Yes, they want their own puerile kitsch version of life: leave their mark forever since this will be their coffin in hell. May it all blow up in their faces!

Thank you Dr. Ana for this new episode of your research.

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Can you address why this is not the Wood's lamp phenomenon, that is the result of porphyrins? You said it was not, but what is the distinction? It looks fairly similar, and also occurs in areas where bacteria would be growing, like forehead, chin, ear, genitalia:



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I would like to know this too. And also, how can this fluorescence be attributed to the Cv-19 injections when this phenomenon was reported in an article on Clifford Carnicom's website over 23 years ago. https://carnicominstitute.org/orange-marker-question/

And especially the shedding effect of this fluorescence that you have indicated. I've talked to numerous unvaxxed people that are freaked out because they checked themselves with a UV light and had orange fluorescence around their chin and nose.

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Mar 2·edited Mar 3

everybody nonvaxxed i tested have diffuse orange on their face. its a non-issue imo. after using steam bath, blackhead remover pump and charcoal facial mask, such glowies reduce in quantity.

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Green tea lotion applied on the face slows down sebum production and will therefore probably reduce some of the orange/reddish "glowing" (which is IMO normal). That's one way to definitely prove that these are not "facial" quantum dots. Quantum dots are definitely in the jabs and show up in the body, so i totally understand the desire to investigate this matter. Also the size of the glowing facial particles is ridiculously large to be compared to anything of nanotechnological nature ...

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

Well, if you read the literature and research papers on orange fluorescent Propionibacterium acnes the common course of action is a series of antibiotics to remedy the situation. From what I've read it is contained within the follicle and cannot be readily removed through washing or scrubbing. Hurom posted above about success by other means also.

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Colloidal silver (or cider vinegar) applied to the skin.

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It looks fairly similar, and it's exactly that, porphyrins from sebum glowing under UV light. Only thing new here is the technology, the UV-specific flashlight ... If you time-traveled 2 centuries back only bringing one of those flashlights with you, you'd have a glowing festival, Marie Antoinette would look like a glowing orange christmas tree ..

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thanks for the tip. i was also startled for a moment because i was glowing orange. And it didn't look natural. I squeezed out the sebum and it glowed completely orange. that was it! cleaned it and the glow is gone.

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Maybe the Avatar movies were predictive programming.

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Seems likely. Get ready for the wild glowing of the world right?

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I am paying attention here. Is there ANYTHING you've looked at that can eliminate or even reduce the facial glow effect? Standing alone, does it appear the glowing dots are seriously hazardous? I understand (it's obvious) they are a hazard in terms of privacy, i.e., facial recognition/tracking) but are you able to identify other issues, other than the fact they are more prevalent in the vaccinated (who clearly have a world of additional problems to contend with just from that)?

I've noticed a couple of apologists trying to claim all of our pores ALWAYS "glowed" under UVA lights. I guess they're all lit up already and can't face this additional horror - and/or maybe they're just shills?

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Just imagine having this genetic aberration and while flying in a jet plane, the flight attendant dims the overhead lights and walks by you as your face is glowing orange!!!!!!!!!

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Sounds more pleasant than the vaxxed pilot having a heart attack mid-flight;-)

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I checked people who were vaxxes and one had a completely clear face and she is quite young(19)Another had only nose which I think is sebum it’s very obvious in the photo which I don’t have permission to share. The two of us that are unvaxxed and don’t do a skincare refinement have it all over. My ears which have a lot of sebum were also very pink. Unvaxxed. Look up woods light. I’m not afraid because of the horror of it. We are facing all of these things with an open mind but I don’t want it to be so open my brains fall out.

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Many "vaxxed" people received placebos without being informed this is what was happening. But I agree about being "so open" the "brains fall out." However, the glowing quantum dots have been identified in the jab vials. I have also read then patents for these devices, and they are very real, used for 3D mapping and facial recognition.

So I'd hardly say it's a stretch to suspect they could end up showing up the way Dr. Ana has described. I don't think it means your brains have fallen out if you suspect this crap, that's already proven to be in the jabs, (and what they're spraying on us as well) is showing up in parts of the human body. The patents describe the intended result is to enhance facial recognition systems. And you don't have to be vaccinated to be effected because it's self-replicating and it sheds/spreads.

Immediately ruling something out BEFORE investigating the existing evidence, is my definition of "brains falling out."

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I haven’t ruled anything out at all I am just bringing up what I’m thinking about as alternatives for something we are seeing. I of course know that they have found the quantum dots in the vax and also realize shedding could happen and I’ve seen the patents also. I just want us to be able to present this to others with these bases covered. I realize it’s hard to have controls when everything is happening at once!

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deletedMar 4
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I LOVE the name of your channel!!! Yes. 60ghz was chosen for a REASON. Could have chose many other SAFE frequencies to do the same job (high-speed data transmission). But they CHOSE to make sure they could transmit on 60.

And your comment above is STELLAR, so clear, so ACCURATE, so, so, so, GOOD. Thank you! I am subscribing NOW. Joy

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In 1956 Joost Merloo wrote 'Rape of the Mind' (re delusion and mass delusion generated via propaganda). What is happening now is 'Rape of the immune system and rape of the biofield'. Our bodies and our electromagnetic fields are being invaded and impregnated (without our knowledge or consent). It is now more than six years since I last allowed a needle to be inserted in my body by the medical 'profession'. Being sedated, I had no idea what they did or what was in that/those needles (but the butchery was self evident when the covers were removed - and they were nowhere near my face). I have steadfastly refused any injections since long before this scamdemic began, and yet (under UV light) I have specks of orange clearly visible around my nostrils and atop my nose and along tear-duct lines in the creases leading down to my mouth. On a recent trip to 'town' that 'tattooed' region was as itchy as all hell and it was almost impossible to resist rubbing my face. Then, when a family (likely all walking/vibrating antennas) approached me in a shop, it genuinely felt as if I was being 'zapped'. The sensation was awful. Maybe we should have all been wearing protective masks (and not the surgical or dust mask type)

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Are we being marked? It is weird. What with this and the smell Vxd folk emit. Disturbing.

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This is a fairly complete listing, what substances glow and in what color on your skin, 365nm is best but 395nm will do as well. It's all been known for a long time and it's (mostly) natural phenomena. https://gcelt.org/why-are-my-pores-orange-under-blacklight/

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Meanwhile in Australia..Cover up, corruption and incompetence continues!

Copy paste from Rebekah Barnett Substack:

“The Australian Courts have blocked a legal challenge over Moderna’s and Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccines on a technicality, stalling efforts to raise the alarm over alleged unregulated genetically modified organisms (GMOs), including high levels of DNA contamination, in the vials.

The Federal Court rejected Dr Julian Fidge’s application to seek an injunction preventing Moderna and Pfizer from distributing their products in Australia, in a decision handed down today, Friday 1 March, almost nine months after the application was filed. Dr Fidge has been ordered to pay costs.

Source: Federal Court of Australia

Dr Fidge alleges that the mRNA Covid vaccines contain GMOs in two forms - the LNP-mod-RNA complexes, and plasmid DNA contamination - for which Pfizer and Moderna never obtained the proper approvals from the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR).

It is a serious criminal offence under the Gene Technology Act (2000) to “deal with” unapproved GMOs in Australia.

The OGTR denies that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are or contain GMOs, or that the products required a licence from the OGTR before being distributed in Australia, characterising such claims as “misinformation” in a statement released in December of last year.”

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I've noticed fresh curcuma glows under UV light, and my hands after I peel it

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Oral bacteria (not only sebum) does that too: https://karger.com/cre/article/57/1/74/840860/Fluorescence-Spectroscopy-Shows-Porphyrins Friend just got some bacterial sore throat infection... half of his tongue is now orange and was not before.

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This has many of the same markings of stealth adapted viruses. I read a book on this subject of SAVs but I was never convinced of the theory.

Great job Dr A.

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deletedMar 2
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That’s the color of the light itself in the dark

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