Disgusting - why won't many so-called conservatives wake up?

Do they not want to conserve their humanity, or do they want to conserve transhumanity?

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What's up brother! Trump is OWNED by you know who in the Middle East! Been a willing slave since he was bailed out with Taj Mahal in the 90's. He serves only one master!

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What's up Jay! Great to see you man! Yep - owned, lock, stock, and over a barrel. So happy you feel the same way - let's hope our consciousness raises all vessels of humanity.

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Jesus heard your subterranean slur against his people.

Many will come to him in that day.....

See Matthew for details

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Trump's zionists and extreme globalist banksters? They dwell not only in the Middle East...

Or do you mean His with capital H?

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Wish to vomit when seeing the Billionaire Bros. seating directly behind the family and in front of the Cabinet Appointments at Inauguration...As knew they were there due to the HIDDEN AGENDA AGREEING WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT'S REGRESSION INTO GLOBAL SLAVERY WITH BIO-DIGITAL CONVERGENCE...HELL'S THEFT OF ALL GOD'S CREATION.

There was NO choice in the last election. The ability to stay up all day and speak complete sentences as opposed to dementia is no measure of a MORAL and GODLY person loving Earth, life on Earth or other people. Taxpayer $$$ went to create this BRANCH ON THE TREE OF EVIL and yet 'the people' do not benefit nor profit...Only the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits already SLAVE PUPPETS to the Black Nobility Trillionaire Pedophiles, Cannibals, Vampires.

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The princes of the world in Revelations.

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You nailed it again bro, just wait , this is going to get really ugly and all those fools believing in him and thinking they voted him in are going to be in shock and hopelessness , which of curse is part of the plan, so they will be even more likely to get in line for NEW SHOTS, STAY SAFE BRO

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It's as if they care nothing for their children's or grandchildren's future. They likely have no idea what biodigital convergence means let alone transhumanism. Not paying attention or dismissively passive. Willful ignorance.

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They ARE A DEATH CULT, they dont think , act or emote, like normal real HUMANS, that Is one reason they are trying to turn the real humans into slave machines.

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You aint seen anything yet just wait, does anyone think 16 million illegals are just going to line up and get back on busses and MILITARY planes , TO WHERE ?

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A lot going on. Steven Greer is doing disclosure on aliens, we got AI, and we have Stargate, and we have money for AI Stargate technology. Where do we go with this? I keep going back to Asimov's three laws of robotics and realize we are programming AI to kill people. REALLY stupid war monkey stuff. But, we've got soul.

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And with the Turbo Cancers caused by the covid bioweapon, it's Operation Warp Speed 2.0 on steroids, they'll be laughing all the way to the bank.

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This information needs to be in the public sphere, and co-incidentally, today, Trump’s news conference introduced Sam Altman, Maoshi? & Larry Ellison to present their $500 Billion investment in building a giant tech center to study AI & mRNA developments to identify & treat health conditions, like cancer, with designer “shots”…. We will be able to target specific problems that they can identify. These things happen a “little by little and then by a lot” and we are always playing defense. FYI…Elon is very against this…

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Declare something an emergency!🚨 Trump you must prove this first!

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Everything is going to be labelled as an emergency if it means that they are allowed to do what they want...against our will.

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Thank you for all your Research and information.Sharing this and Praying this will not be leashed on a already suffering society.God Help us as only You can🙏

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sv40in theshot

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All and everything is suspect, and even more of all of it is just a big ass lie.

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F*&% Larry Ellison

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excellent work Ana...I will share it

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Trump hasn't got anything to do with this. WE need to stand up and say that they may no longer use us for their sick experimentation. They will keep it up if you keep consenting-You must NOT consent! Silence is consent. And you need to do more than just comment in a forum. He is putting these people out there for us to see and to take care of.

Once your DNA is changed with synthetics. Once your DNA is altered, did you know it can be patented? This is not medical.

See SCOTUS synthetic DNA https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/supreme-court-myriad-genetics-synthetic-dna-patentable-isolated-genes-are-not/2015-09

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Yes. Do not consent. Do not comply.

Thank you for posting that link. Much appreciated.

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Thank you. what is scary to me is, that article is from 2015!!

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"great news of WHO exit" -- Dr. Ana needs to read the fine print. Same about "surprise" -- mRNA to fight cancer on the rise after c19 bioweapon deployment. Trump met with Pharmafia re. "mRNA cancer vax": https://www.axios.com/2024/12/05/trump-rfk-jr-pfizer-lilly

Translation: "Bioweapon program continues at warp speed under my presidency."

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Are these shots aimed at the US, or, without consulting us, at the entire planet?

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I would say entire world. New world order.

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Jay....Man up owned by POS jews......don't be a coward!!!!Can't change it if you are afraid to call it out...F-ck israel!!!!

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And who owns Israel?

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Who could be delusional enough to believe anything Trump says or promises? Together with his creepy team he will do the exact opposite of everything he' been promising and soon make the US into an absolute hell

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What was that you said awhile back about a "glorious new golden age under Trump", as I Have ALWAYS stated , . Anyone believing in this man and his agendas and his nasty array of GLOBALIST/Zionist agenda pushers should not be listened to on anything political. Take a good look at what has already been done and is REALLY BEING LAUNCHED.

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