"Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave ,to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. " Only God knows the future and he has warned us through the Apostle John, almost 2000 years ago now. We should not fear death but we should never take allow ourselves to be enslaved in the technocratic system. Death is a better alternative because in Yeshua the Messiah we have eternal life. He defeated sin and death, which is why his name means "God's salvation." The "mark" will cause people to worship the beast. That's the ultimate goal of this Satanic slavery plan. That's why people like Yuval Noah Hariri say, "Jesus Christ, the Bible fake news.". No, he is the one propagating fake news. If you know the truth, the truth will set you free. This is the good news of the Gospel, God came in flesh as a man and gave himself as ransom. He came to redeem us. He laid down his life because he loves us. HaSatan, the snake comes only to rob, steal and destroy. We only need to chose who we will serve. The choice should be obvious.

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You are 💯 spot ON

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Hello Joyce, thank you for your comments. I had a personal Revelation by Holy Spirit. The Bible Verse you quote which is part of Revelation 13:16-18 I think has been fulfilled by Patent W0 2020 060606 Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data Microsoft Technology Licensing LLC. Why would that Patent number be associated with Currency, if not to be symbolic. Everything fits. Apocalypse means Unvailing in Greek. We've been warned by Angels even though there has been much corruption in the Church's and Religions the Holy Spirits message and the words attributed to Christ and Profits have come to light. Even the simple message I thought of repeatedly in March 2020 was a God send from the Great Spirit or maybe an Archangel, possibly St. Michael or perhaps I have a Guardian Angel. I'm a practicing Catholic. And I love the freedom of the ability to practice in my faith. Catholic Mysticism is wonderful as well.. These spiritual wisdoms help to stir the hearts of people to see that yes we have an intuitive Spirit. A Spirit of Nature that gives us a unique soul. Different from all Animals. A spirit and soul of Wisdom. Hence Homo Sapian meaning Man Wise!

It was a line from the 1951 film A Christmas Carol when The Ghost of Christmas Present said, "Beware this boy for he is ignorance, beware this girl for she is want...". I knew something was very wrong from the beginning. The fact that some professionals know about Nanotechnology and are not allowed to speak about it is akin to a spirit of slavery. The Bible was our forefathers lessons. So much of our histories have been hidden, forgotten or changed. I hope we can come together as Homo Sapian, with the spirit and knowledge of the word and reverse this damage to our ancient natural species❣🙏

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“Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.”

Dan 12:10

Obviously the “Mark of the beast ” is far far more sophisticated pure satanic technology than most Bible scholars could of imagined only one I know of that understood the future technology at all was the late Chuck Missler.

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I never heard Chick Missler speak on this subject but one thing seems likely, that the people who take it will lose their ability to worship God freely. They will have no other choice but to worship the beast. In Hebrew the word for Egypt has the root for a narrow place where you cannot worship God. Satan has always wanted God's glory. Many of these ideas about Technocracy or Singularity are deceptive in the sense that the people who believe in them think they can create eternal life. The same lie that Satan told Eve. Sadly Adam and Eve were already created in God's image and had access to the "tree of life" but chose the tree of knowledge of good and evil over life. They were both right smack in the middle of the garden, some speculate that they may have been two sides of the same tree?

Nothing has really changed, the lie is just packaged in some slick technology but the lie is a lack of dependance on God and what he did to give us eternal life. He gave his one and only begotten Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. It's so simple and yet evades so many. If you think of the Exodus story, the children of Israel and the mixed multitude had to leave the system and trust that God would provide for them as they wandered in the Wilderness. It will be the same for us if we are alive when this horrific system is rolled out. Remember there were two doors, the one that led back the hidden god or baal that would take them back to slavery, the other was the door to freedom. Paul said all of that was written for our instruction upon who has come the end of days. Those of us who chose wisely and believe leave this world system and have true life, not the counterfeit.

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That's why I admire the Amish. And Homesteaders. I would love to go into a system like that. In a better world the ones calling the shots would make room for those of us not interested in Bio Digital Convergence. God is a guiding principle and the Creator Of All, in my mind. Simulation means Imitation so that's not real, in my perception. Rencarnation has some merit and is an open question for me. And so is Heaven and H e l l. Why are we making Nanotechnology invade Nature, our future offspring will look back at this time and wonder why we skipped Judgement Day. Christ said Holy Spirit would be with us. A great Paraclete a defender. John taught Holy Spirit was the Spirit of Truth. We are made in the image of God. Wise like Him because we are his Children, Children Of The Word, The Light, The Light Of Knowledge. I enough people with eyes to see will start writing more. Hopefully the best gift we've received as Humans The Word, will get us a healing result.

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Patent W0 2020 060606 fufils Revelation 13:16-18. It's Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data Microsoft Technology Licensing LLC.

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RemovedJul 15
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yes. you have to wonder if there is a difference between injecting and putting it food. Why were they so eager to inject the entire world if they could just contaminate food, water and air. When someone takes "the mark" they will understand at some level what they are doing and agree to it. Also poisoning can be done slowly, but injecting something into the blood stream has a much more immediate impact. . I'm not a biologist but just guessing. We may not have seen the final product yet, but UK and Poland worked on something together that was "digital id".

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You are a powerhouse, Dr Mihalcea! Thank you for your tireless work on behalf of humanity!

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RemovedJul 12
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SPAMMER again^

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Such a refreshing interview. The interconnectivity of all the findings across the spectrum of one’s life is truly amazing. Evil spreads like a windy wildfire across dry prairie grass. Most everything is connected to some aspect of our lives. Just like the poisons they introduce in so many different ways, spraying the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the shedding from those having received the jab and God knows how many other ways. Thank you Ana for the light you shine on the dark lies that surround us.

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I find you admirable Dr. Ana for your grounded sense of reality and the eloquence with which you express the urgency of our present situation. That is what I retain from this interview.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 12

In my view, this man is in denial about what he did at the World Bank for 30 years! A major player in the cabal this so-called institution has been destroying the lives of entire populations for decades. Besides, he's even contradicting himself, trying to convince himself that people are waking up and then demonstrating the very opposite. Frankly, he should have a lot more to say.

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I think he is redeeming himself. He is authoring books and using his words to warn us. This man I am pleased with. He is an example of switching viewpoints as one matures. I'll be 50 this year and many mistakes caused me to learn the hard way. But now I know and I try and share those lessons. If He didn't have those experiences he would not be able to report to the Public today.

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Biden is doing his best to stop the American currency and like everything else, pushing digital. His illegal Aliens are helping this exactly like they planned. By causing high crime in the stores, people are scared to shop and store will close down from the large amount of theft and make it so we have to buy online . No need for cash if everything is being bought on line. Same thing with Restaurants. To order online and drive thru to pick up your order, eliminates cash. Everything is going to the "BRAIN" "HUB" 'ALL SEEING ' Internet. This will help with the robot take over, no need for humans, depopulation push. Welcome to the NWO takeover of mankind.

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And here’s how they are doing it…


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Informative and useful data by Peter Koenig! Thank you both for taking the time to have this talk and publish here.

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Good interview. He didn't give a source for his information about PCR test containing a QR code. I wonder how he knows that, or if he just believes that...

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Great to hear from Koenig...and see him as well. Deep spirit optimism.

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The Jews are preparing the world population for their coming digital cryptocurrency financial system. This is bio-digital monetary system is dependent upon the self assembling read & write nanotech bio-sensors that are in the jabs and the chemtrails. Those who take the nano-jab will have the means to integrate into the new Quantum Financial System via the Bill Gates bio-energy patent (see link below). The new system will be regulated by A.I. using 'stakeholder capital' blockchain ledgers (see Alison McDowell Wrench In The Gears blog for more info).

They used a fake pandemic to destroy the economy because they want to digitize all currencies, and all humans too. Walmart, Amazon etc already have their own currencies on the blockchain so they are primed and ready to go. All businesses not on the blockchain will be deliberately bankrupted so that everyone will be forced to buy and sell using the nanotech integrated Central Bank Digital Currencies.

Bill Gates already has the patent that will connect you to the A.I. quantum computer. Integral digital dollar and Chinese style global social credit system are next... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/The-not-so-obvious-patent-Is-this-really-about-block-chain-mining:f?r=BzeaDEtU9gUs5Seo2tJcXiQjJf9Ekzvu

The new global money system - out with the old, in with the new... BIBI BACCHUS - UCC Contract Law Expert... https://odysee.com/@paychoNWO:0/bibi-bacchus-ucc-contract-law-expert:9?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

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Dear Annita Linda , this post is significant !!! Dear Annita Linda , why don't we gather all of our true friends , buy a cruise ship , just like Noah , we get all our friends onboard , then , we sail to a beautiful island in the middle of nowhere , then we get in full communion with our CREATOR & We Live Happier Ever After ? Bless You !!! -elcasto .

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Man in his arrogance thinks he can control the weather. Well now they are.

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Creating (Money) out of thin air is theft and counterfeiting....No matter who does it !!!! Pure and simple

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nonvaxer420 on rumble article- molecular circuits enabler 4 internet f bio nano things- it is NOT nanorobots. now latest article on nonvaxer420 says trust... go to 1 hr 39 minutes 23 seconds- dev molecular comm network based on genetically modified/ engineered prokaryotic cells{bacteria} in a microfliud device. look up microfliud device- like circuit boards 4 synbio. so is this what is happening 2 cells/ transformation? biological circuit 4 cellular comm and programming?

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for someone more science oriented- not me-

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correct! go back to sleep.

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x pose gangstalking. and what have u done but 2 take the time out and make the effort 2 b mean. ?? thats it i guess- 4 enjoyment. see ya. ka

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nanorobots r not enabler. they tell u. i watched. looked up microfluid device 4 myself. u should 2. bye

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microfluid devices- synbio's secret weapon- is what it says.

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or r nanorobots the enabler?

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