Human Augmentation Is Self Spreading Nanotechnology. "Natural Human Colonies" Will Be Cross Contaminated By Geoengineering And Shedding. Military Nanoweapons Of Mass Destruction Are Here Today
We now have the technology to develop vaccines that spread themselves
The Humanity First Technocracy and AI Live Stream was very interesting to me in understanding the level of comprehension in the participants as to the current threat level to the natural humans. I was very impressed by Nicole Shanahan’s comments, when she discussed that human augmentation society is inevitable at this time, but that she is fighting for the rights of natural humans, that would live similar to the Amish exiled from society of the Artificial Technology augmented humans. Her focus is to fight for the human rights of the natural human, to limit geoengineering to some areas since the natural human will not be able to survive in the coming 6G geoengineered space. My thoughts are as follows:
The 2020 article in the Scientist discussed that self spreading vaccines are already here, is absolutely true and they have been deployed with the COVID19 bioweapons. Shedding is self spreading. Replicon vaccines cause self spreading shedding on steroids.
Nanorobots can be aerosolized as they are like gas, which can be inhaled or penetrate the skin of non augmented ( presumed unvaccinated) humans. That was discussed in the Pfizer trial documents, which outlined that if an unvaccinated man inhales the air around a vaccinated woman, that man can transmit the vaccine to another unvaccinated woman. I have shown evidence by Dr Staninger, that aerial spraying has vaccinated an individual in California against Polio in 2009 via nanotechnology.
My main concern about the entire discussion is that some people are not even recognizing the self assembly nanotechnology that has been deployed, and that military literature considers Vaccines as human augmentation.
The neuralink brain chip literally is yesterdays news. I have shown on my substack the research by Dr. Staninger which proves that human beings have been microchipped via inhalation and medical procedures since before 2011. She published her book on these findings in 2012:
“To understand the technology of mesogens and their multiple smart functional uses for sensing, payload delivery systems, and other related aspects of their design, one must always remember that the mesogen is the tool or device – like the wheel on a car for the nano machine. The nano machine can be designed to become the robot, surgical scalpel, camera, the voice within your skull, or even the “false” collective consciousness when integrated into a computer system for collective mind control or a “global brain.”
I have also been showing on my substack the chemical and microscopic analysis of such illegally implanted microchips on civilians. Nobody can argue with this evidence that has been used in court cases and has fully documented chain of custody.
These same microchips are now found self assembling in COVID19 unvaccinated blood. I have shown the mesogen microchip self assembly in Pfizer BioNTech vials and the blood of the unvaccinated. The mesogens are identical:
Karen Kingston rightfully said: “Ignorance is lethal” at this point. Because the technological advances are now developing at an exponential pace the time to ignore the global evidence that the nanotechnological platform for Cyborg Transhuman transformation has already been deployed - is over. Natural humans are running out of time. The nanorobots are in everyone - via vaccination, shedding, smart dust from geoengineering, food, water. If people would only look at the blood you can see the evidence in everyone.
As I have said for several years now, the health care system has been weaponized against us and the technologies for the 4th Industrial Revolution to collect biometric data from people for the Internet of bio nano things have already been deployed for a long time, but started to be injected under the skin for the COVID19 biological and technological weapons of mass destruction.
Video: COVID19 unvaccinated blood affected by shedding - nanorobots harvesting red blood cells building mesogen microchips.
Louis Del Monte wrote the book Nanoweapons: A Growing Threat to Humanity. Below is a book review by a Major from the US Air Force. It discusses that self replicating nanorobots are a military weapon of mass destruction - they are so dangerous because you cannot see them ( unless you have a microscope then you can see what they self assembled on a microscopic scale). And they act as if they were biological pathogens. Does that sound familiar? Monte predicted human extinction from Nanoweapons by 2100. I say that is way too far out, just as Cyborg Soldier 2050 is happening now. On Monday my new interview airs with weapons expert Mark Steele, and you will hear him talk about the directed energy weapons on traffic lights in smart cities that can pulverize anybody who has large amount of metals in them. Why do you think I am working to expose the threat of toxic metals within people from Geoengineering sources, food, supplements, “detox modalities”, “vaccines”? Because the more metals you have, the more of a target you are for this extermination. Radar, facial recognition, satellite surveillance has a much harder time to detect natural humans without heavy metals in them and the kill effect of laser directed energy weapons is increased in people who have high levels of heavy metals.
Nanoweapons: A Growing Threat to Humanity
Published Jan. 14, 2019
Nanoweapons: A Growing Threat to Humanity by Louis A. Del Monte. Potomac Books, 2017, 244 pp.
When new technologies cross from industry to the battlefield, calls arise to slow the process and consider international implications of using these weapons. Louis A. Del Monte’s Nanoweapons is one of those calls. A physicist and former executive at IBM and Honeywell, Del Monte led advancements in microelectronics and sensors. His work is a serious attempt to use publicly available information to address the development and use of nanotechnology as weapons. The author brings together ideas normally relegated to science fiction (e.g., laser weapons, artificial intelligence, and self-replicating nanorobots) and uses his technical background to inform the reader as to what is science fact. While his most alarming predictions for humanity’s survival project to the year 2050 and beyond, he argues that his concerns are timely. He indicates that while revolutionary military nanotechnologies (e.g., stealth aircraft) may take decades to field, they are nonetheless currently being developed. Now, according to the author, is the time to discuss the dangers of nanoweapons.
The author’s main thesis is that nanoweapons are a danger to humanity that demand greater attention. Despite the secrecy surrounding the development of nanoweapons, Del Monte is confident of their threat. This fear is based in part on the ranking of nanotechnology weapons by the Global Catastrophic Risk Conference at the University of Oxford as the most probable means to cause human extinction by the end of this century. Examples of nanoweapons discussed in the book include nano-enhanced lasers, smaller munitions with increased explosive force, and self-replicating smart nanorobots (SSN). SSNs search for and destroy targets without human input and self-replicate with materials found in the environment. According to the author, SSNs are gravely dangerous nanoweapons that humanity should prohibit. Central to his concern for humanity’s survival is what he sees as the inherent difficulty in mounting defenses to nanoweapons given their capability to avoid detection and the ability of those who use these arms to escape attribution. While considerable resources have been dedicated to countering nuclear weapons, little is publicly known about protection from nanoweapons. This is especially concerning to the author because some nanoweapons have characteristics similar to biological pathogens. Giving his readers reason to be apprehensive, Del Monte turns to explaining how today’s nanotechnology can be used to create nanoweapons.
While nanotechnology is already improving our computers, sunscreens, and building materials, the first section of the book provides the nontechnical reader an easy-to-understand introduction to nanotechnology and how it may be used in arms development. The author organizes nanoweapons into five categories: offensive strategic, defensive strategic, offensive tactical, defensive tactical, and passive. Examples are provided for each category, along with an explanation of its offensive, defensive, or passive nature. For instance, the offensive strategic category includes artificially intelligent nanorobots that can target particular individuals, hypersonic glide missiles (whose development will rely on developing certain nanomaterials), nano-enhanced fuels, and nonelectric guidance systems. The other categories include additional guidance for organizing nanoweapons. While readers will find these categories helpful, a workable definition of nanoweapons is missing.
With this deep level of organization dedicated to understanding nanoweaponry, the reader would hope for a more useful definition of nanoweapons. Nanoweapons are defined in the book’s glossary as “any military technology which exploits the use of nanotechnology (229).” Although this definition will capture all nanoweapons, it will also include many items that are not weapons. This definition would include a military finance office using a publicly available desktop computer with a nanomanufactured microchip. Is building a weapon with nanomanufactured components all that is required to make the weapon a nanoweapon? If a dry-docked ship is sprayed with anticorrosive nanocoating—increasing its hull strength tenfold (as an MIT study referenced in the book suggests)—is the ship now a nanoweapon? The book makes clear that nanotechnology is an enabling technology that will empower a wide range of civilian and military applications. But it does not wrestle with the problem that an SSN is fundamentally different than an anticorrosive nanocoating. This issue of defining nanotechnology is a common attribute of nascent scientific fields, but the reader is nevertheless left wanting more. Without addressing this definitional problem directly, Del Monte instead uses other methods to discover what nations are emerging as nanoweapon leaders.
He categorizes the factors needed to facilitate nanoweaponry development and sorts nations by these factors into the Nanoweapons Offensive Capability of Nations (NOCON) list. The most powerful group, nanoweapon nations—such as the United States and China—has the ability to commercialize nanotechnology, possesses a national desire to strengthen its militaries, and demonstrates an ability to partner with other leading nanotechnology nations. Del Monte goes on to mention other nations on his NOCON list, all of which have varying interactions with nanotechnology. Giving the reader reason to be concerned for the international implications his NOCON suggests, he then highlights the events that may tip us into a nanoweapon-driven war.
He predicts two singularities that will spawn nanoweapon-related international disruptions. In addition to the creation of SSNs, the other singularity is the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) that will exceed human intellect. AI will solve many of humanity’s greatest problems, the author posits, but it will also create better SSNs. If AI and SSNs are combined, alliances will form to maintain advantages in a new cold war around the development of AI-powered SSNs. Given their importance, international power will then be rebalanced around nanoweapon capabilities. Nuclear weapon use will increase since nanotechnology will empower their miniaturization and reduce their fallout. It is these disruptions, brought on by the AI and SSN singularities, that Del Monte claims will dramatically increase the chance of human extinction by 2100. Given this pessimistic prediction, Nanoweapons next discusses reasons for hope.
The author maintains some optimism for humanity. He notes that humanity has engaged in conflict since the beginning of our existence, but recent developments, such as the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the Biological Weapons Convention, show that humanity can act to prevent its extinction. Once humanity comes to know the existential threat that nanoweapons represent, humanity will act to limit their use and thus avert disaster. What we recognize when we use a new personal computer, he argues, is not the nanotechnology enabling its use but the impressive performance it achieves. The author states that humans understand technology by its function, not the technology itself. Thus, to forestall the need to demonstrate a nanoweapon’s threat to humanity, he indicates that current treaties and conventions concerning weapons of mass destruction should also regulate strategic nanoweapons.
A workable and more precise definition of nanoweapons will improve this area of study by allowing policy makers to grapple with nanoweaponry development. It will empower leaders to specifically categorize an adversary’s capabilities and document who is developing nanoweapons with greater specificity. Assuming that Del Monte’s catastrophic predictions are accurate, more scenarios are needed to better inform technologists, military commands, and national leaders working on ways to prevent the negative implications of these technologies. This work is worth reading because it ties together the technical, political, economic, and practical challenges associated with nanoweapons. The initial portion of the book is especially worthwhile for those seeking an approachable introduction to nanotechnology and its use as weaponry. Suggestions for additional reading in this area of futurism are Peter W. Singer’s Wired for War and Michio Kaku’s Physics of the Future. Strategic leaders will appreciate the discussions on organizational problems associated with fielding nanoweapons and rebalancing international power. Tactical leaders will find themselves working through different ways to use and defend against nanoweapons. Finally, fans of science fiction will appreciate a technical introduction to many real concepts previously relegated to fantasy.
Maj Patrick M. Milott, USAF
I pray to God that influential people like Nicole Shanahan and others will look at the facts that are already available. Technocratic Transhumanism and human augmentation is happening without our consent, from the skies, through medications, vaccinations, our food and water. This is not something that will happen in the future. We are in the END STAGES of this transformation, and if you want to remain a resemblance of a natural human, we have to acknowledge the evidence now and mitigate it appropriately.
We are in the fight of our lives to remain natural humans right now and the urgency of this fact could not be any more acute.
Yes the future has been here for several years now and despite all our efforts to tell people this was happening, many are just discovering what has been shedding to us all for 4 years now.
And we are late in the game to be playing catch up. As I have said many times, this is the worst time in any of our lifetimes to willfully Choose to be ignorant of the shitty reality we now find ourselves in.
Its not hopeless though and you will never convince me it is. Give up if you want but I'll be damned if I do. I plan on living, because Fuck Them.
And anyone that tries to tell you the only proven solutions are poisons while they sell you fucking heavy metal water.
People better wake up and realize we are in a real fucking war, just a quiet one. And they are going to kill us if we just let them.
The best long term solution is a mixture of antioxidants and chelators. EDTA and ascorbic acid are the best without a doubt so dont be scared by all the fearmonger articles, they are all bullshit.
Or take other antioxidants and chelators Together, I talk about them all the time.
Or Fast and take them, it works much much much better. Just make sure you take EDTA right or dont be surprised when it doesnt work.
Im not wasting all these fricking keystrokes for my health though, Im wasting them for Yours.
Choose to Live. I can't win this war alone.
Thank you for sharing these ideas, Ana.
The people orchestrating the deployment of these technologies want to mine us for data, among other things.
Therefore, don't give them their data by not using the technologies that enable them to control and data mine us.
In addition, keep using the supplements to remove this nano-garbage from the body.
Data is mined via cell' phone, bluetooth, and wireless internet connections. This whole game is dependent on people using cell 'phones. Remove the cell 'phones and we begin to remove part of the problem.
We have been fed the 'norm' of having a cell 'phone, along with it being made such a convenient, do-it-all, entertainment gadget.
Many people have allowed their lives, and their children's lives to be shaped by their cell 'phone, and by depending also on wireless technology.
To stop the long-term deployment of these technologies, stop using WiFi, and stop using a cell' phone - it is possible. I grew up without one, used one briefly for a while, and I now use wired techologies. I also set boundaries with people so that I am not available 24/7.
We, as a society, have been deliberately baited and hooked on using wireless technology as a prelude to these nano technologies being deployed and then transmitting data to the cell 'phones.
Stop using wireless technology, and by and large, the game is up for those in control; they won't have enough people's data, and will have a harder time influencing people neuronally via wireless microwave communication.
I must admit that what I am saying is not easy for everyone, and has some consequences. In addition, the plethora of public WiFi and cell-towers also made it difficulty to completely shield ourselves from wireless magnetic fields in most urban areas.
Therefore one approach is to use supplements to remove the nanogarbage, and to reduce exposure to Wi-Fi and cell phone use.
I remember the days when cell phones were used by some people only in case of an emergency if their vehicle broke down or if they had a car accident. They threw the 'phone in the glove box, and only powered it up once in a while to charge it. We need to return to those days en masse.