Advanced Implanted Nanotechnology Microchips From Targeted Individual Made Of Diamonoids - Analysis By Dr. Hildegarde Staninger
Image: Nano Kirigami HEARTS
Article Authors: Dr Ana Mihalcea and Dr Hildegarde Staninger
Building artificial diamonds is a chaotic process involving trillions of atoms, but conceptual proposals by Robert Freitas and Ralph Merkle contemplate robot arm tips that can remove hydrogen atoms from a source material and deposit them at desired locations in the construction of a molecular machine. In this proposal, the tiny machines are built out of a diamondoid material. In addition to having great strength, the material can be doped with impurities in a precise fashion to create electronic components such as transistors.
-Ray Kurzweil, Google Engineer, Scientific Advisor to US Army, Technocratic Transhumanist in “The Singularity is Near”. 2005. p230
Dr. Hildegarde Staninger pioneered the field of science to identify advanced nano materials. Much of this early work was done under Morgellon’s research which revealed that the materials were advanced nanotechnology. The work evolved into the evaluation of specimens taken from Targeted Individuals.
We have been discussing this early work which was done 5 or more years ago. The images and research analysis is part of the missing link into the embedded intra body area network systems within the human body - that we now find in COVID19 vaccinated as well as unvaccinated individuals.
The specimen called Body Hearts was analyzed and identified from the field six months prior to the Harvard article by Zhiguang Liu, et. al., “Nano Kirigami with Giant Optical Chirality” was published. These systems have multiple chiral optical antennas and function as a quantum computer platform.
When looking at the specimen called Body Heart you will notice a red crystal material in its center and white leaf like materials around the red crystal. The white leaf material can maintain the frequencies used by the device, which can be as many as 132 signals. The analysis results of FTIR, EDS and SEM are for the red crystal material. If you look at the FTIR Raman Spectroscopy results you will see that the material is composed of synthetic diamonds.
This is the original skin lesion of the Targeted Individual that was surgically excised in 2018 and submitted with full chain of custody for further analysis.
In the images below you can see multiple photographs taken of the specimen.
A heart like shape is seen in the center.
A crystalline material is noted.
The self assembly process in its completed form reveals a perfect heart shape.
You can see the schematic that shows a wave guide, metal oxides, wire antenna
The analysis identified an animal protein as a base.
Further characterization of its chemical components was done, showing ingredients used for semiconductor microchips. The origin of these chemicals are NOT HUMAN.
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) Frequencies Identified
LN: 32670 Date: October 6, 2018
Sample identified as 32670 was submitted for analysis. The sample was carefully selected by cutting them out with a scalpel while viewing under a stereomicroscope. It was placed on a sodium chloride window and analyzed using microscope Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). When looking at the image of the specimen the area analyzed was the red crystalline material.
~ 3296 cm-1 = In the polystyrene spectrum, we see the high frequency carbon-hydrogen (C-H) vibrations at about 3000 cm-1. The low frequency carbon-carbon (C-C) vibrations are at around 800 cm-1. The C-H vibrations have a higher frequency than the C-C vibrations because hydrogen is lighter than carbon.
~3061 cm-1 = In the CH region, the highest frequency band is the aromatic CH that appears at 3061 cm-1, the value that is most often quoted for an aromatic CH. Note that this band can move 10–15 cm-1 in some modified compounds Amide II proteins such as amino acids.
~ 2958 cm-1 = isotatic polybutene – 1 fibres
~ 2926 cm-1= olefin producing products
~ 2872 cm-1 = most intense triplet of hexane, heptane, and polyethylene on lipid lipid molecule
~ 1657 cm-1 = carotenoids with strong collagen molecules.
~ 1547 cm-1 =
Raman and IR spectra of the free base p-sulfonatophenyl and phenyl meso-substituted porphyrins [5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin (TPPS4); 5,10,15-tris(4-sulfonatophenyl)-20-phenyl-porphyrin (TPPS3); 5,10-bis(4-sulfonatophenyl)-15,20-diphenylporphyrin (TPPS2A); 5,15-bis(4-sulfonatophenyl)-10,20-diphenylporphyrin (TPPS2O); and 5-(4-sulfonatophenyl)-10, 15,20-trisphenylporphyrin (TPPS1)] and their N-diprotonated derivatives (porphyrin diacids) were studied.
~ 1451 cm-1 =resonant Raman spectra of sub-monolayer PTCDA films on passivated semiconductor surfaces, both before and after annealing the deposited
films at elevated temperatures (350 °C). Independent of the sample treatment, the sub-monolayer Raman spectra
~ 1401 cm-1= microcrystalline films of synthetic diamonds
~ 1240 Cm-1 = resonant Raman spectra of sub-monolayer PTCDA films on passivated semiconductor surfaces, both before and after annealing the deposited films at elevated temperatures (350 °C). Independent of the sample treatment, the sub-monolayer Raman spectra.
~ 1159 cm-1 = B carentenoids and astaxandoins.
~ 1150 cm-1 = The peak near 1150 cm21 in the visible Raman spectra of poor quality chemical-vapor-deposited diamond is often used as the signature of nanocrystalline diamond. We argue that this peak should not be assigned to nanocrystalline diamond or other sp3-bonded phases
~ 1079 cm-1 = presence of sulfamethoxyazoate and sulfadbenene.
In the center of the heart shape and pinwheel with optical chirality is seen.
Nano-kirigami with giant optical chirality
The demonstrated nano-kirigami, as well as the exotic 3D nanostructures, could be adopted in broad nanofabrication platforms and could open up new possibilities for the exploration of functional micro-/nanophotonic and mechanical devices.
Also in 2018 laser-driven electron accelerator so small it could be produced on a silicon chip have been developed.
Paving the way: An accelerator on a microchip
The Accelerator on a Chip International Program (AChIP), funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation in the U.S., aims to create an electron accelerator on a silicon chip. The fundamental idea is to replace accelerator parts made of metal with glass or silicon, and to use a laser instead of a microwave generator as an energy source. Due to glass's higher electric field load capacity, the acceleration rate can be increased and thus the same amount of energy can be transmitted to the particles within a shorter space, making the accelerator shorter by a factor of approximately 10 than traditional accelerators delivering the same energy.
Silicon nanoantennas have unprescedented ability to control the propagaton of electromagnetic waves.
Remember that in optogenetics and biophysics light can control all aspects of the cell cycle and can genetically engineer cellular structures without CRISPR gene editing. Note that in 2017 this nanoantenna control of light was published, but likely achieved in black projects long prior to this date.
Carotenoids, which were found in the chemical analysis, have very specific specific electronic resonance spectra and can be used to analyze very specific biologial systems.
Carotenoids serve multiple uses in biological systems ranging from visual pigments to antioxidants. Because the resonance Raman spectrum varies with subtle chemical changes on the functional side groups, the spectra of carotenoids have been used for identification and characterization…The carotenoids are a class of highly colored materials whose electronic absorption is derived from the polyene backbone of the molecule.
Polystyrene is a polymer that also has been found as a stealth nanoparticle in the Moderna patent of COVID19 bioweapons. Polybutene is an organic polymer, which we will discuss further in a follow up substack, as I have described 2 years ago that butanal is a chemical component of both the COVD19 bioweapon and the filaments sprayed via Geoengineering, showing a chemical overlap and further evidence of the global satanic technocratic transhumanist agenda.
Many people want to jam the signals of the microchips, but they do not understand that one of these microchips as presented here can emit up to 132 frequencies, and if one is jammed, the system simply jumps to another channel. Within one drop of blood sometimes 10-20 self assembled mesogen microchips can be seen. If you extrapolate that to the total human blood volume and consider the chips that are being self assembled within the organ systems, the sheer number of potential frequencies emitted from one individual is significant and the mitigation strategies should consider this.
Further articles
I still don't understand what we are supposed to do about this....I mean people like me, the average non-scientist that can't even understand what I am reading here!
I’ve been ripping this out of my flesh for a decade. Some are translucent and some are black. And it doesn’t matter how many I pull out. It’s still killing me and nobody cares