The people need to rise up and tear down these weapons that are used against them. Don’t just accept the evil that is amongst you! The children are counting on us, they will be slaves if this is allowed to continue!

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The second tack.

The 3 tacks:

1) micro decentralized voluntary direct democracy assemblies, denying any outside authority;

2) destroy surveillance apparatus; and

3) publicly name, collectively locate and attack individual murderous billionaires one at a time.

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And take all the trillions they have ripped off from the people and divide it between the countries and people. People do not realize it but, that is the greatest source of the debt.

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Wonder if there are cheap low tech ways to foil this crap. Like say, small hand mirrors to reflect the lasers back at the weapon to melt it?

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Good question. There could be. A funny thought popped into my head when I read in your comment "to foil this crap." Maybe wearing a tin foil hat would help? lol It might reflect the laser also?

Stuff that was blue in Lahaina didn't burn so we could always wear a blue hat and jacket, or shirt as well.

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Dude thinks Trump and Elon are gonna save us? 🤦‍♂️ Dude is gone. Nice shades though.

Look, this should make it clear. If Trump were on our side he would be dismantling the surveillance state. Not happening. In fact the reverse.


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as long as masses will trust THEIR money monkey, they will control every aspect of our life and even our bodies and mind. it's up to us, PEOPLE, to say "I DONT TRUST THEIR MONEY ANYMORE AND GOING TO UNITE WITH OTHERS TO USE A REAL CURRENCY BASED ON REAL VALUE". and things will changer very quickly for good

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The 3 tacks:

1) micro decentralized voluntary direct democracy assemblies, denying any outside authority;

2) destroy surveillance apparatus; and

3) publicly name, collectively locate and attack individual murderous billionaires one at a time.

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Please explain Number 1.

Number 3 is provided for, both by the law of self-defense (well established), and the now forgotten but not repealed, Law of Outlawry.

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The 3 tacks were articulated after this international yellow vest discussion.


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I think the first tack is the most important, and for many the most difficult.

In a nutshell it means get with your chosen group of folks and take care of each other.

But also do it with a mind to disregard/avoid all these illegitimate control systems... none more incidious than currency.

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Wow, "micro decentralized voluntary direct democracy assemblies." Now I get it. It could be simplified to 'Lamppost committees' re Bush Sr's remark that "If they knew what we do, they'd hang us from a lamppost.

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Meh, another one that said that the unvaxxed who discovered they were magnetic were Lying. And then blocked the people trying to show him Evidence of his 'mistake'.

And then spammed that BS lie out to his thousands of followers Thousands of times during all those stupid Magneteer messages.

How many thousands or millions of people Never found out they have it because of ignorant tools like him?

I wonder if he admits his 'mistake' yet? Somehow I doubt it, I've never seen him say he was wrong ever... How noble of him.

Everyone should move out of the cities anyway, they are shedder deathtraps.

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Stop bulshiting people with stupid pictures about directed energy weapons. No one knows how they look where they hidden what distance they work what different pain they can create can power be regulated what other systems is used in combination with directed energy firstly you need to experience latter you write articles.

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The Lahaina experience of Aug 8, 2023, is more than sufficient. (Devastation of a city by UNDOUBTEDLY DEWs.) See the website of Traci Derwin who diligently follows the evidence. Or see the Maui page at my website www.ConstitutionAndTruth.com

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Hi Ms. Mary. Thanks for the info. Great photo by the way!! I would vote for you just because of your tee shirt. People need to live by the Constitution for it is in serious danger.

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so open as substack and teach people about it rather than make the basic nazi saying stop this stop that.

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I don’t want to open Substack I’m on attack for more than 7 years. Had heavy stuff even at work. Nothing to educate energy used to stop people, what kind off energy I can’t say I’m not scientist. To add to directed energy they also use some signal can move people fingers hands crazy technology but in bad hands. About pain they attack brains - imagine brain, heart muscle contraction super heavy stuff.

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Yes…. Some people know ALL about them. That doesn’t mean that people listen to me though.

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I haven’t watched the presentation yet. Is there anything at all mentioned about how DEW is being used from satellites to effect the so-called “wildfires”?

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