Dr. Haider is my online doc and I've been proud of him for some time now. So glad to see him stretching his intellectual wings. We need more people that are open to the possibilities facing us all.

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I had lyme way before 5G & EMFs were so prevalent . It’s only 1 piece of the puzzle.

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True, however many of these chronic diseases began to pop up around 1950 with the advent of radar.

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Advent of radar, followed by GMOnasanto-type agriculture, telecom and nanotech explosion -- apps deliberately harming public health, required cover-up, a scheme similar to earlier nuclear power&weapon cover-up via IAEA who replaced WHO, the until-then authority to protect Humanity from the techs by the evil complex US president Eisenhower cautioned against.

Since then the criminal "industries" get free hand in sickness&death business via the highest global institutions with "national" tentacles that dictate "paradigms" and control science, acadenia, public education, research and publications.

Welcome in pre-NWO where this will be the norm for devillish "tech" and "science" as we saw in c19 scamdemic.

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"yet still couldn't connect ANY of the ailments animals are suffering"

There is order of magnitude more "medical" docs than vets, how have they allowed to be idiotised? It's so bad that non-medical people are ahead with research, dissemination and educarion on telecom's ill effects.

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Rats! Poor cuties eat as badly as we do. I live on 100% organic (minus smart dust and nanobots from chemtrails) acre. Neighbour cats (and wildlife) come here to hunt for clean food :P

Yrs ago when I was overseas my wife had my dearest Angus (rabbit) put to eternal sleep at a vet's. I was so heartbroken that a monk had to remind me animals don't have souls LOL I wonder if the vet was holistic and considered all rescue options.

Goo luck with your the dog breeding the humane way.

Our(quack) docs prescribe poisons, at a price hundreds to thousands x higher than "certified organic" food, e.g. in Canada food from farm that was certified a whopping 3 yrs after quitting GMP cultivation.

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correction: GMP should be GMO

goo --> good

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And I turn my mobile phone off every night in to a faraday bag. I unplug my wifi and my computer (cat chew wires, LOL) and I make sure we get 8 hours NO wifi at home... and I also look to my canned food, trying to get more home made food into

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Unable to sign up to the vid, I admire Dr. Ana to endure, and to hope a rockefeleriian doc sees thru, who:

- still believes SARS Cov2 and other viruses exist

- "treats" long-covid etc. coverup of synthetic mRNA biology and nanotech deployed en masse to enslave and cull off Humanity

- "challenges" a lead researcher and associates, w/o owning the knowledge in real medicine, the system riggimg, nor the cabal's centuries long history of mass crimes nor their present BlackOps to implement NWO.

Time will show whether he will become part of the solution and his respectful standing will pull the profession in singificant numbers to Humanity's side.

I pray this will happen, God wiling.

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So was my West Nile (WNNiD)!

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Lyme disease is a fraud by the rockefeller "medicine" like all viruses, chilesteriol,,ews meat allergy and cancer "cure" are.


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omg typos: cholesterol, red meat

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what do you mean fraud?

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FRAUD like the c19 global op was, but with lesser consequences. Look at Christine's substack, sorry I don't have eyes to waste.

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After 30 years of full body pain and a Fluorescence Antibody test (after inaccurate Western Blot and PCR ) to verify Borrerlia b. Bartonella, Babesia, Ehrlichia and a genetically altered Mycoplasma tested by Garth Nicolson through Immunosciences lab using gene Tracking with PCR, I didn't conclude Lyme was a fraud. Also considering I was in Lyme CT in 1972 where Plum Island was doing research which was later confirmed to cause the purposeful release of a biowarfare cocktail, it looks like this is an effort by a disinformation specialist to say if you have this symptomology, you are delusional is not founded on scientific findings from an Unbiased scientific community. Going to CDC for truth is like going to Quackwatch. They are biased and have an agenda you can see when you follow the $. Jeff Sutherland of The Frequency Foundation verified using an F Scan that these infections are real. He found viruses also. I wouldn't validate his work if it weren't for the fact he used the F Scan to verify infections and a frequency generator to destroy the infections. People were healed. He also used an Advanced Biophoton Analyzer to verify what was found in Chemtrails also carried some of the infections found in Lyme. I have pictures of the work of Lida Mattman (microbiologist) who was contracted by dr's for accurate Lyme testing because she was the only one who successfully cultured Lyme Spirochetes. The local DA threatened her to stop her work with Lyme or go to prison. When I am looking at samples under my microscopes I can see Spirochetes reflecting from my eye fluids. I was told by a CDC microbiologist on a forum that they were floaters. I verified they were not floaters with the work of Virginia Livingston Wheeler who worked with Royal Rife in microbiology. It was Royal Rife who built the first microscope to see the BCX Cancer virus. As far as whether viruses are destructive to life, perhaps asking Judy Mikovitz for some validation of her work will be more accurate than going to the alphabet agencies run by deceptive criminals. There is an interesting report at cell phone task force by Arthur Firstenburg showing that telegraph was being used in the time of the plague which may have caused the symptoms. I have written this statement for all to contemplate what is real truth. Here is a short video of my findings using an Ortholux with dark field condenser and a 95/1.32 fluorite objective with iris and 20x oculars showing the same thing Dr Milacea found: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K35hGZnFjN0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=530Rosw0kro

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That is my FOI you are commenting on. I have never ever said that anyone's symptoms are delusional, and my bank account is oddly empty for a disinformation specialist.

The issue is causation, not whether or not people have symptoms. And the CDC has the motivation to provide scientific evidence of causation to back up their claims, not to hide it.

Correlation does not show causation by bacteria. Nor do stories about Plum Island.

Disease causation is not demonstrated via treatments of a disease. Conflating the effect of a treatment with the effect of bacteria is not logical or scientific.

No "virus" has been shown to exist either. We have literally hundreds of FOI responses on that topic, and not just from the CDC.

The FOI responses align with what is seen in the literature. The literature is what prompted the FOIs.

For anyone interested:

FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (220 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever:


FOIs reveal that health/science institutions have no record of any “virus” having been found in a host and isolated/purified. Because virology isn’t a science:

https://www.fluoridefreepeel .ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-have-no-record-of-any-virus-having-been-isolated-purified-virology-isnt-a-science/

Do virologists perform valid control experiments? Is virology a science?

(this page includes FOIs to institutions and email exchanges directly with "SARS-COV-2" researchers):

https://www.fluoridefreepeel .ca/do-virologists-perform-valid-control-experiments-is-virology-a-science/


A 40 minute video intro to the massive body of evidence (FOIs) collected on my website:

https://www.bitchute .com/video/gvu4NbieSuVb/

Do health and science institutions have studies proving that bacteria CAUSE disease?

https://www.fluoridefreepeel .ca/do-health-authorities-have-studies-proving-that-bacteria-cause-disease-lets-find-out-via-freedom-of-information/

Educational material re the bogus methods of virology, germ theory, how fake-covid happened without a virus, the meaninglessness of the tests, what really causes ill health, etc:

https://www.fluoridefreepeel .ca/what-the-hell-is-going-on/

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You turned the scene upside down. The likes of CDC promote, not deny, fake "germs". Get it straight. Am alerting Christine's group they may have committed a blunder :) They simply ask the likes of CDC to present a proof (own or in literature) of the existence of what those responsible for public health claim is lyme disease "germ", one of many fakes by the rockefellerian complex.

Pls refer to the procedure in your ordeal that has determined which bacteria CAUSED your symptoms, and when administered to a healthy person the bacteria can "infect" with identical symptoms. Link to the literature, as the procedure must have been determined before diagnostics of your case. .

"he used the F Scan to verify infections and a frequency generator to destroy the infections" -- He showed that EMF affect what is a priori assumed an "infection", nothing else. He did not prove existence of "germs", just like the 218 agencies around the world can't prove to Chrisitine's group.

Arthur is a mole and his "task force" an unaccountable construct. He called legit torsion field science pseudo-science after bankster-controlled wiki. Arthur hijacked grassroot Appeal to Stop 5G in Earth and in Space for the benefit of globalists. I researched it in depth and reported on my,now destroyed blog, but you may find it floating on the Net.

What did you do? To compensate for iffy stuff, you add "authoritative" names. Don't trust ANYBODY, use own brain.

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My doctor years ago said something to me that has stuck with me.

She said, I am not sure whats wrong that’s making you sick, but let’s try a few simple things first. That’s why we’re called Medical Practitioner’s. We have to practice a few theories before we can come to the correct conclusion.

Hopefully more doctors will open their minds to practice new theories to get that correct conclusion.

All it takes is one to start the ball rolling, and Dr. Ana is rolling that ball. Well done !!!

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The best way to beat chronic disease like Lyme, chronic fatigue, and inflammation?

Decrease EMF: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/lymedisease

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I got a microscope and started looking. Seeing is believing…

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Wow! I enjoyed listening to you trying to convince Dr. Haider of what you actually saw. You were doing so good when the video stopped! Now the only way I can see the rest of the interview, is to join another doctor's site and program. (Not ready for that.) I too am glad to see mainstream doctors actually willing to engage in the dialog. Because what you're learning is SO far from our normal thinking, I can understand their incredulity. To me, what you are seeing and learning is so self evident, I have no trouble accepting it as truth. Please keep up the good work!!

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Last month when I spoke with my addiction doctor (This past April 28 was fourteen years of sobriety) he told me that medical school does not teach anything about nanotechnology. How convenient...

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It can be tough being in a profession so long and realizing that you need to make a course change. But being open to other views is a great step. The future will be difficult but there is hope.

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Diversity is optimal!

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Materialistic doctors will be entrusted with the task of ridding humanity of souls.


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French is non-existant.

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My French is rusty.

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Will view; thank you! ■ You can only give what you have, and if there are different reports they too contribute to the finding. In a band room, there are woodwinds, brass, and percussion. Yet most have ten fingers and one mouth, each beat has it's own sound. Practice is generally private, but band is band with only a few concerts. The frustrating process is the stopping to correct or instruct one group to "get it right." M

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I only got to view the first 12 min, which were a fantastic dump of info by Dr. Ana. To see the rest, I have to pay $18 to subscribe to longcovidreset.com Does anyone know of any other copies out there? I'd love to see the rest. Thanks!

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Dear Ana MM ; High Profile MD's not accepting findings ., only talking about misnomers

"mrna" + "spikes" WHYYY ? Because the whole medicine industry is @ risk !!!!! Not knowing that they could be pledging alliances to W H O ??? el diav ?? point of no return . elcasto .

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Outstanding effort to bring more mainstream docs into the conversation about nanotechnology being operational in Human Body. Thank you, Dr Ana for citing my MAC address emitting study as a part of your argument. I re-stacked this post on my Substack with the following commentary:

"Dr. Ana used the MAC address phenomenon to answer a question by Dr. Haider: “How do we know this is nanotechnology.” Her answer was two-fold:

1. Strong morphological evidence of technology assembly (self- or guided) in “vaccine” products and other injectable pharmaceuticals. She referred to the work of Dr. Nixon (davidnixon.substack.com)

Multiple MAC address phenomenon confirming studies, including the one I conducted (link below).

2. The significance of emitting radio signals in the Bluetooth range that can be read in the digital format, as a MAC address, has been an “a-ha” moment in multiple conversations I’ve had on this topic. The topic being the reality and operational readiness of nano technology. This is a tell-tell sign that we live in the era of “biosurveilence under the skin”, aka “the covid era”.

Our biology is analog, not digital. Emitting radio signals that can be read in a digital format is a manifestation that those of us who emit MAC address have technology within them capable of emitting such information. This is the message I want you to take away from this Substack."

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Dr. Mihalcea, I have a friend (30ish) who was in a car accident 2 nights ago, having had a siezure behind the wheel. At the hospital he had 2 more siezures. He'd never had one before in his life. He was covid vaccinated in 2022, not sure which one, but he has little doubt of a connection. Cleaning the blood - chelating out graphine oxide, preventing clotting (ergo siezures), best initial steps? Products? NAC? EDTA? Garlic? Glutathione? Cilantro? We'd be indebted for any and all suggestions. Yours Very Truly, Victoria Bingham

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