One thing is for sure they want to seperate us from God ad want us down below .

The satanic rituals and dna mixing adding a third strain shows that .

What is prayer was the answer : https://rumble.com/v4nlk1f-scientists-prove-prayer-healing-bloodcells.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

What they dont want you to know : https://rumble.com/v58xpix-culling-the-herd.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

Btw i still wanna see bloodsamples that have been hit with an EMP wich should not be hard to do just keep the emp away from your microscope you dont wanna f upp your electronics .


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I too have consider the EMP bomb solution. You should be able to fry all the nanobots with enough radiation overload. But what could we use for the EMP weapon?

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Beeing around electronics and rf for over 30 years this totally makes sense to me when combined with either 5G or Mesh Networking and since it originated from Darpa yeah no suprise .


For those who do not know mesh networking look at it as a communication system that works with radio waves. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesh_networking

Your Node???? how about 5G towers and your Cellphone

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Your 5g box. Your TV. Everybody talks.

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Btw that picture at 22:13 looks an awfull lot like the God molecule Laminin that keeps our body's together .


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What's a good microscope to do observations and/or investigations?

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Here is the microscope I'm using. I don't really recommend anything or promote this particular scope, however I bought one of these and I get an eyeful. It's affordable and is really all you need for a microscope to see everything Dr. Ana sees. It's better than what her guest doctors use since they don't seem to use darkfield, which is key. Darkfield microscope is essential to see the bots.


Then you need a camera so you can port it to the big screen TV and the computer. I got one on eBay for $150. Watching in real time is a total trip on the big screen as you get to zoom in pretty good and really live among the bots. Porting to computer to document photos and time lapse videos. Time lapse is a total trip also since it takes hours and days to construct assemblages like a time lapse video of a building being built. You need a camera capable of 4k with an HDMI port to connect direct to tv for maximum jaw dropping on the floor.

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Thank you jsinto. I was looking into the Swift SW380B, but didn’t know if it was any good. I liked that it has the feature to connect to your PC and that it comes with multiple lenses. I will check out the one that you mentioned and I don't mind buying extra hardware to support camera and/or video as long as its supported. How is the LED brightness overall? I have heard that halogen is far better although it produces a lot of heat. Seems more microscopes are LED, but I have read reviews about the brightness not being so good. I guess it depends on the make & model?

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Your Swift microscope won't work methinks. It does not say "darkfield". Darkfield is essential to see the bots. A darkfield attachment is just a set of magnets that the light passes through and actually bends the light waves just enough to illuminate around the sides of the specimen. The result is blinking, flipping, swimming, nanobots are visible which are not otherwise visible in a brightfield microscope.

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I've only use the halogen, can't say anything about the led.. Yeah it makes some heat, but the samples seems okay, don't really see a problem. Maybe they like a little warmth?

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There are many different microscopes, most of which would work for enabling one to see the various "items" found in the jabs, or in the blood. Modern-day light microscopes can be found for a few hundred dollars to a few thousand. I have a 40 year old A-O Microstar light microscope with 5 ojectives, from 5X to 100X. And remember that the eyepieces are also rated, for example as 5X or 10X. Here's how to calculate the magnification of a given pic or shot: multiply the power of eyepiece (10X for example) by the power of the objective (100X for example). In that case, 10 times 100 gives 1,000, so any pics taken with hat combination (10X eyepiece with 100X objective) will show 1000X magnification.

I like my old scope because it's not digital and only uses a low watt quartz helogen bulb that has lasted years. I can take pics with either smartphone or Canon EOS 70D and then upload them into computer.

The advantage of being all digital is that pics can be taken and immediatey ported to the desktop via wifi or some other easy means, without ever having to buy a hardware interface, as I had to get for the Canon.

One thing I would look for is the number of objectives. The more objectives a scope has ithe more versatile it will become. In my "other life" when I'm not busy buried deep in this kind of research, I often do fecal analysis on my goat herd, which means teaching oneself how to look at fecal smears and identify parasite eggs, etc. So there may be more than one reason for buying a good scope, which only slightly complicates the process. Hope this helps someone looking to get a good scope.

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Thank you Linda for your information. I was looking into the Swift SW380B, but didn’t know if it was any good. I liked that it has the option to connect to your PC which allows you to capture images. I also liked that it comes with multiple lenses. The drawback nowadays seems many microscopes have digital zoom which in my opinion is more for marketing than a benefit. Also, seems hard to find any thing that supports halogen bulbs. What are your thoughts on this microscope or is there a make/model that’s worth investing?

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I'm not an expert in comparing various microscopes, but will add that I also had digital zoom on something a few years ago (camcorder IIRC) and it lacked a lot of clarity and was nearly useless, whereas the non-digital zoom of lower power was fairly good, comparatively. One way to research scopes is to check out all the reviews, like they have on Amazon. The very short reviews are suspect and possibly "plants", but the long reviews that go into great detail are usually written by actual customers who bought that particular product. So if you can find reviews for the Swift, especially if there are many of them, you will at least be closer to knowing if it's for you. Plus, sometimes you can even ask questions of those who have already purchased something, and will receive (indirectly) answers from them. Good luck. And BTW, it's been years since I shopped for a microscope, so I don't know how much has changed but here is one thought: over the years, I noticed some of the less expensive cameras were made using plastic lenses. I would always want a glass lens, in fact all the lenses would have to be glass for me to buy any microscope. Plastic lenses in my experience have always degraded over time. Glass can be carefully cared for and outlast its owner!

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Brilliant work.

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thx 🙃🙃🙃🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

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The health ranger had 3 guest, only Ed Group from global healing spoke to these findings. I was curious if Dr. Mihalcea has been invited by Mike Adams to appear on his show.

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THANK YOU Dr. Bremer and Dr. Mihalcea!

The quantity and quality of the interviews (almost daily), is making a huge impact, at least for those who are able to see beyond the matrix of lies we are being fed by theDeep State authorities.

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geo engineering..cloud seeding...nano particles EVERYWHERE. AIR .. WATER...INJECTABLES..DENTAL INJECTIONS..

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Well after 1500 years of murderous satanic cult islam with roughly 500 million plus body count ppl kinda get fed upp and stop turning the other cheek.

It's time to rid ourselves from satans minion who follow helel aka lucifer so .


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USA Government Accused of Murder & Treason








Jones is a hedge fund manager who is regarded as one of the legends when it comes to global macro investing. He is betting against USA Treasury Long Term Bonds. Jones said that “all roads lead to inflation.” Meaning, one of the tools that the U.S. must use as it tries to dig out of its hole is to continue inflating the currency. Therefore, Jones said that he’s long on bitcoin, gold, commodities, the Nasdaq, and that he owns zero U.S. treasuries.


Crow House






All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes

Stop Paying for WAR.

Stop paying for Scientific Fraud. Stop Trusting Government's


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Educate yourself you come across as an indoctrinated imbe...

The reason and why the war started islamic terrorists killing indisciminantly .

The reason 7th October : www.thisishamas.com

Stop falling for the propaganda bs of Gazawood/Pallywood





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What we are witnessing today has never been seen since the advent of Western civilization.

Obviously, there have been diabolical and demented mass killers before, but never have we seen Christian people—almost as a whole—excuse, defend, facilitate and actively support and assist the maniacal, murderous monsters.

Historically, Christians have been the most persecuted people of faith in the 2,000-year Church era. Our Christian ancestors knew the bitter taste of political, religious and civil suffering. And never did they allow themselves to indulge in the appetite for murder and aggression—even against their enemies. They were, after all, the disciples of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6); and they boldly proclaimed the gospel of peace. (Romans 10:15; Ephesians 6:15)

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All War is Evil. No More War.

Fighting Israel's Wars is what is Stupid for any Oregonian.

You sound like a War Mongering heckler.

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Space War



All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes

Stop Paying for WAR.

Stop paying for Scientific Fraud. Stop Trusting Government's


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Ana Maria, please listen to ten minutes of this video from 3:30:00 to 3:40:00 of this recording from Dr. Jack Kruse. It deals with the light produced in the human body.

Link: https://youtu.be/SiBFtwbyv44?si=ESdaNJ5qydjEdFAa

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Cold and sun. Ok. I think they're trying to block the sun with the ct's, maybe that's why.

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There is more going on there than many realize. It will all come out slowly. I shall not elaborate. This takes time to educate people. It wouldn’t be good to inform everyone. They would otherwise go into catatonic shock. Just give it time and learn it at your own rate of learning.

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Here's an aspect of human sickness widely ignored. Microwave - and other forms of electromagnetic - radiation are major (but conveniently disregarded, ignored, and overlooked) factors in many modern unexplained disease states. Insomnia, anxiety, vision problems, swollen lymph, headaches, extreme thirst, night sweats, fatigue, memory and concentration problems, muscle pain, weakened immunity, allergies, heart problems, and intestinal disturbances are all symptoms found in a disease process the Russians described in the 70's as Microwave Sickness. Have you explored this form of attack on humanity??

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I share your information with everyone I know.

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