his study of 'geo-magnetic forces' ... without need of believing in the existence of his 'SPACE BROTHERS.'

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Its a good article but you miss some of the main points which prove this is alien technology which doesnt follow the laws of physics as we previously knew them on Planet Earth.

Namely that the magnetism-like phenomenon can shed from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed, or second-hand from an unvaxxed to another unvaxxed.

And its not 'magnetism' as we previously knew it, because many of the things that stick to people are not ferrous, like coins, keys, smartphones, brass knuckles, etc.

And Also things like plastic or wood will stick to people as well.

Which defies our previously known understanding of physics.

There is a ton of evidence of this for over 3 years now, like the Magnet_Challenge channel on telegram but its still one of the most censored topics there is. I wonder why.

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Folks, use your heads, don't fall for this charlatan. There are in fact credible issues and conspiracies, but she's blatantly lying/being mischievous and presenting conflated, bad information on most of it to tilt your views.


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One subscriber reported that they still received Dr. Ana's substack emails even after unsubscribing. I'm curious if it happens to you....maybe let us know...

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Hello karun. I somewhat agree. The thing that actually concerns me, is that charlatans have attained credibility with many of their readers. Ms. Mihalcea *apparently* believes this nonsense to be true, thus throws all previous credibility right out the window. The average reader is left with zero remedy for all reported hazard... The pattern repeats and repeats all over the web... Best regards.

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The only thing she is right about is the weather mod, which they clearly are doing, and depopulation efforts. The rest is new age gobble-de-gook.

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You read MAGA Trump news

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Unfortunately you say a lot of things that have not a shred of truth or credibility. Falsely accusing where the accused are others and for different reasons.. bad information sources and where does one begin, Ana? Sigh.

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But you believe Trump... ooookay then

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One begins with realization that ALL information sources are now a congelation of truth and falsehood - this outing being no different than any other, save for having managed to mix together an unusually dense web of seemingly unrelated elements ...

into a pastiche of partial 'truths' which have the effect of numbing the readers interest & ability to get to the 'heart of the matter.'

It's impressive, for example, that the author manages to pick up on my allusion in her previous post to- ""Church of Satan" Army Colonel Aquino were working out the Army's real projects" - and run with it to the extent of even presenting his infamous Mind Wars document here... but that immediately gets tossed, in favor of a longish foray into the nebulous worlds of 'spirit guides' & UFO fantasies!

Tis tempting to use the phrase "limited hangout" to sum all this smorgasbord of info/disinfo up, but the weird thing is that Anna has managed to stuff as many "hits" as "misses" into this strange diatribe. Few, for example, would have the subtlety necessary to have placed the Lord Balfour doc into the TOTALLY CORRECT context of a reference to both covid-19 patents and Trumptian "extraterrestrial" Warped Speed vaccine hallucinations...

via a reference to a 'retired' sionist secret security party who is encouraging us to believe that "UFO'S ARE REAL" BUT - the current campaign of controlled genocide occurring during this extra-un-holy "holiday" season which begins today in the UNHOLY LAND... are not!

Is ANY of this "tsunami/wall of water' disinfo malleable to useful sorting and application? Yes, probably a lot of it is... once one has recognized the (Z)elephant in the room, controlling ALL of this social media farce. Aquino and Roy John weren't "back-engineering alien tech" people... they were creating the very human-designed web of techo-magic which is now poised to devour the benighted wester world in it's kabbalistic maw.

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So where is your darkfield microscope?

Show us she is not telling the truth by showing us how great your blood looks.

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I never paid too much attention to little green men stories, however I came to the logical conclusion that the self-assembling stuff could only be alien technology. I tried to gauge what the state-of-the-art nanobots being produced by our best scientists. I found some examples, but it was all very crude stuff when compared to what we see in everybody's blood. Then there is the fact that the story is doctors have been seeing these "parasites" in the blood for 40 or 50 years. So I'm pretty sure this technology is not man-made, but probably backwards engineered, stolen, or bought. And it's not God because God doesn't make mechanical machines. So Sherlock Holmes.... deduction... ALIENS! It can only be alien technology. This should be assumed until proven otherwise.

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Agree, the implants found in ‘alien’ abductees, is the same shit in the vaccines. The greys have been experimenting on humans for decades.

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That fascinating.

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I'm sorry Ana believes in Ramtha, which is just another iteration of satanic deception. Should be clear to see when you see it's the same scenarios, same stories. Just things to scare people, which is a control and depopulation method.

The Bible gives a true picture of the end of the world, and does not include all these manipulative scenarios. Messing with things like satanism, new age Ramtha stuff, belief in aliens (which are demons), bring confusion and lead to foolishness in folk's behavior.

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They can make all the physical survival preps they want and temporarily extend their lives, Vs us 'plebs'.

But they dont realize the most important thing: your soul. The aim is not to live as long as possible, but rather " he who endures to the end" , with his soul. Focus on that as its the only thing you truly still have control over.

"What good is it to gain the whole world and lose your own soul?"

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Ana doesn't pull her punches !! I'm 66 yrs old and been and still am watching this evil crawl across our floors. Seems the only way out is to raise our frequency so as to communicate with God. Thank you Dr Ana, and please keep it coming.

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We have TWO things going on here......

1) 'Weather Wars'

2) The NORMAL, NATURAL CATASTROPHE Cycle that is upon us.

The Psychopaths who 'rule' this planet KNOW that a Catastrophe is almost here (by the year 2040). Now, think of ALL of the things that kill off the population, that 'THEY' have engineered. Wars, the 'CV19' Death Jab, 'vaccines', poisoned food/water and GEO-ENGINEERED WEATHER, just to name a few.

The REASON that they want most of us 'DEAD AND BURIED' (or cremated)?? Is because of that MAP at the top of the page. This is, pretty much, how the surface of our planet will look like, AFTER the coming NORMAL/NATURAL CATASTROPHE CYCLE. When these Psychopaths come out of their 'Dooms Day Bunkers', they don't want BILLIONS OF DEAD BODIES littering 'their' planet! There will be NO 'SLAVES' to CLEAN UP the 'MESS'! (ie DEAD bodies)

EDGAR CAYCE had stated that this WILL happen, in OUR time period. A correction to the above map....Cayce said that Africa will be THREE ISLANDS. He had stated that when Mt Etna has a MASSIVE eruption, is when the MAJOR shit all kicks off. One of the first things that will happen, is much of the West Coast will go under (WATER); 'fall into the sea'.

INDEPENDENT of what Edgar Cayce has said WILL happen, is Ben Davidson of Suspicious0bservers (that is a ZERO and not an 'o', in observers). Ben's Suspicious0bservers YT channel has all of the info that one would need. Our POLES are in the process of shifting. And there will be things that happen BEFORE the WATER CATASTROPHE that transforms the surface of our planet. Here in the USoA.....the WALL OF WATER will be coming from the East Coast; water that will be many 1000's of feet high. Besides the water.....we will, obviously, have earthquakes, volcanoes going off, and all of that other 'fun' stuff.

Folks.....WE AIN'T SEEN NOTHIN' YET! What's happening NOW (flooding, ect) is a WALK ON THE BEACH, compared to what is coming! And THIS will be the REAL 'GREAT RESET'!

I've dubbed what is going on, THE GREAT PURGE Part I and THE GREAT PURGE Part II.

Part I was the Bio-weapon injections. Part II is the coming Natural/NORMAL Cycle of Catastrophe.

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Chan Thomas - The Adam And Eve Story The History Of Cataclysms (1993 Full UNCENSORED) - https://archive.org/details/ChanThomasTheAdamAndEveStoryTheHistoryOfCataclysms1993FullUNCENSORED

Chan Thomas: The Adam and Eve Story, Fact or Fiction? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJIMMuoz9Rw

Hapgood's Earth Crust Displacement Theory - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXpmhsvkvBQ

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Who signed the letter to Lord Rothschild? I don't recognize the person displayed. Thanks

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That's Arthur Balford methinks, and that's the infamous Balford Declaration which is seen as the basis of problems we see in the Middle East today.

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Balfour Declaration, not Balford Declaration.

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Oh yes, I struggled with that but I was too lazy to look it up.

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Your kampf, my kamph, here a kampf, there a kampf, everywhere a kamph kamph......

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What is the Rothschild patent. Link doesn’t work.

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The planet is heating at its core not cooling. This is why earthquakes floods fires etc from the Nibiru system.

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One of the maps show the incoming pole shift. Look up the Nibiru system. It’s a binary system , with its own sun and a planet. It’s huge and passing near us causing imminent pole shift. This is what is creating the unprecedented weather.

While I agree , there’s evil going on all over this planet including weather warfare and experimentation and depopulation , etc etc , this Nibiru planet I do believe is causing these extreme weather events leading to the breakdown of our magnetosphere and as it pulls in earth until the poles flip. Are then going to tell us this , hell no. This is why if people start observing the sun and skies it adds up. Yes of course there are chemtrails and weather manipulation going on but the Nibiru system is approaching as well. Look it up 🙏🙏

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