According to CBS News, Robert O Young, alleged expert in detoxification from nanotechnology, was convicted again earlier this month on several felony counts, including willful abuse of an elder, two counts of practicing without a medical license, and one count of theft - including identity theft - from an elder.
Rockefellers hijacked thousands year old herbal/medicinal/neutriceutical practices in the late 1800’s. They took over medical training and schools and created BIG PHARMA convincing the masses that petroleum-based pills are THE answer to every human ailment.
Western medicine is truly evil and barring necessary surgery is designed to keep humans in a diseased state to profit medical practitioners, hospitals, pharmacies, and insurance companies financially. They want to control the decision-making of people.
Be aware you DO NOT need to follow your physician’s advice! YOUR BODY YOUR CHOICE!! They sure like that statement for killing babies in the womb!
Anyhow, you can make your own decisions and disagree with your physician INCLUDING leaving a medical facility just tell them you are CHOOSING TO BE “AMA”!!! AMA stands for against medical advice. It’s literally YOUR right!! Do not let ANY medical practitioner force you to do anything you disagree with!
God is greater!! Yahweh created us & He is the Great Physician. He has provided everything we need to be healthy spiritually, physically, emotionally and relationally!! Science completely PROVES empirically the truth of that declaration! Do your due diligence! God bless you! 🙏🏼✝️❤️
I live in London where we are heavily chemtrailed constantly. Food growing has become difficult thanks to the pollution. The air is thick with poison, and hard to breathe. 5G towers are everywhere. I suspect I have also absorbed the nanotech through shedding. Please let me know how i can detox this stuff, as my legs feel electrified all the time now. Many thanks
Ivermectin and Cats Claw! Here on Substack, contact Geneva Thatcher. Saved her mother using both of those. I’m currently taking it to mitigate shedding from my jabbed mother and my husband is taking it to mitigate dental anesthetic. If you’re able to grow indoors, in as clean of water as you can get, you can even grow in mason jars. Read about the Kratky method. 🙏🏻
I have been losing my hair since Covid, I haven't taken any jabs, but have seen chemtrailing since 2012. How do I find out if I have chemical toxity from chemtrails?
You’d need bloodwork, but if you could also get a hair strand analysis it would help possibly give clearer information as to the whats! Aluminum is a guaranteed! Just from our knowledge of what they’re spraying! However, there’s much more! Please go to geoengineeringwatch,org. Many articles tell you exactly what’s being sprayed in the chemtrails! It’s a wealth of information there. 🙏🏻
Seems like there's a guy named Hotez doing some of his vaccine masquerading and who has essentially said "bad stuff on the way". How does he know bad stuff is on the way? Has he been hauled in for questioning yet? Or is he merely considered a court jester?
Dr Ben Lynch wrote about post COVID hair loss and recommended Folinic Acid (not folic acid or folate) lozenges by itself. I tried it and it worked almost immediately. I still use it to prevent it from happening again.
Helen, this presentation by Dr. Ana is very helpful - and her antidote list is in the appendix to her book Transhuman II. There are various options - I followed the CD EDTA + liposomal Vit C exact protocol for home-based detox for 3 months, then switched to the very much cheaper Malic Acid (the kind from actual apples, in capsules) + liposomal C. I also take calc. bentonite clay water + activated charcoal early in the morning, separate from supplements - to boost elimination of the junk. Definite detox and increased energy, it's reassuring.
Also - be mindful of reducing your wifi exposure and smartphone radiation. I don't use wifi at home, I have a wired ethernet cable for computer, and I do not use a smartphone for talking or texting, I have a flipphone with a removable battery. There are interesting EMF modulators available now, based on elemental microprocessor tech, I have one on my cell phone in my purse wherever I go.
EDTA binds with many more things than malic acid, but you can take them both at the same time, which is what I do.
Other things that help and can be taken together without binding to EDTA include ALA, NAC, sodium citrate, bromelain, and Vitamin E. And if you take therm all for a few days while you are fasting, thats the very best of all.
Also some of the Other things in liposomal vitamin C can bind with EDTA, like lecithin, so just plain 'Vitamin C as ascorbic acid crystals' works much better.
And Arizona EDTA is $24 for 90 pills, so thats pretty affordable for most people.
Bentonine clay is mostly metals, so I would stop taking that, you dont need it to get rid of the nanotech and it may be Increasing your metal levels.
The same with charcoal, which is pure carbon, which is what Graphene is made of.
If the 'nanobots' in peoples blood can harvest metals and bioelectrical energy from red blood cells, I would bet they can Also make graphene from carbon, since its just splintering a monoatomic flake off, no fancy biochemistry needed.
Also none of the people taking charcoal seem to be doing very well healthwise.
You are absolutely right about the wireless though, I also have ethernet only and dont use wifi.
Good luck to you in any case, but I think you could make your detox much much better with just a little fine-tuning.
Malic acid is quite sufficient according to the patents, and very much cheaper for sustainable detox for those on tight budgets. An $18 bottle last 6 months. Dr. Ana has clearly stated it's a great option for those who can't access EDTA - I can access it, but it's totally synthetic and very expensive, so I prefer the apple-based 800mg Nature's Life MA and highly recommend it, as it is has nutrient benefits for the Kreb's cycle, so for bodybuilders, it reduces post-workout aches.
The thing about the C is the high dose - ascorbic acid is very harsh for the gut, even when distributed throughout the day. Sodium ascorbate is much gentler, but if it's not liposomal, only about 40% is absorbed. Liposomal is key, for home-dosing. It would require somewhere around 20g of non-liposomal C to deliver the recommended 8-10grams.
Clay minerals are bound silicates that only ADsorb, and do cation exchange, they don't get ABsorbed. Different than straight zeolite, which is mostly silica - I've stopped taking my beloved pure Clinoptilolite zeolite powder, and just use it for gardening/household purposes.
Dr. Ana recommends activated charcoal as an additional support for sequestering and moving out the junk from the gut - it does not cross the blood/brain barrier - so I don't think it's a matter of betting.
I've done combo detoxes w/ them and am in xlnt health w/ a bio age a decade younger than chrono age. Highly recommend the Function Health labs membership, you get 100+ labs for $500/yr - which is handy for all the non-nano things.
Sure, I take them both as well, so sure malic works, lots of things Work but EDTA works Better, and both of them while fasting along with ascorbic acid is Better Still.
That malic acid you are taking is not apple based, malic acid was Originally found in apple peels but now they produce it on an industrial chemical scale like everything else.
Look closely at the bottle, they say 'fruit acid', which while Technically correct, is kind of a shady way to put it IMO. Nowhere do they say natural or derived from apples because its not.
Im not hating on synthetic, for our purposes synthetic is Often better than a 'natural' version but it is what it is. And I understand exactly what you mean about the buffered vs plain ascorbic, but many people are misunderstanding the purposes of what we are taking and Why.
We are Not concerned with the 'vitamin C' 'absorbing' into our system per se, as you are saying. The ascorbic acid is deactivating the nanotechnology and the chelator is removing the metal ion that powers them.
As Dr Ana shows, plain ascorbic acid on the slide only deactivates them slightly and temporarily, but EDTA and ascorbic acid deactivates them Permanently. Perhaps malic and ascorbic can too, but she has not shown that.
I have taking ETDA and maximizing the effectiveness of my protocol for over 18 months now, and I have taken many many Vitamin C's, including one of the stupid $80 liposomal bottles and making my own liposomal C in my ultrasonic cleaner.
And None of those work as well for our purposes as the cheap Vitamin C as ascorbic acid crystals. Try it yourself, they're like $10 and then you would Know.
Sure, it can be acidic, but then so is malic but even more so. Just mix less crystals with More Water. Doubling the amount of water only raised the Ph by 1 full point iirc, but then I use Zerowater that is much more acidic than my wellwater @4.9-ish.
And humans can also very quickly ramp up to high amounts of ascorbic acid too, so start slow and in no times you or anyone else reading this can be taking fairly high amounts with no issues.
The same with sodium citrate, the same with bromelain, the same with fresh orange or pineapple juice. Which are great to supplement, but you cannot get enough C from oranges alone.
And you are missing the Point. Perhaps the aluminum and silica in clay do not get 'absorbed' into your intestinal wall (questionable) but sure, even if they Dont....
The 'nanobots' Are Harvesting Bioelectrical Energy From Your Red Blood Cells. They are Harvesting Metals from within your own body.
And you think they could Not make graphene from carbon in your gut?
No Chemical reaction needed, just flake some off on a nanoscale, plus there a Ton of ways to do that even Without frigging nanobots. Chemically, electrically, on and on. Look It Up.
The same with these clays which are primarily Alumina and Silica, all of them. So you think it can harvest Biochemical energy from your Blood... but cant get alumina or silica out of a fairly fragile crystalline matrix?
Sure, if you say so.
I have some too, several clays in fact and took some a long time ago when we were first trying to get rid of the magnetism, but then I found out more information.
Like that Friggin Nanobots in our blood Harvest Metals from our body. And those same nanobots are also in your gut.
So I think you're doing good things, but there is room for improvement.
And if you can make it better, why wouldn't you? Because the word synthetic is scary?
Not as scary as maybe dying suddenly (as actually happens to the unvaxxed as well) and then these things keep growing in your blood forever.
Hmm... or take some synthetic supplements millions of people have taken for a hundred years? I know which one I pick every fucking time.
All these things are the Reasons I take the things I take, in the way I take them.
Most people dont even take EDTA right anyway and they waste it, but meh, I get tired of repeating myself and my meeting is almost over.
Good for you on making your own liposomal! Actually, there is one brand of Malic Acid based on apple fruit acid in my country - the rest are synthetic.
Good luck to you too - I am not able to engage you entire lecture point by point, but I am sure we could have a lively and highly nuanced chitchat at the local pub.
What is "right after" how much time after the EDTA? I am taking an EDTA product that has malic acid with EDTA. Sometimes I will take the Vit C beforehand, a few hours before the EDTA/Malic Acid
Sorry I meant to add…..Targeted Justice here on SS as well from help with those being targeted with varying means of attacks using microwave, and other weapons. Might find ideas on helping to block some of the towers frequency. Praying you find relief!
Try a ionic foot bath and take Oregono oil and activated charcoal and cats claw and ,1)2 garlic clove with honey in a spoon and buy a emf detector and mitigate hot spots with emf cloth $20 for 3x3 for starters and study TESTIMONIALS sites like earth for best.. experiment avoid teas as too toxic now most..water filter,shower will feel better...add and rotate things,eat less, mineral supps natural only,no vitamins.. voila! Oh lemon water daily,ginger bit...
Since he has no legit degrees, which he admitted beyond high school, and he is not a scientist, how does he have "1000s of peer reviewed publications"? Where are these publications and who are the "peers" reviewing them? His entire premise is total nonsense, since there are just as many people, if not more, who are overly alkaline metabolically, which shows up as hypo metabolism, low respiratory rate, low pulse and low body temperature. Baking soda can easily kill or severely damage someone if they are already excessively alkaline. The only practitioners who understand pH and metabolism are the metabolic typing school like George Watson (Nutrition and Your Mind), Frances Pottenger, Emanuel Revici, Guy Schenker, etc who have, in their own ways, obliterated the alkaline diet nonsense.
lol, you couldnt be more wrong. the alkaline lifestyle has never been obliterated, and his products tell the truth.
keep this in mind going forward (everyone)... when the supplements that you order from a company leave their shipping department, how can interception and contamination be stopped. this has been happening to people for years. a great way to destroy someones life. intercept the package from Amazon, dump out, and refill with a blank that does nothing, or maybe they even put something toxic in it....something that we need to address. amazon does not care that it happens either.
Yes, I tried his protocol way back in the day during the beginning of the plandemic. But I ended up having some very bad reactions to the baking soda routine he recommended. Like massive numbing. I stopped immediately and never looked back.
wow, what a profound statement . this is so lacking in articulation and literacy that I just got "dummer" by reading it. Im not trying to be a dick to you, or attack you, but your response......THAT is what stupid, babbling, shit looks like on paper.
i was almost wondering if you were drunk. no lie....
*and plz explain how the body "buffers ph". i believe you have that backwards, as the body will buffer an acidic ph by producing fat in response to the acidic environment. That is his teachings and the theory he presents.....and backs up hella deep with research in front of your face to look at and read.
sorry, i have to run for the evening, but will catch up with the enlightenment tmrw. ive gotta go fall down in hopes of curing the blistering fog i just inherited from this read.
Haha, dont fall down and break your interstidium or all your organs might flow out. And he is selling people heavy metal contaminated Saline that cost less than the bottle. Do you support that?
And I guess you didnt read his Court Transcript or about any of his prior scams. How enlightened of you. He tried to get a woman with advanced cancer to quitclaim deed her house over to him in order to pay for his BS ‘treatments’.
Support That too do you? I have not yet begun to express how much I hate that piece of shit and all his disciples.
Like that EDTA is poison bullshit. You recognize that All the Calcium issues they talk about do not happen with Calcium EDTA, right?
Did you see that they Actually gave DMSO to the people in their fake ass powerpoint ‘study’ to ‘provoke a response’? Which is why their metals go Down after the first months when MP Increased them?
You know there is no Graphene blood test right? And you know that a PFAS blood test takes Months to complete because they are looking for trace billionths of a percent?
You know that HC-bullshit foundation selling it Also sells “good feelings” they will magically send to any fuggin address that they can find with fuggin Google Maps for only like $20,000?
You know that mixture of metals in MP is Highly indicative of Fission Byproducts, which result in tainted salt in the inland seas of the Southwest and Utah, where all the Seventh Day Scammers live, right?
You know they collect all that salt to make that ‘saline’ for free right?
You know sea plasma is also fake and just pumped up seawater from a friggin pipe? Is seawater Clean, genius?
You know they dont test their product for shit and only use the COA’s from Their suppliers as their legal shield right?
Why didnt they just refute the heavy metal claims with Tests? Those pussies never said heavy metals Once in all their bitch ass whining on their affiliates.
You just dont know how much I detest that piece of shit and his disciples, both the just dumb ones and the Intentional Liars, like that love heifer.
All those are Facts, you Could have Verified for Yourself, rather than waiting for me to Tell your dumb ass. Poisoning people for money. Fuck anybody that supports that.
You’re lucky Im off work ‘cuz I got Plenty more but dont ever pretend like you’re smarter than me, you cant even fucking Read, imbecile.
"They" either suicide/eliminate you OR Lock You UP. Plain and Simple, I side in favor of the murdered or imprisoned, until found guilty in a TRUE court of LAW. PROVE IT, Period.
Since I don’t trust other people, the courts and higher institutions (grants dictating outcomes) he is viable and his message is of opinion and due diligence is necessary!
As far degrees and titles go, again use your due diligence!!! So free speech is dying!
As far as alternatives goes, again use your mind. I do. Long and short is “the government will save us”. Or, is it law fare?
And, who is bought and paid for? Lol! All of them! The sheeple luv lawyers when they are emotionally thinking and can indict and get rewarded. See where this goes?
What instantly jumped into my mind is the question: How many people (and pets) die due to accepted medical treatments? What a world do we live in, if for example a cat or a small puppy 'need to' receive the same dose of a vaccine like a St. Bernard dog, otherwise a vet might get into troubles? Or where old people were separated from their loved ones to 'protect' them? Who owns CBS News? How well are juries (and judges) informed? The world isn't black and white (yet).
We live in a world that’s now showing the true colours. These shows of court action over people like this are incredibly insulting when they the legal industry blatantly ignore the evidence against the big fish.
All we can do is be careful and alert for medical science as per mainstream is corrupted and thus have nothing to offer to our health and wellness
He is a great warrior against Big Medicine, who is over the target.
Sodium Bicarbonate is a miracle cure going back before Rockefellers to remove dangerous acid in the body. He was curing cancer at the University of California threating corporate interests.
Italian Dr Simoncini........attacked silenced and Near arrested for curing with BICARB just have to find one that doesnt have high Aluminium in it.....
Many people are overly alkaline and sodium bicarbonate will ruin you. One person's medicine is another's poison. That why real healers never preach a one-size fits all diet
So why have we not had total banishment of the dangerous and fraud laden Covid vaccines? Have we not learned our lessons? I've mentioned before that we keep doing various forms of testing and statistical analysis yet instead of banishment we repeatedly say "we gotta do more studies". Rome burns and we fiddle......
I find it amusing that we rely on CBS news for the truth. lol. Before condemning Dr Young I suggest you look at his website and history. Any doctor, naturopath, homeopath that does not follow the standard of care is vilified. Dr Simoncini in Italy has been using baking soda IV and injections to reverse cancer for over 35 years. I wonder why pharma would put the antidote in their patent. Based on Dr Christopher Exley research EDTA does not chelate aluminum well. In England chelation experts noticed high levels of aluminum in urine but thought it was odd. They gave Dr Exley some vials of 10 and 20ml which were discovered to have 50 to 250mcg of aluminum. Dr Exley has found aluminum toxicity in brain biopsies of autism and Alzheimer’s patients.
Why would you NOT condemn Not A Doctor Robert Young?
Thats stupid, he is a liar and scammer who doesnt even have an electron microscope but apparently people cannot perform an image search to find out whose work it was he Stole this time.
Apparently you are also unable to read the Legal Transcript of his earlier court cases, so your opinion of him should definitely be highly rated.
Shouldn't Biden and Bill Gates be charged with practicing medicine without a license for promoting the C19 bioweapon as preventing COVID and as being safe to a worldwide audience?
Yes! And hopefully Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci will be arrested and convicted. However, that doesn't excuse others from making false claims and personally injecting people with baking soda either. The real science is being suppressed, and needs to be restored to find real cures, as Dr Ana has done and is doing.
What a smear article. Absoulutely horrible. Dr.Young was set up by Kali. He cured her of her cancer with his protocol(which, to clarify is the Alkaline Theroy of living\eating. Holding that eating foods from the earth, specifically which have a p.h higher than 7.365 and higher(any ph level below this is acidic on the acid\alkaline chart).
her cancer came back when she changed back to her old eating\drinking habits. She was a huge advocate for him and his work. rumor is she took the big pharma payoff and crawfished on him, and stabbed him in the back.
He is a good man, a man of God. Hes been fighting for humanity for many years. His research and scientific posts, blogs, books, etc show this with unforgiving transparency, and very detailed scientific research for everyone to see how he comes to his conclusions(a very undervalued word for what he does).
now again, in the front lines on the war against good vs. evil, he catches another sickly blackmailing\career suicide by smear campaign. He was showing the world how to rid their sick bodies of the vaccine poison they took under deception from the silver tongued devils that run the pharmacerutical industries, and those that help protect them.
Dr.Young wouldnt think of hurting anyone. These charges are absolutely b.s. they are trying to stop him from exposing the truth. Hes carrying on the flag of truth from Antoine Bechamp, a French medical doctor, biologist, contemporary of Louis Pasteur. He believed that a completely healthy internal fluid environment would be immune to harmful bacteria and that only when the body became a welcome host for this bacteria. (i.e. when our cells become weak from an acidic lifestyle or toxic internal fluid environment) . we do not "catch" sickness, it is born within us, and thus a byproduct of what we eat.
*few know that on his death bed Pasteur recanted, and said, that "Bechamp was right".
He is accused and incarcerated exactly for what Pharma does. Also, there is free will, people should choose the treatment they want. Have you ever been diagnosed with cancer? I have. The hospital scared the HELL out of me. Their intimidation and harassment are horrific. Nobody talks about that instead....btw: i got well doing the Gerson therapy, not chemo and radiation.
Rockefellers hijacked thousands year old herbal/medicinal/neutriceutical practices in the late 1800’s. They took over medical training and schools and created BIG PHARMA convincing the masses that petroleum-based pills are THE answer to every human ailment.
Western medicine is truly evil and barring necessary surgery is designed to keep humans in a diseased state to profit medical practitioners, hospitals, pharmacies, and insurance companies financially. They want to control the decision-making of people.
Be aware you DO NOT need to follow your physician’s advice! YOUR BODY YOUR CHOICE!! They sure like that statement for killing babies in the womb!
Anyhow, you can make your own decisions and disagree with your physician INCLUDING leaving a medical facility just tell them you are CHOOSING TO BE “AMA”!!! AMA stands for against medical advice. It’s literally YOUR right!! Do not let ANY medical practitioner force you to do anything you disagree with!
God is greater!! Yahweh created us & He is the Great Physician. He has provided everything we need to be healthy spiritually, physically, emotionally and relationally!! Science completely PROVES empirically the truth of that declaration! Do your due diligence! God bless you! 🙏🏼✝️❤️
I live in London where we are heavily chemtrailed constantly. Food growing has become difficult thanks to the pollution. The air is thick with poison, and hard to breathe. 5G towers are everywhere. I suspect I have also absorbed the nanotech through shedding. Please let me know how i can detox this stuff, as my legs feel electrified all the time now. Many thanks
Ivermectin and Cats Claw! Here on Substack, contact Geneva Thatcher. Saved her mother using both of those. I’m currently taking it to mitigate shedding from my jabbed mother and my husband is taking it to mitigate dental anesthetic. If you’re able to grow indoors, in as clean of water as you can get, you can even grow in mason jars. Read about the Kratky method. 🙏🏻
I have been losing my hair since Covid, I haven't taken any jabs, but have seen chemtrailing since 2012. How do I find out if I have chemical toxity from chemtrails?
You’d need bloodwork, but if you could also get a hair strand analysis it would help possibly give clearer information as to the whats! Aluminum is a guaranteed! Just from our knowledge of what they’re spraying! However, there’s much more! Please go to geoengineeringwatch,org. Many articles tell you exactly what’s being sprayed in the chemtrails! It’s a wealth of information there. 🙏🏻
Thank you! Have been following Dane for 20 years!
How and where can I get a hair strand analysis? I've kept up with geoengineeringwatch for years.
Search for HTMA test. Or here’s one company that offers HTMA testing.
Energetic Health Institute has Health Sreenings
Check out the the Companies We Trust – Great Resource:
Has a hair test kit.
Seems like there's a guy named Hotez doing some of his vaccine masquerading and who has essentially said "bad stuff on the way". How does he know bad stuff is on the way? Has he been hauled in for questioning yet? Or is he merely considered a court jester?
Hotez is the new Anthony Fauci. He "knows" what's on the way.
Dr Ben Lynch wrote about post COVID hair loss and recommended Folinic Acid (not folic acid or folate) lozenges by itself. I tried it and it worked almost immediately. I still use it to prevent it from happening again.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Helen, this presentation by Dr. Ana is very helpful - and her antidote list is in the appendix to her book Transhuman II. There are various options - I followed the CD EDTA + liposomal Vit C exact protocol for home-based detox for 3 months, then switched to the very much cheaper Malic Acid (the kind from actual apples, in capsules) + liposomal C. I also take calc. bentonite clay water + activated charcoal early in the morning, separate from supplements - to boost elimination of the junk. Definite detox and increased energy, it's reassuring.
Also - be mindful of reducing your wifi exposure and smartphone radiation. I don't use wifi at home, I have a wired ethernet cable for computer, and I do not use a smartphone for talking or texting, I have a flipphone with a removable battery. There are interesting EMF modulators available now, based on elemental microprocessor tech, I have one on my cell phone in my purse wherever I go.
EDTA binds with many more things than malic acid, but you can take them both at the same time, which is what I do.
Other things that help and can be taken together without binding to EDTA include ALA, NAC, sodium citrate, bromelain, and Vitamin E. And if you take therm all for a few days while you are fasting, thats the very best of all.
Also some of the Other things in liposomal vitamin C can bind with EDTA, like lecithin, so just plain 'Vitamin C as ascorbic acid crystals' works much better.
And Arizona EDTA is $24 for 90 pills, so thats pretty affordable for most people.
Bentonine clay is mostly metals, so I would stop taking that, you dont need it to get rid of the nanotech and it may be Increasing your metal levels.
The same with charcoal, which is pure carbon, which is what Graphene is made of.
If the 'nanobots' in peoples blood can harvest metals and bioelectrical energy from red blood cells, I would bet they can Also make graphene from carbon, since its just splintering a monoatomic flake off, no fancy biochemistry needed.
Also none of the people taking charcoal seem to be doing very well healthwise.
You are absolutely right about the wireless though, I also have ethernet only and dont use wifi.
Good luck to you in any case, but I think you could make your detox much much better with just a little fine-tuning.
Good luck to you too!
Malic acid is quite sufficient according to the patents, and very much cheaper for sustainable detox for those on tight budgets. An $18 bottle last 6 months. Dr. Ana has clearly stated it's a great option for those who can't access EDTA - I can access it, but it's totally synthetic and very expensive, so I prefer the apple-based 800mg Nature's Life MA and highly recommend it, as it is has nutrient benefits for the Kreb's cycle, so for bodybuilders, it reduces post-workout aches.
The thing about the C is the high dose - ascorbic acid is very harsh for the gut, even when distributed throughout the day. Sodium ascorbate is much gentler, but if it's not liposomal, only about 40% is absorbed. Liposomal is key, for home-dosing. It would require somewhere around 20g of non-liposomal C to deliver the recommended 8-10grams.
Clay minerals are bound silicates that only ADsorb, and do cation exchange, they don't get ABsorbed. Different than straight zeolite, which is mostly silica - I've stopped taking my beloved pure Clinoptilolite zeolite powder, and just use it for gardening/household purposes.
Dr. Ana recommends activated charcoal as an additional support for sequestering and moving out the junk from the gut - it does not cross the blood/brain barrier - so I don't think it's a matter of betting.
I've done combo detoxes w/ them and am in xlnt health w/ a bio age a decade younger than chrono age. Highly recommend the Function Health labs membership, you get 100+ labs for $500/yr - which is handy for all the non-nano things.
To your Health!
Sure, I take them both as well, so sure malic works, lots of things Work but EDTA works Better, and both of them while fasting along with ascorbic acid is Better Still.
That malic acid you are taking is not apple based, malic acid was Originally found in apple peels but now they produce it on an industrial chemical scale like everything else.
Look closely at the bottle, they say 'fruit acid', which while Technically correct, is kind of a shady way to put it IMO. Nowhere do they say natural or derived from apples because its not.
Im not hating on synthetic, for our purposes synthetic is Often better than a 'natural' version but it is what it is. And I understand exactly what you mean about the buffered vs plain ascorbic, but many people are misunderstanding the purposes of what we are taking and Why.
We are Not concerned with the 'vitamin C' 'absorbing' into our system per se, as you are saying. The ascorbic acid is deactivating the nanotechnology and the chelator is removing the metal ion that powers them.
As Dr Ana shows, plain ascorbic acid on the slide only deactivates them slightly and temporarily, but EDTA and ascorbic acid deactivates them Permanently. Perhaps malic and ascorbic can too, but she has not shown that.
I have taking ETDA and maximizing the effectiveness of my protocol for over 18 months now, and I have taken many many Vitamin C's, including one of the stupid $80 liposomal bottles and making my own liposomal C in my ultrasonic cleaner.
And None of those work as well for our purposes as the cheap Vitamin C as ascorbic acid crystals. Try it yourself, they're like $10 and then you would Know.
Sure, it can be acidic, but then so is malic but even more so. Just mix less crystals with More Water. Doubling the amount of water only raised the Ph by 1 full point iirc, but then I use Zerowater that is much more acidic than my wellwater @4.9-ish.
And humans can also very quickly ramp up to high amounts of ascorbic acid too, so start slow and in no times you or anyone else reading this can be taking fairly high amounts with no issues.
The same with sodium citrate, the same with bromelain, the same with fresh orange or pineapple juice. Which are great to supplement, but you cannot get enough C from oranges alone.
And you are missing the Point. Perhaps the aluminum and silica in clay do not get 'absorbed' into your intestinal wall (questionable) but sure, even if they Dont....
The 'nanobots' Are Harvesting Bioelectrical Energy From Your Red Blood Cells. They are Harvesting Metals from within your own body.
And you think they could Not make graphene from carbon in your gut?
No Chemical reaction needed, just flake some off on a nanoscale, plus there a Ton of ways to do that even Without frigging nanobots. Chemically, electrically, on and on. Look It Up.
The same with these clays which are primarily Alumina and Silica, all of them. So you think it can harvest Biochemical energy from your Blood... but cant get alumina or silica out of a fairly fragile crystalline matrix?
Sure, if you say so.
I have some too, several clays in fact and took some a long time ago when we were first trying to get rid of the magnetism, but then I found out more information.
Like that Friggin Nanobots in our blood Harvest Metals from our body. And those same nanobots are also in your gut.
So I think you're doing good things, but there is room for improvement.
And if you can make it better, why wouldn't you? Because the word synthetic is scary?
Not as scary as maybe dying suddenly (as actually happens to the unvaxxed as well) and then these things keep growing in your blood forever.
Hmm... or take some synthetic supplements millions of people have taken for a hundred years? I know which one I pick every fucking time.
All these things are the Reasons I take the things I take, in the way I take them.
Most people dont even take EDTA right anyway and they waste it, but meh, I get tired of repeating myself and my meeting is almost over.
Good luck to you in any case.
Good for you on making your own liposomal! Actually, there is one brand of Malic Acid based on apple fruit acid in my country - the rest are synthetic.
Good luck to you too - I am not able to engage you entire lecture point by point, but I am sure we could have a lively and highly nuanced chitchat at the local pub.
Hi - could you clarify? Are you using malic acid without EDTA?
Hi Susannah - Just the Malic Acid as a chelator (as listed in the patents, right after EDTA) along with liposomal Vit C for the anti-oxidant part.
Since Malic Acid is ALSO an anti-oxidant, it's conceivable one could just take MA for everything - but I have no science to back that up.
What is "right after" how much time after the EDTA? I am taking an EDTA product that has malic acid with EDTA. Sometimes I will take the Vit C beforehand, a few hours before the EDTA/Malic Acid
Sorry I meant to add…..Targeted Justice here on SS as well from help with those being targeted with varying means of attacks using microwave, and other weapons. Might find ideas on helping to block some of the towers frequency. Praying you find relief!
Try a ionic foot bath and take Oregono oil and activated charcoal and cats claw and ,1)2 garlic clove with honey in a spoon and buy a emf detector and mitigate hot spots with emf cloth $20 for 3x3 for starters and study TESTIMONIALS sites like earth for best.. experiment avoid teas as too toxic now most..water filter,shower will feel better...add and rotate things,eat less, mineral supps natural only,no vitamins.. voila! Oh lemon water daily,ginger bit...
Did the court find fault with the 1000s of pear review publications by Dr Young? The article never mentioned his life's work.
Since he has no legit degrees, which he admitted beyond high school, and he is not a scientist, how does he have "1000s of peer reviewed publications"? Where are these publications and who are the "peers" reviewing them? His entire premise is total nonsense, since there are just as many people, if not more, who are overly alkaline metabolically, which shows up as hypo metabolism, low respiratory rate, low pulse and low body temperature. Baking soda can easily kill or severely damage someone if they are already excessively alkaline. The only practitioners who understand pH and metabolism are the metabolic typing school like George Watson (Nutrition and Your Mind), Frances Pottenger, Emanuel Revici, Guy Schenker, etc who have, in their own ways, obliterated the alkaline diet nonsense.
lol, you couldnt be more wrong. the alkaline lifestyle has never been obliterated, and his products tell the truth.
keep this in mind going forward (everyone)... when the supplements that you order from a company leave their shipping department, how can interception and contamination be stopped. this has been happening to people for years. a great way to destroy someones life. intercept the package from Amazon, dump out, and refill with a blank that does nothing, or maybe they even put something toxic in it....something that we need to address. amazon does not care that it happens either.
Yes, I tried his protocol way back in the day during the beginning of the plandemic. But I ended up having some very bad reactions to the baking soda routine he recommended. Like massive numbing. I stopped immediately and never looked back.
could that be anymore vague? how did you confirm that your reactions were from baking soda? where did you have your labwork tested at?
The entire theory of the alkaline diet is stupid. I guess these people have never heard of Ph.
Or Ph Testing Strips.
Or Ph Meters.
Eat nothing but 'alkaline' for a week, drink nothing but 'alkaline' and chart your urine Ph every time you urinate.
It doesnt change for Shit, less than a .5 difference, because the body has like 14 ways to buffer Ph. Because its Vital to Life On Earth!
The entire concept is stupid, like Everything Not a Doctor Robert Young says.
So I now assume if anyone tries to repeat any of his babbling points, they cannot Read, to be kind.
wow, what a profound statement . this is so lacking in articulation and literacy that I just got "dummer" by reading it. Im not trying to be a dick to you, or attack you, but your response......THAT is what stupid, babbling, shit looks like on paper.
i was almost wondering if you were drunk. no lie....
*and plz explain how the body "buffers ph". i believe you have that backwards, as the body will buffer an acidic ph by producing fat in response to the acidic environment. That is his teachings and the theory he presents.....and backs up hella deep with research in front of your face to look at and read.
sorry, i have to run for the evening, but will catch up with the enlightenment tmrw. ive gotta go fall down in hopes of curing the blistering fog i just inherited from this read.
Haha, dont fall down and break your interstidium or all your organs might flow out. And he is selling people heavy metal contaminated Saline that cost less than the bottle. Do you support that?
And I guess you didnt read his Court Transcript or about any of his prior scams. How enlightened of you. He tried to get a woman with advanced cancer to quitclaim deed her house over to him in order to pay for his BS ‘treatments’.
Support That too do you? I have not yet begun to express how much I hate that piece of shit and all his disciples.
Like that EDTA is poison bullshit. You recognize that All the Calcium issues they talk about do not happen with Calcium EDTA, right?
Did you see that they Actually gave DMSO to the people in their fake ass powerpoint ‘study’ to ‘provoke a response’? Which is why their metals go Down after the first months when MP Increased them?
You know there is no Graphene blood test right? And you know that a PFAS blood test takes Months to complete because they are looking for trace billionths of a percent?
You know that HC-bullshit foundation selling it Also sells “good feelings” they will magically send to any fuggin address that they can find with fuggin Google Maps for only like $20,000?
You know that mixture of metals in MP is Highly indicative of Fission Byproducts, which result in tainted salt in the inland seas of the Southwest and Utah, where all the Seventh Day Scammers live, right?
You know they collect all that salt to make that ‘saline’ for free right?
You know sea plasma is also fake and just pumped up seawater from a friggin pipe? Is seawater Clean, genius?
You know they dont test their product for shit and only use the COA’s from Their suppliers as their legal shield right?
Why didnt they just refute the heavy metal claims with Tests? Those pussies never said heavy metals Once in all their bitch ass whining on their affiliates.
You just dont know how much I detest that piece of shit and his disciples, both the just dumb ones and the Intentional Liars, like that love heifer.
All those are Facts, you Could have Verified for Yourself, rather than waiting for me to Tell your dumb ass. Poisoning people for money. Fuck anybody that supports that.
You’re lucky Im off work ‘cuz I got Plenty more but dont ever pretend like you’re smarter than me, you cant even fucking Read, imbecile.
very disappointed in this article. not a mention of what he has done for the world. just wreaks of smear campaign... plz explain.
"They" either suicide/eliminate you OR Lock You UP. Plain and Simple, I side in favor of the murdered or imprisoned, until found guilty in a TRUE court of LAW. PROVE IT, Period.
Oh FFS, he doesnt even Have 1000's of Peer-Reviewed Publications.
And there are no Pear reviewed publications.
You know there are no Trademarks in a study title, right?
You know real studies arent in PowerPoint, right?
You know anybody can Pay many of the shit journals to publish their fake study, right?
Have you ever read a single fuggin real study in your life?
You sound like one of those many many fake accounts they make up to try to shitpost.
lol, go look at his research in his blogs... nvmnd, dont even worry about it. it would make no difference for you.
and correct, there are no "pear reviewed" studies. They are "peer reviewed".
Why don't you pick an article here and then refute it with detailed explanations?
Since I don’t trust other people, the courts and higher institutions (grants dictating outcomes) he is viable and his message is of opinion and due diligence is necessary!
As far degrees and titles go, again use your due diligence!!! So free speech is dying!
As far as alternatives goes, again use your mind. I do. Long and short is “the government will save us”. Or, is it law fare?
And, who is bought and paid for? Lol! All of them! The sheeple luv lawyers when they are emotionally thinking and can indict and get rewarded. See where this goes?
Not my world..
Gates does the same thing but worse without any qualification but above all without legal proceedings in the USA
What instantly jumped into my mind is the question: How many people (and pets) die due to accepted medical treatments? What a world do we live in, if for example a cat or a small puppy 'need to' receive the same dose of a vaccine like a St. Bernard dog, otherwise a vet might get into troubles? Or where old people were separated from their loved ones to 'protect' them? Who owns CBS News? How well are juries (and judges) informed? The world isn't black and white (yet).
So, Bill Gates and Anthony Faucci get a free pass?!?!
Matthew 10:8 KJV - Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.
and…….What about this GUY?
Donald J Trump – I am the father of the vaccine: (1:03 clip)
We live in a world that’s now showing the true colours. These shows of court action over people like this are incredibly insulting when they the legal industry blatantly ignore the evidence against the big fish.
All we can do is be careful and alert for medical science as per mainstream is corrupted and thus have nothing to offer to our health and wellness
He is a great warrior against Big Medicine, who is over the target.
Sodium Bicarbonate is a miracle cure going back before Rockefellers to remove dangerous acid in the body. He was curing cancer at the University of California threating corporate interests.
Italian Dr Simoncini........attacked silenced and Near arrested for curing with BICARB just have to find one that doesnt have high Aluminium in it.....
Dr Bernardo....... is another who talks about acidosis being a cause.........
I take french green clay with Bicarb just in case there is aluminium in it as I have no way of testing it
ph test strips to test my self so I can maintain balance.....
Many people are overly alkaline and sodium bicarbonate will ruin you. One person's medicine is another's poison. That why real healers never preach a one-size fits all diet
So why have we not had total banishment of the dangerous and fraud laden Covid vaccines? Have we not learned our lessons? I've mentioned before that we keep doing various forms of testing and statistical analysis yet instead of banishment we repeatedly say "we gotta do more studies". Rome burns and we fiddle......
I find it amusing that we rely on CBS news for the truth. lol. Before condemning Dr Young I suggest you look at his website and history. Any doctor, naturopath, homeopath that does not follow the standard of care is vilified. Dr Simoncini in Italy has been using baking soda IV and injections to reverse cancer for over 35 years. I wonder why pharma would put the antidote in their patent. Based on Dr Christopher Exley research EDTA does not chelate aluminum well. In England chelation experts noticed high levels of aluminum in urine but thought it was odd. They gave Dr Exley some vials of 10 and 20ml which were discovered to have 50 to 250mcg of aluminum. Dr Exley has found aluminum toxicity in brain biopsies of autism and Alzheimer’s patients.
Why would you NOT condemn Not A Doctor Robert Young?
Thats stupid, he is a liar and scammer who doesnt even have an electron microscope but apparently people cannot perform an image search to find out whose work it was he Stole this time.
Apparently you are also unable to read the Legal Transcript of his earlier court cases, so your opinion of him should definitely be highly rated.
Shouldn't Biden and Bill Gates be charged with practicing medicine without a license for promoting the C19 bioweapon as preventing COVID and as being safe to a worldwide audience?
Yes! And hopefully Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci will be arrested and convicted. However, that doesn't excuse others from making false claims and personally injecting people with baking soda either. The real science is being suppressed, and needs to be restored to find real cures, as Dr Ana has done and is doing.
Aside from what this heinous, evil man did…..why on earth would we even consider taking ANYTHING from Moderna??!! No thanks!
Killing people GOOD !
Saving people BAD !
What a smear article. Absoulutely horrible. Dr.Young was set up by Kali. He cured her of her cancer with his protocol(which, to clarify is the Alkaline Theroy of living\eating. Holding that eating foods from the earth, specifically which have a p.h higher than 7.365 and higher(any ph level below this is acidic on the acid\alkaline chart).
her cancer came back when she changed back to her old eating\drinking habits. She was a huge advocate for him and his work. rumor is she took the big pharma payoff and crawfished on him, and stabbed him in the back.
He is a good man, a man of God. Hes been fighting for humanity for many years. His research and scientific posts, blogs, books, etc show this with unforgiving transparency, and very detailed scientific research for everyone to see how he comes to his conclusions(a very undervalued word for what he does).
now again, in the front lines on the war against good vs. evil, he catches another sickly blackmailing\career suicide by smear campaign. He was showing the world how to rid their sick bodies of the vaccine poison they took under deception from the silver tongued devils that run the pharmacerutical industries, and those that help protect them.
Dr.Young wouldnt think of hurting anyone. These charges are absolutely b.s. they are trying to stop him from exposing the truth. Hes carrying on the flag of truth from Antoine Bechamp, a French medical doctor, biologist, contemporary of Louis Pasteur. He believed that a completely healthy internal fluid environment would be immune to harmful bacteria and that only when the body became a welcome host for this bacteria. (i.e. when our cells become weak from an acidic lifestyle or toxic internal fluid environment) . we do not "catch" sickness, it is born within us, and thus a byproduct of what we eat.
*few know that on his death bed Pasteur recanted, and said, that "Bechamp was right".
He is accused and incarcerated exactly for what Pharma does. Also, there is free will, people should choose the treatment they want. Have you ever been diagnosed with cancer? I have. The hospital scared the HELL out of me. Their intimidation and harassment are horrific. Nobody talks about that instead....btw: i got well doing the Gerson therapy, not chemo and radiation.