God Bless you Dra Ana Maria ❤️❤️

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Ana is terrific and all she presents is to help humanity to understand what is happening to our lives, bodies, mind, etc.. internally & externally. All here guests are all very learned people with extended experience in their professional field and are well spoken/ also, well spoken of. With this and her guest appearances she and they have help so many peoples in every nation. What more can anyone ask - but they (the learners) need to listen and apply everything into their thinking brains and consciences - and utilizing it to help all their neighbors. Everyone is your neighbor. May everyone keep listening and learning, so we can help those in this culture of death world. Thank You, Ana * All others.

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Amazing Powerful Beautiful Gracias ❤️❤️ his laughter is beautiful you are the best Doctors

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Dr Ana as smart as you are why do you push the false globe propaganda? The Bible says the sun circles US in our own skies (Psalm 19:1) Genesis 1:7 describes water ABOVE the firmament or dome. There are no aliens, but they will lie to ppl when the demon plague goes down, Revelation chapter 9. NASA means "to deceive" in Hebrew

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Psalm 19:1-6

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NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT'S HEALTH NAZIS: Let's do the time warp again, but harder and faster than before! 'Health New Zealand' has published it's new pandemic plan, stating how many 'thousands of lives were saved' by the 'safe and effective' vaccines.. ?????????!!!! Refer: NZ Govt "The New Pandemic Framework - July 2024" These murdering monsters want to do it ALL OVER AGAIN, even more fascist than before, including "enforced isolation and enforced prescribed medical treatment" next time..!

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Here where I am I've just discovered the school the Maraes and the A&P society have in the past accepted money to do up gymnasiums, fully fence tennis courts, build maraes, build halls under a natural disaster plan, I need to dig deeper to get all the details but doesn't this sound like they've quietly right under our noses set up concentration/detainment centers

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There's 800 to a thousand fema camps in the U.S.,all manned with skeleton crews.The barb wire points in.Combine that with the two bushes and obama creating executive orders giving the gov't control of all resources during martial law,Bush signing Jewish noahide law in 1991 and Obama signing the blatantly unconstitutional NDAA on new yrs eve.The patriot act is not patriotic either.The public is brainwashed and mind controlled,only a small % will even question the official narrative.When 1 politician asked them why all the camps they said just in case of a sudden influx of illegal immigration,when the DHS was asked why they needed 2 billion rounds of ammo they said target practice.All the people who came across the border those camps should be full!

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Yeah thanks for the info, a lot of talk has been on the fema centers and the Walmarts and the focus of people moving out of the cities to be "safe" then I realized this is set up EVERYWHERE every little piece of this is already planned. Even in my tiny town. They'll flip the switch soon and those people who are jabbed and showing no symptoms or injuries, those ones are gonna technologically change and turn on us and commit the atrocities 🤢 I'd kinda rather be in the city so I don't actually know the person that's gonna be doing this to me.

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Not me,just imagine what's going to happen when The gov't stops money to the population,it will be the public that will become more dangerous than the gov't. and there is a lot less people in the country.The thing to do is connect with like minded people in your community if possible.

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Yeah, if you can smell your neighbour cooking dinner you are too close !!

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Yeah,if you see something say something!I see mid thirties Germany.

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Here in the U.S. don't forget to register for your international Bird Flu Summit beginning oct 2nd I guess.I took a look at the speakers,they looked human.https://birdflusummit.com/agenda-2024/#Day-1

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Hello ,I'm a bird and I'm very sick with the bird flu ,running a fever of 125 .The summit is only open to sick birds .I'm a rooster and sell tickets for cash only . I do have inside information about the next flu and Bill Gates said the next panic pandemic will be the fish flu . I do sell tickets for the fish flu summit at a discount ,so far .Get yours before the price rises out of reach .

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Ah yes,The fish flu.You can beat the vatican's prices?I mean somehow they sold those big fish hats as something holy I guess.

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You are such a good and bra!ve girl that I wish you all personal luck to be gotten

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30:28 "Being outside the body is another reality produced by the brain" Looks to me like an A.I. produces the reality or has taken over that reality if it doesn't create it in the first place.

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Well,hope Dr.Hatchard see's this one,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Consciousness

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Primal Defunding: 20 Minute Mark - What do we do?


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Why change cell if activate city from 3 years hit on people rob them extort from 3 years create person isolation from childhood take city make targets and work sitematicly will make small groups latter different many small groups find leaders less activated “clever leaders” long story you don’t think right no need to inject need to work with AI

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I don’t like they talk about blood bulshit different things going on

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They Lied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 



Here is a 9 min. video that explains the idea 



With your help, everyone will know ... TheyLied.ca


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Ana, entire immortality concept is cover to hide the UN-NWO agenda 21 and so on. And this concept is aimed directly at the street level with the goal of conversion to support the NWO regressive Imperial retrograde politics very much using the Roman Vatican Imperial Order as its template.

Further, 'immortality' in our dimension will never happen. Indeed, doubt any modern human could handle must more than 100 years EVEN IN PERFECT HEALTH including healthy passion of life drives and so on. Christ wired us for 70 years and anything more amount to slow death and dying. A glance an Trilateral Traitor Carter provides a picture of that misery. :)

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I will watch as any person is hackable worst when it’s done not etical with signals and energy.

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