I realized shedding was real on June 10th 2021 at 10:38pm.... and I have been researching and Taking many many (many?) things ever since.

And in my experience, Nothing works as well as Vitamin C and EDTA, although there are other things that Help, just none so much as Those.

Based upon my experience, I disagree about needing a special form of EDTA but fine, get one of those and Take It Right.

And I dont automatically believe anything Anyone says, some skepticism is good but the proof is right there in front of our faces, over and over again. She hasnt just show this once, she has shown it tons of time.

So if Dr Ana can show her results daily, why dont these other doctors that say they know something different?

Dont they have darkfield microscopes?

Cant they draw 30cc's of their own blood and leave it in the tube overnight?

Why dont they Show us how well whatever else they are selling works?

Because the Died Suddenly's and Turbocancers Are NOT just occurring in the vaxxed... most of the things that can happen to the vaxxed can happen to the unvaxxed too, just slower. And its been 3 Years Now.

So you should probably get off the fence and get with the program while you still can but thats just my advice. And I plan on Living. I hope you do too, but planning isnt enough.... you need Action.

Its your life... Save It.

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hi, Dr. Ana wants us to take 500Mg of EDTA and 10,000 mg of Vit C is this everyday you think ? will the EDTA hurt the liver at 500mg a day? can anyone help and will that much of EDTA hurt the liver ?

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Bee Gee Do you know how often to take the 500mg of EDTA and 10.000 of Vit C.. how can i find out? please help if you can

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Hallo Donna you get an answer to your question?It will also interesting me?

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Dr.Ana can you or anyone one please let me know how often to take 500mg of EDTA and 10.000 mg of vit C..Will it hurt my liver If i dont exceed your limits ,? So please let me know if i could take this amount every day or once a week etc. thank you so much

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Sorry, but what are those other things that help,but doe not bind with edta?is Phosphatidylcholine one of them?

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Yes, I would start with taking them twice a day. You just want to be sure you are taking them far enough away from other things it will bind with.

If your kidneys hurt, stop taking it or wait for a day or two to give it time to work out of your system but I have great kidney function and have taken much more than that with no issues.

When I am doing an EDTA fast, I take around 6600mg of oral EDTA and around 10,000mg or more of vitamin C per day.

Plus other things that help but do not bind with EDTA.

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When you paused edta you still take that high dose of vitaminc like 10000 mg a day?

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Hallo Bee Gee,how long is a edta fast,and how long you paused after,and doe your next edta fast?What I want to ask also,is does the technology move also trough the brain barriere?when it does,what could be good to detox?

Kind regards Aminata

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Bee Gee thinks taking 500 mg twice a day + the orange juice is great to if you can ,,Just to remember to not take the EDTA right after eating or after vitamins

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Hallo donna balian the answer of your question is at a day.

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yes each day

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I'm just worried that EDTA remove my iron as I take iron pills cuz I was anemic and I also take a special form of magnesium so my heart doesn't flip. My heart has not gone out of rhythm for 6 months now and it used to do it every 2 weeks. Normal for 2 weeks and then flip a LOT for another 2 weeks. Do I take my pills AWAY from EDTA? I can't afford to take 10,000 mg of C. What is the minimum I can take?

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I also take a BP pill. I am 75. I don't want to flush the med out of my body and my BP goes up. I take my pills in the morning, but have to take the BP pill at bedtime too. Can I just take Methelan Blue?

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look into cayenne pepper - it is a natural and superior alternative to warfarin etc. Look up Barbara O'Neill - Ive been taking it twice a day for a long time, its amazing

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Dr Ana, you have been a lifeline for me ever since the first time I discovered your substack. Thank you so much for all your life saving work, especially this conversation showing a comparison between nicotine effects and EDTA/Vitamin C. There is no substitute for photographs as you have continually demonstrated

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Sep 13
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You are a gift from God! Thank you for your teaching humanity the truth and how to be sovereign!

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Sep 13Edited

Do you know what really bothers me? I just listened to this video with David Icke and he is explaining the hive mind, graphene, and the electrical fields such as the Low Earth Orbit Satellites and 5G as if it is something new. He gives credit to a few people (most of whom I have never even heard of before), like La Quinta Columna. Which, I will agree. they were one of the first people to start bringing out the information on the presence of graphene in the vials. But not one mention of Dr. Mihalcea. I don't think anyone has worked harder than she has in trying to expose this and get the information out, but yet he doesn't mention her name at all. Maybe it is because he is in the UK, I don't know. Maybe he is just speaking to an audience who has never heard this information before, and is speaking in general terms so as to bring awareness to it.

And he does say that he has known about this technology and how it works for quite some time now. Well then, why has he waited until now to start talking about it?

It just upsets me to no end that after all of the hard work Dr. Mihalcea has been doing for 3+ years now, and she hardly even gets recognized! It is just not fair!! She should be at the top of the list!!

Here is the video if anyone wants to watch it:


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I have noticed the same thing and I am incensed that Dr Ana is not given more recognition for what she has done for humanity.

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Maybe she does not want to stand int light as she could be in danger from these elites.

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he may be a psyop 4 ascension or something

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What is ascension?

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guess i should not speak till i know- but expanding awareness to arrive at the true I EYE- awakening or something. I really dont get it. But there are ppl who talk about a collective awakening ascension out of the hive controlled mind which is probably a controlled hive mind. nonetheless because there is no collective anything. see shawn paul melville. mike flynn also... new age/ UN one world religion/ ramtha super consciousness or alien consciosness- some sort of collective consciousness ascension will b a psyop- my guess. against christianity .

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You have an important observation about ascension psyop Kaal. Ickes information is very good, in my opinion, but I’m suspicious about some of his ideas about higher consciousness

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Sep 13Edited

And here is how I feel about a lot of the things David Icke is saying. If you can't see it or PROVE it, then, in my mind, it is NOT REAL! It isn't enough for me to believe him when he claims that we only see a portion of reality but whatever is outside of the light spectrum is invisible. I mean, how does he know that? Seeing is believing! Just like what Dr. Ana is seeing in the blood. How can anyone discount that when you can obviously SEE IT.

But then again, I believe God is real, and Jesus is real, and angels are real, and Satan and demons are real but I can't see any of them so I don't know.

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I feel the same way. He has some good insight but all of the stuff I just mentioned above is a little too far out for me.

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Ok, that kind of makes sense. Maybe as much sense as the rest of some of David Ickes information. Maybe I just haven't "ascended" yet because it all sounds a little too weird to me. Maybe I am just not "groovy" enough (that should tell you the "age" I am coming from).

And, I am not buying all of the stuff he says about being in a simulation and only being able to see a small part of reality. What I see IS real, and what I don't see ISN'T real as far as I am concerned.

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not saying you or certain qualities or virtues r bogus but type lookoutfacharlie ascension psyop into duckduckgo- just remembered this. cant get into this dont know enough.

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I'm not saying you're an idiot but you should type in I opened my mouth and removed all doubt,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Virtues

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i saw that bfore i think. was nice. under stress here gotta go.

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Yeah, he’s been surprisingly slow about the nanotech problem and he’s never responded to me either.

I get the impression that you’ll only ever hear from him if he wants something.

I feel his information is good, but I don’t trust where he’s heading with respect to higher consciousness elevation. Seems a bit ‘New Age’ and links to ascension concerns.

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If you're speaking of David Icke, I know exactly what you mean. Isn't he a freemason?

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Hallo Dale,did you know if David Icke is a freemason???

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I'm pretty sure he himself said he was quite a while ago.

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All of them said,they was freemasons.they are,there is no was,and talking out their buisness on TV and internet.

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Lets just stop with the 'credit' nonsense as I have seen it quite a few places recently like with the Natural News guy and a few others.


If you are 'due' some type of recognition, God will provide it, otherwise just shut up and keep working for humanity's survival.

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First of all, I do not have to "shut up" about anything!

And I agree, that what is important is that we get the information out there regardless of who gets "credit' but I believe that credit should be given where credit is due.

And there are people out there who will take the work that Dr. Ana has painstakenly DONE FOR HUMANITY, and take credit for it even though they didn't do the work, and then will get the "glory" from people who are just hearing this information for the first time.

IMO, anyone who is an honest, legitimate researcher will give credit to those who actually DID THE RESEARCH.

Dr. Ana always gives credit where credit is due.

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Dear Sir, with all due respect, we currently live in a society where rewarding the efforts of those who innovate, at least mentioning them and showing them consideration, was and is the key for any advancement.

Other than this attitude , we talk about pure communism: in there , they don’t respect creators, creators don’t respect dictators and all people around sabotage their own work as a form of resistance, praying for an eventual collapse of their own misery …

If a sub-mediocre stripper singer of certain age gets enormous encouragement to continue her ‘art’, why not praising the smart and conscious crowd who works hard and sacrifices everything to sort us out from this devastating assault on Humanity?

Kim does a very good work for all of us here and I hope she will continue to not shut up!

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What’s going to be interesting is to see what Icke is going to say about nanotech remedies. Will they be different or the same, as suggested here.

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Haha, he said he is still 'thinking' about it, like so many who have just awoken.

No one wants to believe many people have known this information for 2 or 3 years now.

I like him, so I hope he 'figures it out' soon. I would bet money he is only going to find what other people have already found though.

I tried to reach out to him back in June 2021, like sooo many people but never heard anything back by the time they shut down my email addresses, which is not surprising.

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He probably is going to say the same things that Dr. Ana has been screaming from the rooftops for almost 4 years now . And if he says Zeolite, I will know that he hasn't been listening.

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I heard zeolite is not good. That's the latest findings. I'm also aware that zeolite does rid of bodies of graphene but at the same time, people have been saying to stay away from it I don't know what to behave anymore.

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Sep 16Edited

No, according to Dr. Ana, Zeolite is not good and here is why she is not recommending it:

Apparently, the nanotechnology, mainly the assembly (polymerization) of the polymer hydrogels require a "start" signal. This "start signal" is aluminum and titanium, but I believe that silcon is also one of the chemical elements required to start the POLYMERIZATION (assembly) of the hydrogels (those are the ribbon-like structures you always see in the slides Dr. Ana shows us).

Here is what zeolites are made of: mainly silicon, aluminum and oxygen.


So, it isn't a good idea to be taking something that starts the assembly of the hydrogel. The polymer hydrogels are what the "rubbery clots" are that are being pulled out of people's veins and arteries when the embalmer tries to embalm a deceased person's body (you saw the movie Died Suddenly, right?). Those clots are polymer hydrogels that are causing problems in people. Even people who are still alive. It is complicated so I hope that I got my explanation correct.

You can read the literature Dr. Ana has written on it on her Substack, but it is pretty far down (not recent) the list so you will have to scroll down a ways. You may have to "subscribe" to the newsletter, and you can do that for free and you will receive all of Dr. Ana's newsletters sent to your email. However, as I am finding. YOU will be able to read everything but Substack (I think it is Substack that is preventing sharing) will not let you share the information unless you become a paid subscriber.

I hope this has answered your question. There are other, better things that will take out graphene that don't contain aluminum, titanium or silicon.

I believe one of them is the Humic and Fulvic acids. This is the one I take but you can get it other places. I just like this one. It also provides your body with trace minerals that EDTA may chelate out...so it's a win-win!!


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Wow, thank you very much. I was a subscriber but I do still read most of Dr.Michelas posts. She's a wonderful Dr and I found her really interesting at the beginning of this fiasco. We've come a long way. I think I'm going to start taking humic/fulvic acid. I have an aneurysm, quite possibly two so I'm really careful what I'm taking. I appreciate this very much, thanks again.

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Sep 16Edited

You are very welcome. I came across this article yesterday. I haven't read through it all yet but there might be something in it that might apply to your situation with the aneurysm. I might be a little hesitant to take something like this, but I am definitely interested in finding out more about it. I think the midwestern doctor is a very credible source too and she provides a lot of documentation backing up what she is saying. I don't know, but I thought I would share.

Good luck and God bless!


Also, FYI, I take the liquid form of the humic and fulvic acid. I get the one with the dropper and it lasts a long time.

Also, I just thought of this. Activated Charcoal is also supposed to help remove graphene. I just got this new type from Global Healing and I am trying it right now.


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Bingo, Kim!

There is this zeolite hype among a certain group of doctors, who are also veteran podcasters, in the same ligue with Icke and others like them. I don’t name them, we all know who.

Now, Dr Gordon , the father of oral chelation, has used zeolite with edta chelation, in his oral formulations but this was 20 years ago and we didn’t have the complex polymers forming nano tech in our blood, back then.

The situation radically and tragically changed since the time when the two molecules seemed to work quite well together but now there is a group of largely influential people who decided not to look at the blood the way Dr Ana and other smart and curious people do…

Why? Because the zeolite sells well.

It’s natural whereas EDTA is synthetic! Break me, please, this marketing discourse if you can! It’s no brainer what people in a hurry will choose between the too!

No matter that edta chelation is 70 plus years old, no matter the miriade of excellent medical results during decades and tens of milions who got better or avoided surgeries, amputations, dementia…

No matter that Dr Ana warned about possible initialisation and amplification of polymers’s reactions, they quickly went for taking out EDTA chelation from the minds of already confused and worried people!

Which begs the question: how much thought and research is spent by these doctors to put their products on the market?

I would have bought counsel from one or more chemists and biochemists, specializing in polymers, to be sure there will be not liability for the business in the future… although this lkind of unusual combinations in the blood should puzzle them too…

I would have been truly grateful to Dr Ana instead of bashing her!

Sorry to say it, I hope to be wrong, Mr Icke will not exit his comfort zone and upset the group of vocal doctors who successfully sell zeolite and tobacco products for now…

Thank you, keep them coming, Kim!

So refreshing!

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My belive is that he is controlled opposition.He knew to much for such a long time and keep his mouth quiet.After all the people get poisend and dead,he start to speak about what he all knows and warns,thats the tactics of so much of all these selfmade samaritians.

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Icke is controlled opposition. Always was

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I cannot respond to you where we were discussing the link AI keeps blocking me. I am BCI by AI in my MK Ultra. It's heck trying to use the internet cause it's nonstop harassing me. I finally accessed the link. Thank you!

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Christ almighty, keep going, if not you, who?

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You are so smart. Thank you for even caring about all of us. I will follow your work always.

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smart dust in background... we are in full warfare now.... as you can see to let all this nano shite stay in your body the trick was to send an mRNA message to the DNA to stop to produce lymphocyte T, made to destroy all stranger bodies and parasite into your blood....

watch psinergy sabrina wallace about WBAN IoB, Optogenetics, biogenomics etc.. on rumble or on our platform icn.press

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Sep 12Edited

In my opinion Dr Ana's testing with Nicotine is far more conclusive, although it would have been useful to see the tobacco solution by itself under the microscope first..

The Laquinta Columna test example uses a 30 day drying period, then adds a solution which displays chips dissolving. Many solutions have shown the same dissolving process of 'dried chips', Dr Nixon's test when adding Colloidal Gold shows a near identical dissolving process, but as Dr Nixon mentioned (not verbatum) this is not a solution to the problem. I would add it is not relevant, as we are not .'dry' inside.

Just like 'earthing' several processes 'dissolve' the 'chips' but they simply assemble again, not to mention these processes do not remove the contaminants from our bodies. Dr Ana's findings of EDTA and Vitamin C clearly show the next step of removal from our bodies.

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Nicotine alone unless i missed it, and considering DR Ardis reported this from French and Italian studies originally. The multiple, many angles of attack on us. That already is mammoth to comprehend for most. I got it as multiple attacks, single out as not one attack. The venom was most likely an easy deployment, as made synthetically to create the wuhan, milan, new york, theatre. Multiply attack. Total annihilation needed the panic/fear for the real injectable. Which comes in many forms. It is all nanotech and clear vials. David Martin explained so much of this and still does. All at once is not the attack, so the same, as removing layers. Just thinking in words. I think we can frequency ourselves out of this

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I think that too!

It would be interesting, maybe, to play the nicotine frequencies , instead the real thing.

Along with edta and vit C.

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Sep 13Edited

Yes, I agree. And full spectrum dominance.

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How much EDTA and Vit C do I take a day ? I have taken the 2 Pfizer jabs .. I had been using the Nicitine patches .. please help .. donugg2914@gmail.com

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I have gotten to the part of your video where you are demonstrating the precipitation stage. This is literally mind blowing!! The microscope video at precipitation looks like a battlefield with wreckage!!! Continuing to be on the edge of the seat...

Question Dr Ana, do you believe that EDTA chelates the qdots as well as the larger bots?

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In France EDTA is nearly forbidden...I hope DMSO could help us.

What do you think about this.

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Cds and dmso orally and baths and foot soaks . Dmso is amazing I get it by the gallon . Can mix with organic aloe Vera for topical. It will carey anything through the blood fast . Not sure if edta can be taken with it . I would have to look in the book . Orally a baths will help detox and dmso dissolves those clotts

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I read chlorella works almost as well as edta

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watched lcq- it did destroy microtech they said from dental anasthetic that dried for 30 days.

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You keep trying man, but its not gonna happen. It has already been Proven Many Times, nicotine or tobacco juice does not dissolve the nanotech or stop you from getting the shedding.

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im female- just saying it was microtech that dried 4 30 days. dr ana did not repeat that. also some have said lqc did not use dental anasthetic but something else- so i dont know. tobacco essential oil sounds healthy 2 me.

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Oh, my apologies, I thought you were male for some reason. It doesnt work though and I cant pretend it does.

Also it is very hard to get nicotine out of plant matter, no one know this but all those tobacco extractions they made have next to no nicotine in them. Shh, its a secret.

I wish it did work, that would be so simple.

Good luck to you in any case.

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Bollocks - the usual disinformation

you're not a very good troll

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hahaha, tell me you have no idea what you are talking about without telling me you have no idea what you are talking about.

Tell you what smart guy, take some natural tobacco and soak it in water or saline for as long as you want. Boil it, freeze it, do whatever the fuck you want with it, then take the plant matter out and dry it out.

Then Smoke it. Feel That? Thats nicotine, which is so tightly bound to the plant matter that not even a supercritical extraction will remove very much of it. Who cares though, take EDTA and Vitamin C.

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No it helps with reactions due to the shot like breathing or ears or seizures patches or Lucy's gum. Ite because snake venom protein binds to alpha 7 . I think its called .anyway which is a receptor found on every cell in our bodies . Alpha 7 is also known as your nicotine receptor so harvad did a trial showing tobacco and nicotine are not addictive parazene is addictive thats added to smoking and found in moth balls too .why did god create us with nicotine receptors in every cell in our body ?good tobacco and Lucy gum is good for normal people. No chemicals . Tobacco over powers rssnake venom protein . So it is more if u came Into contact with the stream of water that u ended up with a taste of venom

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I am well aware of those claims, as well as every study you are talking about, and I knew about them before Brian Ardis did. I still remember the first time I saw one of his presentations and my wife kept saying 'isnt that the study you were reading me the other day?"

Yes... yes it is. He didnt mention that one and that one and That one though.

I also know a great deal about tobacco and nicotine and I have about 100 of my own Breed of heirloom tobacco around my house Right Now.

I could literally write multiple entire comment boxes worth of information about it at length but meh Im over it...

it doesnt stop you from getting the shedding and it does not dissolve the nanotech in peoples blood.

As long as you understand those 2 facts, take it if you want to, Im far from a tobacco hater.

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Where has it been proved - my old friend BG ?

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Meh, Im over it, watch her video.

You will either figure it out one day or you won't... no skin off my teeth either way, I already have.

Good luck to you in any case.

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It gets exhausting after a while, when people have done a tenth of the research, and constantly demand proof of your viewpoint. It would practically be a full time unpaid job.

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You watched ICQ destroy microtech from dental anasthetic?can you explain that near?

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ty doc ana

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How much do we take orally? Anyone know? I ordered the one she had showing I’m desperate

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Thats a loaded question, but I would start with the one ml serving size every 12 hours, along with 2000mgs of vitamin C. Give it a few days and then ramp it up to every 6 hours or so.

You can also take ALA, NAC, bromelain, glutathione and vitamins D and E at the same time as EDTA and Vitamin C to make it work better without interacting with the EDTA.

Here is some good advice form the people who make EDTA pills but the advice is still the same for the EDTA drops.


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Rhonda, call the company and ask for their personalized advice on quantities. Ask away about everything else you want to know.

God bless!

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I'm assuming this will or could hopefully disrupt the mind control via frequency, aka 5G

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Hello Dr Ana, as you have been testing various substances for their ability to dismantle nanotechnology, you might find it interesting to test Chlorine Dioxide (Jim Humble's MMS). I think you know it, if not and if you're interested you can check it out at https://jimhumble.co/

Note: CDS is a new version of Chlorine Dioxide , by Andreas Kalcker. Dr. Pedro Chavez also talks about it.

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stop spreading dangerous snake oil protocols in every article here you'll end attracting bad attention go find CDS researchers to listen to your rants

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What the hell are you blathering away about? Our bodies are 60% water, anything like CDS and MMS that cleans water WILL help a persons health.

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that's why human species evolved drinking bleach right? smh

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Awesome! Ok Dr Ana did I hear you right that Vitamin C is what is used and we don't need to go buy like abscorbic acid alone? If so Cool so yeah lots of Vitamin C daily which I will start upping my doses now. to get the 10k milligrams in... but also that tobacco along with that calcium disodium edta? does this to these monsters?

Killer! that's what we need a knock out punch against criminals who think this is good.

It may not help against the many ways they use RF signals to v2k us to death but this may help not let them do the main show that's what v2k is being used for. To chip us against our will without giving us a choice to do so on our own or not. Meaning while they got most people looking for a Telsa chip to be inserted this goes on behind the green curtain... Once complete my guess is these people will begin to kill us so beware and arm up! why else would they chip people with this unless they plan on making them do things they don't want to do? Playing them like a video game? I mean from some of the other videos I've seen on these microchips they are pretty much like a solid chip you see in a computer so??? Once completed what else to you think they'd be used for unless it's full control over the human to go do crap they wouldn't normally do. Kill rape crimes etc... I mean why else are they connected to each other if there's not a nefarious thing planed for it??? Plus with v2k it's activated through that it has to be no reason to do it unless there's some other reason behind the green curtain right? I mean if it's used as a pre crime thing or just for supposed crimes and punishment since supposed these people are supposed to be good and not criminals and on the up and up and pure as snow then no kid would ever be killed from them nor be used as they do do? Right I men your righteous and not doing anything wrong

and hey it's your right to violate us and force things on us because we've been bad right? so wouldn't it be they would not hit kids of any age say under 18 or so? But yet they do hit 3 year olds and younger in the womb too so??? So really if that's all v2k is for is to punish you then they'd not be hitting kids and or in the womb right? SO since that's not the case isn't is clear to think that v2k RF signals play a part in this? SO once competed in people wouldn't it seem logical that a kill command coming from a silent source be the thing? RIGHT! I mean am I just stupid in thinking pedo groups sex traffickers are just really good people and have no other reason than to right a wrong that we may or may not have done in our lives?

If not wrong then look to the movie cell for answers... It tells us something very similar a kill command came though the cell phones and people went nuts killing each other then swarmed into a hive mind and began to kill others or sing chants from their mouths like a lot of the chants I hear in v2k to turn us into them too... SO???

Noisome pestilence but I don't have the mark that from this I've heard is a false narrative they keep trying to sell on me. So yeah detox and if you smoke keep at it it's not nearly as bad as they've sold it...

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Get yourself a liquid version of Liposomal Vitamin C.

Much easier to dose and take.

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