Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking. LOL

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This is what I like too see. Cooperation between different fields of doctors. This is the best way to finally defeat the oppressors. Two minds are better than one and 100 are even better than that. Keep up the excellent work to all. There is a cure. God & Jesus told us so.

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I often wondered why the Native Americans, including tribes in S. America, highly revere the tobacco plant, to the point of even calling tobacco the grandfather of all plants or the master healer. Making more sense now. I use on occasion tobacco snuff with other herbs, maybe this helped me in not getting covid or any illness for the past few years?

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I grew up near a reservation in Canada. It was customary to give the elders a cigarette or a pinch of chew when greating them.

In the sweet lodge the they would toss tobacco on the hot rocks.

Never really thought about this until now.

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THAT is different than nicotine patches different intention and use

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Almost No One knows this anymore but Real tobacco is actually good for your lungs, its like an asthma inhaler, you can breathe Better After you smoke it than you could before you smoked... even non-smokers.

Sounds crazy but its true.

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Dr. Brian Ardis has many videos out about the benefits of nicotine to cure "long covid" symptoms. I've been wearing a patch for several months now, along with using zeolite, quercietin, NAC and zinc. I didn't take the shots, but have suffered symptoms via shedding. I think it's helping.

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To each their own.

Obviously Im no hater of nicotine but I think you should stop taking zeolite and try EDTA and Vitamin C, the solution they provide to the problem they created but good luck to you in any case.

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It may help with some things BUT IT WONT HELP with the fact that 5g is "exciting" the graphene and nano causing histamine reactions /cytokine storm/allergy type reactions , dizziness , headache /heart palpitations

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Excellent protocol. Zeolite is one of very few minerals known to also absorb and neutralize nuclear radiation.

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Yes! Bravo!

People would be absolutely amazed if they took a look at the list of "Additives" that are put into American tobacco...

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Its not just American tobacco, they do it all over the world.

They Used to know back in the 70's that cheap phosphate-based fertilizer salts naturally contain Polonium, which is radioactive. They Could have removed it from the fertilizer salts but they didnt care because smokers, fuck em, they're all gonna die anyway.

Thats why many cigarettes still to this day have the aluminum lined paper inner wrapper... that thin sheet of aluminum blocks the radiation that naturally emits from polonium (alpha iirc) and could be detected from outside the box with the right equipment.

So even when companies say they have 'organic' or 'natural' tobacco, there are a lot of potential contamination sources up the supply chain.

And most countries now add stuff to the cigarette paper to make it self-extinguish for 'safety', there are 6 or 8 different chemicals they can use for that and they do not have to disclose it, because its not a part of the 'tobacco', which is the product they are selling, its considered part of the 'wrapper', the product they are selling Comes In.

You see shady stuff like that a lot though, like how Japan Tobacco bought up a Bunch of cheap farmland in Fukushima to grow tobacco on. Sure you might get lung cancer from smoking plutonium but just prove it was from us!

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Good info and comment yes people are getting confused and think smoking cigarettes are going to help them with this, they will not

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There are more benefits to nicotine..see Ardis work

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I would do a deep dive on EDTA , I would not use it or recommend , there are better things .

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As if I Havent Seen Ardis's 'work'?

Im the one telling You about the obvious flaws in it. Many of them. Disregard it if you want.

And I bet I have more experience with tobacco and nicotine than you too, I could probably talk about it for a hour straight, synthetic, organic, extractions but meh.

But why dont you just take acetylcholine since that Also binds with the Nicotinic receptors and doesnt require you to stick a chemical patch made in china to your skin constantly?

Oh I guess Ardis the scammer didnt tell you that. Good luck to you regardless.

Take EDTA and Vitamin C instead, it works much much much much much better than what you are trying to take nicotine for.

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Bee Gee, I saw Ardis's interview he did with a guy a week ago yesterday, I have seen him saying for some time nicotine has good effects for all this. In this latest interview he went further and said nicotine heals myocarditis, arthritis, and a few others. My question is, why does Dr. McCullough not know this? How do you know Ardis is a scammer? This is where it gets hard.

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Tell us more about that please

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About what.?

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Yes. The Native Americans knew about the evil plans of techno-globalists who 300+ years in the future would attempt to inject the world with solar powered nano flower antennas. Yes. That makes sense.

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You are totally missing the point. Have you ever heard for every illness there is a natural cure? Nature is consciousness. Pharma drugs and technology comes from nature. We are conscious and connected. I find an immense beauty, justice, and sense of order that a controversial plant (not even available in any of my nurseries - and I am in Virginia!) can remove this nanotech. And to your point- there have been many prophecies by Native Indians that came true and are coming true.

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I was waiting for someone to say it! Thanks :)

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Silly wabbit, don't be afraid next time. :)

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Funny , yes their use was completely different intention

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Thank you, thank you, Dr. Ana, for fighting for all of us. xo

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Look up tobacco in medicine! Surprise yourselves. Grow some Nicotania Rustica!

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I have always wondered about the constant, world wide attacks on smoking. They are intensifying in Canada again. Not many issues are supported by the entire planet and smoking is hardly the worst habit among us humans. Recently I have been hearing about the protective abilities of tobacco against anything attacking the lungs. Humorously I read that smoking makes whatever part of us that aliens find so delicious is rendered disgustingly inedible by smoking. Your article, although still tentative, shows once again, a positive reason to keep on puffing until the habit takes us to our graves.

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As a addict this makes me feel better, thanks! Had a good chuckle. I do agree with the thoughts you have about all the "concern" for smokers in the health community and the government's ....since when were they NOT trying to murder us? Does make you think.... :)

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Does smoking cigarettes also disable this?

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No and all the other chemicals will kill you

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Do not smoke. Not the government's cigs nor the natives cigs. Take from this advice from an addict. Do not smoke.

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I smoke and can't disagree. Smoking Tobacco is not a great life decision.

Kamala Harris and the Globalist Democrat Machine

An Existential Threat to our Inalienable Rights and National Sovereignty


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We dont know that... it definitely doesnt Stop you from getting the shedding or make it go away but maybe it does slow the formation of the nano-antennas.

Maybe no smokers ever emit MAC addresses, no matter how many PCR swabs or body fluid transfer with the infected they have. We need to find a unvaxxed who has a MAC address to test it.

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Actually Bee Gee it stops development of my symptoms whenever I'm around a vaxed pt. Especially with the newly vaxed.

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It appears to have worked with smokers however I wouldn't recommend getting your nicotine that way. The patches do work.

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Part of the reason I ask is that I was hardly effected by the virus and wonder if the smoking helped. Never got the jab, by the way.

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Docs here identified that smokers were the ones not affected by the bioweapon.

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An open. pragmatic wait and see attitude. I sincerely hope other researchers will find conclusive evidence that this disabling effect actually makes the MAC addresses disappear!

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I would doubt that considering the chemical shit in tailor made cigarettes.

Organic tobacco if you must. Reread article nicotine on its own doesn't get rid of nano antennae - just impedes it.

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More accurately - self-assembling nanorobotic holographic antennae arrays in the DNA.


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THANK YOU for sharing this! WOW! 🤯

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I can’t believe You Tube allowed this to remain

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I couldn't get dressed in my work uniform by myself before enbrel. I'm not taking it anymore. Thank you for letting me know what I've been exposed to. What's my future? Probably life as a transhumanist cyborg. It's in God's hands. Don't ever let these mother fuzzerz take a deal. Not a damn one. Prosecuted everyone who knew.

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EDTA and Vitamin C.

It can stop the self-replication in the unvaxxed and I bet it can stop it in people who took injectables too.

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Give Ana's remedies a try. Don't let them win. Glad to hear you no longer take the Enbrel! Assuming you can dress without it now. Very nice!

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It would be great to see if high dose niacin does the same thing. Nicotinic acid. Vitamin B3. I believe niacinamide would be the best injectable form.

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Get yourself a microscope and find out. Test yourself!

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Keir Starmer in the UK is talking of possibly banning smoking in any public place. This would be a continuation of successive efforts over the past few decades to massively reduce smoking. 🤔

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Nearing the end of COVID I saw a headline in my local news, Canada stating that by 2030 the UK will ban ALL smoking products from the country. Never saw another headline since.

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But it’s not cigerretes that are good. They have infused tobacco with harmful chemicals. It’s NATURAL tobacco you want … and if what she says is true, that everything is contaminated, including soil and water, then it will be hard to find NATURAL tobacco.

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True. Nothing is really natural any longer due to intentional contamination of the air, food and water. The best that can be achieved is to lessen the total amount of toxicity.

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I didn't get the jab but did get dental work done, probably Lidocaine and/or gel to numb my mouth (also had a root canal done), yikes!. . I must have these nanobots in me? Loved Dr. Ardis' video on Nicotine info, so I will try the nicotine patch hoping to prevent further damage. Thank you all for posting . . . funny thing the dentist wouldn't even talk to me when I asked about this research in the injectables, she said if it wasn't in the medical double blind tests, it is all fake!

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Based on what they have found in every dental anesthetic, yes you probably do.

Nicotine patches do not help with that, so I would say dont bother... they Might stop nanoantenna formation, thats it, but they do not stop the shedding or the nanotech replication. Nanoantennas are just one part of the nanotech that is in people now.

EDTA and Vitamin C is in one of the moderna patents as a solution to stop the nanotech self-replication, so I would recommend taking That.

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Which patent?

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I don't have the direct download document handy, Dr Ana quotes it a lot in many of her videos and substacks though.

Its a moderna patent about self-replicating nanotechnology.

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Thanks. Do you recall any specific videos where she references it? It will help me narrow down and find the paper.

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I dont, Ive seen too many to remember which is which, but here are a couple links to her old substacks.

You may need to subscribe to see them though, old substacks cannot be viewed freely after some timeperiod.



And here are most of her videos, those can still be viewed.


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I found that patent, now how do I use this information, do I have to go to a doctor to get a RX? Article "Another Confirmation: EDTA Combined With Vitamin C And Other Antioxidants Inhibits Nano Particle Polymerization In New Moderna Patent" By Dr Ana Mihalcea, patient # is USO11622972B2 posted at https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/another-confirmation-edta-combined

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No, I dont think you dont need a doctor, you need Chelation.

Do a web search for 'Chelation therapy near me'. Based upon Dr Anas research, you need IV EDTA, Vitamin C and Glutathione but it may take several visits.

Perhaps you can find a chelation practitioner that also does darkfield live blood analysis (LBA), since thats the only way to check the state of your blood.

You can also get oral EDTA pills and Vitamin C but that is much much slower. I give about a million tips on how to take oral EDTA Correctly so its not wasted in these comments (thats the biggest problem with oral EDTA)...

but if I had had dental anasthetic, I personally would find a place that does IV EDTA Chelation. Good luck.

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I have developed a non chemical protocol that seems to be working better and we are testing with both Electro dermal acupuncture testing and dark field scopes, it is also NON EMF/ EMR so that possible avenue of energy source can be eliminated.

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Thank you! I will try your suggestion . . how much Vit C to take daily?

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Do you have a link for that patent? Does it really refer to nanotech self-assembly and does it actually say that EDTA and Vitamin C can prevent it?

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Niki do a Bluetooth scan on yourself with your cell phone. If you find a long string of numbers thats hyphenated and it's not associated with the wifi in your home...you may have gotten it from the dental injections.

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Do a Bluetooth scan on yourself out of range of anyone else. Should show up on your phone list.

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Oh yes, you have for sure !!! I am the purest example ! IAfter 7 teeth extraction ! My blood is a mess (rouleaux, fibrin, nanotech...) and it gets checked by a german doctor, chief of a chelation clinic, but so far he refuses to admit it is nanotech... He thought this was Candida Albicans ! I have shown him many vvidéos of dr Ana !

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I already had one root canal and now need a second root canal (I'm 70 so like an old car the parts are going out!) already had 2 teeth extraction. How do I check my blood? I live in Houston Texas but don't take any medications.

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So they want people to be solar powered via injections of nano flower antennas? But they continue to blanket the skies with stratospheric aerosol injections.

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The aerosols contain metals that interact with the frequencies for multi purpose uses. The nano metals from the spray enter every living thing on the planet from the roots of plants to the soil to the bodies we all indwell. They are not looking to have our sun revitalize us any longer. Just one step into the sunshine and a toxic body will sneeze, this is the healing power of the sun. They hide our sun and use artificial sun's and moons along with making us into batteries to be used up and buried/burned.

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So then how does anyone grow NATURAL tobacco?

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You can find growing tobacco on YouTube. The seed sellers also provide instructions on how to grow tobacco.

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They can't really. They can only try to grow tobacco that is less contaminated with micro and nanotechnology For example, it can be grown indoors with artificial light, filtered water (reverse osmosis and or distilled) soil obtained from locations that are less heavily contaminated from nanoparticulate spraying and other sources.

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The point is to harvest the energy of humans, which will sicken and eventually kill them as part of the global population reduction program underway. The energy obtained can be used for other nefarious purposes. Think of it as stealing your life force.

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Did I understand it right,that the filliaments are growing with nicotine but the microchips can not self-assembling their self with nicotine?

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What I take away from Ana's article today and yesterday is that nicotine/tobacco inhibit the assembly of the nano/micro ANTENNA'S. Secondarily, Ana still states to use the nicotine/tobacco as an ADDITION to the other remedies, Vit C, EDTA, Methylene blue etc.

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yes, it is confusing.

I'll give up my one cigar a day when they pry it out of my cold dead hands.

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No it does not.

It May stop or slow the development of nano-antennas, which are just a part of the nanotechnology in peoples blood.

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It Stops the assembling from nanochips what I understand but the fillament still grows under nicotine.

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This article says it lessens microchip assembly but not filament/fiber construction. Therefore, it is addressing only part of the micro/nanotechnology infestation/contamination, at best. Remember, these are not studies of the blood of people but of the drug Embrel and a solution of nicotine and distilled water.

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