We know that the evil turns everything backwards and upside down right??? So, what is doge but egod or "e" "god"???? I didn't figure it out, but wow! Please wake up. They're putting this tech into everything like our food supply and our chickens. I love how this guy exposes everything. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and pray over everything you eat and drink!!!


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DOGE is the Venetian spelling of "DUCE", the nickname of Mussolini.

E-God, could be Electric God, if you really wanna put some tinfoil on it :)

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Nothing like some good tinfoil! Lead paint should make a comeback too!!!

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With all due respect Miss Karen, that is NOT a "Cell Phone"---It's a S.M.A.R.T "phone"-----thats an acronym Surveillance, Monitoring, etc.--see Rosa Koire's explanation (RIP Rosa Koire)----(look it up the actual definition of SMART)--It's a WEAPON!

S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym-----for nefarious deeds. Smart Cities, Smart This, Smart that---TV's and the like---"But it's so easy---but I NEED it!"--Precisely---create the need for a WEAPON. Ah, no y'all don't.

Here's some advice y'all should follow----SEE IF IT CAN SWIM!

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recently had a chat with a long time liberal friend...she asked about my flip phone and I said so I can't be tracked (who knows nowadays anyway!) and she replied,

" I want to be tracked."

I wasn't surprised actually. But disappointed.

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Sad, actually. If y'all can take the battery out it's fine-If not? Find one that does. With battery in you will be tracked.

Sad incident last pM----I noticed this 20-ish young lady stood her 6 feet "social distance" non-sense at counter and I stood behind her at a reasonable space---3 feet maybe---As she left she screamed at me "You were right in my face!"--poor dummy fell for the Authoritarian COVID19, Inc. Non-sense "social distancing" made up BS. Operation Lockstep, 2010--The Rockefeller Foundation in which COVID non-sensical rules were made up.

Y'all take care C Farmer.

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In military docs S.M.A.R.T. = "secret military aresenal for residential technologies" designed to kill us, especially smart phones. Also called 'silent weapons for quiet wars.' Excess deaths exceed birthrates worldwide. So AI's world population counter 8 billion+ is another 'smoke and mirrors' simulation, like 'covid.'

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Precisely. Following Sept. 11, 2001, The Patriot Act was released (pre-written, of course). Civilians were then identified as "Enemy Combatants". In Agenda21----SMART is a different meaning acronym but same basic idea.

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Love and appreciated the late Rosa Koire for being so aware and awake. She tried really hard to wake people up even writing Behind.

the Green Mask (still published-go read it). We the people need to listen, think

And act as clever critical thinkers to stay alive. Let’s join force to push back and stand against these fuckers for our survival and integrity to remain whole. Trust God and Stand United! Stop becoming consumers and needy people. We don’t need anything but God and each other to stay alive.

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Yes, I knew Miss Rosa and I may have been one of the last people to speak with her before she "passed away" and had been working with her to get the word out for a few years-----She had several water damaged copies of Behind The Green Mask that I was buying from her to distribute to others---she "died" before we could complete the transaction. They say lung cancer---that was pretty quick---I had just spoken to her days before. The PP mafia blocked our transition for a couple pf days then she passed.. RIP Rosa Koire.

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Come on girls, don’t be libtards.

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'red team /blue team' is just theatre.... conditioning us to believe we had choice. All an illusion to keep us divided.

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37Trillion % of what I would have said! I'm so loving what DOGE is doing!

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It all looks and sounds so good, but people are missing what's going on. I'm a conspiracist to these maga-types. Smh

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Subject: Re: DOGE, AI and Transhumanist Agenda – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 49 – Conversation with Karen Kingston


Here is my reply comments to this very meaningful interview SK

Wonderful and informative interview brilliant ladies. NOW my questions to anyone with even 2 actual human brain cells still working is . Why would anyone believe in , support , vote for , or listen to anyone doing so , for TRUMP[GODFATHER OF DEATHS SHOTS], OPERATION,WARP SPEED, GAZA GENOCIDE, Q , and or ANY OF THE TECHNOCRAT EVIL BILLIONAIRE swamp monsters and their agents/Corporations now in this new administration? Also anyone not realizing the corrupted military role in development and support for these anti -life anti human agendas is equally deluded, or already brain hacked . So now what is your solution suggestions brilliant ladies?


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This is the last movement, the crescendo of a multifaceted monstrous enterprise that started centuries ago. So it is not surprising that we should be at this point now, witnesses to a deranged fallacy that will soon take billions of us in its demise. We are living in the midst of all this senseless destruction and yet, we must keep still to keep our spirit intact. Thank you dear allies for keeping us well informed about the invisible part.

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This is outrageous. It’s an act of war against people.

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very scary how Bill Gates says, “there will be no need for humans”.

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I dont know how you can hate on Karen Kingston tho.

Takes a special kind of hater for that one :)

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I have read the two volumes of TRANSHUMAN, and find this video with Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea and Karen Kingston quite supportive of what I read, and understand to be true. So much so, that I gave my copies of the books to a doctor in Mexico, who has been performing chelation for many years, as did his father. The doctor was touched, and gave my wife and I EDTA chelation, round two, at no cost to us. The doctor was intrigued with the books...and for good reason...all I told him about the research of Dr. Mihalcea was consonant with his own work and findings. I do also agree that the 4th Reich is upon us (the 4th kingdom), as mentioned by Daniel, in the Bible. The BEAST is the 4th kingdom on Earth, as the angel, sent by God, explained to Daniel. (Daniel 7:23, specifically, KJV). We are to maintain our faith and testimony until the end. Trust Jesus.

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"Now time grows short. History will not allow the people of Shem additional centuries, or even decades, to come to their senses and realize what is going on. Just as they have been victims of massacres and genocides for centuries, the people of Shem now face the determination of the Canaanites to exterminate them utterly and finally. a goal they hope to achieve by the end of the millenium."

The Curse of Canaan

Eustace Mullins 1987

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Karen needs to put a little more research into the Trump Administration. Elon Musk has TOP SECRET CLEARANCE. Thats a Q clearance. I have that myself. He and his team DO NOT have individual SS#s or individual medical information. All of the forensic audits are done by ALGORITHMS whose results come in batches, eliminating personal information. Stop pushing bullshit. All this does is push fear, the same fear you just stated caused people to take the poisoned jabs… so just stop!

The bottom line in all of this, is that NOBODY can do something to you unless you allow them to. Karen is WRONG about her estimation of how many took the jab. Millions got saline. There was an operation in place, THAT IS WHY they got saline. Get it?

So instead of pushing lies or misinformation, how about you talk about taking INDIVIDUAL responsibility with regards to their technocratic agenda?? You do this by continuing to inform people. In the end, its THEIR CHOICE!

The technology era is here. More is coming!! You aren’t going to stop it. What we CAN DO is ensure team humanity is overseeing it.

Lets go back and talk about the MrNA. That wasn’t in the jabs. Sorry, its too expensive and too volatile at this stage. Research this FACT. There is also NO shedding from jabbed people. We were poisoned by parasites they put into our systems (we were attacked through water, air and food). It was ramped up just for “COVID”. The propaganda and fear campaigns made people believe it was a “virus” …it was not. Did those who took the poison jab have a AI process inside of them, yes. They do, unfortunately. And people now are making bank selling shit that they say will get it out and banking on fear. These people are no better than the parasites who injected these people.

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Shedding of the covid jabs to the unvaxxed is real and always was, so obviously they have you fooled too.

There are also aspects of whatever is in these jabs that can plainly do things outside of our previous understanding of physics, like the magnetism-like phenomenon.

So I hate to break it to you but you dont know all the things you Think you know, like the fact that whatever sars-cov2 actually IS, it behaves like a virus, or more accurately a biological weapon.

Its Real though, it just doesnt kill almost anyone, hospitals do... Duh.

Which is why chinese in masks have been spreading it in the meat department at grocery stores in every city in this nation ever since 2019.

Haha, guess you missed that with your Q clearance too, huh?

Well good luck to you in any case, keep paying attention, the truth is coming out.

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Shedding, in how they are describing it, IS NOT A THING!! The word “virus” means toxin. Viruses in the way you were taught don’t exist. SARS Cov2 is the common flu, fkng A, educate yourself. We’ve been coding the common flu as Cov2 FOREVER.

Yes, it IS a biological weapon. But only to get you to the jabs, which is the intended biological weapon. The DOD has been weaponizing bacterium for 50 plus years.

What is being spread is parasites. But if your body is healthy, it will not affect you. Its when your body is weakened already that it will hurt you.

So what else do you want to throw at me? I mean besides your fucking insults…

The truth is already out.

Yes, Q clearance. I worked for two of the most corrupt administrations in US history. Not proud of it, but I know the agenda pretty well.

Don’t bother writing back… i’m done here.

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Can you site some evidence to support your claims? We are here to learn, to listen.

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Haha, thats not hate, its just casual disdain for self proclaimed intellectuals.

Many of the flu cases were medically coded as sars-cov2, however there was next to no influenza, at least compared to previous 'bad flu' years.

It happens in both 2020 and 2021 because all flu vaxx supplies were given to the coov vaxx makers and next to np people Got flu vaccines, which is why there was no flu... All flu vaccines Shed influenza, a fact they have known since the 80's. There are studies on it, I read them, why didnt You?

But dont try to blame scam pcrs, they have many many diagnostic tests for influenza going back decades.

What they are shedding is not parasites, unless you know of a parasite that spreads a magnetism like phenomenon which many educated people except you know about. Hint: Its Not. Or anti-parasitics would fix it. They can help but they don't fix it.

And it doesnt matter if you think being healthy will stop you from getting it, it wont.

Good luck to you in any case, 'Q Clearance'.

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My experience is that some allergen did transfer from person to person with the SARS Cov2 virus (bc I got allergy-type symptoms that started at 4 in the morning after I slept on the couch my daughter sat on after she was around a friend whose mother had COVID. That was when first cases of COVID were happening.

Then after the 2nd round of COVID shots happened, I and 2 others who did not take shots were talking for 1/2 hour-1 hour inside with one or more person who took a second shot, we all had 3 day headaches. I rarely ever get a 1 day headache. I had never had a 3 day headache.

I’ve taken bromaline and NAC to dissolve and remove mRNAs since then. And there are air purifier necklaces - https://thetriadaer.com (promo code Ruby for a discount).

We have vitamin c & edta cardio chelate to try to get some junk out of our systems.

And we can pray God’s Holy Spirit can usher nanobots out of our system & not harm any biological life - instead help us identify & clean up any harmful chemicals.

I think men (& women who want to be territorial and control things ) should protect our planet.

And women (& men who care about protecting biological life) should oversee what goes on, on the surface of our planet.

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The site does not show any necklaces !!!!

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Did you get off of your meds or what???!!?

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How about you fuck off??!! How about that? Let me guess, your government cares about you right? Still got your mask on, dumbass? Oh what, you thought I would just take your insults and not stick up for myself?🙄 dickhead.

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China’s killing their civilians? Any proof of that? Sounds like projection.

“After four weeks of testimony and one hour of deliberation, the jury in the wrongful-death case found that Loyd Jowers as well as ”others, including governmental agencies” had been part of a conspiracy. The jury awarded the King family the damages they had sought: $100, which the family says it will donate to charity.” – NY Times


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It's important to note that we are all connected, physically connected by entanglement. Every proton in every atom in every molecule is connected to every other proton in our universe. This means that we are naturally connected in an analog way much more powerful than our synthesized digital mechanical ways. The information is shared instantaneously because we are all connected to each other right now. All of this has been shown and proven mathematically and actually used by all higher sentient beings. The digital mechanistic systems are a crude cancer on our existing reality. All the people have to do is realize we are completely in control of this analog system of communication. Some call it intuition or extra sensory perception some can alter our physical reality by manifesting their wants and needs. The vast pool of virtual particles in the space we exist, our Materium, will manifest with proper understanding of how our reality actually works.

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Dear Ana, I so want to order your second book on tranhumanism. Why can't it be sent to Australia?

Is there any alternative to Amazon or other advertised sites for the book as none will send to Australia?

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The incarnation of Ahriman is imminent. We must fight sleep and the efforts to override our free will so that we can be free in our thinking.

I think an important next question in this discussion is to ask ourselves 1- if we can and 2- how we can utilize the nano bots militia under our own individual and sovereign control when we gather together with others for the force of good and to help others. Let’s wake up and do it side-by-side.

A friend told me that we are standing shoulder to shoulder with angels, or we are down in the muddy trenches wrestling to no end.

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