In spite of having been researching the Satanic evil on our planet for over 18 years, there is always something new and even more diabolical that they are cooking up. We need to round up ALL anti-Humanists and send them to a planet where they can all plan to kill each other while we are left alone on Earth to create peace, health, prosperity and happiness. This is beyond any horror movie, and must be stopped!

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That rabbit hole is so huge that it touches everything!

President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?



Who has the power to censor for 200 years a ratified Amendment of the US Constitution without any backlash? Is there anything they can’t do?


Weaponization of Justice


Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:


Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:


Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:


Chisholm, father of the WHO’s global pedophilia


Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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Thank you.

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In the documentary BlueTRUTH 2, they injected a labrat and it started emitting Bluetooth.

Don't confuse aliens with masons:

Who has the power to censor for 200 years a ratified Amendment of the US Constitution without any backlash? Is there anything they can’t do?


Science proved that there are no aliens but demons:


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Yes, human demons, lined with fear, this is the real Lucifer!

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Saw a video where someone showed a jar of blood emits MAC addresses.

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These Spanish scientists in a documentary Blue TRUTH went to a graveyard to look for vaccinated people who were buried and they were still emitting Bluetooth addresses imagine that.

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I'm dizzy just reading the intro! Oh boy, another climactic turn of events!


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we are in war. corpofascists murders against people.

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Dr. Ana's offerings are evolving as more information emerges that shows us how very destructive (understatement) all things nanotech are. She is now--RIGHTLY SO-- suggesting that if we want to survive, one thing we need to do is disengage from The Grid, destroy or discard all electronic gizmos that serve as a conduit for two-way wireless communication--WITH or WITHOUT your knowledge or permission, sever your connections to electronics, and allow NO injections of any kind.

She is right that we will probably be no longer allowed to participate in many or most or all public events without a "vaccine passport" or "digital ID" or whatever doublespeak they dream up for the final name.

Two things I've been pondering include: either grounding every single shoe or boot I own and wear, or buying or making new ones that are grounded. (Remember she has told us before that when you are earthed, any signal to the nanotech in your blood, in either direction, is disrupted by your connection to Earth). This means those who are jabbed and are likely harboring nanotech which is communicating with the Cloud, but the communications cannot continue when you are Earthed.

A second thing involves injections. I've been wondering how long it will be before "they" can figure out how to draw blood (for example for a blood test you might need), while at the same time, surreptitously inject nano-tech into you. Am thinking of a small needle that RESEMBLES a conventional medical needle, but with newer technology, that so-called needle may in fact be two immediately adjacent needles, one which withdraws blood, and the other which injects. Sorry for the nightmare scenario question, but we need to continue to think of everything! After all, for the Evil Ones, scheming comes easy, but for the rest of us, we don't ordinarily even think of such crazy ideas.

Thanks again Dr. And for propelling us toward self-sufficiency and potential survival.

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All true good points. But the mark of the beast is not something they can trick us into

taking. The Heavely Court has set the rules and satan would be fouled out if he said to God hey, look at the chemtrails, all the people have all succumbed. Like the covid vaccine many people were tricked and never had a choice. It will get down to a conscious spiritual decision on whether you do or don't. Whether you choose God or the way of the world.

The mark of the beast and the anichrist make their entrance when the latter day Babylon (the US is the only entity that fits the description ) is taken out of the way and there remains at that point 1,260 days, 42 months or 3 &1/2years left of earthly existence. This is the tribulation period. The real messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, returns after this with his redeemed to take charge, annihilate satan and his minions and rebalance the planet. "1 Corinthians 15:52", Matthew 24:29-30."

Three times in the Book of Revelation 14:8, 16:19, 17:5 it mentions latter day Babylon is a "city" which is the full expression of the nation in which it sits. Corrupt just like ancient Babylon. Babylon is not an ecclesiastical system as many presume. It's not even the Synagoge of Satan although there is satanic influence. It's a major city of commerce, finance and world trade.

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The article reads smart dust - nano dust - we all have it - injected or not ..

there is a woman Sabrina Wallace - she talks about how to interrupt the signal .. our biofield -

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The 3 tacks

1) micro decentralized voluntary direct democracy assemblies, denying any outside authority;

2) destroy surveillance apparatus; and

3) publicly name, collectively locate and attack individual murderous billionaires one at a time.

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Are they all Holocaust survivors?

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Not for long if they keep going like their predecessors did for millenia:


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check out a page called the expose also check out dr vernon coleman aka the old man in a chair

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Is he the guy that said stay out of public - because of the shedding ??

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Dr Greer! Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

He claims that Dr Rima Laibow and Gen Stubblebine III received under the table payments. Dr Rima has confirmed to me personally that they never received any payments.

He will continue to be a liar in my book until he recants and apologizes or presents proof of his claim.


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I do believe there is a way to prevent WBAN signals, but it's radio signal destructive. A radio acrambler. It overpowers everything. 2 it's healing in nature. A basic Tesla spark gap. I'm going to go over to Ana's new thread Directed energy weapons to explain.

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I do believe there is.

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Here hear ... thank you Dr. Anna ... 🤝 👀


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There has got to be a solution.. God always provides a way

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I am a collector of your work! Some is uncracked that will be very valuable one day, I am sure. Interestingly you have also decided what I will be reading next. I think you may have revealed to me why the US has kept Israel in pocket all this time!

As I pick through it, with details about NanoPass on the back shelf, I will let you know what comes up front.



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Revelation 13:16 - 13:17

Now viewing scripture range from the book of Revelation chapter 13:16 through chapter 13:17...

Revelation Chapter 13

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

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Hello, Let me tell you of a certain YouTube channel called CELESTE SOLUM. She is a Christian and former employee of FEMA. Check out her latest 3 videos where she talks about AI, Star Link, and Portals. It is all truly wicked what will happen thanks to Trump and Elon MusK. I must go over her last video again and then watch the two I missed to try and absorb it all in. The Bible says my people die from lack of knowledge. God bless you.

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Thank you, Lynette.

God Bless You too!

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And in Revelation 16:2 " loathsome, malignant sores broke out on those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its name."

Interestingly, when lithium leaks into the body it causes a festering sore that

never really heals. If a lithium powered microchip was placed under your skin in either your

right hand or between your eyes in the forehead ( third eye Ajna chakra ) and it leaked via a malfunction sores would break out. Possibly something like shingles...or worse.

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Please look up the YouTube channel CELESTE SOLUM. She is a Christian and former employee of FEMA. Solum talks on AI, Star Link, and Portals. Her last 3 videos are a must see.

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Thank you!

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It will be gruesome.

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