Here is what I think is happening and I don't hear many people saying this or even thinking it...
The one's who are doing this are literally trying to CHANGE the surface of the earth and the total atmosphere and environment to accommodate THEMSELVES.
If these "beings" ( I don't know what else to call them) who are really not HUMAN want to live here, they will need a different type of environment. One without CO2 or any signs of LIFE. No plants, no animals, no insects, no humans. NO SUN! And the "humans" that will survive and remain will be Cyborgs, not requiring human necessities. I believe that what is going on is the TERRAFORMING of the earth to accommodate a non-human species.
I know that it sounds WOO-WOO, but to me, it seems obvious and in light of everything we are seeing happen, it makes sense.
I notices our grasses and trees had extreme dryness to them even though we had alot of rain. The news said we had alot of aphids this year and caused our trees to drip sweet sap from our trees. I couldn't find any aphids on any of our trees nor flying around. Our news networks are controlled by these scumbag globalists
I wish them luck, but they havent been able to get anything stopped in 30 years, and we dont even know who runs many of these planes.
Sometimes their info doesnt even come up in flight trackers when you see the plane laying down a huge chemtrail line right in front of your face.
And if you look at biological or chemical weapon airborne aerosol dispersal pattern studies, (or nuclear reactor meltdown fallout dispersal charts), its basically hit or miss.
Even with a massive 4 outlet nozzle plane from 30,000 feet, you have just as much of a chance of that spray landing on any certain location as Not.
Thats why I think that the shedding from the infected is much much more of an immediate threat, for people at least. All it takes is a few vaxxed people breathing for a few minutes to totally saturate the inside of any enclosed building.
And its even worse for places that have a ton of foot traffic every hour or a million vaxxed employees or where they Give Out the jabs... or all of the above.
Here is the old (supposed) study from mycyclestory, which found that many unvaxxed women get their period just by breathing the air around the vaxxed/infected. They Say they put out a study for it but I never found it and tbh their whole org just seems like controlled opposition.
Their website doesnt work right, they hide all the actual 'studies' they Say they have submitted and all in all, it just seems like they are not trying to tell anybody what they Know that means.
There are many 'anti-vaxxers' that do that though, they Know shedding is real and they just dont want to tell anybody.
Or like the magnetism like phenomenon that sheds from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed, many people Know it is happening.
Although Dr Ana Did bring back her old 'remember the fridge magnets' slide for that new CHD interview, so maybe she cant talk about it and is trying to get people to try it for themselves by including that slide.
Karen Kingston knows too but she never says anything either and took down that video, so maybe they Cant tell people for some reason.
I think Shedding is far far worse for people than chemtrails though, at least on a local level.
We are getting the shedding transfection everytime we go anywhere, and some people multiple times a day for over 3 years now.
Makes me wonder if that Chinese Balloon that we allowed to fly all over our country had any aerosol equipment to disperse nanotechnology over selected areas.
Dane has been tirelessly addressing this agenda more than anyone I can remember. Thanks for having him on. We need the Sun to help us detox our own heavy metal poisoning via melanin:
“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” ― Mark Twain
Vital topic for people to grasp. Raytheon, Lockhead Martin, Northrup-Grumman and BAE Systems...All with their Directors are aligned with the Govt./NGO Minions seeking DOMINATION OF ALL THE EARTH through variety of Environmental/Geological/Engineering/Biological Strategies with overlapping tactical technologies.
'Secular Heretic' is a Substack wrote by Farmer/Activist/Architect with Bamboo, Kyle Young out of Arizona. He's been reporting this Geo-Engineering phenomena and other overlapping topics for several years. He's always well informed and worth the time to read.
Geoengineering makes a lot of sense if you look at our world as a level plane, and not a spinning rock flying through space. The question is always brought up, "why would they poison everything, don't they live here too?". To me, the answer is that "they" do not live here, they live outside of the dome somehow and treat this place as the open-air prison. Think concentric circles. We are on an inner circle, and "they" have access to the outer circle(s).
Obviously I have no proof for any of this, but the "proof" given for explaining we live on a flying rock in "space" is highly suspect.
I have had the exact same thoughts! The stinking, defective bloodline elite live in the outer continents on the other side of the ice wall, which are most likely pristine and we are inside the prison portion of the known world. I had the same thoughts as you did.
Mistreating mother nature is a high form of evil. When people don't / can't / won't properly treat the bodies that they have, and the air and land of the planet, they are giving up their right to health and happiness. The sad part is they are, at the same time, giving up the right of others (and all of nature) to health and happiness.
Апокалипсис в действии, читайте Библию, Новый Завет, Ветхий читать нет времени, так говорят старцы. Православная вера истинная спасёт нас всех. Нужно покаяние и исправление, мы все развратились. Идёт зачистка всех тех, кто не покаялся. Святые говорили, что России на малое время Бог даст православного царя.
Here is what I think is happening and I don't hear many people saying this or even thinking it...
The one's who are doing this are literally trying to CHANGE the surface of the earth and the total atmosphere and environment to accommodate THEMSELVES.
If these "beings" ( I don't know what else to call them) who are really not HUMAN want to live here, they will need a different type of environment. One without CO2 or any signs of LIFE. No plants, no animals, no insects, no humans. NO SUN! And the "humans" that will survive and remain will be Cyborgs, not requiring human necessities. I believe that what is going on is the TERRAFORMING of the earth to accommodate a non-human species.
I know that it sounds WOO-WOO, but to me, it seems obvious and in light of everything we are seeing happen, it makes sense.
I remember David Icke talking about this, years ago. So yeah, you might be on the right track, Kim.
Mike Adams heroically presented the exact same idea in front of a huge audience, that the earth was being terraformed by an alien species.
100%. This would only sound like WooWoo to the ones who haven’t studied deeply to further their awakening!!
I notices our grasses and trees had extreme dryness to them even though we had alot of rain. The news said we had alot of aphids this year and caused our trees to drip sweet sap from our trees. I couldn't find any aphids on any of our trees nor flying around. Our news networks are controlled by these scumbag globalists
I wish them luck, but they havent been able to get anything stopped in 30 years, and we dont even know who runs many of these planes.
Sometimes their info doesnt even come up in flight trackers when you see the plane laying down a huge chemtrail line right in front of your face.
And if you look at biological or chemical weapon airborne aerosol dispersal pattern studies, (or nuclear reactor meltdown fallout dispersal charts), its basically hit or miss.
Even with a massive 4 outlet nozzle plane from 30,000 feet, you have just as much of a chance of that spray landing on any certain location as Not.
Thats why I think that the shedding from the infected is much much more of an immediate threat, for people at least. All it takes is a few vaxxed people breathing for a few minutes to totally saturate the inside of any enclosed building.
And its even worse for places that have a ton of foot traffic every hour or a million vaxxed employees or where they Give Out the jabs... or all of the above.
Here is the old (supposed) study from mycyclestory, which found that many unvaxxed women get their period just by breathing the air around the vaxxed/infected. They Say they put out a study for it but I never found it and tbh their whole org just seems like controlled opposition.
Their website doesnt work right, they hide all the actual 'studies' they Say they have submitted and all in all, it just seems like they are not trying to tell anybody what they Know that means.
There are many 'anti-vaxxers' that do that though, they Know shedding is real and they just dont want to tell anybody.
Or like the magnetism like phenomenon that sheds from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed, many people Know it is happening.
Although Dr Ana Did bring back her old 'remember the fridge magnets' slide for that new CHD interview, so maybe she cant talk about it and is trying to get people to try it for themselves by including that slide.
Karen Kingston knows too but she never says anything either and took down that video, so maybe they Cant tell people for some reason.
I think Shedding is far far worse for people than chemtrails though, at least on a local level.
We are getting the shedding transfection everytime we go anywhere, and some people multiple times a day for over 3 years now.
This explains why they get away with spraying Russia and China!
The link works for me, thanks!
Makes me wonder if that Chinese Balloon that we allowed to fly all over our country had any aerosol equipment to disperse nanotechnology over selected areas.
Dane has been tirelessly addressing this agenda more than anyone I can remember. Thanks for having him on. We need the Sun to help us detox our own heavy metal poisoning via melanin:
Yes! Finally an interview with Dane Wigington. Great content. Thank you Dr. Ana.
“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” ― Mark Twain
Vital topic for people to grasp. Raytheon, Lockhead Martin, Northrup-Grumman and BAE Systems...All with their Directors are aligned with the Govt./NGO Minions seeking DOMINATION OF ALL THE EARTH through variety of Environmental/Geological/Engineering/Biological Strategies with overlapping tactical technologies.
'Secular Heretic' is a Substack wrote by Farmer/Activist/Architect with Bamboo, Kyle Young out of Arizona. He's been reporting this Geo-Engineering phenomena and other overlapping topics for several years. He's always well informed and worth the time to read.
Geoengineering makes a lot of sense if you look at our world as a level plane, and not a spinning rock flying through space. The question is always brought up, "why would they poison everything, don't they live here too?". To me, the answer is that "they" do not live here, they live outside of the dome somehow and treat this place as the open-air prison. Think concentric circles. We are on an inner circle, and "they" have access to the outer circle(s).
Obviously I have no proof for any of this, but the "proof" given for explaining we live on a flying rock in "space" is highly suspect.
I have had the exact same thoughts! The stinking, defective bloodline elite live in the outer continents on the other side of the ice wall, which are most likely pristine and we are inside the prison portion of the known world. I had the same thoughts as you did.
Mistreating mother nature is a high form of evil. When people don't / can't / won't properly treat the bodies that they have, and the air and land of the planet, they are giving up their right to health and happiness. The sad part is they are, at the same time, giving up the right of others (and all of nature) to health and happiness.
Great stuff
Ascorbic acid
Nicotine water
all good stuff for getting rid of the bad shiz
I found this very interesting a while back. Thank You, Dane & Dr Ana !
Is there any city/country that doesn’t have geoengineering going on? Any Asian countries?
It's global. Listen to his weekly broadcasts on YouTube. You'll be informed beyond your imagination.
If you want powerful proof of these metal toxicity, do a well done hair sampled Hair Mineral Analysis of specific cohorts of both human and animals.
This Analysis can cover the complete spectrum of metal source contamination.
This is the most accurate test for what your trying to prove. Human hair ! Simple to do. Many labs do this test.
Апокалипсис в действии, читайте Библию, Новый Завет, Ветхий читать нет времени, так говорят старцы. Православная вера истинная спасёт нас всех. Нужно покаяние и исправление, мы все развратились. Идёт зачистка всех тех, кто не покаялся. Святые говорили, что России на малое время Бог даст православного царя.
...the military will eventually own nothing, especially not the weather and they will be happy!...😀...
I call bullshit on the great barrier reef being "done"