Resist at All cost. Nothing to lose at this point but your life! God please wipe the demons out!

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The greater good argument. The con of every Commie!

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And every Cappie!

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so it' a declaration of war, corpofascists against humanity

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I say everyone, nationwide, world wide if possible shut down, stay home from work, boycot the globalist system and most of all dont pay your taxes. Imaginr if the whole country didnt pay/file taxes this year? What would they do lock up the whole country?

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When will the people of this planet understand we are in the midst of a Globalist Clusterfuck?

Is Trumps support for Stargate AI and mRNA injections a betrayal of the American People?

Just about everyone that commented on this article (below) are very suspicious of Trump's intentions

Will Trump herald in a Golden Age or a Golden Shower? Who is really going to pay the 500 Billion? How will the investment benefit the working class vs the Tech Oligarchs? Will it lead to a greater or lesser polarization of wealth? What happens to the worker when the combination of AI, Robots and Quantum computing erases 50% of the remaining jobs in the next 20 years? The polarization of wealth has increased over the last 50 years. How is Trump going to reverse that while supporting AI which will likely cause even more polarization of wealth. Trust but verify?

By the way mRNA technologies should never be forced upon the public as happened in 2021 during the plandemic? Sorry but I don't trust Trump on AI or mRNA injections which he supports. I'm beginning to think the American People are soon going to get a Golden Shower and not a Golden Era. Convince me that I am wrong. Also what is he going to do about Lahaina, the LA Fires, N. Carolina. Is he going to allow the displacement of the people of N. Carolina to mine Lithium. Is he going to allow LA to be turned into a Smart City? Is he going to investigate the use of Geoengineering to push people out of their homes?

Trump throws his weight behind new generation of mRNA gene-therapy injections, for cancer and other diseases



[Updated 01/21/2025@4PM EST] Please share widely. This is a very comprehensive analysis of the LA Fires. The LA Fires are said to be the most destructive fires in California's history, destroying over 12,000 homes and causing nearly 300 billion in damage. And as of this essay the fires are not contained and heavy winds are expected to increase in the next few days There is no doubt that 100 mile/hour Santa Ana winds, flying cinders and extreme drought conditions were a significant cause of the fires. But the primary cause was the lack of forest and water management. In addition I have concerns that geoengineering, DEWs, Smart Meters and other technologies may have also been employed.

The LA Fires were the result of Globalist Policies and not Climate Change

Did Smart Meters, Geoengineering and DEWs also contribute to the historic fires


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Yes, Trump is an ACTOR and one of them in disguise. Heck, he kept telling the snake 🐍 story and few realized Trump is the snake he talked about. SMFH! TDS runs BOTH ways. 🙏

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I truly want him to become remembered as the next George Washington but I'm concerned he may turn out to be the next Benedict Arnold. We should know the answer within a few months. My concerns center around all these Big Tech Oligarchs now within his administration pushing Stable coin, Crypto, Carbon Taxes etc. I do hope I am wrong.

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Solarireport.substack.com: Trump Administration: Digital Control Grid Coming Together at High Speed

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There is an old video interview by Kerry Cassidy with author William Tompkins in which he states that the Bushes, Clintons and Obama are/were reptilian shapeshifters who murder and eat children....(considering the frazzledrip video with Hillary and Huma, not to mention Gates and the Epstein stories, this could be a truth of sorts). And Q, which dammit sure seems to be unfolding as planned.

He also said Trump was not one of them....just passing along mis-dis-info. ;-)

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Trump paused the MRNA for now due to RFK’s comments. Trump is now fully aware that the MRNA is an EXTINCTION event. Americans will not be mandated to take any Vaccines. It’s the right of individuals to decide or not to take a Vaccine.

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"Trump is now fully aware that the MRNA is an EXTINCTION event."

They know and are planning for a geo-terrestrial extinction level event to occur in the 2040s, it not before, and so taking existential liberties with the nature of humanity and all flora and fauna is of no concern to them. They hope to synthesize all life and re-terraform the Earth, one day, when they emerge from their well-appointed underground cities and DUMBs. We are the beta test subjects who aren't expected to survive, anyway.

Trump knows we're ultimately expendable, but the script calls for all manner of deception and machinations, meanwhile, while the self-serving creeps further equip and feather their hellhole nests.

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Also, it's rather odd that no or next to no health-truther sites mention the driver of the current satanic insanity-- an upcoming Earth cataclysm that will be solar system-wide. The violent fronts we face from psychopaths here and the cosmos are daunting, but for any chance of survival or certainly for spiritual preparation, we need the whole truth and to see the big picture, and not be managed with lies by commission and omission.

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The diehold foundation had the info. It seems mostly wiped after he died recently.

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It's nothing but ghoulish Diehold's convenient death and loss of his life's work that revealed and explained the upcoming cataclysm/ cataclysms. He was such a gentleman scholar and scientist who wanted to warn us.

In answer to Casey Turner's question below, Jason Breshears at archaix,com, archaix.com/blog. and https://www.youtube.com/@Archaix138 believes a Phoenix killer event will occur in 2040 before a Nemesis cataclysm completes the devastation in 2046 or so.

Diehold of Diehold Foundation held to the latter single event (having a periodicity of 12,000 plus years) caused by a solar (mini) nova and a major pole shift on Earth and not by a Nemesis incoming star/ planet system, IIRC, as some others believe. We can still see a few of his presentations at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUGCwFmzoQv1MYhrInUa0SEDKUkaz3NgT.

Suspicious 0bservers, (that's a numerical zero instead of upper case "o)," has compiled a list of scientists and their theories regarding the upcoming ELE event. He can be found at Suspiciousobservers.org and his blog @SpaceWeatherNewsS0s.

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Fake “Man Made” Climate Change, Real Cosmic Climate Change, 5G and the Globalist UN Agenda


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Never heard of the foundation though I am familiar with the theory.


The purpose for the Foundations’ research is to see if global warming is caused by a collapsing magnetic field on the Earth and the Sun which will eventually culminate in a geomagnetic reversal then an ice age on the Earth. Reports and videos will be made as the research progresses



Of course there are many repeated cosmic events that effect our planet. In this old essay I talk about the extinction events that happen every 23 million years when our solar system crosses the galactic plane. The gravitation of the plane causes a destabilization of asteroids as happened with the extinction of the dinosaurs etc. I rarely hear anyone talk about this though it is fascinating.

Fake “Man Made” Climate Change, Real Cosmic Climate Change, 5G and the Globalist UN Agenda


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That 23 million year cataclysm interval may be from Charles Hapgood who championed the "science" of terrestrial/ solar stability and downplayed catastrophism for purposes of misdirecting the public, while government agencies and secret programs knew the years between end-time events were short (around 12,600 years) and that we were due for the ELE before mid this century.

Yes, exactly, it's galactic space "weather" affecting "climate change" on Earth and the other planets in this system, and not our barbeques and ICE vehicles, at least, existentially, as they try to scare us into believing it's all the little guy's fault. Why blame a phenomenon out of their control when they can point the finger at us and, essentially, demand more tribute money for folly green energy projects they use for funding their own preparations deep underground.

Are we warming up? Fact is, after the solar gamma rays burn half the Earth, sky plasma fires and gigantic electrical and meteor strikes scourge the ground, super volcanos blow, earth fiercely trembles and breaks apart, and oceans rise up and roll over continents a mile or more high, we 're due for a super deep freeze ice age.

That humans and other species survived these events and ice ages in the past is a miracle, and there are a number of underground and cavern dwellings still extant in testimony to their preparations for cataclysms they knew about and could anticipate by date via their lore and knowledge of the skies

Re the transhumanism project: the idea that synthesizing life on Earth and uploading consciousnesses into enhanced AI could survive the gamma rays, boiling hot and absolute zero temps, and other impossible perils, might have merit, but it surely isn't appealing to non-sociopaths. Or, perhaps, there is a secret space program that aims to send out space arks and colonize other planets and moons to "save' humanity," and they believe carbon-based life would prove too fragile.

It's difficult to know what's really going on, because it's against their religion to be honest with us, but they often dramatize the truth in movies about zombies, AI run amok, and cheesy disaster movies.

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Miss Parker can you elaborate more on knowing of this geoterrestrial extinction level event? All I have is Edgar Kayces son speaking about his father's reoccuring predictions of sitting on a porch in the Midwest USA year ~2100 looking out at the ocean. I've heard that and that's about it.

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Trump-supported StarGate is about "AI"-designed, customised quackcines to "fight" the symptoms of con-vid19 bioweapon with even worse "cure".

"The right to decide" on a poison jab has been for years the murderers' con for useful idiots, and YOU are peddling it! Are you pharmafia troll or useful idiot?

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Ironic you mention Chomsky in a somewhat positive light about his insights into “manufacturing consent.” Disappointedly, he was one of the most supportive voices re: mandating mRNA injections.

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Yes, it was saddening for me to witness that. It's always hard to witness mentor/icon blindspots - though they are gifts in a way, because of their profound reminders of our own choicefulness.

I will always appreciate Chomsky's meaningful life work, and his book with E.S. Herman on Manufacturing Consent is a super-important contribution to the world of critical thinking.

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Thank you, Dr. Anna! Keep sounding the alarm..! Continued blood cleansing is our only defense as we fight against the monsters like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab/CIA/DOD ect.. ect.

We have to get to Nuremberg.. somehow someway..

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Nuremberg wasn’t perfect, hence current nightmare…

We need perfection this time around!

They are few, we are way too many. They have sophisticated plans but we have nothing to loose.

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We ALL need to/ Must unite, Steamroll these evil bastards, Quarter them publicly and stake their heads for all to see what we do to satan's sons and daughters. You are So correct!! There are BILLIONS of US and only a few thousand of them. Why we let this happen in the first place is beyond me. Blessings 🙏

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I think Nuremberg only existed because the ruling owers wanted to topple the countries not playing along. Most were secretly broughtto the US and given cushy jobs to continue scheming against humanity. Germany wouldnt go along with the banking world so they came up with the idea to deminize him amd make up the holocaust.

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Nuremberg was a show: Victors against Losers of WW2, both working for the bankster cabal. The Evil wasn't wiped out.

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Firstly, the Allied forces in WW II we're fighting a defensive battle against Fascist/Nazi aggressors.. That War was not instigated by an Evil Bankster's Cabal.. Sure, there were war profiteers.. Since the beginning of time they've been around.. but Hitler was not working for the banks.. be serious.. they got in line and provided the necessary funding because they knew if they didn't.. they would meet a very early and unpleasant demise..

Secondly, Nuremberg was focused on crimes against humanity, the Nazi genocide against Jews.. they exterminated millions of innocent men, women, and children.. simply because they were Jews.. Today's Global Depopulation Genocide is for everyone.. the Globalists want the planets entire human population reduced by least 60%..80% if possible...

Thirdly.. No, you never get every criminal.. Nuremberg just got most of the worst.. War Criminals.. like Dr. Mengele who was performing ghastly experiments on men, women, and children.. and those actually in charge of the concentration camps..

Fourthly, in pursuing the instigators and executors of the Crime of the Century like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab..WHO/ Fauchi, Bourla,/CIA/DOD/ and the hundreds of other psychos we must have an appropriate setting for their trials..

Nuremberg 2 is precisely that…

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Like the minions of 3rd Reich, Gateses and fauchis do what the banksters order them to do. How else would they hold global power and realize NWO? If Nuremberg2 again focused on minions, Nuremberg3 would be necessary x years later. The banksters control both sides of a conflict; no matter which side wins, the banksters win.


By Antony C. Sutton: "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" and

"Wall Street and Bolshevik Revolution"

Zionist term Holocaust (Nazi crimes against Jews) clashes with one used by independent research: Nazi crimes against more than 20 groups. Poles, Russians, Serbs were killed, bombed, ethnically cleansed, used as slaves, taken to concentration and death camps, used as lab rabbits -- just for being Untermensch. Poles lost 80% of intelligentsia and a third of pre-WW2 multiethnic Poland's citizens.

Maybe the Zionists used Nuremberg to create Holocaustianism to justify State of Israel aka Rothschilds' project. At the Trials planning, the crime of aggressive war was to become "the supreme international crime" as "it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole". But that would put on trial also the Judeosoviet apparatus who colluded with Hitler's regime (consisting of extreme Jews, too) to invade Poland in Sep. 1939. For Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Nuremberg would also summon US regime. Holocaust filled the void as nobody was tried for the supreme international crime. The Victors at the top, banksters and their Zionists would not volunteer to Nuremberg, either.

The trials saw no fascist. The term is abused. Mussolini strived for national benefit against bankster-corporate economy. Fascists also opposed democracy, a dictatorship of s.c. majority while elections can be manipulated.

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PB.. Historically, they work hand in hand.. initially till the dictator rises to complete power.. then the reality of the Bankster's relationship to Hitler became precisely this.. they were either going to Support fully and completely his every desire or he would simply have the SS take them to the top of their own bank building and throw them off…

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CSS, sorry, I don't have time for this naivety and ignorance. Wall Street and City of London were in Germany at the time?

Who will take them to the roof today?

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Your Complete lack of understanding and Ignorance of all the facts is due to your myopic obsession with the Bankster Gangsters Cabal..

You ask who today will take them and throw them off the top of their various bank buildings..Seriously.? There are a multitude of assassins that are currently capable… of executing anyone, not just an uncooperative Bankster, anyone the CIA/DOD/ military industrial complex deems appropriate.. they have 1000 ways to terminate anyone..

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Simply Horrifying. I rebuke them in the name of Jesus.

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AMEN X 10 I Say and PRAY 🙏

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Not that what I say makes any difference.

Perhaps they, the ruling class, believe that biological carbon based life forms have no chance of surviving what's coming. Maybe synthetic silicone based life forms will?Therefore, they have an obligation to augment as many people as they can.

Who really knows what these psychopaths think?

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It’s my understanding that we are now communicating with synthetic Humans. The fact that Humans are still alive in the Midst of predatory behavior that has killed millions means we are surviving their Evil Plans.

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I have to believe it's something along those lines. Humans have reached the end of their biological development and are too fragile to withstand the rigors of space travel, etc.

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There is a new PhD dissertation from Karen Mitchell, an Australian, on what she calls "Persistent Predatory Personality" - narcissism, psychopathy, coercive control and toxic leadership are all just subsets of one high level, over-arching personality type manifested in 10% of adults in industrial society that have these traits. They manifest in ways that depend on intelligence, socio economic status, impulse control, drugtaking, etc. So yes, when in the ruling class their idea of obligation is not about informed choice.

Link to her thesis is here: https://kalmor.com.au/media

Her Twitter is an easier quick read: https://x.com/karenmitchell__

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My kids got eggos this week....according to our health app it says it has nano particles in it? What the hell does that mean!?

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Means satan's sons and daughters laced them eggos with graphene and only they know what else. They have to tell us what they are doing and THEY do! Evil rotten bastards. Check ingredients on everything. Most has a Bioengineered ingredients at bottom of ingredients. 🙏

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Try not to eat anything from a box, can or a bag.

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What are eggos?

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Lego my eggo... 🧇 Waffles

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Oh yeah, that's right. Well everything is polluted so I would eat them. Seriously.

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Me 3 , melted butter and syrup/ good to go. Everything is tainted


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Aloha my brotha. Im going to do you a solid. YouTube Dr Ken Berry Carnivore diet. And instead of watching the video (at 1st) read the hundreds of comments in the comments section. And that is how you know. The guy is literally saving lives by the thousands every month. Mine happens to be 1 of them! If you want to know optimal health, this is undoubtedly the way. And anyone who goes down the road realizes it thru experiencing it in a very short amount of time. Bless up.no matter how good they taste... Leggo those eggos! Bless up🤙

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I believe this is a good example of why an armed populous is a safer populous.

Yeah you might not survive the ordeal of agents coming for you but once people unite it will give them something to think about. Live Free or Die.

Bless up Doc. You're a Legend 🧡

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Laws are made with loopholes so they can be transgressed at will by the rich and criminals. There are also those acting from the Shadow world: they can ignore the law altogether because they own the rich and elected officials. So we are always having to deal with criminals. Presently though, we are entering the end phase of this cynical system and so the hidden ones will make sure they won't ever have to deal with ordinary people who just want to live their lives by sending them to the Augmentation Chamber.

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At what point is diplomacy set aside and the people get up and fight back? Are people going to be murdered quietly? Previous generations knew at some point, it’s time to stand up. They are backing us into a corner…we are at war!

”For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.“

‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬-‭8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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Its the same solution for all these articles.

You resist by taking the things that stop the blood polymerization.

Like EDTA and ascorbic acid.

Or other antioxidants and chelators Together... just one doesnt do it.

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Since I don't think it's a superpower I'm sure that I am augmented already.

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Nanopass = Mark of the beast??

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wondered bout that also- looked it up there is more info on it...

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this is their endgame

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