Human consciousness is more powerful than the most advanced Ai nanotech. Share the good news!

Thank you Dr. Ana!

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I feel like we need to be careful while doing these healing/remote healing exercises. We definitely need to do it in the name and through the blood of Jesus. If healing’s not coming from God, it's coming from evil. That's the way I see it anyway. We don't have the power to heal ourselves on our own. It's divine power, and the glory goes to God. I feel very strongly about this. What do you think?

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What I do it doesn't involve invoking anything ( that's a personal belief) I'm talking about scientific evidence and working with our bioelectrical system our body has and the ph in our tissues. By remote I'm talking about energy that works through our bodies with an intention and intesion ( as an intensity), to a celular/atomic levels, water it's a conductor of electricity, we have both on us. Our nervous system, our heart, our muscles responds to electricity, that's why we need electrolytes to function properly, dehydration causes bad damage in our bodies. But any ways here is a link with a conclusion of different studies. Nothing shamanic o woo woo thing, energy healing its not always invoking, that's witchcraft or esoteric practices. Traditional Chinese medicine work with the energy of our bodies too and it's not invoking, acupunture work on our meridians of energy ( proven with scientific evidence too). There are plenty of studies trying to understand how energy work.look in here and at the bottom there are more topics in the website.


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Maybe so, but you don't have to invoke something for the devil to deceive. Given an opening, he will take advantage. What I'm saying is that I don't feel comfortable performing healing practices WITHOUT doing in through the blood of Christ, giving the glory of healing to God. I'm not against healing, but I wouldn't claim it came from me, because it doesn't.

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I never say it was from me the healing, read my comments again, I understand your point of view and beliefs, I always pray to God to be guided.

I think you are confuse with esoteric and shamism,, Reiko and other stuffs I don't do anything like that. Our bodies are perfectly made and designed to be self healed.

People have the wrong idea when they hear the word "energy," I'm talking about from the science side atoms, molecules, polarities, not invoking spirits, entities or symbols. Check the link I posted, that's not woo woos. It talks about the influence in our cells and DNA

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You are right. I could not agree more. The world is upside down and it seems anything is better than looking for Jeshua, Jesus Christ our Father in heaven. I pray that more people see this bigger picture and look for Him instead of worldly things.

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I agree.

The Bible warns us about dealing with demons and evil spirits.

I believe that is exactly what is being advocated if that so called healing power is coming from any other source than the healing power of Jesus Christ Himself.

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Agree. Remember the evil one comes as an angel of light to deceive, We are no match. If Adam and Eve fell so quickly with all their faculties and even able to walk with God - could not perceive the danger then how will we? The devil came as the most beautiful creature in the Garden. A creation of God Himself. Yet his words revealed that he was an enemy.

" But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."

Interesting that Pau did not even disqualify himself from the possibility of preaching another Gospel. That is the kind of humility that is so lacking.

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Also they proved it with an MRI at Stanford University how changes happen there was a person laying down having the MRU and in another room it was a person doing energy healing and the images were changing in seconds. Bioenergetics work,

Greg Braden, Bruce Lipton ( the father of epigenetics) Joe Dispenza, Louis L. Hay. A lot of them teach, and practices energy healing watch the documentary HEAL

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Agreed, since I said “fuck EMF”, I sleep next my WiFi router and it has had no impact on my Oura ring sleep score… go figure out 🤭

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That's correct it's an awesome capacity we all have, we just need training I do remote healing since 2017 I do read people's physical bodies and connect to their subconscious mind to find the cause of their symptoms like pathoges, trapped emotions, toxins, or even transgeneracional memories, events, chemicals, that are causing their symptoms. Applying different protocols with tools and techniques some to a quantum level.

Also the German New Medicine Dr. Rick Hammer was discredited by you know who for his investigations about the biological conflicts as a cause of all diseases with plenty of evidence and years of investigation


Check the videos and look at the menu of the left hand side ( the 3 lines)

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Could be why the iPhone flashes infrared pictures of one's face all the time - trying to turn us into mind-controlled soldiers?

Ditch the phone - and grab the infrared of the Sun instead.

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Never take the phone on your person...Anywhere.

Always leave at least 20 feet between you and it at all times and use Speaker Phone at all times possible.

Keep it within Faraday Bag and bring it out to upload all info at specific times unless one is 'on call'.

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There is a much better and safer phone option to an iPhone or regular Android. I don't sell them but I do have one. Just passing on some info.


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Only the out cam is open on my iPhone, the other is masked, not sure if it makes a difference. Would be interesting to know the difference.

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Hello, Roman; Do you know if only iPhone flashes or Android as well? When iPhone flashes does it use front camera one can see or the front camera(s) we can’t see? Thanks.

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Honestly I'm not sure - but I would bet both do it . You can put some electrical tape on the camera. I hope to interview an infrared photographer on our podcast soon to learn more about the feature.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

One thing I would definitely do is apply a blue-light screen filter like Iris https://iristech.co/i/wUOIy

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Its an infrared flash of nonvisible-spectrum light that flashes from the camera lens that does the face unlock... it flashes every 5 seconds and can be seen with nightvision glasses, cheap night vision cameras, some security systems, etc.

I am not aware of any android phones that have a similar IR slow-strobe effect, although some of them do have facial unlock features, so it may be possible. You can cover the lens with black electrical tape to stop it. Or put something inbetween your phone case and the camera lens, like aluminum foil or electrical tape.

Also IMO people should always have full coverage cases on their phones, like a heavy duty otterbox or a dual layer metal-rubber or a waterproof case.

Touching the bare phone slightly alters your electrical charge of your body, even if its on airplane mode, but this effect stops if you cover the phone in a full case, so you cannot physically touch the phone itself.

Thats part of the reason that for many years now, I only use ultra heavy duty dual layer phone cases. And I have 0 bluetooth devices.

I also have all of my computers plugged in using Ethernet, and have a separate wifi router plugged in but turned off, on a surge protector power strip so I Can turn it on if I really needed to.

Although tbh, if I Had an iphone, I would get rid of it Immediately... why are they blinking potentially optigenetic programming lights into your retinas every 5 seconds?

Not no but Hell No!

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Is there a way to tell if this is being done via one’s cell phone and, if so, how to prevent it?

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Cover the front facing facial unlock camera with electrical tape.

And I would get a Full coverage case, one where you cannot physically touch the phone.

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What do you mean by a full coverage case, and how do you use your phone if you cannot touch it? I am curious, as i prefer not touching a phone.

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Some cases fully cover the phone, like most waterproof cases or some TPU cases.



Or some flip wallet/checkbook type phone cases that many women use do the same thing, they have a leather wallet part and leather around the phone edges then a plastic cover that goes over the phone screen.

Heres one without a front screen cover, this is better than just touching the bare phone but you can find them with screen protectors too.


Those types of cases fully cover all the physical surfaces of the phone, so your skin is not in contact with it while you are holding the phone, it is electrically isolated with some type of cover all over it. Then you can only physically touch the case, not the phone body itself.

And you can still use it through the screen cover material, but you are touching the plastic cover, not the actual phone itself.

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I’m so iPhone tech illiterate… I’ve never heard of a “front facing facial unlock camera”… I guess I’ll have to call Apple to find out where it is or if I have one on my SE. Where do you get a Faraday bag? Thx for all your helpful input!

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Some models of phones have a special infrared camera that can unlock your phone by holding it up to your face, if you have that setting enabled.

I dont know which model SE you have but there is a little round black dot which is a camera lens somewhere at the top front of the screen. And any case you get for the phone is going to have a little cutout or window for the camera lens.

If you do not use the front facing camera, you can just put electrical tape over it and not use it.

I use Godark faraday bags, some people have had issues with them but the ones I have work well.

Although if you put your phone in a good faraday bag, it wont receive calls or texts or get internet until you take it out of the bag.


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I’ve never noticed that little circle before…! I put a little cover over my computer’s viewing circle at the top of the screen but never noticed it on the phone. Thank you so much!

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Great question Claudia - Bee Gee has some good suggestions below - only photographers who have the equipment can usually see this I believe.

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My take away is that humans are much more complicated and we underestimate the power of our mental capacity!

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Made me think about the reputed power of concentrated positive thoughts to change the subsequent crystals of the water when frozen.

All new to me and most would say it makes no sense.

Because it doesn't make sense in the usual sense of the word.

It's giving evidence to the power of prayer.

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Masaru emoto work, is fascinating, can you imagine our bodies are water 😍

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You may be interested in the work of Dr Joe Dispenza. People are healing themselves and others. I know this because I have done this for myself and to help others.

And Lynne Mc Taggart. Check out Lynne’s intent experiments and the

outcomes. Remote healing and altering event outcomes is already happening.

Yes, we humans are capable of so much more than we have ever realized.

Spending a mere 15 min is so doable. We are all more powerful than we realize.

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Went through countless Silva Mind Control classes as well as the Graduate Lecture Series . . two or three times with Jose Silva - back in the mid/late 70's. They were doing all this . . . back then. I remain confident that someone . . . somewhere has already experienced - using Mental/Spiritual energy . . .how to grow a limb back - naturally . . JUST LIKE A FROG! We are limited by our own imaginations. The Dark uses will stop as Human Divinity becomes the greater experience. We are still unware to what degree our BEINGNESS develops. . . .somebody once wrote. . ."there's nothing you can know that isn't known; nothing you can see that isn't shown; and there's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be . . . It's EASY . . ALL YOU NEED IS . . . . . . . .

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How great to finally get that third line in English not monde green, which I had as something like nowhere you can be that isn't inside

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Human divinity? You mean the last tower of babel.

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Thank you for finding this! The last couple of years, almost every night before sleep, I say I am Divinely Protected and Guided and visualize an energy shield around me. Some nights before sleep, I'll take a couple of minutes to visualize my cells finding, disengaging and safely removing the tech from my body. I will definitely give myself at least 15 minutes to complete it. This is so encouraging. 🙏🙏🙏

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What a wonderful mantra!

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This is an affirmation of the power of prayer...of a righteous person...documented in the Bible. Indeed, good news, yet only some have ears to hear. Let's continue to pray for those who don't. James 5:16 (KJV)..."The effectual prayer of a righteous man availeth much". Thanks Karen, God bless you.

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Our power seems to be part of us and not necessarily linked to religion

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All power comes from God, including any power in us. Power is given to us as God decides to give it. "...For there is no power but of God"...Romans 13:1 (KJV). God gives power to live, and takes it away. We have no power, except that given us by God. Paul the Apostle raised a young man from the dead...Acts 20: 7-12, and Paul clearly was given power to do that miracle, as were 11 other Apostles...none of them were arrogant enough to claim they did these miracles by their own innate power. Yes, you are correct that power is not linked to "religion". Christianity is a commitment to practicing the truth...about everything. Unfortunately there are many who have been successfully deceived, and attribute their success, 'power' and fame to themselves. All blessings come from God, as it pleases Him. 'Religiosity' is powerless...it is the truth that is powerful...all power was given to Jesus, the Christ of God, who said..."I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me." We gain power by praying to God in the name of Jesus, the Son of God, as instructed by the Word of God.

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If you continually pump out visualization about the compromising of cells, of the blood.. you now know that this very act is a form of self cursing. Take a couple of steps back and look at yourself from a distance. Look at what you’re doing to yourself and others. Stop self cursing. Visualize healing. Promote visions of healing. Arm flapping about the sky falling does not heal anyone.

This is also a clue as to why “they” announce to you ahead of time what they want collectively visualized and brought forth. They plant the seeds of the overall field to be materialized plus wash their hands of “responsibility”. Do the opposite. Dream up and talk up visions of a beautiful future. Plant those seeds into the field.

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“they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall a lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”

‭‭Mark‬ ‭16‬:‭18‬ ‭KJV‬‬

We are more supernatural than we know … if we only believe …

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: ..”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭23‬:‭7‬b ‭KJV‬‬

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Reference to the kundalini as a serpent that travels our spine.

Moses threw down a serpent and up sprang water.

Sit and meditate.

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Given what you have uncovered it would seem this is truly a spiritual battle.

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Excellent article, with excellent suggestions! Yes, Dr. Ana, maybe we should start focusing! Thanks again, Dr. Ana.

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Visualizing healthy blood for yall!

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It's kind of making us responsible for the health of those around us.

The power of love.

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Magnetic field interactions on the brain? I'm testing helmets with powerful magnets. Not so sure it's real good for my head, but I got a lot of weird colored bots out of my head that way. I do sleep well these days. Oh the stories....

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Are you yourself magnetic? Take a handful of change, like pennies and dimes and nickels, then try to stick them to your forehead, your bare collarbone or sternum. IME its only places where there is thin skin with thick bone underneath, like those. Or single keys are an easy way to start.

Light refrigerator magnets will stick too, but again you might need to flip them and some have plastic or backing glued to one side, so you can feel the magnet trying to flip when it nears the skin.

You might have to slide them around or flip them over, the polarity seems to reverse sometimes, but I think you should figure out if you have it or not since you are doing magnet experiments.

That is part of what the infected are shedding to the unvaxxed.

FWIW, I have spent many many many hours with magnets and metal object stuck to me and I am fine, no residual harm, including very strong hard drive magnets or one of those neodymiums they have to ship in the wooden box.

In June 2021, I used to sit at my house at heavily trafficked intersection in Kirkland with coins and keys stuck on my forehead for hours, just to try to spark a reaction.

Most people these days, of course, do not notice Anything Ever... Totally clueless to Anything happening right in front of their face.

But I did find it interesting that Every time, Chinese people in cars or walking down the road would All without fail look the Other direction in unison and Never look back at me Once...

as I'm Wearing Friggin Metal stuck to my Friggin Face and Forehead, at one of primary intersections in Kirkland Wa, sitting outside and chainsmoking for HOURS straight.

And its because they already Knew.

So magnets dont Help IME, but they dont hurt either, so keep us informed if you find anything new.

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I’d like to hear them. & glad the magnet did something.

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Well if you apply enough magnetic force to the blood, I think it starts to disassemble nano structures. I found this out when I constructed a heavy magnet belt for my midsection, the theory being it would maximize magnetic force on entire body. It gave me headaches, meaning I was detoxing nanotech from my brain. I see the results on the magnet on my wrist. It makes "currents" of vivid colored bots. Some gold, platinum, nickel. etc. Then it all went away after a couple of days of the belt.

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Please contact Rachel Russell at hiddenrainbow.com for the David Lapoint primer field magnetic array bowl. They are very powerful to assist my healing journey. I used 12 of shungite sphere at 9cm diameter, shells, etc.. for 5 about 5 years. They saved my life. But i must say 3 magnetic bowls amplify my crystal and shell healing capabilities million times. Rachel is very conservative when she explains how to use it! I have no longer lived in an endless debilitating life style anymore. I have been using it for about 6 months so far! I suggest everyone should have crystals, shells and magnetic array bowl due to IOB! If you believe you are TI or Sabrina Wallace who told the world our body have been log in and out as a biological quantum computer since 1924!

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hiddenrainbow.com is a domain for sale. Am I missing something to access?

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I think substack censors me lately because I forwarded soo many good stuff. Only few shows up. www.hiddenrainbow.com should be working. If not, please search youtube for Richard Vobes YouTube. Richard did an interview with Rachel Russell about the primer field magnetic array bowl. In Richard Vobes and Rachel show, you will find hiddenrainbow.com link. It should be working. If still not working, you may need to try it on computer or restart your phone.

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They most certainly do.

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Looks quite interesting. Most info is on richardvobes.com. Thank you

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Ana, is there a way to prevent them from seeing through our eyes?

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IN DISAGREEMENT - - we're in the field of 'familiar spirits' now . Edgar Cayce could devour a grammar school book by placing it under his pillow at night while he slept - obviously his ego was boosted by a familiar spirit (edgar being totally unaware of his invisible spirit helper) and then later in life performing his 'Readings', a Spirit speaks and identifies himself from ancient times. These semi-helpful spirits anchor Edgar , or you , or i to a Spirit (fallen) w a name such as Ra. . . . . . .Estabany , a Capt. from the WW2 Hungarian Calvary was able to apply liniment to sore legs of horses where others could not approach the lame animals - he was known for having healing hands . Later at McGill University , he would demonstrate an ability to enhance (speed-up) growth in seedlings by placing his hands (holding) the glass jars containing the water used to feed the plants - - this is the Holy Spirit gift given to Estabany to enhance the welfare (health) of life around him . Estabany sought no reward or fame, he was pleased to share his gift . Cayce was renowned and started a huge Clinic and following (he wasn't really a bad guy - but other guys do things like Jonestown, etc). . . . . . .Our ADVERSARY mimics EVERYTHING quite well , and offers benefits while d i s t r a c t i n g us from the Holy Spirit who offers the humble soul purpose in this life with modest gifts of the Spirit and then thru Faith life on and on; ..................Let's get off the std pablum for a moment and go w me to the New Testament where Jesus approaches the shores of the Gadarenes. Two IDENTICAL youths possessed of demons - - one races TOWARDS the approaching Jesus while the OTHER flees into the interior . ......TALK ABOUT CIA SuperSoldiers - these identical miscreants could BREAK IRON ROMAN HANDCUFFS w ease . And the spell was broken in one by the HS and a bonding took place between that demoniac and his Lord Jesus , while the other continued in darkness and bondage to his familiar spirits . FOLKS , it was only 2000 yrs ago (two Days) , pls, let's clear the fog & wake up, n'est-ce pas ? . ............. blessings to all - our promised Kingdom unfolds before our very eyes

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I read this article yesterday. I don't see much difference in what this article is saying from what Dr. Ana is saying. It seems that the same increase in "consciousness" of transhumanism is using the same ways and means.

"Similarly, Rockefeller also advanced noetical mysticism by funding the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) program, which studied parapsychological phenomena, including psychokinesis and remote viewing. PEAR launched the Global Consciousness Project, which is a satellite of the Institute of Noetic Sciences where Hubbard, who endorsed IONS in her book, Birth 2012 and Beyond [1], expressed her belief in tech-noospheric evolution through the collective-conscious cyber-nervous systems made possible by internet social media networks. The PEAR program is now restructured as the International Consciousness Research Laboratories."

"Barbara Marx Hubbard: Godmother of Transhumanism and Synthetic Spirituality"

The late Barbara Hubbard, a Rockefeller-funded New Age guru, was critical to the development of the ideas, beliefs and technology necessary TO MARKET TRANSHUMANISM AS SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT.


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