My Dentist used Dr. Tennant and his products. My husband took Restore for a year and no longer needed Glasses. I appreciate Tennant’s work, however; it’s sad that so many people cannot afford it. Tennant’s products are extremely expensive which leaves out a majority of people who could heal if the prices were at a moral and ethical price.

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I have nothing against Dr. Tennant, and I understand his need for income, but Scalar is free energy and can be harnessed in a number of ways. The easiest methods are through breathing properly and/or meditation and being in places where scalar energy is abundant.

Why people think they need someone else to tell them how to do what they are naturally able to do is baffling to me. Make a daily discipline at the same time each day, no excuses (buy a raincoat and boots): Go take a walk in nature. Meditate (clear your mind and be in the moment). Breathe fully and deeply without interruption--none of this ridiculous "take a deep breath and hold it" nonsense. I've cured cancer with these simple things alone.

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We are bioelectric beings. Tennant's book 'Healing is Voltage' is *excellent* but he needs to release an updated version with a good publisher and a really good editor. The original book is a mishmash of a lot of truly valuable information and published studies, but it's a nightmare to read because it is literally different fonts, different texts, badly reproduced graphs, etc., thrown together in a "copy-and-pasta word salad" (credit to whoever came up with that delicious phrase). It is hard to read because it is all over the place. *The information is excellent*. The way it is put together is awful. (Sorry, Dr Tennant! You need a good editor and a great publisher. The material is important for more people to read!)

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Our bodies are bioelectric, driven by a spiritual essence.

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I'm glad you said that! I wonder if anyone has written a book based on Dr Tenant's book. I'd be happy to purchase that book and simultaneously donate to Dr Tenant.

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Mr Tennant is apparently *not aware* of 10,000+ studies that detail the damaging effects of microwave and pulsed frequency noise on biological life forms. His notion that he (or anyone) can heal the body by adding yet another layer of technological *noise* to the chaos that biological cells are already being exposed to, speaks volumes... He is plainly wrong. Hint: The Universe does not turn on and off billions of times a second...

Excerpted from: Effects of microwave radiation on brain energy metabolism and related mechanisms >>> Military Medical Research >>> DOI:10.1186/s40779-015-0033-6

December 2015 >>> Excerpt: “The damaging effects of MW radiation on the brain include brain dysfunction and brain structural damage. An epidemiological survey found that MW radiation caused human fatigue, headache, excitement, dreams, memory loss and other symptoms of neurasthenia. In addition, there were impaired learning and memory abilities in rats after MW radiation, as determined by the Morris water maze.”

Complete text: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/273515269_Effects_of_microwave_radiation_on_brain_energy_metabolism_and_related_mechanisms Mr Tennant is obviously ignorant.

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Thanks for your comments, Paul. Have you actually worked with energy fields? If not, you may be out of your lane by negating ALL forms of energy or pulsed frequencies (all 10,000+ studies you appear to have read). My own serious spinal injuries responded very well to PEMF and I am not the only one using such modalities. I worked in emergency animal medicine for many years and used all manner of energy to heal patients.

I respectively disagree with you as I do not agree with blanket statements. The poison is in the dose.

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Prior to being damaged by misuse of ultra-sound and TENS units by ill-informed chiropractors, I healed headaches and other nerve related damage with my bare hands. So not exactly novice to energy healing... I agree EMF poison is definitely dose related...

Lou Gehrig was damaged by misuse of TENS units, but this situational *detail* has been obfuscated by the usual suspects. Lou Gehrig Disease - also called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), is a progressive and usually fatal disorder that attacks the nerves and muscles. Thanks for posting.

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You have read and thoroughly vetted "10,000+ studies that detail the damaging effects of microwave and pulsed frequency noise on biological life forms?"

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I read and studied electromagnetic/health effects for over 35 years and posted comments and links on numerous ant-EMF web sites. I concluded that the majority of the populace is technologically illiterate, and too lazy to read or comprehend the information. It seems human beings prefer to believe in invisible forces, yet fail to respond to clear evidence provided via spectrum analyses of environmental EMF saturation. We are murdering the planet with our technological toys...

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You must have a disparate definition of "environmental EMF saturation" from mine. Humans could never match what the sun and/or the cosmos sends into Earth's environment continuously. The only human-caused EMF is generally limitable by those exposing themselves, usually in ignorance.

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Ambient electromagnetic energies are the essential communications device which created and modified all biological life on planet Earth - prior to mankind's meddling with Natural forces...

Communications exchanges between biological cells occur at quantum levels, and are initiated in the pico-volt or lower range. Measurable cellular exchange occurs at approximately 4 nano-volts, and cellular mutations begin at approximately 25 nano-volts... Perhaps you will find these statements helpful: >>> https://electromagnetichealth.org/quotes-from-experts/

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Quantum levels exist in electron shells around atomic nuclei.

What kind of multimeter has probes small enough to probe cells and ranges that go down to pico and nano volt?

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You have read and thoroughly vetted "10,000+ studies that detail the damaging effects of microwave and pulsed frequency noise on biological life forms?"

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Hey Dr. Ana, I've just started listening to this interview...I'm enthralled, intrigued and so much more....But, I also need to get you and Dr. Jerry Tennant, in touch with Dr. Alphanzo Monzo. He did two interviews with Mike Adams, the last of which was amazing...He has researched and written a book and developed a method to reset the software systems in the body. He called it the Aleph Tav Body System....I bought the $25 ebook and am working my way through resetting the software in my body with these 26 or so points all of my body....here's his website: https://www.well-beingbydesign.com/ here's his interview with Mike Adams....Interview 2 May 16 2024

Dr. Alphonso Monzo warns about implications of 5G...and the Aleph-Tav body center -- revolutionizes the understanding of the human body...the software of the body


here's a link to a 10 minute segment he did at a talk at the Red Pill Expo in 2022 stating clearly that the nanotech is satanic (SIT -- satanic information technology)...

What they are putting in us is from the pit of hell! Dr Monzo @ SLC Redpill Expo 2022


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Thank you, Jeff !

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I have all of Dr. Tennet's books! I love this topic and am so grateful! So much love!! thank you, Dr. Anna!

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We Didn’t Need To Find The Cure For Cancer.

We Found The Cause.


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The late Hulda Regehr Clark wrote several books with that name, as did G. Edward Griffin.

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Who has an extra 10k sitting around to buy these modulators? Very cost prohibiting for average people. :(

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Maybe we could find a Dr that has one and schedule some appointments, yes?

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Can’t even find a functional or integrative Dr. within a reasonable driving distance.

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Brilliant…. Now the ways they are messing with us becomes crystal clear. I’m thinking the 5D is going to hurt us more than we thought. Unless it can be used to our advantage.

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He’s AMAZING…….absolutely Brilliant!

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Wow can't wait to hear this conversation! Always great guests! Thank you

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Before using Dr Tennant's products, I struggled with masturbation and thoughts of being anally penetrated. After cancelling the harmful gamma rays and 6G cellular signals in my home, I have finally found peace. During the meditative state, I let Dr Jerry's presence wash over my entire body. Every inch.

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dose Dr Tennant's devices address gamma rays and 6G or was that done some other way?

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Thank you for this interview, I learned so much and the illustrations/animated gifs were most helpful!

Every night I turn on a scalar machine which has a transmitter on one side of the house, connected to the receiver box on the other side of the house. A standing wave of ether is created between the two boxes, which promotes cellular generation. And I sleep very well and have good dreams.

Wifi must be turned off, as well as minimunizing electrical device inside of the zeppelin-shaped scalar field.

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Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Since we are such electric and magnetic beings it is good to know someone is thinking about remedies to eventual defaults of all kinds.

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Thank you Dr Mihalcea and Dr Tennant.

I just had multiple penny drops, and improved my light magic.

Experimented on myself, sitting on my rock, I feel better already. ☺️

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Dr. Ana, I'm a little bit confused, because I thought the nanotech/hydrogels use electrical current to grow. Does this not apply to the Tennant Biomodulator?

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I have this same concern/question - and emailed Dr. Ana's office a week ago about it! No response - yet. I have a Bemer PEMF body pad that she scared me out of using. Ironically I have noticed no difference in the Hydrogels & Morgellons coming out of my body - AND - I am in more pain, so I'm taking more pain meds.

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I would also like to hear more about this topic.

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Kimberly, would you please let me know if you get a response?

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I will!

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Still nothing - no email reply or comment here.....

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Kimberly, I've spoken to a couple of people who know about anti-nano devices, and what I got from them was that 1) the Tennant Biomodulator will make nano grow, and 2) The Bemer is OK. For what it's worth.

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Many months ago Dr. Carrie Madej's office did respond to an email about the Bemer and said, "Dr Ana tested out 4Hz. Bemer goes along a physiological wave pattern of the body- completely different wavelengths - like comparing apples to oranges." So I guess that means it's OK - which is good, since I own one and it did seem to help me - and things got worse once I stopped based on Dr. Ana's comments. I think I'll get it going again!

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How do you know if the voltage therapy is not feeding the nano tech you speak of in the same way as the the PEMF?

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I think the real question is if PEMF is "feeding" the nano tech - or not!

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It has been proven by doc anna and many others that PEMF strengthens nano

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That's what I thought.....so I wrote to Dr. Carrie Madej - who I purchased my Bemer through. Here was her/her team's response:

""Hi Kimberly - Regarding the Bemer from Carrie:

I haven’t gone against Dr Ana’s findings. Dr Ana tested out 4Hz. Bemer goes along a physiological wave pattern of the body- completely different wavelengths - like comparing apples to oranges.


Team Madej

I am torn.....and in massive pain with all the hydrogel and Morgellons huge sores/wounds on my legs - that WILL NOT heal!!

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Is Ana's Thyroid gland extremely inflamed or what?!?!? I'm grateful for all she does to try to help improve our health, but her throat surely does not look healthy to me!

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