It's not fear mongering. She's boldly stating things clearly as she sees them. She's calling a spade a spade! Since I've seen the same things in my own blood using darkfield microscopy, I totally agree with her excellent analysis. I have been un-'vaccinated' for over 40 years and yet I, too, have these hydrogel filaments in my own blood, just as she describes. What we need is more experts to come forward and stand beside her in support.
We work with Vax injury, Long Covid, ME/CFS, Lyme etc so YES when they come to us they ARE longhaulers until we get the better with treatment
I've watched many of them grow, in real-time, under the microscope. Just as Dr. Ana points out in her presentation, there's a pattern to them. They start out as tiny dots and the filaments typically assemble in lines, slowly growing bigger. The more you look at them under the microscope, the more you can spot their 'signature' patterns. They're easy to spot. As Dr. Ana says, there are many variation shapes and evolutions but they essentially follow a familiar pattern of development.
If I come across a rogue fibre, for example from an alcohol disposable wipe used for cleaning microscope slides, it just sits there, dead, does not grow or attract these hydrogel beads. The hydrogel beads and blobs have a particular pattern of development, exactly as Dr. Ana showed in her video presentation. They cluster together and grow filaments or growths of material - clearly microplastics that also reflects UV torch light (see one or two of my own recent video posts).
The real 'elephant in the room' is why aren't more specialists coming forward to expose this dire development in human blood? WHERE THE F*CK ARE THEY???
Do you have any suggestions if one discovers these filaments are growing inside one's veins?
I just discovered that the veins that show on the left inner side ( near the the ankle) of my right heel are being invaded and enlarged by the self assembling filaments from the astra-zen injection that we have all seen in the embalmers' white fibrous filaments that have been shown. I can send photos taken in the sun today.
Ive been having pain in that right heel area since summer last year and was told its plantar fasciitis. When I feel around these enlarged arteries they don't feel like a normal vein, it feels like there is something hard in them unlike similar veins on my left foot.
BTW: I have met many women in their 40s/50s/60s with same problem. This seems like a new problem.
Anyway to dissolve the white fibrous stuff instead of surgery?
First of all I would refer you to Dr. Mihalcea and her EDTA and vitamin C treatment protocols. She's leading the way on this frontier.
Also, there's Dr. David Nixon on substack who has various pioneering guidelines and works with Karl.C on substack, using food grade sodium citrate (with reported success) amongst other experimental avenues. Have a scan through their substack posts for updates and further feedback.
I would advise strong caution before forming any firm conclusions and tip-toe very carefully in any direction before jumping in. I think we all risk making things worse if we act too zealously. Careful, steady, measured evaluation is best. Personally, I believe following an alkaline diet is a step in the right direction, reducing the acidity within the body.
At the forefront of my mind is the thought that we all need to focus on pacing ourselves better, staying calm, trying to relax more. We've had FOUR YEARS of dystopian mind-warping tyranny since the CONVID-1984 Plandemic Of Lies emerged. Fear and deceit on multiple levels. And still the madness continues. It's an endurance course - and we are marathon runners.
So, our own inner mental harmony is of paramount importance in helping to defuse bodily tension and turmoil. If we stay locked in too much hyper-vigilance from anxiety and fear, we trap in too much tension and rot - which needs letting go and releasing.
And to be even further clear and I saying stuff like this is not possible, not a chance, I know damn well what they have been planning for many decades but to try and extrapolate from that and now say that all of humanity is doomed and no longer human is utter rubbish and absolutely fearmongering of the highest level.
Unless we see a live video of the blood being extracted then put on a slide AND this is even more important and thats knowing the history of the person, did they get the jab, how many jabs and if they did not get the jab then much of their life during covid needs close examination.
They may be unvaxxed but if they swapped bodily fluids with a vaxxed person and not any vaxxed, they had to have had the genuine experimental jab, this is vitally important information in regards to the fear messaging from Ana.
I still have yet to see anything in regards to this information.
So to continually go on that humanity is doomed is incrediblly unprofessional.
You've clearly misinterpreted what I said. I was referring to the hydrogels growing filaments (containing plastics, as shown by Dr. Mihalcea and Clifford Carnicom) on the microscope slide within a blood sample.
The obvious implication is that if they grow on the microscope slide then it's highly likely that they also grow inside the body, to unknown extent, as also documented by Dr. Mihalcea in relation to the blood sample from embalmer Mr Richard Hirschman. To what extent these grow in the body nobody knows, until it's too late.
If "They" have now polluted the entire blood of humanity with synthetic self-assembling nanotechnological hydrogels then it is truly dire indeed. Doomed? Who knows. Clearly Not Good. The indications are, as stated by Dr. Mihalcea and Clifford Carnicom, that all blood everywhere has been contaminated - and thereby altered - with these hydrogels or Cross Domain Bacteria.
You seem to want to scoff and rubbish everything. Your choice. It may seem hard to believe but reflect on the last few years of orchestrated LIES and DECEPTION by globalist One World Government plandemic plotters and fascist collaborating industries alike. "They" don't care what we think. We are all collateral damage, detritus to their Grand Transhumanist Plan.
There is no way no how that unvaxxed who have not swapped bodily fluids with a vaxxed person and a vaxxed person I might add that got the genuine real experimental injection, there is no way their blood is as bad as the vaxxed person.
Early on in her fear porn I and many others asked that she be very clear on what she was actually doing....many many variables are NOT accounted for AND YET she still goes on that humanity is doomed.
I say her soul is doomed, thats what I will go on record saying.
As I told you earlier, I had a shedding incident and I had issues for 3-5 hours. Took a room temp bath, took 50,000iu vitamin d, qurecetin and zinc.
this was back in 2021 when I did not know as much as I do now.
If one were to believe Ana then I should be dead by now.
There is also a reason why they are pulling rubbery clots our of dead bodies during embalming....BECAUSE THEIR DIABOLICAL plans are failing, very clearly they are failing and the uptake on 3 and above dose is very very low.
Yes, we all know that things are changing in our world, but God, the Father and Creator of all things, will preserve His Remnant, no matter what man tries. What Ana teaches is true as far as science goes and what we see in our world (blood), but we are told many ties in the Word, not to fear. And she nor her god, can "save humanity"....only salvation in Christ Jesus can do that. period.
"only salvation in Christ Jesus" It's the excuse to do nothing, because Jesus will do it. Wake up, it's THEIR - you know who - TOOL to manipulate the masses.
You do understand that the remnant most talked about in the bible will all be Jews, God's chosen people? 144,000 to be precise. 12,000 from each tribe Thats a very small number and does not even apply to you if you are not a Jew. Just sayin
Whats important here, I see no hope, just fear and how humanity is doomed.
I used to frequent here and have seen the fear ramp up and I no longer partake.
Nvm the constant talk that the only fix for unvaxxed and vaxxed alike is her that is even remotely a practical way for humanity to move forward.
"Just fear" or due dilligence? Someone musr open public (and the optimists') eyes to the fact that once the circuitry inside us is and operating, the exceptional 144 leraders will have no chance against billions of zomnies under the cabal's control.
The "public's" eyes were opened by many, many knowledgeable doctors, scientists, etc, before during and after the jabs were offered....yet they still lined up to take those jabs and many will again when offered. No one, including Ana will ever make all people understand that they are trying to kill us off and depopulate this earth. Ana does not control whether or not humanity remains here...only God the Father of All Creation, can and will decide this, at an appointed time of His choosing. I do give credit to Dr. Ana for exposing what she has found and shown to the world, what is now in all of us....whether or not we took the jabs. Basically, we are all infected now with this technology and no one can take EDTA treatments every day or forever, to try to remove it...this is impossible! But, the God I serve is far bigger than any of this technology and if one would read the Holy Bible, His Written Word, one would see that anyone who chooses a relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ, will live in eternity with Him, one day soon. WE WIN IN THE END! This and even future technology did not catch God off guard, as a matter of fact, He told us that this would increase in the last days....predicted thousands of years before us seeing it today!
My point to all of this, develop a relationship with Jesus now and nurture that relationship by reading His Word daily, His plan for humanity will not fail....for He alone can save our souls, no matter what is poured out upon this earth! And He is the only One who can prevent any of this technology that is already in us, from harming us. If He could place thee living men into a fiery furnace, yet not one hair on their heads was singed, He can certainly protect us from this. :-) Trust in Jesus, have faith in Him and HIs plan and DO NOT FEAR any of this. I had my blood analyzed, too, and I have it in me (un-jabbed for 50 years), yet I continue my days without worry OR fear because I believe in Jesus Christ above all, in the end. I pray that Dr. Ana find Jesus too and abandons her false god, Ramtha...she will lose her soul in the end, even if her intentions were noble about exposing all of this. Pray for Dr. Ana to find the One true LIVING God.
This is why I was hear at the beginning, but now she seems to be all in on herself and spreading fear and its likely because she is not connected spiritually to our Creator.
Personally I trust in God and thats it and its all I need.
I stood up against tyranny from day one by walking away from my job of 28 years, well pushed, because I refused to be tested 3 times a week.
Every step of the way God was there for me and provided whatever was needed and He continues to do so till this day.
The very least I can do is continue to be His warriors and spread truth and help people detox and tell them about Gods nutrients and vitamins and especially vitamin d.
I truly believe God took care of me for doing the right thing and being in service to others anytime and any place I can.
I will not stop till this evil is vanquished from earth.
I have seen you many places as well Deb and know you are also one of His warriers.
May God bless and may He continue to watch over and protect you and your loved ones Deb.
Don't make assumptions about me friend, I do far more then talk online, I legit talk to 5-10 people a day on average about the evil we face. I have done this for over 3 years.
The VAST majority of people are simply online babbling away as though they are fighting evil but when push comes to shove and they have to confront or talk to people in real life and face to face, they say nothing.
I know this for a fact.
You all seem to enjoy the fear, have at it then but Ana is not doing some heroic thing here at all.
It's not fear mongering. She speaks the truth, openly and honestly as she sees it - for the good of humanity. She's a courageous beacon of Light.
She's also free to choose her own spiritual beliefs. Afterall, where were all the mainstream religious leaders during Convid-1984? Propping up the corrupt globalist propaganda and pushing unsafe toxic injections onto their followers, no doubt.
I am clearly unvaxxed and also early on had a real encounter with shedding that was 100% proven and yet here I am over 3 years later and still going and have not had so much as the common cold since being sick in April 2021, all due to Gods vitamins and nutrients and especially a high vitamin d level.
I would love for someone to have kept track of the last 4 years because I would bet very good money that I, doing the things I have done and the information I have shared around the world over the last 4 years has resulted in helping more people navigate the last 4 years then all that Ana has supposedly done.
And guess what, all of what I have done has been for free with no money made by me in any shape or form...Ana on the other hand, that can not be said of.
Good grief. Now you sound really really jealous. Why else would you criticize other peoples work. You may have shared great information over the past 4 years but what does that have to do with putting other peoples work down. Your grandiosity shown here smacks of narcissism.
You sound pathetically selfrighteous, and maybe jealous. Otherwise, why are you here trying to discredit her? You have a problem with people being informed?
God chose us first because He created us and wants a relationship with us, His creation. But we must make the choice to serve and follow Him. Salvation is a free gift, if only one would ask and put their trust. faith and believe in Him. He is only "in us" if we choose Him as our Saviour. No church or pastor is needed, but a relationship with His Son Jesus, is absolutely no man comes to the Father God without this relationship with His Son. period. Pray for Dr. Ana to find this truth....she is deceived and deceiving many who follow her about "who" is leading her into darkness...her false god, Ramtha.
Thank you for your work. We have all seen the rubbery clots and only a fool wouldn't be concerned about what is to come.
For things that might dissolve the clots I keep wondering about Oregano Oil. I have used it many times and it dissolves a nylon measuring spoon and a plastic measuring spoon.
I have recently turned 73 years old. I am in fair physical condition and I take no medications of any kind for any reason. I smoke cigars (no paper) and I drink alcohol daily. I have no symptoms of any disease other than a slight edema in one leg, high blood pressure 185/99 (Taken just now). I also have tinnitus. Vision is excellent. 5'6" about 150lb. I wear a size 31 waist jeans. BMI is on the border of fat and normal.
I treat infections with radish and onion. I treat edema with licorice root tea and I often have olive oil in freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice. I also have lemon juice or lime juice with sea salt. I regularly drink 3 - 4 glasses of Reverse Osmosis water with baking soda 1/3 tsp ea.
I eat a lot of meat products, mostly chicken wieners and beef liver. Beef steak once a week.
My life style is sedentary and I very seldom exercise. When I hear that exercise is good for me I sit down until the feeling passes. i.e. I avoid it completely.
My genealogy has been traced back to 1400 Romania then to Ireland. That would be similar to King Charles III.
How can I get a sample of my blood to you? I am in Canada.
I run large Live blood clinics since March 2021, we saw these in every Vaxed person and then in all Non Vaxed since 2022, I have seen 1000's of images working with many analysts in my clinics. Like Dr Ana I will keep showing these to the world - We must keep going. Dr Ana I share your substack daily and send 1000's people your way. Take Care x Ria
Atleast some of this self-assembling technology development has been the result of so-called medical researchers developing nano-tech sensors intended to monitor patient ls internally using 2D graphene structures. Turns out that these graphene based 2D structures are doped with halogens, much like silicon is doped to produce diodes and transistors in the electronics industry.
As if these individual so-called scientific developments are not enough to be of great concern, apparently mad (as in psychopathic and insane) so-called scientists have the notion that they can develop trans-humans using self-assembly artificial biology and monitor and control the internal trans-biological functions and activities using 5G and Graphene Oxide structures. I suggest reviewing the many recent published science articles on Graphene based biosensors as well as the uses of Luciferases in so-called medicine would be helpful.
I would like to point out the work of Dr. Ana Mihalcea and her discovery using EDTA chelation which clears the blood of these clot forming self-assembling structures.
I suggest that this blood clearing effect is because of it removes certain toxic metals and toxic halogens which are an essential part of the doping of the two dimensional graphene structures in order to achieve these self-assembling transistorized actions. One article in particular may shed light on a potential resolution of this self-assembling nano technology:
Band gaps and structural properties of graphene halides and their derivates: A hybrid functional study with localized orbital basis sets
the zero band gap of graphene is opened by hydrogenation and halogenation and strongly depends on the chemical composition of mixed graphene halides; (v) the stability of graphene halides decreases sharply with increasing size of the halogen atom - fluorographene is stable, whereas graphene iodide spontaneously decomposes.
Clearly, if these graphene based nano structures could be doped (infused with) the halogen IODINE, they would SPONTANEOUSLY DECOMPOSE, thus eliminating the need for chelation with EDTA or other chelating agent.
I suggest that Potassium Iodide (KI) is one such oral chelating agent which may also access, dope and spontaneously decompose 2D graphene based structures. If not, there still must be a simple way to dope these graphene based structures with the halogen IODINE and put an end to this dystopian nightmare once and for all.
Interesting. Potassium iodide is a good treatment for nuclear radiation as well, definitely a good idea to have some at hand in these troubled times ...
Dr. Ana Mihalcea has demonstrated that EDTA Chelation does clear the blood of this self-assembing artificial biology graphene nano-structures.
I have no evidence that there is a Potassium Iodide Protocol which will dissassemble graphene nanotechnology either in vivo or in vitro. However, If Iodine is inserted into the graphene matrix, which appears to be the substrate for this self-assenbling artificial biology, there is science that demonstrates that the graphene matrix will spontaneously decompose at normal body temperatures.
I personally used Lugol's for several years and found that KI was less irritating to my stomach. I swithched to using Potassium Iodide (KI) mixed into pure distilled water and found it to be more to my liking.
The basic tennents of the protocol which I developed and use are:
1. Potassium Iodide (KI) is a binary salt with an Ionic bond, much like Sodium Chloride. This means that when it is disolved in pure distilled water, both the Potassium cation K+ and the Anion I- are in the solution. Both of these Ions are highly reactive with just about anything which has a Surface Charge, organic or inorganic. The fact that you can ingest these Bipolar Ions at the same time is useful for many reasons
2. The timing of taking the KI solution is very important. If there is an abundnce of nutrients in the blood from a recent meal or supplementation, chances are that most if the Bipolar Ions K+ and I- will bind with nutrients in the digestive tract and the blood, leaving few if any to Chelate with heavy metals and other toxins. The general rule which the above doctors and others suggest is atleast 6 hours after any food and no food, only distilled water for 2 hours after. I find this most convenient upon waking in the morning.
3. Iodine also has important biological actions with respect to thyroid hormones and SELENIUM is required for this. I take Selenium, but not during the 8 hour period set aside for KI.
4. Most people are Iodine deficient. While there is much history of large single doses in excess of several grams of KI being successfully prescribed by physicians without noticeable side effects before the advent of antibiotics, these patients probably had more Iodine in their diet and in their system. This is not the typical situation today, and some people report what seems to be an allergic reaction. However, since there is no record of death from Iodine ingestion that I have found, by anaphilaxis or otherwise, I attribute these type of reactions to Herxheimer, or healing detox reactions.
Try to understand that although you may use KI or some other chelation or healing protocol for one purpose such as chelation there may be additional actions with bacteria, viruses, toxins, etc. All of these actions are combined.
As Dr. Jess suggests, withdrawel from the protocol for a few days, while promoting cleansing and lymphatic drainage is reasonable, maybe restarting later with a lower dosage.
5. Since there are many metabolic actions that Iodine has, I think it is wise to ramp up to and ramp down from the target dosage. Many actions of the thyroid hormone production are related to the endocrine, adrenals, etc. and I do not think it best to shock the system with the full target dosage on day one, but rather start small and ramp up to a sustained target dosage. The same goes for periodically stopping the protocol, ramping down instead of abrupt stopping, unless it for reasons of herxheimer reaction.
6. Iodine will run down the minerals and the microbiome in the system so it is important to stop the protocol perodically to remineralize and reflorinate the microbiome. Magnesium, Zinc and Selenium are minerals that I take in the afternoon, even when I am doing the protocol.
Now, all this being said, I have no evidence that this protocol will have a disassembly effect on graphene nano structures. However, I do not see why it would not as, if the Bipolar Ions I- and K+ were supplied to the blood, the I- anion would certainly be attracted to and bind with surface charges of the self-assembling graphene nano- structures. If the Iodine anions bind with the graphene matrix, they should destabilize the 2D graphene matrix, causing it to spontaneously decompose. This reaction should also occur with in vitro samples. I have requested that Dr. Mihalcea try this experiment in vitro under optical microscopy but so far have not recieved any response.
Another possibility which I find interesting can be found in another's substack post.
Colloidal Gold also produces Au- anions. Apparently, the Gold Ions have a similar disassembly effect and the researcher cited claims to have microscopic video of this.
Also, Dr. Sircus has published many books and articles about health, nutrition and chronic diseases which I find heloful for optimal health.
Wow! What an amazing reply. You get an Oscar academy award for most thorough longest reply to any of my comments on any substack.
I will look into KI , thank you. How does it compare to edta IV chelation?
I test strong for benefitting from edta IV chelation, but not sure if I can afford at least 10 treatments and will have to look into whether health insurance will cover.
I do not know how it compares with EDTA. EDTA is a large molecule and as such, hard on the kidneys. Also, there is no metabolic nutritional value for EDTA that I know of. Iodine, on the other hand, is an essential nutrient for every cell in the body, so while ingested Iodine has about a halflife of about 10 hours, it will be cellularly absorbed as well as chelating toxins and heavy metals which are passed in the urine. When you use it in a chelating protocol, you also get hundreds of nutritional benefits as a secondary side effect.
lol, think my reply was long and involved, it was from years of KI use and research. Think it was noble prize winning, take a look at my substack The ONE BREATH KI PROTOCOL that I developed in march 2020 for the coof. High oral intake of KI and other supplements, minerals and vitamins did not stop it, so I tried inhaling mild KI vapor. It knocked it out pronto. An healthy person will barely notice the effect of one breath of a mild KI Vapor, but when ROS and Respiratory Virus is present in the lungs, a reaction takes place with the bipolar ions of KI. Please do not NEBULIZE KI as the dosage can not be very well controlled and the reaction could be more extremevl and damaging to lung tissue than necessary. I used a homemade BUBBLER and a very dilute KI solution as described in my substack.
The science predicts that this will work on ALL Respiratory Viruses because it contacts the virus during the part of the Respiratory Virus EXTERNAL to the cells, where it is not protected and most vulnerable (and thus has nothing to do with antibodies)
ps. I am still writing a book on how the bipolar ions of a mild KI vapor inactivates Respiratory Viruses, and my previous reply involved some of this info which made it a bit lengthy. So sorry. I also believe that exposing poultry and waterfowl to a mild KI vapor will quickly resolve RV's such as HPAI, but as yet had no luck getting bird ranchers to try this. Seems like they would rather cremate millions of birds. Very sad for me,
I appreciate the fact that Dr. Ana purchased a darkfield microscope with which to do independent research to help in the fight against the depopulation agenda sponsored by the United Nations.
I also like the fact that she is an MD AND a PhD. That gives her a broad perspective.
I was listening to her interview, she said that a patient received 3 EDTA IV treatments , one per day over 3 successive days which apparently helped. Problem, finding a clinic that provided EDTA IV is very difficult and is banned in many states. Plus it's really expensive!
I test my peripheral blood periodically. I am not inoculated but I have contact with vaccinated people and I do not observe any alteration in my blood. Have you collected epidemiological data from contaminated non-vaccinated people in terms of contact with electromagnetic radiation? It seems to be an important variable to take into account. Have you compared the origin, according to rural or urban area, or other discriminating variables? From what I have read of your research, I would have to be contaminated by now.
MiraLAX has (Polyethylene Glycol 3350). Is this the same dangerous poison Dr Ana is writing about? If someone can let me know, I would greatly appreciate it. I happen to drink it periodically for constipation.
Thank you so much for keeping us informed. I pray the Lord keeps you safe to continue your very important work. I dont understand why noone is being held responsible for intentionally putting this crap in us, and in those of us that never got the jab through shedding, when the evidence is overwhelming. We never signed any release forms. Is there nothing legally we can do? Is there any proven way to totally detox these buggers out of us?
How do the spheres and filaments respond to different frequences?
Does the light from the microscope affect the growth of the structures?
How much calcium is present at the clotting sites? I wonder if some people who succumb to clotting have too much calcium in their cells, perhaps due to blockage.
In a frequency-free room or faraday cage, do the filaments form?
What do the cells use to communicate? I.e., what frequency ranges and via what conduits?
Is the rubbery clot rubbery due to its meshed nature?
Is there a way to prevent external frequencies from entering the cells.
Can colloidal silver/gold/copper be used to divert electricity away from the spheres and filaments?
Love the Dr. !!! Thank you !!!
Still in the fear mongering mode I see.
Most of us are aware of evils plans but your faith must be very weak Ana if you think evil is going to enslave humanity.
Their plans were to have us locked down for years and have each of us take 9-11 doses of their experiment.
Even that would not have mattered as it was always destined to fail because then can NOT change our Creators work, no matter how hard they try.
Thats why people are dying, much like living things died with all previous attempts with mRNA in previous decades.
This is the end for Rockefeller medicine.
It's not fear mongering. She's boldly stating things clearly as she sees them. She's calling a spade a spade! Since I've seen the same things in my own blood using darkfield microscopy, I totally agree with her excellent analysis. I have been un-'vaccinated' for over 40 years and yet I, too, have these hydrogel filaments in my own blood, just as she describes. What we need is more experts to come forward and stand beside her in support.
Yep I have seen 1000s now in my clinics since March 2021
And yet you have 'longhaulers' in your description, unlike many I can think.
We work with Vax injury, Long Covid, ME/CFS, Lyme etc so YES when they come to us they ARE longhaulers until we get the better with treatment
How do you know what you see in your blood is not in fact micro plastics?
I've watched many of them grow, in real-time, under the microscope. Just as Dr. Ana points out in her presentation, there's a pattern to them. They start out as tiny dots and the filaments typically assemble in lines, slowly growing bigger. The more you look at them under the microscope, the more you can spot their 'signature' patterns. They're easy to spot. As Dr. Ana says, there are many variation shapes and evolutions but they essentially follow a familiar pattern of development.
If I come across a rogue fibre, for example from an alcohol disposable wipe used for cleaning microscope slides, it just sits there, dead, does not grow or attract these hydrogel beads. The hydrogel beads and blobs have a particular pattern of development, exactly as Dr. Ana showed in her video presentation. They cluster together and grow filaments or growths of material - clearly microplastics that also reflects UV torch light (see one or two of my own recent video posts).
The real 'elephant in the room' is why aren't more specialists coming forward to expose this dire development in human blood? WHERE THE F*CK ARE THEY???
Scared, payed off, or part of the agenda
Do you have any suggestions if one discovers these filaments are growing inside one's veins?
I just discovered that the veins that show on the left inner side ( near the the ankle) of my right heel are being invaded and enlarged by the self assembling filaments from the astra-zen injection that we have all seen in the embalmers' white fibrous filaments that have been shown. I can send photos taken in the sun today.
Ive been having pain in that right heel area since summer last year and was told its plantar fasciitis. When I feel around these enlarged arteries they don't feel like a normal vein, it feels like there is something hard in them unlike similar veins on my left foot.
BTW: I have met many women in their 40s/50s/60s with same problem. This seems like a new problem.
Anyway to dissolve the white fibrous stuff instead of surgery?
First of all I would refer you to Dr. Mihalcea and her EDTA and vitamin C treatment protocols. She's leading the way on this frontier.
Also, there's Dr. David Nixon on substack who has various pioneering guidelines and works with Karl.C on substack, using food grade sodium citrate (with reported success) amongst other experimental avenues. Have a scan through their substack posts for updates and further feedback.
I would advise strong caution before forming any firm conclusions and tip-toe very carefully in any direction before jumping in. I think we all risk making things worse if we act too zealously. Careful, steady, measured evaluation is best. Personally, I believe following an alkaline diet is a step in the right direction, reducing the acidity within the body.
At the forefront of my mind is the thought that we all need to focus on pacing ourselves better, staying calm, trying to relax more. We've had FOUR YEARS of dystopian mind-warping tyranny since the CONVID-1984 Plandemic Of Lies emerged. Fear and deceit on multiple levels. And still the madness continues. It's an endurance course - and we are marathon runners.
So, our own inner mental harmony is of paramount importance in helping to defuse bodily tension and turmoil. If we stay locked in too much hyper-vigilance from anxiety and fear, we trap in too much tension and rot - which needs letting go and releasing.
And to be even further clear and I saying stuff like this is not possible, not a chance, I know damn well what they have been planning for many decades but to try and extrapolate from that and now say that all of humanity is doomed and no longer human is utter rubbish and absolutely fearmongering of the highest level.
Really now, blood that is no longer in the host and clearly no longer still living and growing, gtfo of here with such nonsense.
And to be VERY clear, I am well aware there is absolutely nothing good about these injections.
Its called a live blood analysis. She is one of many that fo this. The blood is taken from the "client" and immediately put on a slide
Unless we see a live video of the blood being extracted then put on a slide AND this is even more important and thats knowing the history of the person, did they get the jab, how many jabs and if they did not get the jab then much of their life during covid needs close examination.
They may be unvaxxed but if they swapped bodily fluids with a vaxxed person and not any vaxxed, they had to have had the genuine experimental jab, this is vitally important information in regards to the fear messaging from Ana.
I still have yet to see anything in regards to this information.
So to continually go on that humanity is doomed is incrediblly unprofessional.
You've clearly misinterpreted what I said. I was referring to the hydrogels growing filaments (containing plastics, as shown by Dr. Mihalcea and Clifford Carnicom) on the microscope slide within a blood sample.
The obvious implication is that if they grow on the microscope slide then it's highly likely that they also grow inside the body, to unknown extent, as also documented by Dr. Mihalcea in relation to the blood sample from embalmer Mr Richard Hirschman. To what extent these grow in the body nobody knows, until it's too late.
If "They" have now polluted the entire blood of humanity with synthetic self-assembling nanotechnological hydrogels then it is truly dire indeed. Doomed? Who knows. Clearly Not Good. The indications are, as stated by Dr. Mihalcea and Clifford Carnicom, that all blood everywhere has been contaminated - and thereby altered - with these hydrogels or Cross Domain Bacteria.
You seem to want to scoff and rubbish everything. Your choice. It may seem hard to believe but reflect on the last few years of orchestrated LIES and DECEPTION by globalist One World Government plandemic plotters and fascist collaborating industries alike. "They" don't care what we think. We are all collateral damage, detritus to their Grand Transhumanist Plan.
There is no way no how that unvaxxed who have not swapped bodily fluids with a vaxxed person and a vaxxed person I might add that got the genuine real experimental injection, there is no way their blood is as bad as the vaxxed person.
Early on in her fear porn I and many others asked that she be very clear on what she was actually doing....many many variables are NOT accounted for AND YET she still goes on that humanity is doomed.
I say her soul is doomed, thats what I will go on record saying.
As I told you earlier, I had a shedding incident and I had issues for 3-5 hours. Took a room temp bath, took 50,000iu vitamin d, qurecetin and zinc.
this was back in 2021 when I did not know as much as I do now.
If one were to believe Ana then I should be dead by now.
There is also a reason why they are pulling rubbery clots our of dead bodies during embalming....BECAUSE THEIR DIABOLICAL plans are failing, very clearly they are failing and the uptake on 3 and above dose is very very low.
Your faith is strong, but she does bring up issues of public interest? Would you agree that this is of public interest? Not simple ‘fear mongering’?
Yes, we all know that things are changing in our world, but God, the Father and Creator of all things, will preserve His Remnant, no matter what man tries. What Ana teaches is true as far as science goes and what we see in our world (blood), but we are told many ties in the Word, not to fear. And she nor her god, can "save humanity"....only salvation in Christ Jesus can do that. period.
"only salvation in Christ Jesus" It's the excuse to do nothing, because Jesus will do it. Wake up, it's THEIR - you know who - TOOL to manipulate the masses.
You do understand that the remnant most talked about in the bible will all be Jews, God's chosen people? 144,000 to be precise. 12,000 from each tribe Thats a very small number and does not even apply to you if you are not a Jew. Just sayin
You seem to be under the impression that the 144,000 are all that will be saved? That's incorrect.
Whats important here, I see no hope, just fear and how humanity is doomed.
I used to frequent here and have seen the fear ramp up and I no longer partake.
Nvm the constant talk that the only fix for unvaxxed and vaxxed alike is her that is even remotely a practical way for humanity to move forward.
"Just fear" or due dilligence? Someone musr open public (and the optimists') eyes to the fact that once the circuitry inside us is and operating, the exceptional 144 leraders will have no chance against billions of zomnies under the cabal's control.
The "public's" eyes were opened by many, many knowledgeable doctors, scientists, etc, before during and after the jabs were offered....yet they still lined up to take those jabs and many will again when offered. No one, including Ana will ever make all people understand that they are trying to kill us off and depopulate this earth. Ana does not control whether or not humanity remains here...only God the Father of All Creation, can and will decide this, at an appointed time of His choosing. I do give credit to Dr. Ana for exposing what she has found and shown to the world, what is now in all of us....whether or not we took the jabs. Basically, we are all infected now with this technology and no one can take EDTA treatments every day or forever, to try to remove it...this is impossible! But, the God I serve is far bigger than any of this technology and if one would read the Holy Bible, His Written Word, one would see that anyone who chooses a relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ, will live in eternity with Him, one day soon. WE WIN IN THE END! This and even future technology did not catch God off guard, as a matter of fact, He told us that this would increase in the last days....predicted thousands of years before us seeing it today!
My point to all of this, develop a relationship with Jesus now and nurture that relationship by reading His Word daily, His plan for humanity will not fail....for He alone can save our souls, no matter what is poured out upon this earth! And He is the only One who can prevent any of this technology that is already in us, from harming us. If He could place thee living men into a fiery furnace, yet not one hair on their heads was singed, He can certainly protect us from this. :-) Trust in Jesus, have faith in Him and HIs plan and DO NOT FEAR any of this. I had my blood analyzed, too, and I have it in me (un-jabbed for 50 years), yet I continue my days without worry OR fear because I believe in Jesus Christ above all, in the end. I pray that Dr. Ana find Jesus too and abandons her false god, Ramtha...she will lose her soul in the end, even if her intentions were noble about exposing all of this. Pray for Dr. Ana to find the One true LIVING God.
This is why I was hear at the beginning, but now she seems to be all in on herself and spreading fear and its likely because she is not connected spiritually to our Creator.
Personally I trust in God and thats it and its all I need.
I stood up against tyranny from day one by walking away from my job of 28 years, well pushed, because I refused to be tested 3 times a week.
Every step of the way God was there for me and provided whatever was needed and He continues to do so till this day.
The very least I can do is continue to be His warriors and spread truth and help people detox and tell them about Gods nutrients and vitamins and especially vitamin d.
I truly believe God took care of me for doing the right thing and being in service to others anytime and any place I can.
I will not stop till this evil is vanquished from earth.
I have seen you many places as well Deb and know you are also one of His warriers.
May God bless and may He continue to watch over and protect you and your loved ones Deb.
Then why are you still here taking up space commenting?! Go on with your most informed self, we know what we are studying here and the reality of it!
Because I am sick and tired or Ana making people live in that really difficult to figure out.
Go back through all of her posts and how they escalate and promote fear and hopelessness.
In many ways she is a lost soul.
Then leave, enough! Byeeeeeee
Quite sure there is a story behind you, I bet this is one of Ana's secret accounts, I would bet very good money on that being true.
Best you look in the mirror friend and maybe repent.
Please go away Gary McCollom!
Lap it all up you weak little human, surprising your name is the same, most if not all Gary's I have come across are far smarter than this.
Do you want to boldly confront the truth or do you want to be nullified by the Narcoleptic New Normal of mainstream political propaganda?
She's doing her best whilst others snipe at the sidelines because they want comforting soothing words and instant solutions.
Don't make assumptions about me friend, I do far more then talk online, I legit talk to 5-10 people a day on average about the evil we face. I have done this for over 3 years.
The VAST majority of people are simply online babbling away as though they are fighting evil but when push comes to shove and they have to confront or talk to people in real life and face to face, they say nothing.
I know this for a fact.
You all seem to enjoy the fear, have at it then but Ana is not doing some heroic thing here at all.
I agree totally with your comment...this is fear mongering. She does not serve the Creator of all....she serves her god Ramtha.
It's not fear mongering. She speaks the truth, openly and honestly as she sees it - for the good of humanity. She's a courageous beacon of Light.
She's also free to choose her own spiritual beliefs. Afterall, where were all the mainstream religious leaders during Convid-1984? Propping up the corrupt globalist propaganda and pushing unsafe toxic injections onto their followers, no doubt.
I am clearly unvaxxed and also early on had a real encounter with shedding that was 100% proven and yet here I am over 3 years later and still going and have not had so much as the common cold since being sick in April 2021, all due to Gods vitamins and nutrients and especially a high vitamin d level.
I'm still here, too, despite the self-assembling hydrogels and microplastics.
The greatest toxicity comes from the anger-inducing tyranny and treachery.
You said it yourself HER TRUTH.
Educating is not fear mongering. She is incredibly brave to get this information out
Why are you here then? Move on. You sound like someone who is jealous of other peoples work.
Jealous, I think not, good grief.
I would love for someone to have kept track of the last 4 years because I would bet very good money that I, doing the things I have done and the information I have shared around the world over the last 4 years has resulted in helping more people navigate the last 4 years then all that Ana has supposedly done.
And guess what, all of what I have done has been for free with no money made by me in any shape or form...Ana on the other hand, that can not be said of.
Good grief. Now you sound really really jealous. Why else would you criticize other peoples work. You may have shared great information over the past 4 years but what does that have to do with putting other peoples work down. Your grandiosity shown here smacks of narcissism.
You sound pathetically selfrighteous, and maybe jealous. Otherwise, why are you here trying to discredit her? You have a problem with people being informed?
I see 1000's of the same in all my clinics and like Dr Ana will never stop showing these as we have treatments
Wakey wakey....There is a thing called the MOTB...why is reality fear-mongering? Go to the bottom =Obvious concerns and read it.
Have faith buddy, thats 2020 btw. None of it is going to happen, stop living in fear, you are feeding the beast.
Sorry, I'm a Christian and believe in the bible...and absolutely no fear!
Then you should be open to the fact that you too may have been deceived Brian, you don't need a church or a pastor to be close to God.
God is in all of us.
God chose us first because He created us and wants a relationship with us, His creation. But we must make the choice to serve and follow Him. Salvation is a free gift, if only one would ask and put their trust. faith and believe in Him. He is only "in us" if we choose Him as our Saviour. No church or pastor is needed, but a relationship with His Son Jesus, is absolutely no man comes to the Father God without this relationship with His Son. period. Pray for Dr. Ana to find this truth....she is deceived and deceiving many who follow her about "who" is leading her into darkness...her false god, Ramtha.
Are you saying her research is false?? And if it's not and she is relaying her research, what's wrong with that?
Bla,bla,bla,you're still in the stone ages and it's humanity that worships false gods.There's around 4000 organized religions and yet we are still being exterminated.Get off your high horse,
Sorry, Jesus is either a lunatic, liar or God. No other options! And by why I hated Christians and God and did everything to disprove them.
I agree with both of you guys here
How is this "fear-mongering"? She's relaying information. Why are you gaslighting?
Thank you for your work. We have all seen the rubbery clots and only a fool wouldn't be concerned about what is to come.
For things that might dissolve the clots I keep wondering about Oregano Oil. I have used it many times and it dissolves a nylon measuring spoon and a plastic measuring spoon.
i use this mixture, it contains oregano oil. this mixture is very strong for certain illnesses. Unfortunately, I cannot document the result.
How do you use the oregano oil?
I have recently turned 73 years old. I am in fair physical condition and I take no medications of any kind for any reason. I smoke cigars (no paper) and I drink alcohol daily. I have no symptoms of any disease other than a slight edema in one leg, high blood pressure 185/99 (Taken just now). I also have tinnitus. Vision is excellent. 5'6" about 150lb. I wear a size 31 waist jeans. BMI is on the border of fat and normal.
I treat infections with radish and onion. I treat edema with licorice root tea and I often have olive oil in freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice. I also have lemon juice or lime juice with sea salt. I regularly drink 3 - 4 glasses of Reverse Osmosis water with baking soda 1/3 tsp ea.
I eat a lot of meat products, mostly chicken wieners and beef liver. Beef steak once a week.
My life style is sedentary and I very seldom exercise. When I hear that exercise is good for me I sit down until the feeling passes. i.e. I avoid it completely.
My genealogy has been traced back to 1400 Romania then to Ireland. That would be similar to King Charles III.
How can I get a sample of my blood to you? I am in Canada.
Radish and onion, interesting combination, great way to boost glutathione ...
I loved your comment about exercise :-D
I run large Live blood clinics since March 2021, we saw these in every Vaxed person and then in all Non Vaxed since 2022, I have seen 1000's of images working with many analysts in my clinics. Like Dr Ana I will keep showing these to the world - We must keep going. Dr Ana I share your substack daily and send 1000's people your way. Take Care x Ria
Atleast some of this self-assembling technology development has been the result of so-called medical researchers developing nano-tech sensors intended to monitor patient ls internally using 2D graphene structures. Turns out that these graphene based 2D structures are doped with halogens, much like silicon is doped to produce diodes and transistors in the electronics industry.
As if these individual so-called scientific developments are not enough to be of great concern, apparently mad (as in psychopathic and insane) so-called scientists have the notion that they can develop trans-humans using self-assembly artificial biology and monitor and control the internal trans-biological functions and activities using 5G and Graphene Oxide structures. I suggest reviewing the many recent published science articles on Graphene based biosensors as well as the uses of Luciferases in so-called medicine would be helpful.
I would like to point out the work of Dr. Ana Mihalcea and her discovery using EDTA chelation which clears the blood of these clot forming self-assembling structures.
I suggest that this blood clearing effect is because of it removes certain toxic metals and toxic halogens which are an essential part of the doping of the two dimensional graphene structures in order to achieve these self-assembling transistorized actions. One article in particular may shed light on a potential resolution of this self-assembling nano technology:
Band gaps and structural properties of graphene halides and their derivates: A hybrid functional study with localized orbital basis sets
the zero band gap of graphene is opened by hydrogenation and halogenation and strongly depends on the chemical composition of mixed graphene halides; (v) the stability of graphene halides decreases sharply with increasing size of the halogen atom - fluorographene is stable, whereas graphene iodide spontaneously decomposes.
Clearly, if these graphene based nano structures could be doped (infused with) the halogen IODINE, they would SPONTANEOUSLY DECOMPOSE, thus eliminating the need for chelation with EDTA or other chelating agent.
I suggest that Potassium Iodide (KI) is one such oral chelating agent which may also access, dope and spontaneously decompose 2D graphene based structures. If not, there still must be a simple way to dope these graphene based structures with the halogen IODINE and put an end to this dystopian nightmare once and for all.
Interesting. Potassium iodide is a good treatment for nuclear radiation as well, definitely a good idea to have some at hand in these troubled times ...
Hi AK,
See my question in comment:
How does one take halogen iodine to dissolve this stuff? I am guessing j have 2 years left to live if i do nothing. Thanks
Aloha KT,
Dr. Ana Mihalcea has demonstrated that EDTA Chelation does clear the blood of this self-assembing artificial biology graphene nano-structures.
I have no evidence that there is a Potassium Iodide Protocol which will dissassemble graphene nanotechnology either in vivo or in vitro. However, If Iodine is inserted into the graphene matrix, which appears to be the substrate for this self-assenbling artificial biology, there is science that demonstrates that the graphene matrix will spontaneously decompose at normal body temperatures.
I have and do use Potassium Iodide (KI) to chelate and detoxify heavy metals and other toxins.
Here is the protocol which I use:
It is based on protocols using Lugol's Iodine which Dr. Sircus has published, also Dr. Brownstein, such as:
I personally used Lugol's for several years and found that KI was less irritating to my stomach. I swithched to using Potassium Iodide (KI) mixed into pure distilled water and found it to be more to my liking.
The basic tennents of the protocol which I developed and use are:
1. Potassium Iodide (KI) is a binary salt with an Ionic bond, much like Sodium Chloride. This means that when it is disolved in pure distilled water, both the Potassium cation K+ and the Anion I- are in the solution. Both of these Ions are highly reactive with just about anything which has a Surface Charge, organic or inorganic. The fact that you can ingest these Bipolar Ions at the same time is useful for many reasons
2. The timing of taking the KI solution is very important. If there is an abundnce of nutrients in the blood from a recent meal or supplementation, chances are that most if the Bipolar Ions K+ and I- will bind with nutrients in the digestive tract and the blood, leaving few if any to Chelate with heavy metals and other toxins. The general rule which the above doctors and others suggest is atleast 6 hours after any food and no food, only distilled water for 2 hours after. I find this most convenient upon waking in the morning.
3. Iodine also has important biological actions with respect to thyroid hormones and SELENIUM is required for this. I take Selenium, but not during the 8 hour period set aside for KI.
4. Most people are Iodine deficient. While there is much history of large single doses in excess of several grams of KI being successfully prescribed by physicians without noticeable side effects before the advent of antibiotics, these patients probably had more Iodine in their diet and in their system. This is not the typical situation today, and some people report what seems to be an allergic reaction. However, since there is no record of death from Iodine ingestion that I have found, by anaphilaxis or otherwise, I attribute these type of reactions to Herxheimer, or healing detox reactions.
Try to understand that although you may use KI or some other chelation or healing protocol for one purpose such as chelation there may be additional actions with bacteria, viruses, toxins, etc. All of these actions are combined.
As Dr. Jess suggests, withdrawel from the protocol for a few days, while promoting cleansing and lymphatic drainage is reasonable, maybe restarting later with a lower dosage.
5. Since there are many metabolic actions that Iodine has, I think it is wise to ramp up to and ramp down from the target dosage. Many actions of the thyroid hormone production are related to the endocrine, adrenals, etc. and I do not think it best to shock the system with the full target dosage on day one, but rather start small and ramp up to a sustained target dosage. The same goes for periodically stopping the protocol, ramping down instead of abrupt stopping, unless it for reasons of herxheimer reaction.
6. Iodine will run down the minerals and the microbiome in the system so it is important to stop the protocol perodically to remineralize and reflorinate the microbiome. Magnesium, Zinc and Selenium are minerals that I take in the afternoon, even when I am doing the protocol.
Now, all this being said, I have no evidence that this protocol will have a disassembly effect on graphene nano structures. However, I do not see why it would not as, if the Bipolar Ions I- and K+ were supplied to the blood, the I- anion would certainly be attracted to and bind with surface charges of the self-assembling graphene nano- structures. If the Iodine anions bind with the graphene matrix, they should destabilize the 2D graphene matrix, causing it to spontaneously decompose. This reaction should also occur with in vitro samples. I have requested that Dr. Mihalcea try this experiment in vitro under optical microscopy but so far have not recieved any response.
Another possibility which I find interesting can be found in another's substack post.
Colloidal Gold also produces Au- anions. Apparently, the Gold Ions have a similar disassembly effect and the researcher cited claims to have microscopic video of this.
Also, Dr. Sircus has published many books and articles about health, nutrition and chronic diseases which I find heloful for optimal health.
Hope this helps.
Wow! What an amazing reply. You get an Oscar academy award for most thorough longest reply to any of my comments on any substack.
I will look into KI , thank you. How does it compare to edta IV chelation?
I test strong for benefitting from edta IV chelation, but not sure if I can afford at least 10 treatments and will have to look into whether health insurance will cover.
Thank you again
I think Dr. Ana said she got results with a patient with one or two treatments?
I do not know how it compares with EDTA. EDTA is a large molecule and as such, hard on the kidneys. Also, there is no metabolic nutritional value for EDTA that I know of. Iodine, on the other hand, is an essential nutrient for every cell in the body, so while ingested Iodine has about a halflife of about 10 hours, it will be cellularly absorbed as well as chelating toxins and heavy metals which are passed in the urine. When you use it in a chelating protocol, you also get hundreds of nutritional benefits as a secondary side effect.
lol, think my reply was long and involved, it was from years of KI use and research. Think it was noble prize winning, take a look at my substack The ONE BREATH KI PROTOCOL that I developed in march 2020 for the coof. High oral intake of KI and other supplements, minerals and vitamins did not stop it, so I tried inhaling mild KI vapor. It knocked it out pronto. An healthy person will barely notice the effect of one breath of a mild KI Vapor, but when ROS and Respiratory Virus is present in the lungs, a reaction takes place with the bipolar ions of KI. Please do not NEBULIZE KI as the dosage can not be very well controlled and the reaction could be more extremevl and damaging to lung tissue than necessary. I used a homemade BUBBLER and a very dilute KI solution as described in my substack.
The science predicts that this will work on ALL Respiratory Viruses because it contacts the virus during the part of the Respiratory Virus EXTERNAL to the cells, where it is not protected and most vulnerable (and thus has nothing to do with antibodies)
ps. I am still writing a book on how the bipolar ions of a mild KI vapor inactivates Respiratory Viruses, and my previous reply involved some of this info which made it a bit lengthy. So sorry. I also believe that exposing poultry and waterfowl to a mild KI vapor will quickly resolve RV's such as HPAI, but as yet had no luck getting bird ranchers to try this. Seems like they would rather cremate millions of birds. Very sad for me,
Uh oh, looks like another long reply.
I appreciate the fact that Dr. Ana purchased a darkfield microscope with which to do independent research to help in the fight against the depopulation agenda sponsored by the United Nations.
I also like the fact that she is an MD AND a PhD. That gives her a broad perspective.
I was listening to her interview, she said that a patient received 3 EDTA IV treatments , one per day over 3 successive days which apparently helped. Problem, finding a clinic that provided EDTA IV is very difficult and is banned in many states. Plus it's really expensive!
And the oral ETDA?
No doesn't work .
And suppositories don't either.
This is shocking stuff. People should share this info.
Dr. Ana is simply sharing what is happening. Thank you for your research Doctor.
I test my peripheral blood periodically. I am not inoculated but I have contact with vaccinated people and I do not observe any alteration in my blood. Have you collected epidemiological data from contaminated non-vaccinated people in terms of contact with electromagnetic radiation? It seems to be an important variable to take into account. Have you compared the origin, according to rural or urban area, or other discriminating variables? From what I have read of your research, I would have to be contaminated by now.
NIH paper on using quantum dots. It's in our face yet they deny it!
I wonder if quantum dots from lateral flow tests can be contaminating unvaxxed blood?
Thank you very much. It's all starting to make sense.
MiraLAX has (Polyethylene Glycol 3350). Is this the same dangerous poison Dr Ana is writing about? If someone can let me know, I would greatly appreciate it. I happen to drink it periodically for constipation.
Thank You!!
Thank you so much for keeping us informed. I pray the Lord keeps you safe to continue your very important work. I dont understand why noone is being held responsible for intentionally putting this crap in us, and in those of us that never got the jab through shedding, when the evidence is overwhelming. We never signed any release forms. Is there nothing legally we can do? Is there any proven way to totally detox these buggers out of us?
Nice work.
How do the spheres and filaments respond to different frequences?
Does the light from the microscope affect the growth of the structures?
How much calcium is present at the clotting sites? I wonder if some people who succumb to clotting have too much calcium in their cells, perhaps due to blockage.
In a frequency-free room or faraday cage, do the filaments form?
What do the cells use to communicate? I.e., what frequency ranges and via what conduits?
Is the rubbery clot rubbery due to its meshed nature?
Is there a way to prevent external frequencies from entering the cells.
Can colloidal silver/gold/copper be used to divert electricity away from the spheres and filaments?
Lots of questions. Excellent comment!